Read Dragons at Midnight Online

Authors: Selena Illyria

Dragons at Midnight (2 page)

Again, Tor, Brent, and Fletch came up. Her body heated and began to hum with arousal. She thought back to nights when sensual dreams of having one or all of the men haunted her. Fantasies of a ménage plagued her waking days as well. Sometimes when she glanced over at them and caught their eyes, a flash of a heated kiss or a little groping in a storeroom, or something more with one or more of them. It took an embarrassing encounter or her boss, Rune, jolting her out of her daydream for her to refocus.

Shaking her head, she shoved back any thought of the trio and all the naughty and corrupt things she’d like to do to them and turned her attention to performing the end of the night clean up. “Besides, just because they wink at you or flirt a bit doesn’t mean they want you,” she grumbled to herself. “I’m older and in no way shape or form going to morph into Scarlett anytime soon. So might as well read about scorching hot sex.”

“Merow?” Whisper responded.

She shook her head. “You don’t care. You just want treats.” With a chuckle, Louisa turned away and headed toward the last of the tables to finish the cleanup.

Explosions burst from outside, casting pink, yellow, blue, and green shadows through the window. The sounds of parties and cheering joined the fireworks. She glanced toward the front of the bar and saw a few shadows drift past. Shifters in their animal forms could be seen. A small smile curled her lips. Her inner tigress watched the reveler with interest.

A sound from the kitchen drew her attention. Her ears prickled as voices reached her. Tension flooded her body as she strained to listen. She crept forward and continued to listen. The tigress hissed and stood up in her cage, ready to act if her human counterpart didn’t.

A soft mewl from over her shoulder made her stop and glance back at Whisper. The Persian darted under a booth chair to hide. Satisfied her pet wouldn’t be in danger, she moved toward the kitchen, listening to the voices increase in volume.

She called on her inner tiger for a partial shift, her nails turned into thin daggers. Her body was hot and primed to pounce and transform. The tiger’s power increased inside her, the pressure growing as energy glided along her muscles and tendons. A dull ache throbbed through her arms, legs, and torso. Her hands shook as she held back the full power of the tiger. Until she was sure the intruders were a threat she wasn’t going to go full tigress on them.

The voices grew louder, and the men’s footsteps became heavier. She recognized one of the men as Fletcher. Relief swept through her as her she pushed back the shift and ordered the tiger to stand down. Fletcher wouldn’t hurt her—well, not in the way she wanted, anyway.

Louisa guessed that the other voices belonged to the rest of his posse—Brent and Tor. A different kind of heat overtook her body. Her pussy fluttered as her stomach muscles contracted. Her breasts felt full as her nipples tightened. She gritted her teeth and tried to ignore the arousal trying to unfurl in her body. The trio is off limits
she tried to tell herself as she stopped the shift. Pain lanced her hands and rattled up her arms as her claws retreated and her fingers returned to normal. The men’s voices grew louder; they seemed to be arguing.

“She’s here. Her Ducati is in the parking lot,” Fletch pointed out.

They’re looking for me? Why?
Interest flared through her as her desire turned to a slow simmer.

“So? That could mean she decided to go to a party and left the bike here. Jesus, just seeing that beauty makes me horny. Do you think she’s ever been fucked on that bike?” This came from Bren, the one with the spiky hair and green tips. He hadn’t disguised his interest in her. Every time she would look his way, his gaze seemed to be hazed, and it was clear he wasn’t thinking pure and innocent thoughts where she was concerned. The idea that he wanted to fuck her on her bike sent a ripple of fire through her body.

Her pussy quivered. She’d thought about it, fantasized about it but had never actually carried it out. There hadn’t been anyone she fancied to do it with her…the vibrations combined with the thrusts— Heat flared in the pit of her stomach. She licked her lips. Louisa could imagine it—her draped over the front clutching the axle while Tor pounded her pussy from behind and the bike being revved. The vibrations would travel from her nipples to her sex and combine with his cock as the shaft sunk and withdrew from her core over and over again. She shivered and groaned as her breasts became full and heavy while her stomach muscles clenched and her panties grew damp. She pressed her thighs tight together, putting pressure on her clit. That only made the tingles racing along the base of her back and inner thighs increase. With a deep breath, she tried to calm down and focus on the men’s conversation.

