Read Entwined (Intergalactic Loyalties) Online

Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith

Entwined (Intergalactic Loyalties) (2 page)

Chapter Two


Ariana watched as Arko and Bane signed the papers, transferring ownership of her from one brother to the other. Tyre witnessed the signatures and sealed the document in a clear envelope before sending it through the electronic mailing system. It would be filed by the magister at the auction house. They kept track of all slaves from the moment they stepped foot on Keshpa until the day they left, or died. She might as well have been a pet purchased at a store. She knew Bane didn’t think of her that way, though.

She’d spent some time with him over the past year, enough to know that he was a good, kind man. He was always soft-spoken with her, never raising his voice to make a point. His touch was gentle, as if he were afraid she’d break. Living with Bane would be as different from her time with Arko as night was from day. Not that Arko had been cruel to her before this, but he’d raised his voice on many occasions, had even been a little rough with her a time or two. She might not know Bane well, but she doubted he would ever harm her.

Arko nodded to his brother before ducking out of the room, leaving her with Bane and Tyre. The doctor came to stand beside her and fiddled with her IV drip. After checking her vitals with a metallic cylinder, he slowly removed the needle from her arm.

“I don’t believe we need this anymore. I’d like to keep you one more day though,” Tyre said.

Ariana shook her head. “I want to go home. I promise, I’ll keep eating well.”

Tyre sighed. “Very well. If you promise you won’t stop eating and drinking, and that you’ll come back if you begin to feel weak or nauseated, then I’ll let you go home. I would imagine you’re anxious to see where you’ll be living.”

“I’ll take good care of her,” Bane assured the doctor.

Tyre chuckled. “I have little doubt of that. Aside from some of my older Keshpan men who have been married for decades, I’ve never seen a male more devoted to a woman. I don’t believe you’ve left her side since you arrived here.”

It was rather charming to see Bane blush. She wasn’t aware Keshpan men were capable of such a thing, being such sexual creatures. He was rather endearing, and the doctor was right, Bane had stayed by her side. She’d heard his voice, day and night, since she’d first arrived at the hospital. She’d never had anyone take such good care of her before.

After Tyre left, Bane helped her change clothes. She hated to go out in public in the body-hugging dress, but it couldn’t be helped. It wasn’t that she thought she was fat, she just preferred to hide her curves rather than flaunt them. She’d always been that way, even back home on Earth.

“Are you ready to see your new home?” Bane asked.

She nodded. She’d seen Keshpan homes before, driving around town to the doctor’s office or to accompany Arko somewhere, but she’d never been inside of one. Would it be different from her apartment? They looked like small stone structures, made from lantan rocks, a native stone of Keshpa. The rock could be stained, and the Keshpans loved to paint their homes vibrant colors. She wondered what Bane’s home looked like. She’d never seen it before, or Arko’s for that matter.

When they stepped outside, Bane’s Eavo was parked right near the door. He climbed on first, then assisted her onto the back. His hands lingered, and he had a concerned look on his face.

“I promise to hold on,” she assured him, thinking he was probably worried she’d fall off. She was a little weak still, but she felt much better than she had days before.

“Maybe I should borrow Arko’s Solaris, just for today.”

She shook her head. “No, just take me home. Please.”

He hugged her hands to his middle, making sure she held on tight, before he revved the engine and took off. They went around the twisting roads through town and out into the countryside. The last cluster of homes held a canary yellow home, a sapphire blue, emerald green and one that was the pale pink of the natural lantan stone, completely stain free. She was a little surprised when Bane pulled into the driveway of the plain home. But then, maybe she shouldn’t have been. He’d always seemed to appreciate the natural beauty of his world. It made sense that he wouldn’t want to tarnish that beauty when it came to his home.

She stepped off the machine on shaky legs, grateful for the arm that came around her waist, as Bane led her to the front door. It was a pretty bronze color and had a small round window cut into the top of it. He pushed the door open, turned off the alarm and closed the door behind them.

“I’ll have to show you how the alarm system works,” he said. “I want you to be able to come and go as you please.”

She frowned. “I can’t roam around Keshpa without an escort.”

“Maybe not the city, but you can venture into the front yard, enjoy the garden and small spring out back, and visit with the neighbors. I’m sure Lunara will want to meet you.”


“My friend Fel’s wife. She’s very sweet and welcoming. I would imagine she’ll stop by to meet you as soon as she knows you’re here.”

Ariana shook her head. “I’m just a slave. I doubt she’ll want to waste her time on me.”

“You’re not a waste of time. You’re precious to me and others will see your worth, as well. And no, I don’t mean how much someone paid for you. I mean your value as a person.”

“One day at a time,” she said softly.

“Come on, I’ll show you to our room. You can get settled in bed, and I’ll get the Furea.”


“Hmm. It’s kind of like your iPads on Earth. It has games and reading material on it. As you know, we don’t watch television here so there are no videos or anything like that, but I thought it might help pass the time while you recover. And of course, you can use it anytime even after you’re better.”

“I need to get my things from my apartment.”

Bane shook his head. “Those aren’t your things. They belong to Arko and will go to his next slave. I’m afraid all you have is the dress you’re wearing right now, which is why I’m picking up two more stretchy garments like the one you’re wearing, until you can have some things made. I’ll have someone come to the house tomorrow to take your measurements and discuss fabrics and such with you. I don’t think you’re really up for it today.”

“No, it sounds exhausting and the ride here was rather tiring. Lying down sounds lovely right now.”

Bane lifted her into his arms. “Let’s get you upstairs and settled, then.”

He took the stairs two at a time and ventured down a short hall. There were four doors on the hallway, and he went to the far left. The room was rather large with a bed that would make a king jealous. There was a large wardrobe and a chest on one wall, a small writing desk on another. Through an open door on the far wall, she saw gleaming tile and pretty blue walls. A large tub could be seen from where they stood, and she wondered if he had a separate shower. It was a luxurious master suite.

