Read Earth & Sky Online

Authors: Kaye Draper

Tags: #Fantasy

Earth & Sky (22 page)

Chapter 22

paced down the garden path, able to feel Ville’s presence like true north on a
compass.  I was surprised when I rounded a bend in the path and found Marshall,
sitting alone on the lip of the little fishpond.

“Where’s Ville?”

He gave me a wry smile.  “You just missed him.”

I shrugged and went to join him.  Watching the fat koi
swim around, mouths gaping at the surface in search of food was surprisingly
relaxing.  His voice pulled my attention back to the here and now.  “When we
were children,” he said still gazing into the water, “Ville was always the one
who cared for the others.  He always made sure no one was unhappy, and no one
suffered.  He’s the gentlest person I’ve ever known.”

I nodded, and he continued, his hazel eyes lifting to meet
mine.  “You’ve seen Ville on the battlefield?”

It was hard to find my voice.  “Yes.”  And it had been
absolutely terrifying.

Marshall’s smile was both proud and sad.  “Glorious isn’t
he?  Amazing.  One of our strongest fighters.  He can end a skirmish in
seconds.”  His eyes were still on me.  “Have you ever noticed though- he isn’t
killing for the joy of it.  He sees it as his duty to make the battle swift and
painless, to get it over with quickly so there’s less suffering in the long run. 
Even at his worst, his gentle nature is still in there.”

He stood and looked down at me for a moment.  “This damned
war will tear him apart,” he said finally.  “He wasn’t made for this, and it
will destroy him.”  Then he turned and walked away.  I stared after him,
completely lost.  First Ibbe, now Marshall.  What did they expect me to do
about it?

I stood and followed him into the house, my steps slow.  When
I finally found Ville, skulking around the library, he drew me into his arms
and held me close for a moment before releasing me.  “Did you want something?”

I sighed.  “I wanted to say thank you,” I said reluctantly. 
“I know that Logan’s coming here wasn’t exactly… pleasant.  I appreciate your
letting me speak with him.”

He shrugged.  “It was nothing.”

I could tell that he was unhappy.  “I know my being here
puts you in a bad position.  I’m sorry.”  I sighed, not knowing how to express
what I was feeling.  “I’ve put you in danger without even thinking through the
consequences of your associating with me.”

Ville sank onto a thick, tufted sofa, and his shoulders
sagged.  “None of that matters,” he said softly.  His bright eyes met mine.  “I
don’t want any of this.”  He gestured at our surroundings.  “On my very worst
days- when I’m selfish and tired- all I want is to walk away.  I want to fly as
far as my wings will carry me and never look back at this Godsforsaken mess.”

I sank down beside him, feeling guilty.  After all, that’s
just what I had done- walked away from my life and my responsibilities… and
dumped my problems on him.  “You are such an amazing person,” I said softly. 
“To follow through with your duty, to not run away.”

He straightened, a soft smile once again hiding his
struggle.  “I only do what I have to do,” he said simply.  “I shouldn’t be complaining-
not very emperor-like of me.”  One corner of his mouth twitched with what
looked like repressed hysteria and I just couldn’t bring myself to play along
with his it’s-all-okay act.  I could recognize a person on the brink.
Leaning forward, I pulled his head down to my shoulder, wanting to protect
him.  He hesitated for a moment.  Then his arms slipped around my waist and he
rested his head, all of the tension flowing out of him.  I wrapped my arms
around his shoulders and held him, wanting to cover him, hide him from the
world.  A thought flickered in the back of my mind- a tiny flame, growing in
strength as I stroked his silky black hair and kneaded the knots in the muscles
that supported his glossy wings- that I would do anything to give him a place
where he gentleness could thrive.

Chapter 23

gaze traveled over the assorted dresses and frilly things spread out on my
borrowed bed.  Biting my lip, I picked out the more practical items and tucked
them into the small, buttery yellow leather satchel.  The rest, I gently folded
and left on the top of the dresser where they would be easily found.  I’m sure
Ibbe would be glad to have her things back, and Ville wouldn’t mind my giving
his gifts to her.

I crouched and pulled a shoebox out from under the bed. 
Part of me felt guilty taking the things Ville had bought me, but I couldn’t
leave all of them behind- especially the tall, flexible leather boots.  I stroked
the laces fondly, wondering how far these boots would take me.  The soft snick
of the door opening and closing brought me out of my contemplation.

