Hagen, Lynn - Stormy Eyes [Brac Pack 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (12 page)

“It will be an hour before it’s ready. Massage his limbs, Storm,” Maverick instructed.

Remi ran back in, an aloe rub in his hand, and he gave it to Storm to use on his mate. Storm accepted it, squirting out a large amount then rubbing his hands together. Next Cody came back in with the menthol. He added a few drops to Storm’s lotioned hands.

Storm rubbed Kyoshi’s wrists. That seemed to be the part of his body that was trying to shift first. He ran the lotion between his mate’s fingers, rubbing the healing balm over the pads of his fingers. Keeping the sheet over his mate’s groin, he began to massage his legs, calves, and ankles. Storm would have preferred privacy, but with his dragonfly changing, he needed his pack.

Storm turned Kyoshi over, massaging his back and shoulders. Gunnar finally brought the tea in. Storm turned Kyoshi back around, lifting him gently as Gunnar tipped the cup forward.

Kyoshi parted his lips and took a sip. His tongue came out and licked a line across his bottom lip. “Come on, dragonfly. You have to drink,” he encouraged. Kyoshi’s eyes squinted with pain.

“It hurts.”

“I know, baby. We’re trying to make things as painless as possible for you.” Storm had him take a few more sips before Gunnar pulled the mug away and sat it on the nightstand.

They all gasped when Kyoshi’s arms and legs shifted into orange colored fur with stripes before shifting back.

“Was that a cat?” Remi asked in shock.

“I think so.” Storm stared wide eyed down at his mate. The idea of Kyoshi being a cat was a lot to take in.

Storm began to worry. The first shift could be deadly. His throat constricted at the thought of losing his dragonfly. Too many things could go wrong. Maverick reached down to caress Kyoshi’s leg to examine the change, and Storm growled.

Maverick held his hand up to silence him. “I am not touching your mate in a sexual manner. I am trying to figure out what’s going on with him. Relax, wolf.”

Storm pulled Kyoshi tighter to his chest. He knew what his Alpha was doing was normal when the first shift was coming on, but he didn’t have to like it. Great care had to be given. Storm could lose Kyoshi.

“He should be shifting fully soon,” Maverick informed him when he straightened.

Kyoshi screamed to the ceiling, his body twisting as the shift took place. Storm jumped from the bed, giving his mate the room he would need.

“Holy shit,” someone shouted as Kyoshi stared up at the room.

Storm’s jaw hit his chest as he stared at his mate.

“Well, this is interesting.” Maverick chuckled.

* * * *

Kyoshi blinked up at Storm, trying to speak, but only a yowl came out. He shook his head back and forth, trying one more time.

“Can you understand me?” Storm asked as he slowly approached him.

Kyoshi nodded his head up and down.

“You’re beautiful,” Storm whispered as he dropped to his knees, reaching out to Kyoshi.

“For a cat.” Remi snickered.

Kyoshi looked over at Remi. A cat? Kyoshi looked down at his feet, which were no longer feet. He had paws!

“Looks like you don’t need me.” A stranger walked into the room. Kyoshi hissed, standing in front of Storm.

“He’s trying to protect you. How cute.” Hawk chuckled.

“Will you guys shut up?” Storm snapped out

“Why didn’t we know, Doc?” Maverick asked.

So this was the wolf physician. Kyoshi tilted his head to study him. He looked human. But then, didn’t they all?

“With this particular breed, the shift happens after they mate and have their first sexual intercourse experience, which I assume has taken place?”

“No more virgin.” Keata beamed up at the doctor. The man smiled at Keata.

“He’s my mate.” Storm was rubbing Kyoshi behind his ears, Kyoshi giving off loud purrs. Kyoshi wanted to make those purrs as he…later.

“That explains it.” The doctor nodded to himself.

“So he had to be a virgin?”

“No, he had to be mated, which involves sex. It brought the change upon him.”

“Here, kitty kitty.” Remi made kissy noises.

“Stop.” Drew elbowed his mate.

“How did he not know?” Storm asked the doctor while they ignored Remi.

Kyoshi licked his paws as he listened to the doctor and the peanut gallery. He knew he was going to get joked on big time for this, but he thought it was cool. A bit scary—okay, a lot scary—but cool. He rolled onto his side, playing with Storm’s pant leg. His mate knelt down, scratching behind his ear as he continued to talk. It felt so good.

“The male carries the shifter gene. His father was obviously a tiger-were.” The doctor continued as Kyoshi nipped at Storm’s fingers.

Storm sounded uncertain. “Is he okay now? I’m not sure with cat creatures.”

“He’s fine, made it through his first shift. It should be a breeze now. You’ll just have to talk him through his next one, show him how. Well, I’m off. Nothing more for me to do.” The doctor shook Maverick’s hand then turned to Storm with a smirk on his face. “Good luck.”

“A tiger-were, huh?” Storm looked down at Kyoshi. “You’re the smallest tiger I’ve ever seen.” His mate cooed at him. Kyoshi batted his hands.
I’ll give you small.
Figures, not even in a shifter form did Kyoshi have enormity. He was certain he looked like the runt of a litter. His mate grinned. “This is going to be fun.”

“Take him out back. Let him stretch his legs.” Maverick ushered them from the room. Storm led him through the kitchen and opened the back door. Kyoshi hesitated.

