Read Gone By Online

Authors: Beatone Hajong

Gone By (45 page)

“Well I would love to try it”.

“Yeah! we got to try tomorrow” she added.

“Do you see that angry waves. They are waiting for us” I said.

She gave a brief smile.

“Yeah! we going to hunt them the next day” she added.

The light of the crescent moon reflected sharply from the surface of the sea water. It twinkled around the whole area. Gradually the crowd began to fade away from the spot. All were under the roof of DJ. The dance floor began to glitter with all sorts of lights. We were still seated on that same place.

“Should we move in” her voice seemed insisting.

We began to walk towards the porch area.

“So your Dad is a Librarian” asked Isha.

“He loves to collect books”.

“What about your Mom?”.

“She used to be a professor but she quit that Job”.

“Why did she quit?” Isha was keen to know about that.

“Well, after I was born she had to look after the family, maybe that’s the reason why she quit”. We were in the  front porch of the DJ club house. A bartender came up and offered us a glass of Drinks. We had to ignore the offer as we had been already drunk. We walked into the club and roomed ourselves.

“Do you want to dance” I asked her.

She was way out of sense. Perhaps the effect of wine began to act on her.

“ No..I just want to go home” she added.

Her voice seemed unclear. I realized she was under the effect of slight percent of alcohol. I thought it would be better we return back to our hotel.

“Hey, Isha let’s get back to hotel”.

She fell off on my shoulder. She leaned her whole weight on me. I could handle her somehow. Grasped her tight at her waist. Her right hand above my shoulder. We shuffled to walk back to our hotel which was just few minutes walking distance.

“Are you ok” I forwarded myself to know.

“Yeah I’m just fine” said Isha forcefully.

It seemed she didn’t want to speak out. Perhaps the effect of the wine had gone so far she was completely under its influenced. She had just asked me to carry her to the hotel room. We were just few yards away from the main entrance of the hotel. Her intoxicated nature floated before her eyes. I could glimpse at her red eyes, which was so dull enough to look at. Her whole mind under the effect of wine diverted to think in a straight way instead for that moment she had no knowledge what she had been murmuring out. For me too it went unknown what she had spoken on the way back to hotel. But, I had managed her to bring back at least up to the front porch of the hotel building. The main gate was open. Climbed few steps up to reach the front portion of the hotel. The reception door was opened by the door guard. Handled her carefully until I could take back the keys from the receptionist. Managed to put her up into the elevator. I pressed the button and ascended higher. She had been resting her head on my body. She spoke nothing. Her eyes closed. I could feel the strength which she lost. The elevator stopped at our floor. Carried her up on both of my arms and walked towards her room. On reaching her room somehow I managed to unlock handling her carefully. With no further delay I placed her on her bed. By then she was completely asleep. Covered her with blanket, made her feel comfort. The last thing I could do before I had left for my room was to kiss on her forehead. She was silent all through the time. Lost into the world of complete darkness, where dreams spoke more than the reality. I stood there for some minutes watching her sleeping. For few seconds I thought what has happened to me. I began to realize, began to sort within myself. What’s the truth I knew not. Maybe I had fallen for her now. I knew my past wouldn’t be back anymore, all I could do was to go on with my life. I silently shuffled out of her room. Closed it and walked off. I had the diary in my hand but I had missed the pen in her room. Ignored to get it back and didn’t return to her room. My room was just adjacent to her. I unlocked and walked in. I stood silence for a while and gave a brief glance at my diary. I shifted and sat on the edge of the bed. I had the diary, flipped some pages. Words written by her were before my eyes. Eventually it looked very beautiful. Isha had a wonderful handwriting. On my mind I began to appreciate her more than ever before. Just a week she has, and here was I with my heart secretly fallen for her. I wanted to write more that night. I began to look out for a pen out of my bag. I couldn’t even think of anything that moment of my life other than writing the story of my life. Though for me writing was a new thing I had the pen and paper right before my eyes. What made me inclined with interest into my diary I could know only one reason about that. The only reason was my intense love for Anannya. For so long she had been the real cause of my life and the genuine reason for what am I today. I turned the empty page of my dairy. Continued to write from where Isha had halted.











Twenty Six



Feb 2010, I was with her the whole day. I had to return back to my institution. Like always she had come to drop me to the station. I returned back with her memories. Time to spent away from her. Every moment I had shared with her were the best part of my life. I didn’t fail to make her a promise. I had given her the words I would write her every week. Everything that goes on here I would write her like the story tale. I returned with heavy heart. Not because she was far away from me. The reason would be the life which I had been living. Is distance a barrier in love, I knew not where I would land my heart. My whole heart stayed away from her while I always thought of being close to her. But how could this distance between us be the enemy line, such separation of hearts burnt us inside. After reaching, that night I had written another letter to her. In every letters I began to narrate her whole of my life which I had been going through. Like always I sat on my study table and wrote her a letter.


