Read Games Frat Boys Play Online

Authors: Todd Gregory

Games Frat Boys Play (20 page)

“Yeah,” I said to Devon. “Let's go. You want to go to my place?”
“Better.” He grabbed me by the hand and led me off the dance floor to a darkened corner of the bar, and opened a door. It was a bathroom, one I'd never seen before. He locked the door behind us. There was a dim light over the mirror. He pushed me against the door and turned his back to me, grinding his ass into me. He reached back and grabbed my cock. “Oh, yeah, I knew you'd have a big one.” His pants dropped and he bent forward a little. “Come on, fuck me, man.”
I undid my pants while I dug a condom out of my pocket. I tore it open and slid it over my cock. He pressed a little brown bottle into my hand. “Take a whiff,” he whispered.
I held it up to my nose and took a deep inhale. Within moments my head was roaring, I could hear my heart pounding, and I wanted to be inside him.
I grabbed his hips and slid my cock inside him.
He took the bottle back. “Oooooh, yeah.” He pushed back against me. I started pounding at him. It felt amazing, like his ass was gripping me and not going to let me go until—
He cried out, his body shuddering.
He slipped forward and my cock popped out of his ass.
He turned around and licked my face.
He peeled the condom off and spat on his hand, and started stroking me.
It didn't take long before I came.
He pulled his pants up and unlocked the door. “Thanks, man.” He winked, and opened the door and was gone.
I shook my head.
Did that just happen?
I pulled my pants up and fastened them. I walked back out onto the dance floor. Chad was dancing by himself, the muscle god he'd been on the speaker with nowhere to be seen. “Where have you been?” he shouted over the music.
He put his arms around me. “Man, I've missed this.” He kissed my cheek. “I've missed you.”
And even though I knew better, I started believing again.
Chapter 9
ou're really turning into a bit of a whore,” Brandon Benson said, opening his eyes wide as he took a sip of his iced tea. “Chad's kind of worried about you. And so are we.”
I stopped, a forkful of cucumber halfway to my mouth, stunned. I couldn't have heard that right, could I? It was completely out of left field. One minute we were talking about the new pledge class and which ones we might want for little brothers. And then WHAM! A shot right between the eyes—and a cheap shot, at that, given who it was coming from.
“No, I'm not,” I replied, putting my fork back down. “Why would you say that?”
Yes, pot, I am black
ran through my head as I sat there staring at him. I looked from him to Rees, who just gave me a little helpless shrug and a rueful smile, as though to say,
This wasn't my idea, sorry.
We were sitting in the food court in the Student Union. It was crowded, and the noise level made it hard to hear. I'd run into them as I was heading home from my last class. They'd invited me to join them for lunch in the Union, and it was time for my next meal. I'd just planned on going home and making a protein shake, but maybe something solid was in the cards. I'd only had a shake for breakfast and a protein bar for my second meal of the day, and there was a decent salad bar in the Union. I had about two hours before I had to meet my trainer at Body Quest, and I rarely got a chance to talk to either of them without Chad around. I'd always gotten the sense they only put up with me because of Chad, which was more than fine with me. I kind of only put up with them because of Chad. But the friendly request made me curious, so I'd agreed.
Being told I was a whore wasn't what I'd been expecting.
“How many different guys have you slept with in the last couple of weeks?” Brandon asked, raising his eyebrows, a slight smile playing at his lips. “Seriously, Jordy.”
“I don't know. I don't count them,” I said, giving my attention back to my salad.
Maybe the same amount as you, give or take?
I thought, getting irritated. “It's not like I'm trying to break a world record or something. I don't see what the big deal is. I use condoms.”
“Chad's just worried, is all,” Rees said. He took a bite of his grilled cheese sandwich. “He thought we should have a talk with you.” He gave me a nervous little smile.
“I don't understand.” I speared a mushroom, trying to push down my rising anger. “If Chad is so damned concerned, why isn't he talking to me about this?”
And you'd be surprised if you knew what he thought about YOUR behavior, you idiots.
“I mean, it's not like you guys—” I stopped and took a deep breath.
