Read Gas or Ass Online

Authors: Eden Connor

Gas or Ass (7 page)

Colt wrenched them from my hand. Stuffing them under his thigh, he barked,” Turn around in the seat. Don’t even play me, Shelby. You know damn well you want to. Every time you look my way, those big eyes just eat me up. Do you lie in your bed and get off at night, thinking about me?”

He knew. The guilty flush spreading over my cheeks made denying that I did any such thing impossible.

“I bet you play your games with half-grown boys. Come on up to the big leagues, Shelby. I’m a grown-ass man. No time for little girls.”

The door handle bit into my spine, but I drew one foot onto the seat and swung around in the seat to face him. Colt grabbed my knee and shoved my leg so wide, the tendon connecting my leg to my hip shrieked with pain. Pain I cared nothing about when he let out a low whistle.

“Looks like fucking fire,” he panted, eying the sparse curls covering my mound. “Goddamn, what a pretty pussy.” When he swept his tongue across his lips, I felt the stroke in my slit. “Are you so swollen you hurt, baby?”

His knowing look prompted my admission. “Yes.”

He’s going to touch me.
My pulse sped. I wriggled lower on my spine until my mound peeked above the console. I knew he’d touch me—wanted him to—but I still flinched when he dragged his calloused thumb along my slit.

“See? You’re wet. Feels good, doesn’t it?” The insistent stroke felt too good. Indecently good. Better than good.

Arousal surged through me when he shoved his sunglasses on top of his head. Now I could see the heat in his eyes again. What was wrong with me? Even knowing how cruel he could be, why was I so turned on?

“You want me bad, don’t’cha?” he accused. “Beg me, Shelby. Beg me to get you off and I won’t tell your mama about her little cock tease daughter. Baby, don’t’cha know, I’ll make you come harder than you did?”

I had no doubt that last bit was true.

Staring through my spread thighs, all I could see was his shaft moving through his fist. I couldn’t help imagining that fat cock spreading me wide. That would hurt, but even as I had the thought, I grew wetter. 

Who would know? Did it matter? Colt would lie if it suited him. I wanted to protect my mother. I wanted him to touch me. Two birds, one stone. “Touch me. Make me come.” The guttural tone sounded nothing like my voice.

His grin was one-sided and his eyes flashed. I gasped when he eased his thumb into me. “Goddamn, you’re tight. Ride it, Shelby. Ride that thumb and pretend it’s my cock. Imagine me splitting you wide damn open. Show me how bad you wanna be my girl.”

His girl. Oh, yes, what a way to kill time until I left this god-awful place.

I thrust my hips upward, driving him into my pussy as deep as I could, which wasn’t far—or far enough. He let his thumb slide out of me and pinched my clit. The hard touch sent sparks through me. This was so much better than touching myself. When he pushed inside me again, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the way he circled my entrance.

“Play with your nipples for me, baby sister. One night real soon, I’m gonna crawl in your bed and suck those little tittles all night long. That’s gonna feel so damn good, you’ll crawl on top of me and put my cock right in here,”—he waggled his thumb inside my channel—“and ride me like a fuckin’ stallion.”

Picturing that, I pushed my sweater up. My breasts weren’t big enough to bother wearing a bra, but my nipples stuck out, erect and throbbing. Brutal lust flamed in his eyes when I gripped the tender points. Knowing I’d been the match to light the flame sent my common sense up in smoke.

Doing as he ordered kicked my arousal onto a plane I’d never reached before. I needed to come and I sensed he hadn’t lied. This would be more intense than when I’d gotten off against the door.

I moaned and thrust my hips faster. No matter how I pushed up, he always pulled back. I judged he stopped at the first joint on his big thumb, but he jerked his cock with a desperation equal to mine.

I eyed his girth, wondering how it was possible to get all of that into me. But the wondering drove me higher. If bigger equaled more pleasure, as gossip suggested, could I stand it?

Each slight twist I gave my nipples increased my need until I could barely breathe. Our ragged breaths coated the windows with condensation, shutting out the rest of the world. My need to come made me squirm, but Colt gripped my mound, controlling my movements. Exertion made sweat trickle down my sides and I panted for breath.

Colt jerked out of me, but slid his thumb up to meet his finger. The way he pressed my clit between his fingers sent a strike of lightning through me. I cried out. He gripped my pelvic bone with his fingers, digging into the soft flesh. The forceful move spurred me to grind against his hand. His grip compressed my swollen nub against his palm. My back bowed with the touch. My toes curled. My vision went dark. I shuddered uncontrollably and cried out my release. 