Ville stood just inside the door, regarding me with hurt
in his beautiful crystalline eyes.  “I was right,” he said softly.  “You were
going to sneak out in the night without even saying goodbye.”

I stood, smoothing my hands over my soft leather pants,
not knowing what to do with myself.  Turning, I stuffed my comb and toothbrush
into the satchel.  “I thought that would be best.”  My voice wavered a bit and
I clenched my teeth, fighting the tears that suddenly sprang into my eyes.

Ville crossed the room to stand close behind me.  He placed
a big hand on my shoulder and turned me, forced me to face him.  The tears
escaped, coursing down my cheeks, and I dashed them away, but they wouldn’t
stop.  I lifted my head, defiant.  “I’m too weak,” I admitted.  “That’s why I
didn’t want to see you again.”  I gestured at myself depreciatingly.  “Look
what you do to me.”

He bent and kissed my cheeks, where the tears had left wet
tracks.  “I want you to show me your weaknesses,” he said, his breath tickling
across my skin.  “I want to know every one.”

I turned my head, resisting the urge to cling to him.  His
hands skimmed up my arms, pulling me a halting step closer.  “Please,” he
whispered.  “You’ll be gone tomorrow.  Let me have this one memory?”

My eyes met his and I held my breath, weighing his words. 
He was right.  I would never see him again after tonight.  What reason did I
have to hold back any longer?  I slowly reached out and touched his cheek, then
drew my hand down until it rested along his angular jaw.  He held very still,
as if he was unsure what I would do.  I stood on tiptoe and pressed myself to
the hard length of him, tilting my face up in invitation.

His arms slid around my waist and he drew me to him in a
crushing embrace as his mouth covered mine.  Energy- his, mine…ours- rippled
over my skin.  I looped my arms around his neck and he grasped my bottom, lifting
me nearly off my feet as he pressed me closer.  A ripple of heat washed over me
as I felt him through my clothes.

I parted my lips, deepening the kiss as I drew my hands down
across his broad chest.  His warm mouth trailed down my neck and I plucked at
the buttons of his loose shirt, nearly growling with impatience.  He chuckled
against my skin, making me shiver.

He bent his head.  Grasping the narrow tie at the neck of
my shirt, he tugged it loose with his teeth.  His hands smoothed over my
shoulders, pushing the shirt down, freeing my breasts.  His touch was hot on my
skin as he caressed me, cupping my breasts while he ran a big thumb over their
hard peaks. 

I gasped a little at the sensation, and then grinned in
triumph as I undid the last button on his shirt.  His hands rested on my waist
as I leaned forward, flicking my tongue over his nipple.  His nimble fingers
found the zipper at the side of my tight bodice, and he flung the piece aside,
my shirt following soon after.

He slipped out of his own shirt, dropping it in a pool at
our feet.  My hands found his waistband, and I tugged, popping the top button. 
He pulled me close again, burying his hands in my hair as his mouth explored
mine, teasing, and nibbling.  I slipped his pants down over his hips and they
joined the growing pile of clothing at our feet. 

He peeled me out of my leather pants, pausing to smooth
his hands lovingly over the full swell of my hips.  I traced my hand down,
across his flat stomach to the deep groove of his hip, my fingers teasing and
tickling.  He laughed into my hair and I turned my face upward to meet his
sparkling blue eyes, heavy-lidded with need.  My teeth tugged nervously at my
lower lip, and heat suffused my cheeks.  I pressed my palm flat against his
chest, just over his heart.  “I…”  I swallowed, and he looked down at me, perplexed. 

I took a deep breath.  “I’ve never, um…”

His eyes widened and a look of surprise and understanding
washed across his face.  He dropped a kiss onto my head.  “You’ve never had sex

I nodded, mortified.  He placed a finger under my chin,
tipping my head back, forcing me to meet his eyes.  “It’s okay,” he said

I breathed a sigh of relief.  “I just thought… you should

He nodded, his hands gliding over the curve of my lower
back.  He kissed me, carefully, as if I was suddenly breakable.  I pressed
closer, chuckling against his lips.  “I didn’t mean to scare you off.”

I trailed my fingers downward, grasping him firmly.  I
slowly stroked him as his lips returned to my throat.  I twisted my wrist and
he moaned a little against my neck, his hands tightening on me.  “I thought you

My lips met his.  Then I pulled back to look into his eyes. 
“I said I’d never had sex,” I said with a grin.  “Not that I was a nun.”

