Read Finding You Online

Authors: Kaydee Scott

Finding You (23 page)

Now fully functioning again she sat up on her knees and turned away from him shaking her backside at him. 

“You want fucked again don’t you?”

She laughed as he pushed her forward over the edge of the tub.  Ian pushed inside her.  “You and that little ass of yours is going to be the death of me, you know that don’t you.”

Nova gasped feeling his strength as he pushed inside her again.  His stamina was incredible.  She was sore but she wouldn’t dare tell him to stop.  Ian could pull an orgasm out of her so quickly she soon forgot about her soreness and let the wave of the orgasm ride her all the way in.


Listening to the water drain out of the tub, she dried off smiling at Ian ever chance she got.

“You look like you enjoyed yourself tonight,” he said wrapping a towel around his waist.

“So much so that I think if we can do what we did tonight at your work, you can put a desk for me in your office.”

He started laughing and proceeded to brush his teeth.

Nova stood pretending to be occupied with drying off but her eyes were glued to his body.  He had a six pack that drove her crazy.  She couldn’t help but think how lucky she was to spend the rest of her life with him.

“You are completely eye fucking me Nova,” he said lowering his head and spitting his toothpaste in the sink.

“Well, I can do that whenever I want so you better get used to it because I will be doing it for many years.”

“Even if I turn gray and get a beer belly?” he asked wiping his mouth.

“I look forward to many years with you Ian, and I will always want you even if you get wrinkled and lose your hair,” she said rolling her towel and trying to pop him with it.

“Good because wrinkled ass or not I am going to be spanking you for many, many years.”

Nova walked past him and stopped just long enough to turn her head and shake her ass at him.  “Come on sir, my ass needs some attention.”

Ian got out a tube of liniment and carefully applied it to her very sore backside.  “I got a little rough, I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

“Never, I love it.” 



“I’m starving,” Nova said climbing out of bed and grabbing her robe.  “Want something,” she asked?

“I need some sleep but I need food more,” he said following behind her.

Nova heated up two bowls of Lasagna that Roberta had left for them.  Adding some extra mozzarella she set Ian’s bowl down in front of him and poured him a glass of tea.

“Thank you future wife,” he said taking a sip of the tea.

“You are most welcome, future husband.”

Nova sat down next to him.  Her stomach let out a loud growl.  “Sorry, dinner is a little past due.”

“Have you had a good night?” he asked watching her stare down at her ring.

“Are you kidding me, I got engaged, had amazing sex not once, not twice but three times and now I’m eating Lasagna at midnight with the man I am going to marry.  How could it get any better than this?”

“My thoughts exactly,” Ian said trying to tickle her.  “You are very beautiful Nova.”

“Well, I thought you were marrying me because of my hot body but now I know you are just using me for my ass.”

Ian picked her up and moved her into his lap.  “Well of course, what else would I be marrying you for?”

Nova pinched him and sat silently starring into his beautiful brown eyes.

“Care to share,” he asked.

“Just getting a good look at those beautiful eyes of yours and thinking how nice it is knowing I will be looking at them for a really long time.”

“So it’s my eyes that made you love me?”

“Just one of your many body parts that made me fall in love with you.”

“And my desk, right?”

“Definitely the desk,” Nova said moving back to her chair.  Speaking of desks she remembered the envelope in her purse.  Now was the perfect time to give Ian her surprise.  “Wait right here,” she said running out of the kitchen, “I have a surprise for you.”

Ian was cleaning up their dishes when she got back to the kitchen. 

“This is for you,” she said handing him the large manila envelope.

“You already breaking out the pre-nup on me baby?”

“Ha, ha,” she said. 

Ian sat down and opened the envelope.  She waited patiently while he read.  “I don’t understand, it’s a scholarship fund.”

“I know,” she answered “but it’s not just any scholarship fund.  I set this one up.”

Ian looked at her squarely.  “Did you put all your money in this Nova?  I already offer scholarships through I.S.C., I wish you would have discussed this with me.  You could have kept your money.”

“I am well aware of the scholarships you give out but this one is a little more specific.  This one is for abused and battered children Ian.  It’s in honor of Brandon.  I am calling it “The Fighter Scholarship.”

