Read Enchanted Ecstasy Online

Authors: Constance O'Banyon

Enchanted Ecstasy (27 page)

Maleaha was just drifting off to sleep when she heard the door burst open. Sitting up quickly, she watched as Kane advanced toward her. She could see from the light coming from the hallway that his face was a mask of fury.

"Please don't wake Cimeron up," she said, as she pulled the covers up to her neck.

He tore the covers off her, and she could see from the pulse beat in his temple that he was indeed very angry.

"I thought I made it clear this morning that we would no longer occupy separate bedrooms. Apparently you did not heed my words."

"Why are you doing this, Kane?" she said as he scooped her into his arms and carried her toward the door. Maleaha barely had time to see if Cimeron had awakened before he closed the door.

Kane did not bother to answer her as he carried her down the hallway and into his bedroom, where he tossed her roughly onto the bed. Maleaha scrambled to her knees, ready to do battle. "I asked, why you are doing this?" she shouted.

His eyes seemed to shoot out sparks as he scowled at her. "You are my wife," he said between clenched teeth. ' 'I have been very patient with you up to now, but my patience is all but exhausted."

"Why did you not do this before my father left?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips. "Were you afraid he would not allow you to bully me this way?"

"Think what you will," he said, ripping his shirt down the front and tossing it on the floor. He knew why he was reacting so strongly to finding her in the other bedroom, but he could not tell her. After last night he was afraid to let her sleep apart from him, although he didn't take time to analyze his feelings. Perhaps if he let her have her own way he would lose her for good. At least when he was making love to her he really held her, if only for a time.

"I do not feel like your wife, Kane, but rather more like your whore, waiting to service you whenever the urge hits you." He was advancing toward her and she watched him stop dead in his tracks.

Reaching out, he grabbed a handful of dark hair and jerked her head toward him. "Play my whore then, if it pleases you," he said falling forward and pinning her beneath him. His lips were hard and punishing as they ground Maleaha's lips against her teeth.

Raising his head, he glared at her. "When I want you, you will come to me. Is that understood?" he ground out between clenched teeth. As Maleaha began to struggle, he moved away from her.

"No I will not, and you can't make me," she declared.

"Oh, can I not, Maleaha." His eyes were laced with anger as he grabbed her nightgown by the neck and ripped it all the way to the hemline. Maleaha tried to scramble off the bed, but Kane was too quick for her. Grabbing her by the arm, he swung her around to face him.

"This fighting is all so futile, Maleaha. You know by now that I am stronger than you."

"You are hurting me," she said, trying to pry his hands away from her arm.

His grip slackened immediately. "You brought this on yourself, Maleaha. You made me so angry that I forgot myself. I do not want to quarrel with you, rather I would like to make love to you as I did last night. Don't pull away, you know I can make you want me," he said, smothering her lips with a passionate kiss.

Maleaha groaned as his body covered hers. He was right, he could master her so easily. "No, no," she pleaded more to herself than to him. Already her body was molding itself to his. Soft curves fit perfectly against taut muscles. She heard Kane calling her name over and over, but she did not answer. She was incapable of answering as her lips parted and her hands moved up to entwine themselves in his ebony hair.

Afterwards, Maleaha detested the tears that gathered in her eyes. She felt humiliated that he could so easily cause her to forget her anger.

Kane stared at her for a long moment and then turned his back to her. "It is not difficult to bend you to my will, Maleaha. From now on you will come to this room when you are ready to retire. That way you will save us both a lot of trouble."

Maleaha moved as far away from him as she could and cried silently. She bit her lip to keep Kane from hearing her cry. It was not too long until she heard Kane's steady breathing and she knew he was asleep.

The next morning when she awoke he had already left the room.


Days passed into weeks, and Maleaha had her decorating to keep her busy. She and Kane occupied the same bedroom, and at night he would reach for her and she would go readily into his arms. More and more she began to feel like his puppet, for she could never refuse him what he wanted. And Kane continued to believe that the only time she really belonged to him was when he held her in his arms and made love to her.

Their lovemaking was always intense, but Kane noticed that Maleaha had become silent, and their relationship was beginning to suffer. Kane himself had begun to brood, and he snapped at her whenever she tried to talk to him. Both of them felt as if they were living at the edge of a volcano that could erupt at any moment. Cimeron was their only relief. Kane was a devoted father. He lavished love and attention on little Cimeron, and she adored him. Maleaha spent as much time with her as she could.

The house was now completely furnished. When Maleaha walked through the lovely rooms, she felt a great sense of accomplishment. Betsy had asked Maleaha to help her prepare her house for herself and Bob to move into after they were married, so Maleaha begin to spend most of her free time with Betsy.

Betsy and Maleaha had enjoyed sewing the gingham curtains that now hung at the kitchen window. Maleaha had polished the heavy oak table and chairs until they shone with a high gloss, while Betsy had scrubbed and polished the old cook stove her mother had given her.

