Hagen, Lynn - Hawk's Pretty Baby [Brac Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (2 page)

“I’ll take you anywhere you want to go, pretty baby.” Johnny shivered when Hawk ran a finger across his nape. He leaned into it, wanting desperately to be loved. Hawk seemed to want to love him.

Johnny jumped up. People may call him stupid, but he wasn’t stupid enough to think a guy like Hawk liked him. The guy was just being nice, right? He scratched at his head as he spotted Tank standing off in the distance watching them. Tank was safe because Johnny hadn’t ever wanted to lick

He sidestepped Hawk as he scuttled over to Tank. Some weird feeling was making Johnny want to circle right back around and crawl onto Hawk’s lap.
Yeah, and then the man kicks your butt for touching him like that.

“You okay, buddy?” Tank’s brows were drawn together as he stared at Johnny.

“Just peachy.” Johnny’s cheeks hurt from the big fake smile he was wearing. Showing teeth and all. Only he didn’t feel like smiling.

“You know Hawk won’t hurt you? I would never bring anyone around you that would.” Tank stepped away from Johnny, making him feel like he was in school all over again, the kids treating him like a disease.

Johnny threw his hands into the air, he just gave up. No use wishing the man on the bench wanted him or hoping Tank wasn’t treating him like an outcast. Making friends was just too dang hard. Having no friends was lonely but easier.

He would go home and face Sean. Johnny winced at the idea of telling Sean he got another hospital bill. His brother wasn’t very understanding. Another one would be sent in the mail once Sean took his anger out on Johnny for going to the hospital in the first place. At this point, Johnny didn’t really care. He was just so tired. No matter what he did, Sean would hit him, so there was no use stalling any longer.

“And where are you taking off to?” Hawk asked from behind him.

Johnny screamed like a girl when he was lifted into the air, his arms flailing around for something solid to hold onto.

“I got you, pretty baby. Let’s go see Cecil.” The tall man folded him into his arms.

Johnny clung to the big man as he was carried to the hospital parking lot. Whether he would get his butt kicked or not, Johnny nestled into Hawk’s neck, inhaling deeply. His penis grew hard again. He moaned softly. He was going to get creamed for this.

Chapter Two

Hawk felt as if the world were right for the first time in his life. Now that his mate was in his arms, he felt what he hadn’t known he was missing.

Tank must have known Johnny was his mate because when his little man approached the warrior, Tank was smart enough to step back. Hawk would kill a rock for Johnny, and the warrior knew this.

He set his mate on the seat in the back of the SUV and then climbed in behind him. Hawk grinned when Johnny scooted closer to him. His mate felt the pull. Taking a chance, Hawk sat Johnny on his lap. The little guy didn’t fight him.

“Why do I want to curl up like a pill bug and lick your face?” Johnny asked. Those enormous blue-gray eyes had Hawk sinking deep into an abyss. One thing that caught Hawk’s attention was the emaciated state his mate was in. If this was how he took care of himself, that responsibility would no longer be Johnny’s.

“I’ll explain all of that to you later. Can you trust me for now?” He chuckled at his mate.

Johnny nodded, curling into Hawk’s lap. Cradling his mate, Hawk felt ten feet tall.

“Where are we?” Johnny asked as they pulled into the gravel drive.

“Home, where you belong.”

As they entered, noise was ricocheting off the walls. The music was blasting, video games going while Micah and Storm, two Sentry wolves, were playing a round of nine ball at the pool table. It was a normal day in the Alpha’s house, but Johnny wasn’t used to all this noise, and Hawk knew he didn’t like strangers.

“Silence!” Hawk bellowed out in a deep commanding voice, which carried over all the chaos. The music was muted, the video game paused, and silence blanketed the room.

All eyes were on the man in Hawk’s arms.

Hawk growled, pulling Johnny closer to him, staking his claim in front of every Sentry in the room. There were only six Sentries at present while the other six were out on patrol. Hawk was sure his claim would be related to the rest. He nodded, taking his mate up the flight of stairs two at a time.

* * * *

Cody stared after his Commander, his jaw hanging open. “Oh, shit. Hawk found his mate.”

“Yeah, and if you thought he was a prick before now, just wait.” Tank laughed. If Hawk’s reaction at the hospital was anything to go by, they were all in trouble.

Their Commander was six four and two hundred and fifty-five pounds of ancient warrior. As with their Alpha, Maverick, when Hawk entered a room, the elements bent time and space around him. He exuded power and authority. His body mass ate up oxygen. Long, blue-black hair ran down his back in a plait, and he had eyes so green they resembled the color of Tourmaline Gemstones. Hawk was swift and fierce, bringing down pain in milliseconds. Nobody crossed the wolf.

“Something tells me the only one safe is that kid in his arms.” Remi shuddered. That was one scary thought.

happens to be Johnny, Cecil’s good friend,” Tank interjected.

Remi groaned. “For Pete’s sake, all big bad warriors run and hide because the little guys are going to get us killed.” He shook his head, unpausing the game.

“Hey, you cheater.” Jasper swatted at Remi, missing him by inches.

“Don’t mess with my man, Remi. I’ll let him kick your ass.” Cody kissed Jasper on the lips, swatting his butt playfully.

Jasper winked at Cody, returning to his game.

Remi couldn’t believe that Cody and Jasper weren’t mates. They’ve been best friends for over two hundred years and adored each other. Fate was a cruel bitch. Cody treated his redheaded lover like a king…queen…whatever.