Ian turned to the second page which explained the value and details of the scholarship.

“Its twenty thousand dollars but I hope to contribute to it every year.  My goal is to get it to a hundred thousand so I can give out five separate twenty thousand dollar scholarships.  I was afraid you wouldn’t like Brandon’s name being attached to it so I didn’t use his name but I wanted you to know that I wanted to honor him.”

When Ian didn’t say anything she was afraid she had upset him.

Finally setting the papers down he looked at her.  “I can’t believe you did this, it is incredible baby.”

She let out a huge sigh of relief as he fought to hold back his tears.

“I will match your contribution every year.  How will the kids be selected?”

“Actually I have left that up to a Foundation for abused kids that helped me set up the scholarship.  The students will submit an essay, the foundation will forward them to me and I along with the recommendations of some of the counselors will chose the recipient.”

“When did you do this?”

“Well, when you gave me what was left of Maggie’s money I knew my dreams had already came true.  I wanted to do the same for someone else.  I want kids out there who have lived lives like us to know that they can still succeed.  You did and so did I, with a little help, there at the end,” she said smiling.  “It was the right thing to do and I thought it was even more important to honor Brandon.  He is the biggest fighter out of us and I want his strength to help others.”

“I don’t know what to say Nova.  You have me speechless.  I am completely taken aback by what you have done for me and my brother.  This is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me.”

“We are fighters baby and we are blessed to be in a position to help others.” 

~  ~


Ian watched her sleep for a long time before finally being able to close his eyes.  He had always known Nova was a remarkable woman and setting up this scholarship to help him keep his brother’s spirit alive almost took him to his knees.  She had embraced not only his tragedy but hers as well and made a change for the good hoping she could help someone else.  How did

~  ~


The next morning, Ian slept in.  Nova rolled over and saw it was already after 8.  “Ian baby, you have slept late.”

He rolled over and pulled her close to him.  “It’s a boss perk,” he said rubbing his eyes.

Nova picked up her phone and looked at his calendar.  “You have a conference call at 9:30.”

Ian huffed.  “All I wanted to do was spend some extra time with my bride to be and you are trying to send me off to work.”

Nova playfully kissed him, “Well somebody has to work around here or we’ll be out on the streets.”

Nestling back beside him she didn’t realize she had fallen asleep until the text chime on her phone went off.  It was already ten o’clock.


You have been called back for a second interview.  My office at noon.  Come with your game face on sweetheart.  Today we aren’t playing around.


She groaned as she rolled out bed. 
The man is relentless,
she thought walking to the shower.

She walked into I.S.C at five minutes till. 

“He is expecting you,” the receptionist said so Nova went straight to his office.

She knocked and walked in taking a moment to gaze at the hot body sitting behind the desk.

Ian never took his eyes off his computer.  “Don’t even think about it sweetheart.  Today is all business.”

Oh well, never hurts to try.

She walked over to his desk turning her backside to him as she sat down her briefcase.  Taking a little longer than it should she finally turned around to sit down on her very sore rear-end.

“Nice try,” he said giving her his beautiful smile.  “Is that chair comfortable enough for you?”

Hell no!
But she would never admit it to him.

“Yes sir.” 

“Very well, then.  I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to meet with me.”

“It’s my pleasure.”

“Good, let’s get down to business.”  Ian slid over a document.

Nova picked it up noticing right away the lions head.  “What is this,” she asked turning over the cover page.”

“A surprise.”

Nova looked back at him.  When he said nothing further she lowered her gaze to the document.  She took a moment to read the front page.  “Oh my God Ian, you weren’t kidding, you seriously bought Lions Gate.”

“Well, not me solely.  I brought in a partner on this one.”

She looked up at him oddly.  “Really, why?”  She knew that wasn’t Ian’s usual way of business. 

“Well, it’s not that I don’t think I can do it but in this case I thought it better to have someone a little better qualified to work with me on this one.”

“I think it’s great,” she said scanning the rest of the page.  “Looks like we won’t be living on the streets anytime soon.”

“Nope,” he said watching her read the acquisition with more eagerness than a kid waiting to open presents on Christmas morning. 