“You’re such an exhibitionist,” Bret teased.

“Who said I wanted you lot to watch? There’s only room enough for me and her. You want to watch? You probably want to take part,” Tor shot back.

Louisa thought back to her motorcycle and tried to figure out if there would be enough room. If they squeezed together and they pressed against her tight… Another roll of heat took her. She pressed her legs tighter together but it did nothing to help.

Realization dawned on her. All three of them were here. Fletch, Bret and Tor were here tonight and were talking about her and sex. Having sex with her. Shock chased away some of the desire. Had all that teasing, flirtation, and innuendo been real? It didn’t make sense. Sure, they’d made comments, but still. She looked down at her chest. Her breasts weren’t exactly perky anymore, and she’d put on a few pounds. She’d even spotted a few stray white hairs. It didn’t make sense, and yet they were talking about it.

“Oh, yeah, I’d love to take part,” Bret purred. “Her mouth around my cock. Fuck, that’d be perfect.”

She swallowed and wondered what it would be like to have both of them. There had been ideas, fantasies she would never have admitted to anyone else about having two or more men in her bed. There had even been trips to her favorite adult store for some double-headed dildos and vibrators. Although using those toys had scratched the itch, it hadn’t been fully satisfying. There had been something missing. In the deepest recesses of her mind, in a part of herself that she didn’t want to really entertain, she knew what had been absent—the trio. Shaking her head, she tried to dislodge the fantasies trying to form. Instead, she focused on what the men were talking about now.

“Hey! If you start jacking off now, not only will we leave you, but you won’t be able to get in on the action. Save your load for her,” Tor admonished. “Anyway, we’ll deal with that later. For now we have to make sure she’s here and she’s open to the idea.”

“That’s if she’ll have us,” Fletch grumbled.

Louisa kept silent. Her thoughts began to race
. They want me, really want me. What could be the harm? They’re co-workers, that’s one reason, and they’re young but they’re not asking to marry me. Rune has been pushing for me to find someone to scratch the itch.
Her lips quirked into a smile as she thought of her boss’ hissed demand that she get laid. Her pent up sexual energy had been affecting him, throwing off his game and distracting him. The idea of scratching the itch with the Trouble Trio didn’t seem repugnant—in fact, it had its appeal. So long as they didn’t cost her her job, she could handle them. The question was, could they handle her? All three of them, her inner tigress purred.

Maybe not all at once, but two at a time wouldn’t be so bad. The clock struck nine. Fireworks burst in the sky, taking on the shapes of dragons, tigers, wolves, and flowers. What a way to ring in the New Year. Getting fucked by three gorgeous men wasn’t the way she’d thought her day would end, but it looked a hell of a lot better than sitting at home with a book, a bit of champagne, and watching the ball drop on TV. The fantasies from night after night of denying her attraction rose in her mind. The idea of finally being able to carry them out hit her in the gut. Her stomach tightened and her body grew warm. Liquid heat filled her pussy and dampened her panties. She could do more than look. Louisa could touch and kiss, nip and lick and suck.

A tremor of desire slide along her spine as tingles raced along her inner thighs. The footsteps got closer until they were only about three feet from the door. Anticipation pounded in her veins as her pulse picked up its rhythm. Her heart slammed against her ribcage and the sound filled her ears. She gave a quick glance to Whisper, who’d gone into her carrier, ready to go home. The cat’s bright blue eyes gazed up at her with a look of longing and tiredness.

What to do with Whisper? She couldn’t just ignore her pet. The poor thing had been promised treats. And she doubted Whisper would understand her need for sex. She stood near the door, frozen, caught between the need simmering in her body and her responsibility to her pet. Louisa wished she had the flash step ability of a vampire. She could get home, give Whisper her treats, freshen up a bit, and then get back in the time it would take for the trio to walk into the bar area. Her thoughts scattered when the swinging doors burst open and the boys entered the room. The trooped in, oozing confidence and sex appeal. Easy smiles curved on Tor and Brent’s faces while Fletch looked uneasy but optimistic.