Remi narrowed his silver eyes on Jasper. He was gonna wipe that wink out of his eye when he kicked his rear at this game. Remi was actually fond of Jasper. He was the queen around here and just dared anyone to comment on it. How he hooked up with a muscle head like Cody, Remi could never guess. Dude did have cool hair, though. Remi had never seen multicolored hair before, but Cody rocked it.

“Get ready to cry and eat bonbons, Jasper. You’re going down.”

“Eat dust.” Jasper laughed as he kicked Remi’s ass.

* * * *

Hawk took Johnny to his room upstairs. He wanted peace and quiet to get to know his mate better. Hawk hadn’t put him down since leaving the SUV. It’s not like the man weighed more than a feather. He was going to rectify that. Hawk couldn’t stand to see him so malnourished. His skin stretched tight over his skeletal frame. “Are you hungry, pretty baby?”

Johnny nodded his head, licking his lips. A spark flared in his eyes, but was it for food or him? “What do you want, love?” Johnny actually blushed. Guess that answered Hawk’s question. “To eat.” Johnny giggled. “Food.” Hawk clarified further.

His mate shrugged his shoulders. “What am I allowed to have?”

Huh? Allowed?
“What do you have a taste for? Food.” Hawk quickly added on as he let the wide grin span across his face. Did he have a wild pup?

The tip of Johnny’s little pink tongue stuck out as he thought about it, and Hawk groaned. His pretty baby was going to drive him crazy. He watched the little appendage slide across the bottom lip, moistening as it caressed. Hawk imagined other places it could slide across. He straightened, clearing his throat and shifting his hips to hide his erection. Johnny would have to be taken care of first before Hawk claimed him, starting with putting some padding on those bones. The pull to bind Johnny was strong, but Hawk could resist for a while. His mate’s health came first.

“Pizza. Am I allowed to have pizza?” Johnny balled his fists up and tapped them together in excitement.

“Pizza it is. What do you want on it?” Hawk saw the puzzled look his mate gave him.
Please tell me the guy has eaten pizza before.

“Doesn’t all pizza come with mushrooms?” He looked at Hawk like he was daft.

“You can have anything you want on it.” Hawk listed the different common toppings and a few uncommon ones, Johnny’s eyes grower larger as the list continued.

“No way! I can put pineapples and black olives on it?” He covered his mouth with his hands, giggling. Holy shit, Hawk wanted him. He was too sexy and adorable for words.

“Yes way, whatever you want. Is that your choice?” Johnny’s headed bobbed up and down, his body jumping excitedly. Hawk lifted Johnny an inch to relieve his cock from the bouncing bandit. He set his mate on the window seat and pulled his cell phone out.

“Micah, I want you to get me a large pineapple and black olive pizza with extra cheese. Throw in some cheesy breadsticks and…hold on.” Hawk covered the mouthpiece. “What kind of soda do you want, pretty baby?”

Johnny was acting like it was Christmas, his little fists pounding together again as he bounced up and down on his knees. “Orange. Orangeorangeorange.”

Hawk chuckled, removing his hand from the phone. “Yeah, you heard that? Orange soda it is. Thanks. Just bring it up when it gets here. No! You guys better not fucking touch it!” Hawk hung up the phone. Greedy bastards. He slid it back in his jeans.

He reached for his mate only to find Johnny cringing in the corner of the window seat. Hawk lowered himself to his knees. “Come here, pretty baby. I’m not going to hurt you or let anyone else. Don’t be afraid of me.” Hawk opened his arms as Johnny scrambled across the cushion to get into them. He sat down, petting his hair. “I would never hurt you. Hawk yells a lot, but never at you. Okay?”

Johnny’s head nodded in short bursts, clinging to Hawk’s chest. There was a knock at the door as Alpha Maverick walked in. Hawk continued to stare into gorgeous blue-gray eyes. “Yes, Alpha?” He was bonding with his mate right now, so what could be so important to be interrupted?

“I have an irate brother at my front door wanting that young man returned to him.” Maverick tipped his head toward Johnny.

Johnny whimpered and pulled tighter at Hawk.

Hawk growled and squeezed his mate close to him, giving him reassurance. There was no way his mate was leaving him. “Tell him to piss off. Johnny is mine.”

“You know better than that. This has to be handled. How old is he?”

“Eighteen. Old enough to make his own decisions.” Hawk noticed Johnny’s fingers twisting in his shirt. He dipped his head to Johnny’s ear, “It’s okay, pretty baby. That’s Cecil’s boyfriend.” He kissed Johnny’s temple.

“Johnny, I need you to tell me if you want to stay with Hawk or go with your brother? Whatever you decide, I’ll make sure it happens.”

Hawk rubbed his mate’s back as Maverick knelt down in front of Johnny. The little guy was trembling, clinging to Hawk’s shirt with his face hidden in the fabric. The little guy mumbled into his shirt. “Hawk.”

“So you are deciding to stay with Hawk?”

Johnny nodded.

“I need you to say yes or no,” Maverick stated.

“He gave you his answer, Alpha. He—”

“Don’t take that tone with me, Commander. I need to hear in clear, spoken words what Johnny wants. I won’t have this coming back to bite me or Johnny on the ass. I’m looking out for him”—his Alpha pointed at Johnny—“and making sure his wishes are abided by.”

Johnny raised his head and spoke clearly, “I. Want. To. Stay. With. Hawk.” Hawk smiled as Johnny spoke to Maverick as if he were daft.

“So be it. Hawk, get ready for a battle. I don’t think his brother is going to give up so easily.”

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