“Fuck, you’re a hot little thing.” Pride raced through me at his approving tone. He touched my clit with his forefinger, rubbing a circle around the throbbing nub. I was too sensitive. I tried to pull away, but had nowhere to go. He changed to a diagonal stroke, fast and light, never slowing to let me catch my breath. “Pretty goddamn pussy. You know you’re about make your big brother blow, don’tcha?” Dark talons of pleasure gripped me again. Lightning flashed in my channel every time he dragged his fingertip over my swollen nub.

With no conscious command from me, my pussy tightened and released, only to tighten again. The hard convulsions made tears sting my eyes. Waves of pleasure dragged me under, but I couldn’t shut out Colt’s dirty words. I crested again, unable to stop my cries.

He ground his palm against my slit. “Dirty little sister, cumming all over big brother’s hand.” I couldn’t stop butting into his palm. I squirmed and panted, begging
to stop, but the waves of pleasure went on and on. Twisting in the starry midnight inside my head, I sensed the dark thrill that gripped me was spurred by his taunts.

Dirty little sister. Two things I’d never been in my life defined me now.

He pulled away at last, leaving my hole opening and closing like a hungry mouth.

He raked his shirt up and pinned it under his chin. He switched his grip, cupping the head of his cock. He twisted his palm fast and hard, like he wanted to wrench his orgasm free. “I bet you’re gonna burn me alive when I finally get my cock insid—gah! Coming.” The last word was a guttural groan. He dropped his head against the headrest, gasping for breath. His hips jerked, but I sensed the motion was caused by the creamy fluid spurting onto his chest, lacing the tanned skin.

He let his head roll in my direction. His lids were heavy and he wore a self-satisfied smile. “This is all you.” He made circles with his palm, rubbing his cum into his chest.

This is all you.
I had no idea what he meant, but the act was primitive and primal, so shocking that I sensed the moment would stay with me forever. He pulled his palm away and reached for me. I was spellbound as he curled his fingers over my mound and pressed the sticky residue against my swollen nether lips. Another primal move I had no idea how to process, but heat from his hand seared me like a brand. I don’t know how long we sat like that. Long enough for every logical thought to burn up and blow away. When he pulled his hand away, my tender inner lips stuck to his skin, like my body didn’t want to let him go.

Something dangerous blazed through me. I didn’t care about Mom. I didn’t care who might drive by.

All I cared about was that he smiled. “Good girl,” he crooned. “Aren’t you proud of how hard you got my cock and how you made me come like a fucking fire hose?”

I’d done that? “Yes,” I gasped.

He broke my gaze. Dropping his head, he lifted off the seat again and tucked himself up.

Realizing I still sprawled, I struggled to turn around in the seat. “Can I have my underwear?”

He flung them into my lap. “I wanted to keep those.” I snatched the panties off my lap and turned them, trying to line up the leg holes so I could put my feet though them. Before I could lift one foot, he dropped the brake and hit the gas.

I managed to pull my underwear up just as he slammed to a stop outside the front entrance of the high school. How close had we been to the school when he’d ordered me to put out or get out? A tenth of a mile? Less? I gave him a dirty look. He gave me an innocent smile.

A bell rang. End of first period, or second? I grabbed my bag and opened the door. He peered into the rear view mirror. “Well, I’ll be damned if it ain’t Brandon McKinna.” I turned and stretched to see out the narrow back glass. A truck similar to Caine’s pulled in behind us.

Colt set the hand brake and climbed out. Jogging to the driver’s side of the truck, he slapped the roof. I managed to get out of the car and moved around the front end on trembling legs. When I reached the sidewalk, I hesitated, unsure what to do. Should I wait, or had he forgotten he’d said he’d go inside with me and give me an excuse for being late? Or lunch money?

There was no way I could remind him of such childish needs.

The guy behind the wheel lowered his window. While the pair chatted, the passenger door opened. I recognized the bright waves that flowed over the shoulders of the young woman who slid out of the truck. The tall blonde was in two of my classes.

“See you later, asshole.” When she rounded the front end of the vehicle, she slapped the hood and grinned. The guy behind the wheel flipped her a bird, returning her smile.

