Read Embracing Eternity Online

Authors: Voirey Linger

Tags: #Erotica

Embracing Eternity (11 page)

“You know, the thing about ticklish spots,” he said as his fingers reached her wings, “is that they are also sensitive.”

He ruffled the feathers there and she jumped, her knee slamming into him as she did. He let her go with a grunt and fell back, legs drawn up and his hand cupping his balls.

“Evan! Oh, Heavens, I’m so sorry.” She tried to move closer but he rolled away, wrapping his wings around himself.

“I’m…fine,” he choked, his voice muffled by feathers. “But I don’t think I’m in the mood for this kind of play anymore. Cuddling sounds good. Nice, safe cuddling where your parts are nowhere near mine.”

Cuddling sounded horrible.

“I can make it feel better.” She stroked one of his wings, dragging her fingers through the soft feathers. He squirmed and his feathers puffed up, lifting away from his skin. She stroked again, sifting the feathers through her fingers with a sensual touch.

It was such an intimate thing, preening her lover. She’d never done it before, never had the kind of relationship where it would be allowed.

She tended him gently, straightening his quills until they all lay in perfect alignment. As she did, his body eased, relaxed. He gave himself over to her without qualm or hesitation.

She moved on to his back, stroking skin there with sure strokes, loving and sensual strokes. Evan’s wings moved, ever so slightly, pressing into her ministrations, encouraging more. She moved up to where the mahogany feathers arched over his shoulders and petted her way to the base, where feathers gave way to smooth, male skin.

Suddenly he rolled and he was kissing her, his mouth hard on hers, his arms tight around her. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think of anything except the feel of skin against skin, of his hard body against hers.

She pulled him closer, wrapping her arms around him to continue to stroke around the base of his wings. She slipped between them and ran a knuckle over his bare skin. She dragged her nails through the soft down there, teasing him with firmer strokes, touches she knew would echo through his entire body.

“Are you ready to do more than cuddle now?” she asked, giving his wings another sweep with her hands.

“No. I still ache. You may need to convince me it’s safe.”

“Poor, poor Guardian. You need some care and protection, don’t you?” She scooted back just enough to allow one hand to slip between them, then reached down to cup him.

Despite his protest, he was hard. His cock twitched when she brushed him and he started to pull her close once more.

“Oh no,” she said, pushing against him. “I have to take care of that boo-boo first.”

“Boo-boo?” His lips quirked and he snorted as he stifled a laugh.

“Isn’t that what the humans call their little hurts?”

“Little? We should alert the archangels that you are not fully healed. The sensation in your hands is clearly dulled. That hurt is far from
.” He rocked his hips, dragging his length against her palm to prove his point.

No, he clearly wasn’t little.

“I think you are the one in need of healing,” she said, pushing him to his back. “Why don’t you let me see what I can do to help.”

Chapter Eleven


She knelt between his legs once more, this time keeping her knees well away from his balls. She started over, dragging her nails over his thighs again. Tracing slow circles over his skin, she made her way to his hard shaft. He watched her, his eyes hot and hungry, and his cock twitched in anticipation, the head bobbing toward her like a dousing rod to a spring.

She took him in hand, wrapping him in a firm grip, and Evan groaned. His head fell back, mouth open in bliss, as she began to stroke.

“Watch me,” she said, giving him a hard squeeze. “I want you to watch me.”

She waited until those beautiful eyes opened and fixed on her, then she bent her head and took him into her mouth.

His entire body bowed and he hissed.

“You shouldn’t do this.”

If he could speak, she clearly wasn’t doing something right. She sucked him deep, until the head was touching her throat.

“Do not, Mee…” The rest of her name drifted off into nothing and one hand came up to fist in her hair.

That was much better. She pulled back until he popped free from her mouth.

“I want to. I want to taste you, feel you on my tongue and watch your face while I drive you insane.”

He tugged her hair gently, not hurting, but not letting her bend back over him. “You are not my servant, Philomela. I do not want you serving me as you served him.”

She paused, understanding. In that moment, her heart seemed to swell in her chest. He didn’t want her demeaning herself for him, would sacrifice this pleasure to make sure she knew how highly he valued her.

Merciful Heavens, how she loved this seraph.

“This isn’t a service, Evan. It’s a gift. I want to do this for you, because it will please you. And pleasing you brings me pleasure as well. Please, let me love you.”

For a long moment, he simply watched her, his expression one of contemplation. “Only if you are truly enjoying it,” he finally relented. “I don’t want there to be anything between us but pleasure.”

She smiled and began to lower her head but he stopped her with another gentle tug on her hair.

