EROTICA: kiss kiss BANG: 70 Books SIZZLE Collection: Sexy MILF and Group Romance... (112 page)



Copyright © 2016 All
rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means without written permission from the author.

This book is a work
of fiction.  Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely
This story has erotic themes and is suitable for adults, 18+ only.

Chapter One

The sun beat down on Ada’s face as it took its first peek
from behind the clouds. She loved how beautiful and peaceful the farm always
looked in the mornings, it was her dream home.

The back gate made a loud squeal as she opened it, she
paused, looked, but no one woke up from the noise.

As she walked towards the chicken coop that Zack built her
the grass tickled at her toes.

Rowdy rooster was already standing perch on the wooden
fence near the barn. His chest puffed and as the sun glistened against his gold
and red feathers, he howled an alarm to alert every one of the imminent day.

“Quiet down Rowdy” she whispered loudly towards the
feathered siren.

Inside the chicken coop, the chickens were all starting to
move about, starting their day as the rooster had ordered. The nests were
filled with eggs, some three, some two, and some with just one.

As she gathered the eggs and placed them in her basket,
she gave each chicken a ‘thank you’ and a smile. She loved living on the farm,
and the chickens were her first and only actual livestock so far.

When she said she wanted to live in the country, raising
chickens, cattle and horses, Zack thought she had been joking. The look on his
face was priceless when he realized just how serious she was.

Zack was a city boy, and the smell of the fresh air in the
country made him gag. But, Ada knew how much he loved her when he bought her
this house. He took all of his savings, and money from his inheritance to buy
the 50-acre farm, and it was perfect.

He was beginning to fall in love with the charm of the
place, but not enough to gather chicken eggs or milk a cow, not yet.

Ada stared out of the little window of the chicken coop
and out towards the stables. Her heart ached for a horse, but Zack was afraid
to take one on just yet, but he promised to buy her one if she gained some
riding experience, but with twin 2-year old boys and Zack working all the time,
she wasn’t sure when or how she could do that.

The sun was in full bloom in the sky by the time she
finished in the coop. Walking out of the tiny building exposed her to the fully
lit peaceful land she loved so much. It energized her, brought a sense of
meaning to her life as she walked into the house.

The boys were up, running through the house laughing as
Zack chased behind them with their clothes. She giggled, smiled, and then
quickly took over task of getting the little ones dressed.

“Thank you,” Zack said, kissing her on the cheek.

He was a great dad, a wonderful husband, but he was a
better lawyer. Taking care of the boys was her job, even when he tried to help;
it still ended up her job.

He drifted off, probably up the stairs to get his shower,
and Ada rounded up the boys long enough to get them out of their race car
sleepers and into their matching jeans and short-sleeved striped shirts.

Cartoons occupied them long enough to start breakfast. Ada
whipped the eggs, flipped the pancakes and watched the bacon sizzle in the
frying pan. It seemed like so much work, but Zack said he was raised on cereal
and milk when he was a boy, and Ada determined at that moment that he or their
boys would always have a large breakfast to start their day. It was a decision
she realized he had made in haste, but backing down from her word was not
something she could ever do, so homemade breakfast every day it would be.

“It smells delicious,” Zack said.

His body pressed against hers, pushing her into the
kitchen counter as she flipped the last pancake onto the plate.

He let his mouth nuzzle into her neck, and his tongue
slide across her delicate skin. The hot breath against her neck left shivers of
excitement down her spine. The hard cock pressed against her, wanting her,
teasing her, made her nipples harden and her pussy start to moisten.

“The boys,” she whispered.

He grunted, one that displayed his excitement as well as
his disappointment.

She turned around in his arms, letting his lips push
against hers. His tongue was eager, as if it were hungry for a taste of hers.

“You’re amazing Ada,” he whispered.

She was lost in his eyes, unable to move. The love that
filled her chest was powerful and almost painful as he pulled away, leaving her
to serve him and the boys as he helped them to the table.

Once breakfast was over, Zack would run out of the house,
usually rambling on about being late. His designer suit, $300 briefcase in hand
and perfectly clean shoes would leave Ada standing barefooted, hair a mess,
wearing a homemade sundress to clean up the breakfast mess and chase after the
two boys before they left sticky finger marks all over the house.

It was routine. It was typical. It was Ada’s life.

Chapter Two

She watched as the car pulled down the long lane. The boys
were playing with their little cars, making loud motor sounds with their tiny
mouths as Ada went to work on cleaning the kitchen.

Her thoughts drifted to her life, and even though it
wasn’t everything she wanted, it was close to perfect.