Dear Anannya,


I was so happy today. You won’t be able imagine how happy I’m today. The moment I saw you I felt my life was complete. I wish you were here with me. I would have decorated my whole room for you. Sing a song for you, would write a poem for you. But, I do miss all my dreams I have for you. I had the best day of my life with you today. I will remember this day forever. I would always need you by my side. In every walk of my life I would dedicate my heart to you. I know it’s been hard for us being away from each other and I understand the crest of endurance. But, trust me one day we will be together. That day is not far from us. You’ll always be the queen of heart. You’re the first and last thought of my life. You’ll always be a part of my life. While returning I was thinking about you. Your every words you spoke whirled around my head and I couldn’t stop myself to write you. My day would be the same here without you but with you by my side, it can change and bring that gleam. No matter how far you maybe I’ll see you soon.





I had posted the letter the next day. So, my everyday routine was the same. Except for a time when it comes to write a letter to her. Gradually, we began to communicate more in terms of writing letters rather talking over phone and through social sites. After every writing I would sent her, the only thing I could wait patiently was her reply back. Apart from writing to her I began to reconstruct my mind in the field of writing. In course of my free time I began to write any sort of fictional stories which came up on my mind. I had started blog on my own. Gradually I began to deliver them into the cyber world. Days passed on with no response from her. I was still waiting for her letter like every other day I did. Every night began to last longer and the days turned dark before my eyes. Every steps of my life was tormented being away from her. I intended to know what has happened to her. I thought of writing another letter to her concerning about her.

It was Sunday afternoon. I was seated in my table holding a pen and paper. When then a knock came up to my door. The knock was loud enough to pull my attention towards it. I hurried to open to response for it.

“Sir there’s a letter for you” a man said.

I took the letter for his hand. He took a signature on a pad and walked off for the other deliveries. I tore the opening of the envelope. A letter from her, which I had wished for so long. Finally my patient waiting had paid off. I sat back to my table and placed on it. I could notice she had written a long letter, somehow she had managed within that page. Her writing seemed very attractive this time. She had changed her pen ink. The whole letter was blooming an effect of blue colour. I was captivated to read with interest.


Dear Beatone,


After reading you last letter, I almost had the chance to change my life. I never knew you’d be so wonderful person. A prayer I made for you. You every letter touches my heart and I can’t wait to read your next. As usual my life has been the same without you. Last Sunday I had you with me, I wonder this Sunday who would be by my side. I would treasure the time we had spent the last time. I wish you be fine with every walk of your life. How hard it must for you like it’s for me. A day I always think of when you and me would be forever as one. Here the things goes the same until you come to change that moment of my life.

To be honest, I miss you the most. Sometimes I stand on my terrace watching the moon passing through the clouds. When then I would think about you a lot who would stand by my side holding my hand. I realized your words do keep me strong. Every thought of my life it begins with you. I can’t stop to summon upon you. A reason you showed me to live again. Since the time I had began to live my life with happiness it’s you who added the flavour and nurtured me.

You’re the first Man with whom I have been in true love than ever. Indulging every beat of my heart I pray for you every night and day. I still remember when I first met you. That corridor where we had our first eye contact. You were shy like I was. But, then we finally made it. And here we are today with the immense affection for one another. I always dream we be as one soul. So far yet so near you’re to my heart. Though we began to write letters to each other, I loved your every idea you have. After all, love is all I want from you. That’s the reason my life had chosen you. With strong determination I would never let go. I would wait for your next writing.





I couldn’t wait to fall in tears. I had folded back the letter to envelope. Added to my collection into the drawer. I couldn’t resist that moment but wanted to talk to her. I instantly dialled her number. From the other end I could hear the phone ringing.

“Hey” said Anannya.

“I just received your letter”.

“Did you read it” she interrogated.

“Yeah!..I just can’t say. I promise you I’ll never let you down” I added

She spoke nothing for seconds.

“I always thought to have a good man by my side and you’re that” she replied after minutes pause.

“I have been missing you very much”.

“Me too”.

“Your letter did touched me from the core..and I have no words how to appreciate and describe you..but to love you even more”.

“’s that so” she smiled.

“Yeah! I’m more deeper in love with you”.

“It’s the same for me” she responded quickly.

“I would wait for your next letter”.

“I would love to write the next as quickly as possible” said Anannya.


We hanged the phone. That was after weeks I had talked to her. Indeed, I felt very enthused after that conversation. That night I had a dream about her. Her every words did revolved around in my head. The way she addressed me in her letter were very charming. I thought of writing far more better in every letter I would write to her. I pondered every day and night about our relation. I walked out of the room, looked up into the sky.

That night the moon was covered with clouds. It struggled to spread it’s silver line over the earth surface. Within few days I would see the same moon up above my head, and I waited for that full moon day. I stood outside for some time. The silent night accompanied me to add up to my desolation. I felt the breeze blowing from west side. I never thought of everyday’s college hour that I had every morning hour of my life. I began to search of doing something new in life. However I couldn’t do much of my own. I had to wait until I graduate to do on my own. My Dad wanted to see me as the classic engineer. I had a dream of my own and I was on my way to achieve it. I was standing by the edge of the terrace of my building. While above me the moon hovered around. With the passage of the night I finally went to bed. Every next day of my life would go surely empty. Nothing more than the daily life of attending lectures and then back to my room. Was it the life of an engineer supposed to be that way. I had no clue to that. It was the first time I had taken up to be an engineer. I had no measures of idea what an engineering is all about. All I could do was to sit with those bundles of books on my table at the time of examination. The whole month would spare in reading other books, off course not the technical ones. That’s how I began to build up my professional life.

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