“I mean it, Philomela. Nothing but pleasure.”

“I promise you, I will enjoy this immensely.” The hand in her hair eased, then slid away slowly, the tawny strands sifting through his fingers until she was free. He leaned back slowly until he was propped up on his elbows. Never fully relaxing. Never taking his eyes from her face.

And she never took hers from his. She took his cock in her hand and lowered her lips to it, pressing a tender kiss to the crown. His jaw clenched and his body went hard under her.

She tightened her hand, giving him a firm squeeze, and a drop of fluid dampened her lips. Pulling back just slightly, she dragged the tip of his cock over her mouth, glossing her lips with his pre-cum.

He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it just as quickly, biting back the words before she could hear them.

“Tell me,” she urged. “You want something. Tell me what.”

“I don’t want to give you orders.”

“That’s good, because I don’t take orders well. Suggestions are another matter entirely. Tell me.”

“I want…” He hesitated and she squeezed him again, forcing another clear bead of fluid from him.

“I can’t do it if you don’t tell me.”

“Taste me,” he choked out. “I want your tongue on me.”

Flicking out the tip of her tongue, she tasted him first from her lips, licking his salty flavor from them. She took her time, stroking him almost absently while she licked her lips clean.

Beneath her, he began to move, ever so slightly, not quite rocking into her, but shifting enough that his cock grazed her mouth, dragging more of his fluid over her as she lapped it up. Her tongue grazed over him and he jerked, the tip of him sliding between her lips.

Evan groaned and she dipped, taking him into her mouth. She began to work her tongue over the sweet spot under the head. His lids drifted down and his jaw went loose. His expression was one of pure decadent pleasure as he watched her.

As she promised, his pleasure spurred hers. An empty ache began to weigh at Meela and she sucked him deep into her mouth, eager to fill it.

His shaft was hot and thick against her tongue. The flavor of clean male skin mixed with the salty tang of his come and she lapped it up.

Evan’s hand found her hair again, and he pulled at her franticly.

“Stop. I’m going to…”

In answer she took him as deep as she could into her throat.
Come in my mouth, Evan. Let me have all of you. Let me give you all of me.

His balls drew up tight and she cupped them, pouring an electrifying burst of power into her mouth and hands as she did.

Evan jerked, his body stiffening. His shout rang across the Heavens, echoing through the stars. He dug his heels in and drove himself into her mouth as he exploded and she swallowed, taking wave after wave of his come. Taking everything he had to give her.

He twitched and jerked, but Meela didn’t let him go soft. She eased her energy into him, forcing his cock to stay hard.

“Are you testing to see if an angel can be killed with pleasure?” he gasped, making a halfhearted effort to push her away.

“It’s a good thing for you that angels can endure any kind of torture, because this demon is far from done with you.”

His hands stilled, his body quieted. He placed one hand on either side of her head, with just his fingertips cradling her jaw. Holding her as if she were something fragile and cherished.

“You are not a demon any longer, Meela. You will never be again. You are an angel, now and forever forgiven. Never forget it.”

Forever forgiven. Never again a demon. Thousands of years of pain simply wiped away.

The thought of it brought tears to her eyes.

“You saved me.”

He shook his head. “No, you saved yourself.”

Let him believe that if he wished. She knew that without him, she would still be in Hell, still cowering at Lucifer’s feet.

“Where were we?” she asked, tangling her fingers through hair to massage his scalp.

He gave a small hum and the intensity drained from him.

“Right about here.” Leaning back, he pulled her over him to straddle his lap. His cock nestled against her wet flesh and her breasts were at a convenient face-level.

Smiling, she arched her back, leaning into him as she dragged one hard nipple over his lips.

“Mm…was there something you wanted me to do with this?” he asked, his eyes teasing.

“Maybe. Do you need suggestions or can you figure something out on your own?”

His eyes flashed at the challenge and quick as a whip, he gently nipped the rosy crest.

But then, just as quick he sucked her nipple into his mouth. Heat suffused it, displacing the shock of the bite with a wash of pleasure so intense it had her fighting to breathe. His tongue danced over the tip, sending mini-shocks through her system.

“I think I can come up with a few ideas without guidance,” he said before switching to the other breast. He nibbled at her flesh, giving her a mix of nips of pain mixed with heat and pleasure.

Oh could he ever. He sent waves of power dancing over her skin, titillating her nerve endings and making her squirm. She’d take this kind of creativity over experience any day.