Zack enjoyed his fast-paced life in the city, but she
preferred the calm and serene world out here in the country, away from the
hustle and bustle of the crowds, time clocks and pollution.

The only clock Ada needed was Rowdy rooster, and the only
crowds she needed were the chickens that surrounded her in confusion as she
took their eggs each day.

She took the boys outside to play while she tended her
garden. Zack had teased her about having a green thumb since it was doing so
well, and even though Ada had never grown anything in her life before moving
out here, her produce was the largest in the county.

Exhaustion usually set in around lunch time. The boys
would fuss while she worked with them to eat their food, and then they would be
passed out, asleep for a glorious two hours where Ada could spend time alone,
reading her romance novels that offered a new world, one she had never
experienced before and was so eager to know, even if only in her dreams.

She waited for a few moments, just to be sure the boys
were both asleep and then picked up her book. The page was bent on chapter
five, just where things begun to get juicy.

Her mind wandered into the story, taking the part of
Jasmine, the bored housewife whose husband worked hard enough to give her all
the material things she could ever desire, but was never around to clench her
insatiable sexual desire.

Ada could relate to Jasmine in some ways, but not as much
with the sexual part. She had only been with one man, Zack, and their sex life
was great, but nothing passionate like Jasmine demanded from her lovers.

Jasmine stood in the doorway wearing only her riding
boots as she snapped the long whip into the air. The crack made Gunther jump,
turn, and notice her beautiful body leaning against the mahogany door frame.

His cock pressed against his jeans and he licked his
lips in anticipation of what was about to happen. This wasn’t their first
rodeo, they had spent many nights together while Jasmine’s husband was away at

Ada’s hand slid under her sundress and to her cotton
panties. She couldn’t imagine being that aggressive, but the thought of it
turned her on. Her fingers pushed into the material and rubbed against her soft
warm skin as she continued to read.

Gunther moved towards Jasmine, his arms reached out to
her as she left into his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her
fingers tugged at his shirt to bare his skin against hers.

Ada’s fingers soaked into her wet pussy, resting gently
between her folds as she imagined Gunther, tall, rugged and hairy. He was
Jasmine’s farmhand, and the way she described him, strong, muscular and a
little dirty. She loved pressing her silky skin against his hairy body,
creating friction enough to cause a fire between them.

His cock was wide and thick as Jasmine slid to her
knees. Her mouth opened and he fed her his meat without hesitation, with

Ada rocked her hand back and forth as she pushed even
deeper into her pussy. Her clit was swollen and becoming painful as it was
neglected of her touch.

Her palm pressed against the meaty nub, offering it some
relief as she continued to fuck herself with long, slender fingers.

Oh, what it would feel like to have Gunther’s wide, hard
cock in place of them…she thought to herself.

Gunther let his head fall back against the wall as
Jasmine took him in whole. Her hands gripped his balls, tugging on them as she
sucked hard around his large cock.

Pulses shot through Ada’s body as she imagined how he
tasted, and how beautiful Jasmine must have looked as she stared up at him.

Jasmine released her grip on Gunther’s cock, stood,
turned, and walked down the long hall. Her ass was full and bare as she
strutted towards the bedroom. Before she entered, she leaned out into the hall
to ensure Gunther was following her, he was. She smiled, disappeared into the
room, and waited.

Ada’s fingers pushed faster and harder into her pussy as
she read the next page. Gunther found Jasmine lying on the bed, her legs spread
and her eyes on his cock. He slowly lowered his body onto hers, tasting her
silky skin from her shoulder to her ankle before his tongue found a resting
place inside her wet and wanting pussy.

The pulses turned to throbs as Ada’s palms pressed hard
against her clit. The rush of pleasure was strong and there was no stopping the
imminent orgasm that had been created.

Her legs fell open, her head pushed back into her
shoulders and her back arched as she let her body feel the sweet release of her

She was trembling so hard she dropped the book onto the
floor, not caring if she lost her place. Her mind felt foggy, her lips were
dry, and she had a sudden urge to learn how to suck a man’s dick, Zack’s dick
to be exact. She had tried once or twice, but he didn’t seem to be too enthused
with her efforts, so he never asked her again. His tongue only brushed up
against her pussy occasionally, as if part of the routine of their love making,
but he never got her off with his mouth; he had never even tried.

She was determined to learn how to please him with her
mouth, and then maybe he would please her with his.

Chapter Three

Zack’s headlights pushed up the long drive. It was late,
later than usual. Ada knew he was working hard at the firm, and that he was so
close to making partner, but she hated the long hours.