Betsy was ecstatic the day her wedding gift arrived from Maleaha and Kane. Her happiness showed in her face as she carefully unpacked the carton that contained the china that she had admired in Santa Fe one day while she and Maleaha had been shopping for pots and pans. Maleaha had watched her face that day in the dry goods store and had noted the way Betsy ran her hand lovingly over a delicate plate. She had decided that day that the china would be the perfect wedding gift for her friend.

Betsy threw her arms about Maleaha's neck and squeezed her tightly. "You spent too much money on me. I should make you take it back."

"All right, if you insist," Maleaha told her laughingly.

"Not on your life," Betsy said, delicately touching a fragile teacup.

"Anybody home?" a familiar voice called out from the front porch. Maleaha smiled as she recognized Clay Madason's voice. He entered the room and grabbed Maleaha, crushing her in a bear hug, while smiling at Betsy over Maleaha's head. "Why is it that the two prettiest girls in Santa Fe are already spoken for? One is already married and the other is about to take the big step."

"That is what happens, Clay, when you don't make a commitment," Betsy told him. "The ladies get weary of waiting around and find someone who is more willing to marry them."

Clay looked down at Maleaha and when he spoke it was as if he had chosen his words carefully. "I had my eye on one girl and when I looked away she was taken right under my nose."

Maleaha frowned. Was it possible that all those years when she had thought Clay was teasing her about becoming his wife, he had been serious? No that was ridiculous. Clay thought of her as nothing more than a sister. But the way his eyes were resting on her face made her think he might be more serious than she had ever contemplated. She didn't want to think of Clay as anything other than a dear friend.

"Goodness, look at the time," Maleaha said, glancing at the grandfather clock that stood in the hallway. "If I don't fly I will be late for dinner."

"I'll ride along with you, that way you can bring me up to date on what you have been doing," Clay told her.

Maleaha nodded and then gathered up her sewing basket. Placing a hasty kiss on Betsy's cheek, she hurried out the door.

Clay took Maleaha's saddle from the hitching rail that was attached to the front porch and quickly saddled her horse.

Betsy waved to them from the front porch as they rode away at a full gallop. After they were out of sight of Betsy and Bob's house, Clay motioned for Maleaha to slow her pace so they could talk.

"How is married life, Maleaha?" he asked, watching her face closely.

"Why don't you stay for dinner tonight, and you can judge for yourself."

"Can't. I am having dinner with Jonas tonight. Afterwards we are going to have a hot poker game with a few of your father's hands."

Maleaha laughed. "How can I ever hope to compete with one of my father's poker games?"

"I do want to come over one day and see that daughter of yours. I hear from your father that she is a real heartbreaker like her mother."

"I can't deny that Cimeron is a charmer."

Clay reached for Maleaha's bridle and halted both horses. Maleaha gave him an inquiring glance.

"As you know, I have been in Texas. When I returned, I learned that you were not only married but had a daughter as well. You can imagine what a shock it was for me. The last time I saw you was at the night of the fiesta. I am puzzled that you married that cavalry officer.''

"I know my marriage must be mystifying to many people," Maleaha said, knowing that in the past she had never been able to hide anything from Clay. Somehow she didn't want him to know that Kane had married her just for the sake of their daughter. She had already anticipated his next question.

"Are you happy, Maleaha?"

Maleaha looked away from him as she patted the side of her mare's neck. "When are you going to settle down and take yourself a wife, Clay?" she said, answering a question with a question.

She heard the leather of his saddle creak as he shifted his weight. Clay was quiet for so long that she raised her head, only to find him staring at her. "I can't marry anyone, princess. Not until I get over loving you."

"I don't like it when you tease like that, Clay," she said hesitantly, hoping he was indeed teasing.

"I have never been more serious in my life. Betsy was right when she said I waited too long to ask you to marry me."

Maleaha saw the truth in his rugged, handsome face and it came as a heartbreaking blow to her. She felt heavyhearted that the man she had loved as a brother did not love her as a sister.

"Clay, I am so sorry. I never suspected that you might…that you…" her eyes grew misty and she tried to look away, but Clay reached across and touched her face softly.

"I can tell by your eyes, Maleaha, that you are not happy. Could you have grown to love me?"

"Clay, if you are asking me if I love you, the answer is yes. But if you are asking if I am in love with you, the answer is no," she said, feeling sad that she had not only hurt Mangas, but now Clay, as well. It had never been her intention to make either man fall in love with her. Clay seemed to sense her sadness, so he smiled brightly.

"I will always be your friend, Maleaha. If you ever need me for any reason, don't hesitate to call on me."

The best Maleaha could manage was a nod of her head as she nudged her horse forward. Maleaha and Clay rode hard until they reached the ranch, and she was glad that they were unable to talk farther. How was it possible that she had won the love of two fine men as Mangas and Clay, but was unable to have the love of her own husband, she wondered miserably.

When they stopped in front of the barn, Maleaha would have dismounted, but Clay caught her hand and forestalled her.

"I meant what I said, Maleaha. Should you ever need me for any reason, you have only to ask," he said lifting her hand to his lips and kissing it softly.