Don't argue with them, find out what this is all about. It's coming from Chad. What is he up to now?
I felt a little surge of triumph.
He couldn't be jealous, could he?
“Oh, we offered.” Brandon gave me a smile.
I smiled back at him. He really was cute, I decided, with the gap in his front teeth and the big jug ears. I'd never paid much attention to him before—why was that?
Because he's one of Chad's inner circle, that's why.
“Yeah,” Rees chimed in. “We care about you, Jordy, and you know, we don't really get to hang out with you that much.” He gave me a wide smile. “I mean, you're not just our fraternity brother, you're a part of our circle, you know?” He touched my hand.
“Circle?” I popped the mushroom into my mouth. “That's sweet. You know, I always kind of got the impression you guys didn't like me very much.”
There, what have you got to say to that?
They exchanged glances. “I don't know why you'd think that,” Rees said slowly. He touched my hand again. “I can't speak for Brandon, but I like you, Jordy.” His hand stayed on top of mine for maybe a beat longer than it should have. “You're smart, and you're funny.”
“Thanks.” I studied his face. He seemed sincere, but I wasn't sure if I could trust him.
“Besides”—Brandon leaned in and lowered his voice—“we're the hottest four gay guys at Beta Kappa—probably in the whole Greek system—and so we have to look out for each other. We owe it to each other to watch out for each other. You know what I mean?”
It was all I could do not to laugh. Sure, it felt good to hear him say it, but
My body had really been changing—the hard work at the gym and the diet and supplements were creating a true miracle, and I'd had to buy some new clothes because my shirts were getting too small—but I was hardly in the league of Chad, or Jeff, or Blair. For that matter, Rees and Brandon were hot guys, but they weren't, either.
“Well, I appreciate it, but nobody needs to worry about me.” I took a sip from my water bottle. “What's the big deal? I meet a hot guy, we hit it off, we go have sex. Isn't that what we do?” I shrugged. “You guys certainly do.”
“Within limits, sure,” Brandon went on. “But—” He looked at Rees for help.
“Every single time you go to Fusions you go home with someone,” Rees finished. “You don't want people to start thinking you're a whore, Jordy. Once you have that reputation, you can
walk it back.”
I looked at him.
You should know
was on the tip of my tongue, but I didn't say it. As I sat there looking at them, another idea began to form in my head. Brandon and Rees were the Supremes to Chad's Diana Ross. Was it possible to turn them against Chad? If Chad didn't have them, he'd be even more dependent on me . . . divide and conquer. It made sense to turn them into allies—and then drive a wedge between them and Chad. And
were making the first overture.
So, Jordy, use this as an opportunity.
“You guys are right,” I said. “And now that I think about it, I have been kind of whorish lately.” I gave them both my most genuine-looking phony smile. “I so appreciate the two of you taking the time to talk to me about this. I promise to dial it back a bit.” I touched Rees's hand. “You have to understand, I'm not used to this. It's all new to me.” I shrugged. “You guys have been hot your whole lives. Me, I was always the fat kid no one noticed. So, the attention kind of goes to my head.”
“I wasn't always hot,” Rees replied.
I frowned at him. “Oh, come on, Rees. You were a jock in high school, weren't you?”
“Yeah,” he replied, looking down at his hands. “I was. But I was carrying some extra weight. Chad pointed it out to me when we were pledges, so I started watching what I ate and doing more cardio.”
“I was skinny,” Brandon added. “Really skinny.”
“I don't believe you.” I speared another cucumber.
“Chad told me to eat more protein and lift heavier weights,” Brandon went on.
“It's worked.” I gave him a big smile. “You both look amazing. Chad really looks out for us, doesn't he?” I pushed my plate away. “If it weren't for him, I'd still be fat.”
“You weren't ever fat, Jordy.” Brandon made a face. “Sure, you weren't in the best shape, but you were always cute. I know I thought so.”
“Me too,” Rees added. He winked at me. “I mean, yeah, now you look amazing, but you were always a cute guy. You always had a nice ass.” He giggled. “Seriously.”