Nova scanned the financials.  “Talk about a gross profit margin.  Looks like we might be able to afford a honeymoon,” she said joking.

Turning to the next page she noticed her name half way down the page.  “Ian, why is my na….” She stopped mid-sentence, “Oh my God, are you really serious Ian?” 

He had named her as his partner.  “Wait, you can’t do this Ian, I have invested no money in this.  Why would you want to make me partner?”

“A beg to differ Ms. Drake, I do seem to remember you giving me a check a few weeks back.”

If Nova had been standing she would have fallen down.  “You used the money I owed towards the purchase of Lions Gate?”

“Happy Graduation,” he said smiling back at her.

Nova could feel her mouth dry out and her eyes bug out.  “You gave me a company for graduation?”  She couldn’t believe it.

“No, I partnered with you on a company.  Big difference.”

Nova tossed the pages and went straight over the desk.  If Ian had tried to say anything she wouldn’t have given him the chance.  He couldn’t, he couldn’t get her mouth off of his and her arms from around his neck.

~  ~


“I take it you are pleased,” he asked enjoying her excitement.  He had never seen Nova more thrilled.

“Oh my gosh, what if I screw up somehow?  Ian I have no idea how to co-run a company.  I’m just a baby and you launched me straight into adulthood.”

“Baby, I would bet money on your capabilities any day.”

“Ian, I don’t know what to say.  I can’t believe you did this for me.”

“Well actually I had all intentions of walking you through the buy-out and letting the company be yours but I assumed you might like having a little experience on your team.  When I found out the company was a good investment I knew hands down with my business skills and your insight into internet security we were a winning team.”

“I guess but the twenty five thousand I gave back to you is only a small fraction of what the company cost.”

He shrugged.  “You are going to be my wife Nova.  We are a partnership regardless of the money situation.”

She looked at him in astonishment.  “I don’t know what to say.”

“You say, Mr. Strong let’s see just how far we can take this company and then you get back in your chair over there because the lawyers are coming in for us to finalize the paperwork.”

Nova stood up shifting her eyes between Ian and the desk.  “Oh my God, Ian.  I already have a job.  What do I do?”

Ian handed her, her cell phone.  “Make the call baby.  We have lots of places to sign our names and lawyers like to charge a lot for their time so hurry up.”

She was so overwhelmed when she dialed the number for Braddock and Brown she wasn’t even sure if she could sound professional.  She had already planned to call them to confirm her start date but this she hadn’t seen coming.  Hesitating she looked at Ian.

“What if I’m not good enough to do this?  Don’t you think I should have some experience first?”  Suddenly doubting herself she wasn’t sure what to do.

“Braddock and Brown is a great company but you will be spending the next three to five years doing grunt work hoping to get noticed to move up in a slightly less grunt work of a job.  You are too smart for that.  This is a great opportunity Nova.  Be smart about this.”

~  ~


Ten minutes later she had ended her call with the man who was supposed to be her boss.  He wasn’t happy with her sudden change in plans but he didn’t have a choice after she explained she was venturing into her own business.  Ian looked elated as she resigned over the phone. 

Ian’s phone buzzed.  “Mr. Strong, your 12:30 is here.”

“Show them in,” Ian said pushing Nova away from his chair.

After the paperwork was finished Nova sat still in shock.  She had gone from sore assed and newly engaged to being a partner in her own company. 

Watching Ian finish the last of his lunch she looked down realizing she hadn’t even touched hers. 

“Are you alright Nova?” 

“I just keep thinking that there is no way possible that I could ever repay you for doing this.”

Ian smiled.   “You do remember that you are going to be my wife, don’t you?”

“Of course, but…”

“No but’s.  Do you understand?”

She nodded.

“Then as my future bride I hope you learn fast to stop looking at what I do for you as though it has price.  You don’t owe me anything.  You are the perfect person for this venture and if I ever hear you say again that you don’t know how to repay me, I will take that as direct defiance and you my dear won’t be able to sit for days once I get finished with you.”

She took a deep breath.  “Just be patient with me Ian.  I’m not used to this.”

“Sweetheart, the only thing I want you to do to repay me is to make me proud which I know you will.  That, I have no doubt.”

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