She bounded up to Colt. He threw an arm around her and kissed her cheek. “Hey, girl.”

She slapped his ass and turned away. When she spied me, she smiled. “Late, too? You’re Shelby, right?”

It took an effort to wrench my attention from Colt. “Yes. Isn’t your name Caroline?” Thick eyeliner ringed friendly hazel eyes. Her blue shadow was a shade too blue. A pale nude color shimmered on her lips, outlined in deep burgundy. Overdone perhaps, but I couldn’t deny she was pretty.

“That’s right.” She uttered a heavy sigh and glared at the one-story, concrete-and-plate glass building. “Let’s do this.”

“I-I was waiting for Colt. He’s supposed to tell them in the office why I’m late.”

She squinted from me to Colt while I shivered in the slight breeze. “How in the world do you know Colt Hannah?”

Pride made me snap. “I live with him.” Her mouth rounded. I hurried to add, “He’s my stepbrother.”

Her perfectly plucked brows rose briefly. “Huh, so Dale got married? Well, honey, he and my stepbrother are talking about the race this weekend, so I reckon you’d better let me write you a note.” She jerked a notebook from the stack of books in her arms. “Got a pen? What’s your mama’s name?” She pointed to one of the benches near the front doors. I followed her and took a seat on the concrete slab. Colt never spared a glance in my direction.

She folded the piece of paper with a flourish and held it out. I accepted the note with numb fingers. I was an idiot. A fool to think he’d do anything but use me.

No, I’m using him.
Mocking laughter echoed in my head. Me, laughing at me. I had no idea what I was doing.

Another vehicle turned in and stopped behind the pickup. The tardy arrival got out of a minivan. The slender guy wore jeans and a polo shirt. He sauntered up to the bench where we sat. “How ya doin’, Caroline?”

He looked a lot like someone I’d have dated at my old high school, thin, with nerdy glasses. Safe.


The baritone yell made the kid look over his shoulder. To my astonishment, Colt pushed his sunglasses on top of his head. “Me?” the young boy squeaked, pointing to his chest.

“Yes, you,” Colt barked. “Move along, son. You ain’t man enough to handle any of that.”

My mouth fell open. Caroline broke into peals of giggles. From the corner of my eye, I saw the poor guy’s cheeks redden, but he turned away and scurried into the school. The guy in the truck shook with laughter.

Colt winked—
at me?—
and jogged to the Corvette. Gunning the motor, he roared away.

“Dumb ass has a crush on me.” Caroline sighed. My heart stuttered, because I thought she meant Colt, but she narrowed her eyes at the younger guy’s back as he hurried through the front door. “Such a pest.”

Turning, she waved at the guy in the truck until the vehicle disappeared from sight. Stretching her legs, she sighed. I eyed her leggings and red cowboy boots. Her skirt had to be a dress code violation. “Guess we gotta go inside. If I miss any more days, I can’t graduate.”

Every step made me more aware of the sticky reside coating my inner thighs. What had I done?

The lady in the office accepted my note without question and gave Caroline’s skirt a dark look, but said nothing. Caroline smirked when we left the office. At the first hallway to the left, she slowed. “I won’t be in third period. Gotta talk to the guidance lady. I’ll see you at lunch?” I nodded. “Meet you at your locker.”

I made it to my third period class, took a seat in the back, and opened my textbook. Staring at the page while the teacher’s voice droned, I went over and over the morning in my mind.

Had to be a dream. My mother would never have loud, screaming sex when she knew two younger males and me were in the house. She just wouldn’t. And I wouldn’t masturbate when I knew my stepbrothers stood on the other side of the door. I sure as hell wouldn’t do the things I’d done with Colt. Gas or ass? I’d have laughed and told him I was going to be late if he didn’t stop horsing around.

The ache in my channel called me a liar on top of everything else I’d become.

So, how had it happened?

I couldn’t lie to myself. It happened because I wanted it to happen. The minute I’d laid eyes on my stepbrothers, I hadn’t been able to think of anything else. They were just too damn good-looking. Add that to all the fucking Dale and Mom were doing, was it any wonder I had sex on the brain?

One night real soon, I’m gonna crawl in your bed and suck those little tittles all night long

Would it happen tonight?

I didn’t have money for lunch, but headed to my locker to meet Caroline when the bell rang. A woman stood at the end of the hallway behind the front office. “Shelby? Got a few minutes, dear?”

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