Her heartbeat stuttered before picking up speed. Her blood temperature spiked as her pussy quivered. Fire danced through her body as her fingertips itched to touch, caress, and explore. She bit her bottom lip to keep from saying something stupid. All of her thought processes had halted as Tor and Brent’s gaze settled on her while Fletch looked around. The heat in the two young dragons’ eyes was enough to set her on fire. Her breasts felt full, pressing against the simple cups of her cotton bra, her nipples hardening as her stomach muscles clenched.

Predatory gleams lit Tor and Brent’s gaze while Fletch straightened up and smoothed a shaky hand over his shirt. For the first time in her life, she felt like prey—exposed, vulnerable but not the least bit frightened. Instead, she faced them. “And what are you all doing here at this hour? You’re not on the schedule, and the bar is closed.” The words were uttered with confidence she didn’t feel. She knew their intentions but not what to do about it. She felt awkward around them, like a young tiger confronted with her first taste of masculine virility and desire. It was stupid, and yet the feeling permeated her body, causing the arousal to die down a bit.

Louisa wanted to feel grounded and sure of herself but instead she felt older confronted with so much youth and desire. They knew what they wanted and were sure they would get it. They didn’t blush or look the least bit hesitant.

Tor took the lead, stepping away from the rest to lay out their reason. “We’re here to give you a New Year’s you won’t soon forget.”

“No one should be alone on New Year’s,” Fletch added, looking more sure of himself than before.

“And besides, you deserve a few options for your midnight kiss.” The wicked glint in Brent’s eye said he wasn’t thinking about a simple peck on the lips.

She swallowed as her mind played the bit about her Ducati over again. Two of them fucking her while the clock rang midnight and a New Year. She searched within for her tigress, who nodded her head and purred loudly. Taking strength that her feline counterpart approved, she sucked in a deep breath and blew it out as she tried to figure out how to proceed.

Putting her hands on the hips, she looked each of them over. “So, you come here and hope I’ll just fall at your feet, grateful you want to give me a midnight kiss and a good time? What makes you think you can, or that you even know what I’ll like?”

She had decided to lay down the challenge and see how they responded.

Again Tor took the lead. “Oh, we intend to give you more than a kiss. Much more.” He moved toward her until only an inch separated their bodies. The heat from his body pressed against her, along with his masculine scent. Tor smelled like heat, musk, night air, and a cozy fire in the dead of winter. She wanted to nuzzle his neck and search all over his body to see if he smelled like that everywhere. He was so warm that she wanted to curl up against him, close her eyes, and savor it all. Her inner tigress purred louder.

He bent his head down until their lips were a breath away. “We intend to give you what you’ve been denying yourself. Don’t think we haven’t noticed the way you’ve looked at us or the way you react to us. It’s time to stop lying to us and yourself, and indulge. Tonight is the night. Don’t think, just go for it.”

She took in his words and took a few moments before responding to the challenge he laid down. Louisa didn’t want to give in too quickly. They had to earn it. “And yet you haven’t told me why you are the men to do it.”

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Brent move toward them. Fletch remained behind her, his body heat pressing into her back. Brent slid in behind her, trapping her between the two men. Brent took hold of her hips, keeping her where she was. He bent his head, his humid breath feathering the delicate shell of her ear. She shivered in response. “Why talk when we can show you?” He nipped her earlobe.

The small bite sent a zing of pain racing through her, followed by a line of heat. He sucked the pain away with strong tugs as his grip increased. Tor followed Brent’s lead by brushing his lips along the side of her neck. “We have so much to show you.”

Fletch joined them, seeming to have accepted that she wouldn’t push them away. “We’ve been dreaming of this for so long. Let us give you a night you’ll remember, please.” His voice was low and husky, filled with yearning and need.

Her knees shook as she was surrounded by warmth and masculine energy. Combined with the scent of night air, musk, and fire the perfume of sun, desire, and water drifted around her, overwhelming her. Rather than fight she relaxed against Brent, letting him hold her up. He felt solid, which grounded her in the here and now. She knew she was safe with them. Any doubts or insecurity disappeared while surrounded by them. Need pulsed in the air as the men touched her. Her skin burned with each caress.

“Do you believe us now?” Tor whispered.

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