Fox, Morgan - Discovering Temptation [Texas Stallions 1] (Siren Publishing Allure) (3 page)

“Tyler’s father died unexpectedly and left the family in dire straits. Since then that young man has been trying to land on his feet and keep his family together while doing so.”

Knowing that Tyler Boyd fought to keep his family together made Abby like him all the more, she asked, “How do you know so much about them?”

With a warm chuckle, she replied, “Temptation is a small town, Abby, and word travels fast. Don’t be shocked if by morning everyone knows what happened to you. If you should venture out, don’t be surprised if folks stare. It’s what they do.”

Abby was not use to people gawking at her. She avoided her mother’s dinner parties like the plague for that very reason. She wasn’t one for doing more than blending in. She didn’t want to report to the sheriff what happened to her, for that very reason. Suddenly, she felt like throwing up.

“I’m surprised Tyler hadn’t asked my father for work.”

“He did, but your father sent him away.” Sophia sighed. “Stubborn man that he was, Duke fought until the bitter end to do as much as he could on his own. Sadly, it wasn’t very much.”

Abby’s mind raced and instantly a plan formed. The vision of her dark-haired rescuer flashed clear and bright. Maybe her gallant knight in a white Stetson would be interested in lending a hand to help her restore Paradise Ranch. Her father may have been too proud to ask for help, but she sure wasn’t.

If she was lucky, maybe his brothers would be willing to accept employment as well. Lord knew she had her work cut out for her, and a desperate man might be crazy enough to help her fix up the once beautiful and prestigious ranch.

“Sophia, do you think Tyler and his brothers would be interested in coming to work for me?”

“Well, I can’t see why not. Like I said before, Tyler and his brothers are looking for steady work, and we both know Paradise can keep them plenty busy.”

Abby nodded. Her heart galloped a little faster at the prospect of getting started fixing up her little piece of paradise, finally securing a real home.

Chapter Two

Tossing his Stetson onto the front seat, Tyler hauled himself behind the wheel and shut the door to his truck. He shoved a stiff hand through his damp hair and started the engine. For a man who was only thirty-six, he showed signs that he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Never had he imagined his life turning out as it had. The death of his father had left him hollow and closed off, and even though he tried not to feel the emotions that threatened to surface, he knew both his younger brothers, Cooper and Hunter, depended on him. As the oldest brother, the responsibility of keeping the family together and finding steady employment had always been his duty. Securing a ranch they could run and manage together that had a future had become a major obstacle. Everywhere the Boyd family explored for work seemed to be worse than the town they’d left prior.

Since their father’s land had been foreclosed on by the bank, Tyler was forced to find work elsewhere. Jumping from town to town, his brothers and mother in tow, was exhausting. Down on his luck, he hated the defeating emotions that had him thinking that maybe this life was not worth living.

Then suddenly, all the doubt in his mind fled the moment he held Abby Blake in his arms. When she finally gazed up at him, he nearly gasped as he stared into the most gorgeous crystal-blue eyes he’d ever seen. She was breathtakingly beautiful, even with the river of tears that trailed down her flushed face. Her blonde hair tickled his arm as the sway of her soft curls swept over his skin.

Her fragile body trembled as she nuzzled against him, practically shoving herself inside his chest. It was in that instant that he knew she would be forever branded into his mind. He’d never forget her. There was something so natural about the way she fit against him and he knew this could not be the last time he set eyes on her.

“Abby Blake,” he said on a hushed whisper, and then glanced to the groceries he managed to pick up that she’d dropped.

He didn’t have much money, but he had a plan to see his sweet angel once more. He would replace the items that had been destroyed by her attacker and take them to her in the morning. With any hope, she wouldn’t think he was some deranged serial killer.

* * * *

The middle-aged, overattentive waitress was annoying the shit out of Dexter Ragland. Her constant interruptions were pushing him closer to his breaking point. She wouldn’t like the monster she was about to unleash. Then again, maybe a woman like her would enjoy exactly what a man like him could offer.

Her sweet, motherly smile and gentle brown-eyed gaze amused him. She was like an angel staring down at the devil. If she only knew the dark secrets and desires he harbored, he’d guarantee she’d be a lot less worried if his coffee needed freshening or if he wanted anything else to eat.

As if timed by the clock, the slender woman returned with the coffee pot in her hand. This time she didn’t bother asking if he wanted a refill. She simply leaned forward with the bright orange pot and began to pour.

His hand immediately shot up like a bolt of lightning, clasping a fierce grip around her wrist, slowly squeezing until he watched the flicker of pain dance behind her eyes. Her shoulder-length brown hair fell forward, drawing his attention to her ample breasts. The cleavage-baring waitress attire showed a splendid body, lean legs that walked their way up to round hips, and a tiny waist. Not bad for a woman in her fifties.

Grinning with a lip-quivering snarl, he said, “Did I ask for a refill?”

“You’re hurting me,” she said through clenched teeth.

He had to hand it to the old bird, she at least had the balls to lock gazes with him. She might have been afraid, but he knew she’d be a wildcat in a scuffle. This woman had spirit, and he found that wickedly attractive. Maybe he’d make a special return to the diner to see his little waitress before he ventured out of town. The idea excited him.

Licking his lips, he replied, “Yes, I am.” He released her arm with a forceful shove.

She took two steps away from him before she rounded and disappeared into the kitchen.

