Read For Honor’s Sake Online

Authors: Connie Mason

For Honor’s Sake (33 page)

Julie tensed as his tongue flicked across her ribs, pausing briefly at her navel, running his tongue maddeningly around the rim in a circular motion while his hands slid between her legs and his fingers slipped inside her moistness. Julie arched her back against the intoxication of his sensual massage and when he tightened his hands around her waist to hold her close as he began to nuzzle the blond triangle of curls that
beckoned him with promise of delights, she cried aloud. He growled in satisfaction as he felt the exquisite pleasure he gave her shudder through her slender body and he wanted only to give more. When his lips and tongue possessed the tender bud nestled in the golden forest she begged for him to desist, certain she would die if he did not, already contemplating death if he did.

But Julie had nothing to fear. Rod did not desist, increasing his gentle torment until she grew rigid, the tension building as his tongue darted fire against the very source of the bittersweet longing flooding through her. Then the splendid violence of his mouth drove her over the brink of reality into a maelstrom of bursting stars and erupting planets.

Uttering a cry that seemed barely human, Rod surged upward, plunging again and again into her throbbing warmth, taking her fiercely, ardently, driving between her thighs with ever deeper strokes. A burst of sensation came with penetration and Julie felt herself responding to his ardor despite the intense pleasure she had experienced only moments before. Too long denied, wanting, craving, Rod thrust and thrust, grinding his body into hers, his breath rasping in his chest, his blood pounding against his temples. Once again Julie found herself crying out for release as waves of ecstasy throbbed through her. And then he freed her in a bursting of sensations that raced like lightning between them as Rod’s climax eclipsed her own violent response.

Julie felt Rod soften and slip from her body and she sighed in pleasant exhaustion. “Did I make you happy,
mi amor
?” he asked lazily.

“Extremely,” blushed Julie, aware of the peace and contentment flowing between them. “Will it always be this way, Rod?”

“Always,” Rod pledged solemnly, kissing the tip of her nose playfully. “But only if you don’t tax me too greatly with your demands.”

She answered his teasing smile with a smile of her own. “My demands!” she taunted with mock indignity. “Would you rather I lay back like some meek miss while you take your pleasure and deny me mine?”

“I want you just as you are,
mi bruja.
Long ago your saucy manner bewitched me and I’m afraid I’ve come to enjoy your spirit and wild nature, especially in bed.”

Suddenly Julie grew serious. “Did you mean it? What you said, I mean, about loving me.”

“You need never doubt me again,
I love you passionately, with my whole heart and soul. You made me the happiest man alive when you gave me my son. But even if you had not given me Carlos I would still love you, despite your willful ways.”

“I have always loved you, Rod. Even … even when I had reason to hate you. Even when you bedded Elena and she told me you wanted me out of your life.”

“I will never cause you grief again, Julie,” Rod vowed, tightening his grip on her slim shoulders. “Do you believe me?”

“Yes, Rod. I believe you. Can you forgive me for leaving without giving you a chance to explain? I never meant to place your son in danger.”

“There is nothing to forgive,
mi amor.
I know how persuasive Elena can be when she wants something. Manuel told me everything. I’ll admit I was hurt to think you did not trust me enough to tell me what was troubling you. But afterwards, I was too worried to think of anything but your safe return.”

“Rod, I—”

“No,” Rod murmured, planting a finger on her lips. “Let me continue. Too late I realized that I had become so caught up in the roundup that it must have appeared to you as if I was deliberately neglecting you. But just the opposite was true. I wanted you so desperately I could not trust myself with you. Teresa warned me that to continue marital relations with you so far advanced
in pregnancy would endanger our child. Under the circumstances, aware of my intense desire for you no matter what, I thought it best to safeguard your health by placing myself out of temptation’s way. I removed myself from your bed deliberately, and worked long hours until I fell asleep at night exhausted. I realize now my judgment was faulty, leaving you hurt and vulnerable to Elena’s false tales. I should have told you the truth and not taken it for granted that you understood.”