Bracing her on his thigh, he jerked the covers back on the bed and settled her on the soft mattress. It was like sitting on a cloud. He fluffed the pillows behind her, then covered her legs with the thick blanket. At home, it would be called a comforter, but she had never learned the name for them on Keshpa. Arko hadn’t bothered teaching her his language since he had a translator in the apartment, but now she wanted to be able to talk to people on her own. Wouldn’t it be grand to be outside in the neighborhood, as Bane had mentioned, and be able to speak to the people she met? Bane had taken the time to study her language. It only seemed fair that she learn his, especially since she was living on his planet.

“I want to learn Keshpan,” she said. “I don’t want to rely on a translator all the time.”

He smiled. “I would be delighted to teach you. Actually, there’s a program on the Furea that children use when they’re learning to speak and read. You could use that to get started, then we could work on conversation pieces together. If you’d like…”

“Oh yes, that would be wonderful.”

“Let me get the Furea for you, and then I want you to rest. You’ve had a busy morning. It will be lunchtime before long.”

“Maybe I’ll close my eyes, just for a little while.”

“I’ll leave the Furea beside the bed. I think you’ll be able to figure out how to use it, but I’ll show you if you want. Otherwise, I’ll just let you go at your own pace. It can be yours until we can buy something later. I’ll take you shopping once you have clothing that makes you comfortable. I think you look stunning in what you have on, but I noticed you kept tugging at it.”

“I don’t like things that cling to me.”

He smoothed a hand down her side to rest on her hip. “I love seeing your curves on display. But since it makes you uncomfortable, we’ll order you something else. I had already placed an order for more garments like this one, but orders can be changed.”

“I know it’s been a long time since you’ve been with someone, but I don’t think I’m ready to be intimate yet. Maybe after a few more meals…”

He placed a finger over her lips. “Shh. I’m not rushing you. Just lying next to you at night will be pleasure enough right now. Knowing that you’re under my roof and that you’re mine, that’s worth far more than one intimate encounter. You’ll let me know when you’re ready, and until then we’ll just get to know one another.”

Her heart thawed a little more. She hadn’t even realized it was so cold, not until Bane had said he had bought her from Arko. Being with him was amazing. He was just so… well… there were no words for Bane. She was afraid if she got to know him any better, she’d fall completely, madly in love with him. She didn’t know if her heart would survive such a thing. She’d never been in love in her life, but she’d read plenty of romances. It seemed like it would be wonderful, as long as he didn’t break her heart.

With a sigh, she settled back against the pillows and closed her eyes. Her hand rested on top of Bane’s, his presence a balm to her soul. If anyone could help her through this trying time, it would be him.

* * *

A noise startled her awake. A quick look around showed that the suns were setting. Another crash downstairs had her jolting upright. Was that Bane?

She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood slowly, making sure they would hold her weight. Surprisingly, she felt almost a hundred percent better. Whatever the doctor had given her to wake her at the hospital, combined with the food she’d had and the nap she’d taken, had done wonders for her.

She heard a chittering sound and frowned. Bane didn’t have pets that she knew of. Deciding to be brave and investigate, she made her way downstairs only to stop in open-mouthed shock at the sight before her when she’d reached the bottom step. She had no clue what the furry critters were that were bounding around the lower level, but they were blue with swirling pink eyes, pointed ears and bushy tails. They kind of reminded her of the squirrels on her home planet, if squirrels were the size of small dogs. At the moment, the beasts were intent on wreaking havoc on the few knick-knacks Bane had scattered around his home. She cringed as something else crashed to the ground, shattering on impact.

Ariana stepped further into the room. “Stop it!”

The chittering stopped. A dozen beady eyes focused on her. Was it her imagination or did the one by the window just lick its lips? What exactly did an alien squirrel eat? She hoped to God it wasn’t people.

They began to converge on her, creeping along, their eyes intent on their prey. Should she throw a stick? Did they play fetch? Looking around for an escape, she saw that they had maneuvered behind her and blocked the stairs. The path to the front door was clear, but she didn’t have the alarm codes. As the creatures inched closer, those eerie eyes glued to her, she realized she had little choice but to make a dash for the yard and hope they scattered when they hit the outside.

Sprinting for the door, she burst through it, alarms blaring. She’d just cleared the walkway, with a dozen blue furballs of fury on her heels, when Bane zoomed into the driveway. He looked startled at first and then amused. She didn’t see the humor in the situation. A bunch of overgrown neon rodents were about to devour her. Where was the humor?

She ran for him and launched herself into his arms.

“I take it the zirrels got into the house again,” he said, a trace of laughter in his voice.

“Zirrels? Is that was those things are called?”

He nodded. “We actually engineered them from the squirrels on your planet about fifty years ago. One of our warriors saw them, thought they were cute and brought some back with him. Something went horribly wrong with the cloning process though, and that’s what we ended up with. They’re mischievous, but they won’t harm you.”

“I’m not convinced. They chased me from the house! Did you see the looks in their eyes? They wanted to eat me!”

Bane laughed. “They eat plants, and occasionally get into my kitchen pantry and eat my fruits and vegetables I have stored there. They have the ability to shift from one place to another, sort of like teleporting so walls aren’t a deterrent.”

“Are you trying to tell me those furballs from hell can just come in the house whenever they want?”

His smile broadened. “Pretty much.”

She shivered. “Why were you gone so long?”

He indicated a package strapped to the back of his Eavo. “I had to pick up a few things for you. Come on, let’s shut off the alarm before the neighbors get concerned. We don’t have a lot of crime on Keshpa, but the few that do happen are higher level.”

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