“It’s okay. I’m coming with you, dragonfly.”

“Still gonna call him that?” Gunnar teased.

“He’ll always be my dragonfly.” Storm sniffed.

Kyoshi poked his head out, sniffing the air and looking around the backyard before sticking one paw out of the door.

“He’s cautious. Good,” Maverick commented.

A couple other wolves joined them outside, and the mates were told to turn their backs as the men stripped down. They were used to being naked in front of each other. It was no big deal when you grew up in a pack, but these were their mates, and they didn’t want them to see the other warriors and their goodies.

“Men.” Maverick warned when a few heads slightly turned to steal a glance.

A few growls erupted then faded, the mates snickering.

“Turn around.” Maverick watched as the mates stood there in awe at the wolves in front of them.

“Will Keata be a tiger, too?” Drew asked. “I wish I could shift. But I’m only a half-wolf. Only my canines and eyes turn.” He pouted. Remi pulled Drew close.

“You’re perfect.” He kissed his mate.

Kyoshi rolled around as he watched them. He wished Drew could shift, too. It would be fun to play with another mate. These Timber wolves were to enormous and looked like they would crush him.

“I don’t know. Kyoshi’s father gave him his were-genes. Keata is only his cousin,” Maverick said.

They all watched as Kyoshi pounced, playing around with his Storm. His mate closed his muzzle on Kyoshi’s neck, teasing him.

Keata ran forward, tackling him. Kyoshi rolled him until Keata lay on the ground then began licking him. He loved his cousin more than life itself. He was so innocent that he wasn’t even afraid of Kyoshi in this form. Not that he would ever in life hurt Keata.

“Tickles.” Keata’s peals of laughter filled the backyard. Storm nudged him, making Keata get up. The little man pouted until a wolf came forward, lowering himself so that Keata could climb on him. Keata beamed up at the other mates as he grabbed fur and the wolf trotted around the yard, giving him a ride. They were Timber wolves after all, large enough to carry the small mates.

Kyoshi watched as Cody carried his cousin around. He felt devilish. Storm was too busy watching Cody and Keata, so he was caught off guard when Kyoshi rammed his head into his flank.

Storm growled, tackling Kyoshi and pinning him before running away. Kyoshi chased him. Storm circled back around and nipped him in his flank. Kyoshi yowled and took off.


* * * *

Maverick watched the scene laughing. A cat and a dog. Go figure. Fate sure had a fucked-up sense of humor. She must be smoking something.

Johnny ran forward, not sure which wolf was Hawk. A very large wolf came forward, lowering himself as well. Johnny giggled as he climbed on, his arms vise-gripping Hawk’s neck as his mate took him for a ride. He squealed in delight as Hawk picked up his pace a little, giving him a small thrill.

“I’d crush Dakota.” Blair joked but a smile widened his face when his mate stepped forward, lowering himself. “Yeah, right. I told you to put the pipe down,” Blair teased as he climbed on. He had to lay supine because he wasn’t as small as the others where he could sit up, but it was fun nonetheless.

“Micah’s waiting for you.” Maverick encouraged Oliver to step forward. Although this particular mate was bristly, Maverick cared about him just the same as the others. He knew it wasn’t Oliver’s fault for the things he had gone through. He would work them out as each of the other mates had with their demons.

“I don’t know.” Oliver stepped forward hesitantly. He thought since Micah hadn’t claimed him yet that he wouldn’t be able to join the rest. The big wolf bowed in front of him. Oliver swallowed a few times past the lump in his throat as he ran his hand over the fur, clenching Micah’s scruff before sliding on.

“Looks fun,” Cecil said at Maverick’s side.

“Would my mate like a ride?”

“Later. Right now I want you to walk around with me on your back.” Cecil grinned evilly at Maverick.

“Horndog.” Maverick chuckled as he undressed and shifted. Cecil’s eyes growing huge.

“That’s why he’s the Alpha, largest Timber wolf born.” Gunnar smiled down at Maverick’s mate.

“He looks like a frickin horse.” Cecil jumped up when Maverick bowed to him. “Giddy up.”

Maverick growled but took off across the yard, Cecil yahooing as Maverick ran. The other wolves moved aside as Maverick broke through the brush, taking his mate for a run.

“Show off.” Gunnar chuckled. He stood by the kitchen door, watching the mated couples enjoy each other. What would his mate be like? Would he ever find him? A longing in Gunnar that he hadn’t felt in awhile surfaced, wishing his mate was riding his back right now.

“Soon, my brother.” Tank clapped him on the back. “Soon.”

* * * *

Storm knelt down in front of Kyoshi. They were back in their room. “Okay, now, dragonfly. Just think of your human form.” He stepped back, giving his mate room.

After a moment, Kyoshi appeared, stumbling forward. Storm caught him as he laughed. “Takes some getting used to.”

“I can’t believe that happened.” Kysohi held his head. “I feel a little disoriented.” Storm walked his mate over to the bed. “My mother never mentioned my father, never mentioned he was a shifter.”

“Maybe she didn’t know.” Storm brushed his hands through his mate’s hair. “A tiger.”

Kyoshi giggled. “A cat and a dog.”

“Purr for me.” Storm climbed onto their bed, laying down next his mate.

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