“If you thought to explain, I would have given birth to Carlos safely in my own bed,” Julie reflected wistfully. “Never again will I allow Elena or anyone else to drive a wedge between us. And you, husband, had better never look at another woman again,” she warned saucily.

“How could I with an enchantress like you fulfilling my wildest fantasies? I called you
once and witch you are for you’ve held me enthralled since first we met, even though I knew it was folly to want you so.” Then his lips created a song of love against hers as he whispered, “My need for you is so great I want you again. Come to me,

Much later, after they had loved again and were temporarily sated, Rod broached a subject that Julie could tell he had given much thought. “I spoke with
Juan today. He told me he could no longer keep the small son of Elena and Manuel. He asked me to find a home for him.”

“And did you?” Julie asked quietly.

“Julie, I feel a certain responsibility for the boy. Elena’s family and mine have been friends for a long time. Montova blood flows through the boy’s veins. But I do not do this for Elena. Manuel sought to undo the wrong done to you and died attempting to bring you to safety. For honor’s sake, I am obligated to find a proper home for the child.”

Julie remained thoughtful for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that the sins of the mother could not be held against an innocent child.

“I have spoken to Teresa and she agreed to take the boy,” Rod continued. “But first I wanted to make certain you wouldn’t be upset by his presence here on the

“No, Rod,” Julie said firmly, her words stunning him. “I don’t want Teresa raising the boy.”

“Julie!” Rod exclaimed, “I know Elena meant you nothing but harm but the babe is innocent of any wrong doing.”

“You misunderstand, Rod,” Julie contradicted softly, entwining her arms about his neck. “I want to raise him myself. I will treat him as I would my own son. We can adopt him if you like. I am a Delgado and your honor is mine.”

“I love you,
mi amor,
” Rod whispered, her generous offer swelling his heart to bursting.

She turned in his arms as his soft breath fanned her cheeks and his lips sealed their love forever.


Baby Carlos behaved like an angel during the christening but raised such a ruckus during the marriage of his Godparents that Nola was forced to remove him from the room so that
Juan could perform the wedding without further interruption.

Ramona and Carl moved temporarily to the
so that Brett and Polly could spend a week alone in their small
before returning to San Francisco.

Following the ceremony,
Juan imparted a piece of disturbing news to Rod. It seemed that Elena had been captured by Pico, a fierce bandit and Mexican hero. He preyed mostly on Anglos traveling El Camino Real. Though his hideout was never found, it was assumed he found refuge in the hills surrounding San Luis Obispo. It was a simple matter to identify his victims for he always left his grisly mark. He hacked off their ears.

As rumor had it, and Rod found no reason to doubt them, Pico was so entranced by Elena that he kept her with him. Several days ago,
led by Pico and an aide, Manuel Vergara, rode into San Luis Obispo to pawn valuables taken from a party of
Elena was with them, whether by choice or not was not clear. They were surprised by a posse and Pico, using Elena and his men as decoys, somehow managed to escape. Before
Juan could be summoned, the posse, in a
fit of anger over losing Pico, forthwith hung Elena, Manuel Vergara, and the half-dozen or so men in the party.

Rod was shocked. Though Elena had done much to deserve his hatred he would not wish her such a violent death. But Elena was the past. Nothing or no one mattered now but Julie, their family, and his honor.

About the Author

Connie is the bestselling author of 60 books and novellas and counting. Her tales of passion and adventure are set in exotic as well as in American locales. Connie has won awards from Romantic Times and has been listed in Who’s Who of American Women for several years. Connie makes her home in Tarpon Springs, Florida.

Connie is a world traveler. She has visited every country in Western and Eastern Europe, Greece, Asia and Northern Africa. Also, countless islands in the Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas. Connie enjoys spending time with her three children, nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Visit her Website and

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