Dex turned his attention back to the town market across the parking lot, watching and waiting for the blonde-haired beauty he’d taken a good liking to as he tossed her around the evening before. A guilty pleasure, he reveled in roughing up women and showing them what he considered a good time. Hearing their squeals of pain and whimpering pleas had him harder than a rock. There was nothing more arousing then beating a bad girl into submission.

His front teeth sank into his bottom lip as he thought about his plans for the sweet piece of ass. A bit frustrated that his scheme hadn’t worked, he growled low in his throat. Moistening his dry lips, he wondered if her body was as tight on the inside as it felt on the out. He was sure that fucking her would be a thrill ride unlike anything he could find at any amusement park.

Holding his cell phone to his ear, he waited for the line to answer, and shifted in his seat, rubbing the palm of his hand over his engorged cock. Remembering the way her firm, round breasts felt against his arm had him groaning. Damn, he was so fucking horny. If the bitch had cooperated, he would have satisfied his itch and earned his money. Then he’d be out of this miserable little town before anyone ever noticed.

“Did you do it?” asked a gruff, sleepy voice, jarring him straight out of his thoughts.

He tucked his chin down and lowered his voice. A grin tugged at his lips. “Sorry, princess, did I wake you?”

“Shut the fuck up, Dex, and tell me that you did what you were paid to do.” The anger in Jack’s voice only made his smile widen.

Glancing around the diner, Dex took note of anyone close enough to hear and lowered his voice a little more. “No, Jack, I didn’t, but I did rough her up a little, probably scared the shit out of her. She had help. You didn’t mention that little piece of hotness would have friends in Temptation. I almost got my head knocked off by some damn brute redneck.”

The redneck fucker had been strong, and his interruption really pissed Dex off. He planned to find the cowboy after he finished his business with Abby and make him pay for his interference.

A nice silver blade to the gut should work nicely.

“She’s new in town, and I seriously doubt she’s made enough friends to guard her twenty-four hours a day. Now, earn the five grand you’ve been paid and take care of Abby Blake.” Grimacing, Dex closed the cell phone and shoved it back into his pants pocket.

He’d take care of Abby Blake all right. He’d make sure that she knew exactly who he was as he slapped her around, tied her to the bed, and fucked her good and hard. Making her bow to his ways would be the most satisfying job he’d ever taken.

Jackson Cole will get all he paid for, and lots more.
Sure, he’d only paid Dex to rough her up and scare the hell out of her, but he had other plans for the sweet, strawberry-scented blonde he’d held in his arms the night before. Jack wouldn’t need to know that he’d fucked her before chasing her ass back up to Dallas. It wasn’t like Dex ever needed to see either of them again. He’d gotten his money. Now, all that was missing was the satisfying feel of her flesh beneath his hands as he reddened her skin and the tantalizing wetness he expected as he sank his cock into the depths of her slick, hot cunt.

Abigail Blake was going to be his greatest conquest.

* * * *

Wincing from the pain in her ribs and shoulder, Abby’s mouth hung open as she glanced out the front window to watch Tyler Boyd’s white pickup truck heading up the gravel driveway toward her home. She gently touched her bruised cheek and black eye and prayed the makeup she applied earlier that morning would help hide the ugliness of her attack.

“Sophia?” she called out, wondering if her new friend had called Tyler so she could speak with him about working on the ranch.

“What is it, Abby?” She popped her head around the corner, her hands and apron coated in flour.

Abby hiked her thumb over her shoulder toward the window. “Um, I think Tyler’s here.”

Sophia wiped her hand on a dish towel as she strolled up alongside her and glanced out the window, swiping the sheer white curtains to the side to get a better look. “Sure does.” She smiled mischievously at Abby. “He might be here to check on you.” She winked. “If you were serious about asking him to work for you, now would be a good time.”

Abby suddenly felt more nerves in her belly then she’d ever felt before. Checking her reflection in the mirror, she scoffed. She had no time to fix her hair or her makeup, as Tyler was already stalking up the front steps of the ranch house. She opened the front door. His white Stetson rested low on his forehead. He grabbed hold of his hat and removed it the moment his eyes caught sight of hers.

“Good morning, Ms. Blake. I hope I haven’t arrived too early.”

His buttery smooth voice had her toes curling in her sneakers.
Focus, Abby.
“No,” she said. “What can I do for you, Mr. Boyd?”

“Please call me Tyler.”

Swallowing down the lump in her throat that had more to do with seeing Tyler again and not about asking him to work for her, she smiled. “Only if you call me Abby.” Flirting before 9:00 a.m. was not her usual routine. Normally, she left that kind of effort to the later, drunker part of the evening, when alcoholic courage could assist her.

He nodded with a charming smile. “Abby, I hope you don’t mind, but I brought a few things up to the house for you. The groceries and items you dropped in the parking lot last night.”

“Oh,” she said with a great deal of surprise. “Thank you, but you didn’t have to do that.” She meant it, too, but she couldn’t deny that she was overwhelmingly glad he’d stopped by, and not just because she wanted his help.

“I’ll just run to the truck and grab them.” He replaced his hat and went to his truck, grabbing two overly stuffed brown grocery bags.

She arched a brow, not remembering buying so many things. As he approached, she held the door open for him to come inside. “The kitchen is to the left, if you wouldn’t mind just setting the bags down on the counter.”

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