He pulled his wings forward and surrounded her with sensuality. The only things that existed were the two of them and the things he was doing to her body. Never removing his mouth from her, he lifted her slightly, just enough to readjust the fit of their bodies and settle her over his cock.

He didn’t penetrate her, though. He nestled along her slick crease, hard as an iron rod and hotter than any conflagration of hellfire she’d ever touched. The pressure teased her, taunted her. A promise that remained just out of her reach.

Still needy, still aching, she began to rock against him. His cock sliding along her slick folds, stoking the fire in her core.

The energy flowing from Evan stuttered, surged and faltered. His breath caught and every muscle in his body began to quake.

Meela smiled. Evan might be creative but she knew just what buttons to push. Starting with the one right

She ground her hips against him, adding pressure to the friction, using her body to caress and stroke every inch of him. Evan’s eyes went wide and he dug his fingers into her hips, alternately pulling her closer and trying to still her.

She tugged on his hair and tipped his head back to kiss him, tasting him, taking him, all the while grinding her hips against his in the ages-old rhythm of sex.

“Philomela…” Her name came on a groan, begging for more and pleading for mercy.

She could feel him tremble, his entire body quivering between her thighs. He was helpless. He was hers.

The thought came in a heady rush, but just as quickly, Evan took back control. With a subtle adjustment, he slid into her on one sleek movement, not stopping until he filled her completely.

Her body went weak. She was so full, her swollen flesh tender and aching as she stretched to accommodate him. She braced herself against his chest and began to lift off him, his cock sliding out of her by agonizing millimeters. Then she reversed, dropping back into his lap in a hard-and-fast thrust that left them both gasping for breath.

His grip on her hips was hard, unsteady, and his body shuddered in tandem with hers. He leaned up to take her mouth in a kiss, and it was as if a circuit had been completed. Their unique powers blended into one, glowing within them, transforming them into a single being.

They were joined. His flesh was hers, and hers was his.

In that moment she could feel his pleasure, the shock of sensation, the wonder and joy at finally making love to her after an eternity of longing. Pleasure spiked and every muscle in her body was taut with need.

Evan moved, thrusting carefully.

She broke the kiss and tried to put more force, more strength into the movements, but he countered her, handling her as carefully as he could. It was sweet, gentle.

And not what she needed.

“Don’t hold back. Don’t be gentle.” She nipped his ear and he let out a full-body shudder once more.

“I don’t want to hurt you. You’ve had too much hurt already.”

She leaned back to look into his eyes. “But you love me, and that makes all the difference. Give me all of you, Evan. No matter what, always give me all of you.”

He groaned and his fingers slowly loosened from her hips. They slid upward, stroking over her back until they reached her wings. He hesitated, just for a heartbeat, before he wrapped his fingers around the base of her wings.

He gripped them hard, pinning her, holding her helpless. With a hard arch, he thrust into her.

Meela gasped in shock and surprise.

Evan stilled. “Did I…”

“Yes.” She wiggled her hips. “Do it again.”

“You aren’t hurt?”

Sweet Evan, always trying to protect her. She stroked his cheek, forcing him to look into her eyes. “Gentle isn’t always pleasurable and rough doesn’t necessarily bring pain. Do what feels good to you and I’ll let you know if I like it or not.”

“You’re not hurt?”

“You could never hurt me. Never again. I love you, Evan.”

His body stiffened under her and his throat worked wildly.

“Why?” His hands tightened on the base of her wings. “Why do you say you love me now when you never did before?”

“Because I do. You’re loyal and loving in ways I didn’t understand until it was too late. I would sacrifice anything for you.” For the first time she understood what it meant to live for more than carnal thrills, more than fun. She wanted to spend the next thousand years and more simply making Evan happy, to see that solemn look fade from his eyes and a smile of joy grace his face.

He shifted, rolling her under him and driving his cock into her. “I love you,” he said, thrusting again, and again, and again.

In that moment, the beauty of Heaven couldn’t compare with the wonder of being with Evan. He was her home, he was her Heaven, and she couldn’t imagine existing without him.

Pleasure coiled through her, tightening her body. Evan’s movements grew jerky, frantic. The tension was unbearable and yet she didn’t want it to stop. She could stay here in his arms forever and it would never be enough.

Then it broke, shattering her with the force of a supernova before pulling them together as one. She was his, part of him forever, and he was hers.

She blinked, trying to catch her breath. Around them, stars fell into place on the velvet backdrop of eternity and a blessing fell over them.

A giggle escaped her.

“Laughing at me?” Evan asked, brushing her hair back from her face. “That is definitely not the reaction I’d hoped for.” His smile assured her he was not offended.

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