"I will remember, Clay," she said, just before he whirled his mount and rode away in a cloud of dust.

Maleaha was so deep in thought she had not heard Kane come from the barn to stand beside her.

"That was a charming little scene I just witnessed," he said as he lifted her roughly from her saddle and placed her on the ground. He motioned for Lamas to take her horse, and then took her by the arm and led her toward the house.

"I had no idea you were in the barn or I would have asked Clay to say hello to you," she told him, not understanding his anger.

"It was obvious from the way you and Clay were eyeing one another that you were not aware I was looking on," he said, applying pressure to her arm.

When they reached the steps, Maleaha jerked her arm free of his grasp as her anger began to smolder. She had only reached the second step when Kane spun her around to face him. His face was a mask of fury and his eyes seemed to spit fire.

' T was a fool to trust you. I believed you when you told me you were helping Betsy. Why did you lie to me?" he ground out between clenched teeth.

Maleaha shook her head as her anger died. No one had ever accused her of speaking a lie. Did Kane really believe that she had been sneaking off to see Clay? She ran up the steps and into the house. Kane caught up with her as she started to climb the stairs. His hand slid around her neck and he tilted her face up to him.

"Do I not keep you satisfied, Maleaha? Does it take me and Clay Madason both to service you?"

Maleaha could not believe she had heard Kane correctly. How dare he accuse her of such a foul thing? Did he think so little of her that he would think she would ever allow another man to touch her? "Take your hands off of me!" she demanded looking into his silver eyes and tossing her head back proudly. Inside she was hurting at his cruel words, but he would never know.

His hand slid upward to catch in her dark tousled hair. "Has Clay Madason felt the delights of your beautiful body, Maleaha? Did you give him by rights what should only belong to me?"

Maleaha clamped her mouth tightly together and pushed Kane roughly away from her. "I have no intentions of answering such an insulting question. I am going to check on Cimeron," she said, rushing up the stairs before he could forestall her.

Kane watched her retreating back and then turned and slammed out of the house. He felt as if his heart had been wrenched from his body. He had always trusted Maleaha, but the tender scene he had witnessed between her and Clay Madason had definitely suggested more than just two friends saying good-bye. He had seen Clay's eyes when he had raised Maleaha's hand to his lips. He was no fool. He knew that Clay loved Maleaha. He remembered back to the night he had first seen Maleaha and Clay together. He had known then that Clay loved her.

Entering the barn, he found Lamas rubbing Maleaha's horse down. The old man looked up but did not speak as Kane approached him. Kane leaned against the stall door and watched Lamas in silence for a moment.

"Maleaha has ridden this horse hard," the old Indian said.

"How well do you know Clay Madason, Lamas?" Kane tried to keep his voice even.

"I have known him since he was but a boy."

"What do you think of him?"

"He is not bad for a white man," Lamas said, leading Maleaha's horse into the stall and closing the gate.

Kane breathed in the sweet scent-of the freshly bundled hay that stood against the barn wall and avoided looking into Lamas's eyes. "How does Maleaha feel about Clay," he asked, feeling the dark gaze of the old Indian.

"It is not for me to say, no more than it would be right for me to tell you how Mangas feels about her. If I were you, I would ask this of Maleaha," Lamas said, turning his back and walking out the door of the barn. Kane cursed under his breath. Had Lamas been trying to tell him that Maleaha felt love for Clay the same as Mangas did for her?

He walked hurriedly toward the house. He would have the truth from Maleaha. By now he had convinced himself that all the times Maleaha had told him she was with Betsy she had really been with Clay Madason. Taking the steps two at a time, he was out of breath when he reached the landing. Seeing the nursery door open, he walked purposefully toward it. By now his jealousy had given way to anger. How dare his wife allow another man to touch her?

Maleaha was bending over the crib, tucking the blanket about Cimeron when Kane entered. She saw his face was livid with rage, and she felt a prickle of uncertainty, wondering why he was so angry about Clay's escorting her home. Why had he accused her of spending time with Clay, when in fact she had been with Betsy?

Kane's eyes were blazing dangerously as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her out into the hallway, leading her into their bedroom.

Maleaha watched in confusion as he hurled her into the room and closed the door with a loud bang. Her confusion grew as he began unbuttoning his shirt.

"You had better be undressed by the time I am, Maleaha," Kane whispered harshly. "That is, if you treasure that lovely gown you are wearing. I can assure you I will have no qualms about ripping it off of you." He unbuckled his belt and stripped his trousers off while giving her a look that told her he meant what he said.

Maleaha shook her head as she backed against the door, looking into angry eyes that were the color of smoked ice.

She clasped her hands tightly together, thinking her heart would burst from her body it was beating so wildly. "Kane, I do not understand why you are so angry with me. I have done nothing to cause your anger."

He advanced slowly toward her, his naked body rippling with muscled strength. Maleaha plastered herself against the door, knowing she could retreat no further. His hand reached for her and she cringed as she felt him rip her gown from the neck to the waist. "Kane, what are you doing?" she asked as a sob broke from her throat.

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