I bit my lower lip. I could hear Chad saying,
“Those shorts make your ass look like a billboard and make that roll around your waist look even bigger than it is.”
I swallowed. “Thanks, guys, I appreciate it. And thanks for the advice.”
“See, Brandon?” Rees finished his grilled cheese. “I told you he wouldn't get mad.” He smiled at me. “Jordy's a great guy.” He frowned. “I don't know why we don't hang out with you more.”
“Because Chad monopolizes him,” Brandon snapped.
I thought.
Could there be dissension in the ranks?
I looked from one to the other. There was definitely something going on with Brandon and Chad, but what? Brandon most likely wouldn't say anything in front of Rees.
Divide and conquer—must get Brandon alone sometime.
Rees looked alarmed at Brandon's disloyalty. “No, I'm sure that's not it. We're all friends and brothers.”
“He does kind of keep us apart,” I mused, trying really hard not to laugh out loud. The whole thing was so absurd. There wasn't anything stopping either Brandon or Rees from ever calling me or making plans with me, and Chad certainly wasn't—unless there was something they weren't telling me. Could Chad really have that kind of power over them? But if they wanted to think that, I wasn't about to stop them. “I wonder why?”
“Because Chad always has to be the center of attention,” Brandon replied. “Haven't you noticed?”
“Brandon!” Rees warned.
“It's true, Rees, and you know it, even if you're too big of a coward to admit it,” Brandon snapped. He turned back to me. “You might as well know, since we're being all friendly now.” His face twisted into a sneer. “Chad's not that wonderful. Nobody could be as wonderful as Chad thinks he is.”
Oh, trust me, I already know that.
“It has to be all about Chad or he won't be a part of it,” Brandon went on. “He's not that much hotter than I am, no matter what he thinks.”
“Brandon!” Rees stared at him, his mouth open.
Brandon gave him a long look. “Sorry,” he mumbled to me. “Forget I said anything.”
I definitely have to get Brandon alone sometime.
I stood up. “Well, this was fun. Thanks, guys—I enjoyed this.” I picked up my tray. “But I really need to get out of here. I've got to meet with my trainer.” I glanced at my watch. “I'll be late if I don't get going.”
“You really do look amazing,” Rees said. “You've done a great job.”
“Call me later, guys, and we'll do something.” I walked away from the table, dumped my trash, and headed outside.
It's working!
I wanted to break into song in the middle of the Quad.
Chad was
He was beginning to realize what he was missing.
My workout went really well—even Jay, my trainer, noticed my good mood. I worked hard for two hours—it was chest and back day. “You're really getting big,” Jay said as I stepped onto the scale after we were finished. “You've gained another three pounds since last week.” He smiled at me. Jay was about forty. He'd competed as a bodybuilder when he was in his twenties and still was in remarkable shape.
“Three pounds?” I frowned, stepping off the scale and looking at myself in the mirror. I pulled my loose shirt tighter around my waist and made a face. “I don't want to get fat again.”
“You aren't fat, Jordy.” Jay shook his head. “Muscle mass is heavier and more compact than fat tissue, how many times do I have to tell you that? If anything, you were getting too thin for a while there. What's your waist size now?”
“I'm wearing 29s.” I kept staring at myself and the pesky roll at my waist.
He laughed. “And you're worried about being fat?” Playfully he punched my shoulder. “Dude, I wear 32s.” He shook his head. “You need to really work on your self-esteem. Now hit the showers.”
There was no one in the locker room when I undressed. I grabbed a towel and headed for the steam room. I stopped in front of the full-length mirror by the steam room door and stared at myself. Was Jay right? I wondered, looking at myself from every angle. Was I being too hard on myself? I reached down and grabbed the roll at my waist. My stomach was flat, and in the overhead lighting I could see the abdominal muscles. I flexed them, and they popped out. I stuck a finger in between two of them. I still needed to drop some fat weight, I decided. I grinned at myself and opened the steam room door. It was empty, and I plopped down on the lower bench. Steam hissed as I leaned back, relaxing. I closed my eyes.

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