He walked into the door to find her behind the stove,
stirring a pot of chili. She was wearing her pink apron, the one he bought her
for Valentine’s Day the year before. She had hoped for something more romantic,
like jewelry or even sexy lingerie, but this was more practical, and he loved
seeing her wear it.

“Long day?” she asked.

He rolled his eyes, moved closer to her and pulled her
into his hard body. She loved the way he smelled, his cologne barely covering
the natural male scent that made her wet.

“I’ve missed you,” he whispered in her ear, pushing even
closer to her backside.

She felt his erection nestle between her ass cheeks as his
hand slid around to her front, cupping her full breasts with aggression and

“The boys,” she whispered.

He glanced into the room where they were playing quietly
with their blocks.

“They’re busy,” he said softly, running his finger around
her nipple to trace it.

Her head fell back into his shoulder and she enjoyed the
teasing touch for the short moment she knew it would last.

Crying in the background alerted them to an argument, most
likely Noah stealing the blocks that Nicholas wanted to build his tower.

“To be continued…” he whispered, releasing his grip on her
so he could tend to the boys.

Dinner was served, everyone was seated, but the boys were
restless. She knew she had held them off too long for dinner waiting on Zack,
now they were tired, and making them eat was becoming a chore.

Ada poured Zack a whiskey and sat down to work with the
boys. They were rambunctious, argumentative and just plain tired. Ada had
barely taken a bite of her own food, but she was determined to get them to
finish theirs.

“Baby, why don’t you eat and let me tend to the boys,”
Zack said.

“I’m not really hungry,” she said softly.

He rarely helped with the boys, mainly due to his long
hours. When he was home, on weekends, he was the perfect dad, but during the
week, work was his main priority.

“Then go get in a bubble bath, relax, and I’ll finish
feeding the boys and get them to bed,” he whispered.

That was an offer she couldn’t refuse. She needed a break,
and a bubble bath sounded amazing.

“You’re sure?” she asked, giving him one last chance to
back out.

 “I’m sure, I just want you relaxed and ready for me.” He
said with a grin.

Ada felt that tingle between her legs again, and the
memory of his cock pressed between her ass cheeks made her giddy.

She grabbed her book, kissed the boys on the forehead, and
then leaned in for a long, passionate kiss from her husband.

In the bathroom with the door closed, it felt like a
foreign land. The boys usually came in to talk to her, even when she was trying
to use the bathroom with some privacy. She learned quickly, mothers do not get
much privacy.

She turned the water on, ran her hand underneath it until
it was warm enough to close the drain. The bubble bath she bought herself over
a year ago was still on the shelf above the tub, so she pulled it down and
poured a generous amount into the water.

As her hand swirled in the water, the bubbles formed,
full, fluffy and white.

She undressed and started to climb into the tub when the
full-length mirror caught her eye. Her body was long and lean, tan from working
so many hours in the garden, and fit from chasing after the boys all day.

What she thought would be a disaster after giving birth to
twins, was actually tighter and toner than ever before.

Her hands lifted her full breasts, noticing how they
hadn’t sagged at all, and then pressed against her belly that was once round
and plump, but was not flat and toned.

“Not bad,” she whispered.

 She let her big toe test the water first, and then
submerged her body into the tub slowly as she let her tensions disappear.

Her hair floated in the water until it was completely
saturated. It had been years since her last haircut, and what once hung just
past her shoulders was now hanging past her waist. Zack always teased her,
telling her she looked like a little country girl with all that hair.

She pulled it back, tied it into a damp, loose bun and
placed it on top of her head.

The book was easy to find her place, and as she continued
reading, she couldn’t believe how wild Jasmine had become.

Two cocks slid between Jasmine’s petite fingers, one in
each hand. She took turns taking each one in her mouth, sucking hard enough to
get a groan from one man before returning to the other.

Ada read on as she let her hand slide between her legs. As
she let her eyes take in the words on the page, her brain processed it by
releasing pulsating sensations to her pussy. The scene was hot, explicit and

Jasmine took one both men, filling up her holes with hard
cock from every angle. Ada’s heart pulsed hard in her chest as she imaged
having two lovers at once. The book dropped to the floor and both hands
disappeared under the bubbles.

Her back arched and she let out a little sigh as she
spread her pussy open, imagining she was Jasmine from her book.

Fingers slid into her pussy, in and out, and then deeper
to make her bite back a moan. Her clit was pinched between her thumb and palm,
running vigorously as she imagined lips sucked around it, tugging on her as she
was being fucked.

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