Read Guardian of Her Heart Online

Authors: Claire Adele

Tags: #Siren Classic

Guardian of Her Heart (4 page)

They’d cleared the dishes when the doorbell rang. Mike answered the door. Melissa took a deep, steadying breath and followed.

They all took seats in the living room. She waited for the men to say what was on their minds.

Tall, lanky Derek swiped his fingers through the sandy-colored hair that reached his jawline. He wore a blue plaid shirt, jeans, and boots. “We have a plan to catch those guys. We want to run it by you two. If you don’t like it, we’ll figure out something else.”

Melissa nodded and waited for him to continue as she glanced at their friend Juan. He was of medium build and height, and his long black hair reached his shoulders, but today, he had it secured with a piece of leather lacing. He wore a black, short-sleeved knit shirt, jeans, and boots.

Derek glanced at Juan. “We think Tito Gonzalez will try again.”

“His son and wife are staying at the shelter,” she offered. He’s furious with me for preventing him from dragging them home with him. As far as I’m concerned, they can stay until they find a better situation.”

Derek nodded. “What we want to do is hang near the shelter and keep an eye out for Tito. If you’ll go about your usual schedule, we’re sure he’ll show up again soon. When he does, we’ll nab him.”

“I don’t like it,” Mike protested. “It puts Melissa in too much danger. Why not keep an eye on the shelter and send out a bulletin to everyone to look for their car? Let the police take care of it.”

“We think our way will work faster.”

“I agree,” Melissa said. “The sooner he’s off the streets, the better for his wife and son and everyone else. I’ll be safe at the shelter with my security guard and Angie watching the security cameras. After all, he didn’t try to kidnap me there.”

Mike shook his head. “There’s no telling what he’ll do next. But if that’s what you want,”—he gave Melissa a questioning look—“that’s what we’ll do. But I insist on staying close to you.”

“Just so you don’t scare him off,” Juan said.

“I’ll do my damnedest to stay hidden,” Mike assured them.

Derek rose from his seat. “Good, then we have a plan. It’ll be best if you go about your normal routine, Melissa.”

“That won’t be a problem,” she said.

Mike gave a sound of doubt.

Melissa couldn’t help it if Mike didn’t like it. She couldn’t allow Tito Gonzalez to threaten the crisis center.

* * * *

Mike pulled out of his driveway on the hill to pick up Melissa. He could see the front lawn of Melissa’s Haven, her child crisis center, a few blocks away. Derek and Juan sat in their car, watching from across the street.

After they’d arrived that afternoon to take their turn watching, Mike left the shelter to change clothes and catch up on his business.

He had plenty of clients, but always in the back of his mind was the desperate need to know who supplied his mother the drugs and the overdose that caused her death. He’d find the damned monster responsible for selling her drugs and see him convicted for maximum prison time.

From now on, he’d follow Melissa home every night and stay with her. No sense in taking chances.

He parked the Jag a block from the shelter. Walking toward the front door, he signaled to Derek and Juan across the street. Juan’s dark green Grand Prix rumbled to life, and they took off.

Mike’s cell rang. He took it from his jeans pocket. “Yeah?”

“Didn’t see hide nor hair of Tito or his friends,” Derek said.

“Thanks. I’ll keep tabs now and take a walk around the area.”

“Be careful.”

“Aren’t I always?” Mike closed the cell and put it back in his pocket. Darkness had settled in. He headed for the front door and knocked. Angie Silva, Melissa’s assistant, answered the door and let him in. “How’s it going?”

“Good,” Angie said. “No problems today, so far. I’ll get Melissa for you.”

Mike nodded. Angie headed toward the hallway, her black mane contrasting sharply with her pale skin, white shirt, and light blue jeans. Angie had a cool head, and he trusted her to contact Juan and Derek in an emergency if she couldn’t reach him.

Mike glanced around the small, cheerfully painted front room that served as a waiting area for parents dropping off kids when necessary or picking them up when possible. He knew that some kids went home with one or the other of their parents on the weekends, and for that reason, Friday evenings could be the most difficult time at the shelter.

The need for a child crisis center just showed how love died after a while in many marriages because of fighting. Just like his parents’ marriage. Sometimes the verbal fights turned dangerous with physical abuse from one or both partners. He’d caught his father hitting his mother more than once.

With no moms or dads in the waiting room this evening, those living at the shelter remained quiet. Angie would help them make dinner and see that everyone, including the women there, headed for their beds early. Since Angie also slept at the shelter, she was a godsend for Melissa.

Melissa breezed into the bright waiting room, a confident look on her face.

“Hi,” Mike said, smiling at her. “I hear everything’s quiet so far.”

“Yes, no problems today,” she said.

“Good. Are you ready to head home?”

“Give me a few more minutes to make sure everything is in order, and I’ll be ready.”

“I’m going to have a look outside. Wait for me in here, okay?”


“You’re keeping the doors locked, right?”

She gave him a disgusted smile. “Of course. Don’t we always?”