He scooped me up and carried me to the bed, then followed
me down, pressing me into the soft down blankets.  He drew one aching breast
into his mouth as his fingers trailed downward.  I ran my hands through his
silky hair, holding his head close as he gently stroked me.  I arched my hips
at his touch, sighing with pleasure. 

My hands moved lower, caressing his muscular shoulders and
tracing the arching upward curve of his silky wings.  They spread suddenly and
I drew my hand back, thinking I’d done something wrong.

Ville lifted his head.  “It’s okay,” he said, pausing to
kiss the upper curve of my breast.  Kneeling, he drew my hands back up to his
shoulders.  “I like it when you touch them.”

I smirked at his words and drew my hands playfully over
the curve of his wings, then back to rest around his neck, pulling him down to
me.  His knees rested between mine, and I wrapped my legs around his waist,
urging him closer. 

He braced himself on his elbows, his huge wings fully
extended, and slowly pressed home.  I met him, my fingers curling inward,
pressing into the hard muscles of his back as he filled me.  I gasped a little
in surprise, then arched my hips, urging him to press deeper.  He paused for a
moment, his soft, full lips meeting mine.  Then he moved his hips, slowly
sliding almost all the way out before filling me again.

I arched my head back, pleasure rippling over me as I
instinctively met his thrusts with my own.  That fizz of connection between us
was building, swelling like a wave.  Ville sat up, pulling me with him, so that
I straddled him as he knelt.  His hands on my hips guided my movements as he
trailed kisses from my breasts to my throat.  He nuzzled my hair aside and I
tilted my head, inviting.  His teeth grazed my skin and I shifted, taking him

He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me to him as
his teeth slid into my throat.  Energy rippled over us.  There was an intense
feeling of connection- as if we had just completed a circuit.  Everything
around me seemed to sharpen, every sensation grow more intense.  The energy
crested and he pressed deep inside me as everything contracted to a single
bright point. 

Hours later, we lay together under the fluffy comforter,
still touching, fingers tracing lazy patterns over clammy, flushed skin.  I
could still feel that sense of him, of his energy connected to my own.  I
thought our bond had grown much stronger.  But we wouldn’t be able to explore
it now.  The sky was beginning to lighten, and I knew I had to leave.

Ville pulled me close, cradling me in his arms.  He kissed
my forehead, then splayed his hands on my back, as if he could hold me there
forever.  “I love you,” he whispered.

The little crack in my heart split wide open, and I
thought the sound of it breaking might actually be audible.  I tucked my head
under his chin, breathing him in.  “I love you too,” I said, my voice muffled. 
Then I sat up and turned away, scooting to the edge of the bed.  “I need to

He slipped behind me, pulling me back against his chest. 
“Take me with you,” he whispered, his warm breath tickling my ear.  

I stiffened, and turned to look at him.  “What?”

He leveled a serious look at me.  “I want to go with you. 
I want to leave.”

I shook my head in disbelief.  Standing, I went to
retrieve our clothes.  “You can’t leave,” I said firmly.  “You have duties
here, this is your place.  You have a kingdom to run- people who depend on you. 
This is where you belong.”

He heaved a sigh and stood, slipping back into his pants. 
I tried not to be distracted by the view.  “I’m not meant for this,” he said. 
“I was never meant to be emperor.  Ibbe is next in line.  She has a good head
on her shoulders.”

I slipped my shirt over my head and wiggled into my
underwear and pants.  I remembered what Marshall had said- that this war would
ruin Ville.  That it would tear him apart.  He was right.  Nothing in the tender
man standing before me was fit for violence and war.  I would rather have him
at my side than leave him here where the world would destroy something so

I clenched my leather harness in my hand, my knuckles
going white.  Taking a deep breath, I did the first utterly selfish thing I
have ever done in my life.  “Come with me.”


The part of the mansion that contained the private
quarters was hushed and still in the pre-dawn.  I waited what seemed like
forever before Ville returned to his room.  He ghosted through the door, his
bare feet silent on the hardwood floor.  He was still shirtless, and with his
black wings, he looked like a manifestation of darkness, slipping from the
shadows.  In his hands, he carried a long, flat wooden box with a red enameled

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