“Just checking.” Mike stepped outside. Senses alert, he took in his surroundings. Jogging toward the side of the center, he headed around the back and along the opposite side street to the front. Everything looked normal.

The familiar hum of an engine raised the hair on the back of his neck. That sound belonged to the sedan Tito’s friend drove last night.

Mike ducked behind the thick shrubs hugging the front of the building. In the shadows behind the bushes, he shape-shifted to his wolf form. Every molecule in his body vibrated with electricity in the zing of change. Maybe a brush with a wolf would discourage those guys from coming around.

The car stopped, and the sound of doors closing indicated Tito had at least one pack member with him. Their footsteps sounded on the sidewalk leading to the door.

Mike sprang in front of Tito. At his surprised yell, his friend ran back to the car, slamming the door shut.

Mike sensed chilling danger. “Why are you hanging around here?” Growling with menace, he slashed at Tito’s arms and legs.

Tito spun, stumbled, regained his footing and ducked inside the car. His friend gunned the motor, and they sped away.

Mike turned as the door of the shelter opened. Lunging for the shadows at the side of the house, he narrowly avoided being discovered. He shifted back to his human form. After checking to see his clothing was straight, he strode to the front door.

Chapter Three

“I thought I heard an argument out here,” Melissa said.

Mike nodded. He hated lying to her, but he couldn’t tell her the truth. Not yet. “Tito showed. Before I could snag him, a big dog chased him into his car. He and his friend took off. Wait inside. I’ll call Derek.”

Melissa nodded and closed the door behind her.

Mike made the call. “Derek, they stopped by just now but took off before I could do anything. They’re headin’ downtown. See if you can spot ’em.”

Mike put away his cell and went inside. Melissa waited alone in the front room.

“So, what happened?”

“Nothing much. They’re gone now, but you need a bodyguard as well as your security man twenty-four-seven. Where is he?”

“Paul? I asked him to make sure the back door was locked.”

“Good, but you need someone up front at the same time.”

“All right. How about you? I feel safer with you here anyway.”

Mike feared spending that much time near Melissa would be torture. He ached to make her his. How could he keep his needs under control if he was around her every day and night?

He couldn’t refuse her. “If you’re sure you want me?” Hell. He faced pure torture. “I have a cousin who makes a great bodyguard.”

She shook her head. “No, I’d rather you took the job. That is, if you have time.”

He smiled at her. “I have time. That’s no problem.” The problem was he couldn’t keep his hands off her. Wanted to bury himself deep in her slick heat.

* * * *

Melissa switched on the dishwasher. With Mike helping, it hadn’t taken any time to clean up the kitchen after dinner. She turned and smiled at him. Light playing in his eyes, he smiled back. He was the sexiest guy she’d ever known. She wanted him to make love to her, now.

Why was that all she could think about when he was around? She knew his lovemaking would be beyond anything she’d experienced before. He’d already proven it by making her feel things she’d never felt with other men she’d kissed.

This time, she wanted him inside her. He probably kept a condom in his wallet. His wallet was still in his jeans pocket, and his jeans hugged the tightest, sexiest butt. With that thought, her face heated.

She looked into his topaz eyes and recognized the stark hunger there. He wanted her, too. She slid her hands around his hips and squeezed his firm butt. “Mike…”

With his arms wrapped around her, he growled deep in his chest. Lowering his head, he looked into her eyes until their lips met. At the soft brush of his warm lips over hers, Melissa closed her eyes and hummed with pleasure.

He reached to turn off the light. She was glad since she didn’t want her neighbors watching through the kitchen window. She breathed in, and his scent made her head spin.

His kiss becoming more passion
filled, he hugged her closer. Suddenly, he broke the kiss and swept her off her feet and into his arms. “Where would you like to go?” he asked.

Melissa circled his neck with her arms and considered his question. Did it matter? “I don’t have any particular place in mind. How about you?”

“Let’s start in the bedroom.” He headed down the hall to her room.

The way he held her, so effortlessly, Melissa felt light as a feather. He set her on her feet in front of her dresser and stepped behind her. She watched him in the dresser mirror as he pulled his knit shirt off, baring his magnificent chest and torso. She couldn’t wait to run her hands over his golden skin.

Should she unbutton her blouse?

He swiped a hand through his black hair and rested his hands on her shoulders. “Do you want me to help you?”

The thought of him undressing her sent a rush of aching desire to spread deep in her belly. “Yes.”

He moved close enough behind her that his erection nudged between her hips. She hissed in a breath at the erotic sensation.

His capable hands pulled her blouse from her jeans and unbuttoned the lower buttons. The touch of his fingers over her stomach made her shiver. She glanced in the mirror. His naked, broad shoulders and tapering torso framed her body. He worked his way up her blouse until all the buttons were undone. Parting the edges, he unhooked her bra. She shuddered as his fingers grazed the valley between her breasts. His hands spread open the garments and cupped her breasts, tweaking and flicking her nipples.

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