Read Haleigh's Ink Online

Authors: Jennifer Kacey

Haleigh's Ink (11 page)

He tasted her, moving his growing erection against her
belly. He gripped her bare throat, angling her head so he could lick inside her
mouth. She moaned before he released her. He touched her lips one last time,
humming against her mouth. “Guess I don’t need to ask if you’re ready to go.”

“Nope. I’m more than ready.”

“But…” came from inside the house.

They glanced through the entryway.

Her mother, who was always put together, who was always
polished and had the perfect thing to say, stood a few feet inside the door
staring between them. Her mouth opened and closed but nothing came out. Haleigh
had finally found a way to make her speechless.

“Hi, Mrs. Grace,” Kyle called through the entry.

“Don’t wait up,” Haleigh added and then shut the door in her

Kyle chuckled. “Poking the beehive are we?”

“Just finding my new normal. I must say…it’s feeling pretty

Chapter Ten


“Hey, Jenna, this is Haleigh.”

Haleigh stuck her hand out because that was what custom
dictated. Muscle memory was the only thing keeping her together because all she
really wanted to do was gawk at the room behind the beautiful brunette who
smiled at her.

Kyle had described the submissive prep area on the way over.
It was located on the third floor of The Library. The space was filled with
clothes Jenna created for the subs, along with…accessories someone might need
for a night at The Library.

Everything that went on behind these walls was completely
private, and she’d had to sign a contract of nondisclosure before she’d entered
the club the previous night.

Jenna, whom she’d met briefly the day before, was
responsible for getting her ready for her time with the men. Blood rushed
beneath her skin, heating her entire body. The unknown was terrifying, and what
lay on the other side of the threshold she stood on would change her forever.


Kyle had probably said something else but she didn’t follow
well enough to catch anything but her name.

She finally stopped staring at Jenna and beyond, and focused
on Kyle, who already wore his collar. He told her he always wore it if he was
within those walls. Her fingers itched to touch her naked throat each time she
looked at it. “Yes?”

“Do you have your card?”

She dug in her clutch and pulled out a blood-red card Kyle
had given her earlier. It signified her acceptance into the club as a
submissive. The club name along with her own was embossed in black on the

“Good. Any questions before I go and help Scott and Chris
get everything ready?”

“Only about a million.”

Kyle and Jenna both laughed.

“No worries, Kyle. She’s safe. Go play with Scott. I’ll
bring her to you guys when she’s ready.”

“We’ll be at the main stage.”

“Got it. Here’s your monitor.” Jenna gave Kyle a handheld
screen that was barely bigger than his palm. “I’ll text you the password.” His
gaze turned predatory as he wrapped his long fingers around it.

“I’ll be seeing you,” Kyle whispered next to Haleigh’s ear
and then he was striding along the hallway back to the elevator.

“Hey, Kyle?” Jenna called after him with a smile. “Did you
get your

He glanced over his shoulder, giving Haleigh a once-over she
felt clear through to her toes before answering. “I sure as hell did.”

Jenna laughed and ushered Haleigh inside.

“Why did he need a new card?”

Instead of answering, Jenna asked, “Did he show you how your
card works?”

“He showed me where to swipe it to get into the door in the
parking garage. Showed me how to use it in the elevator to get everywhere,
except the top floor which he said was Jared and Chris’ private residence—”

“And Cyn’s. That’s their submissive. They’ve had a bit of a
shaky start but they’re working it out.”

“Oh. Are they all right?” Haleigh hadn’t met her but Kyle
and Scott spoke of her fondly.

“Nobody’s perfect, you know?”

“I’m starting to learn that.”

Jenna squeezed her forearm and brought her farther into the
room. “So, Kyle told you what to access with your card. I’m assuming he
remembered to give you the after-hours gate code as well.”


“But did he show you what happens if your card is warmed
with body heat?” Jenna plucked the card from her hand and sandwiched it between
her palms for half a minute. She passed it over to her and an extra line had
appeared on the front.

“A Dungeon for Higher Education

On the other side, which had been blank before, it read, “If
lost, return property to Master Scott and Owner Kyle.”


“Yep, on your paperwork Scott is listed as your Dom, but
Kyle is your owner. It’s a big deal in our world. To be claimed like that.”

Creamy moisture pooled along Haleigh’s folds. The concept of
belonging to him to that degree, it warmed her in places she didn’t realize had
been so cold.

“But isn’t Scott Kyle’s Dom, too?”

“Yep and that’s why he needed a new card. His status changed
to a switch, so the front of his card is black, but the back is red like yours.
I knew that boy had it in him.” She winked at her. “Okay, I need a minute to
finish a couple things, so feel free to perv the room.”

She didn’t figure Jenna really had anything she needed to
do, but she could probably read people well enough to realize when someone
needed a minute.

Haleigh was overcome with emotion at the level of her
acceptance by not only Kyle but Scott as well. They barely knew each other. Had
been together no more than a handful of times. But he understood her. Her body
sang for him as it did for Kyle. She’d spent her whole life searching for them,
she just didn’t know it until she’d found them.

“Haleigh, can I ask you something?”

Haleigh brushed below her eyes to make sure no tears showed.
“Ask away.”

“Do you have sensation in your reconstructed breast? Scott
told me a little about what happened to you and I’m glad he did. I don’t want
to make you feel uncomfortable.”

Normally if Haleigh talked about it, she wanted to shrink
inside herself. But this time…it wasn’t so hard.

“The area where my nipple should be is mostly numb. Too much
nerve damage. Most of the rest of my breast is okay, actually. When Kyle bit me
last night… Yeah I totally felt that. My side is the worst of it. The radiation
was really extensive. I had cording in my chest and arm after the mastectomy.
Physical therapy took care of most of the tightness, and I almost have a
hundred percent of my range of motion back.”

Jenna clasped her hand and held it. It wasn’t pity on her
face though, just compassion. Haleigh smiled. “So do I have to be naked so you
can put a leash on me or something?”

“Ha. I knew I was gonna like you. Not naked. I always think
it’s fun to have the interesting bits covered. It’s like opening a present.
Guessing what’s inside is half the fun.” She took Haleigh’s purse and put it in
a locked cabinet. “Have a seat at the vanity, and remove as much of your
clothing as you’re comfortable with.”

“Do you normally give the submissive a choice?”


“Then I don’t want one either.” Her words rushed out before
she could run scared. Jenna gave her a once-over that sank inside, landing in
the pit of her stomach.

Haleigh hadn’t had sexual thoughts about a woman, but Jenna
could give a dead man an erection. Her corset highlighted her narrow waist and
large breasts, but even in the structured garment her femininity showed
through. Her leather pants hugged her legs all the way to her spiky heels.

“I like guys and girls, Haleigh. It’s only fair you know
that. The monitor I gave to Kyle before he left is for the cameras in here.
They wirelessly transmit to that screen, which is password protected. They’ll
be able to see everything I do to you, so be sure this is what you want.”

Everything I do to you…

Playing it safe had gotten her where? She wanted to fall
into the rabbit hole and was fully prepared to take the leap. “Do you want my
shoes on or off?”

Jenna flashed beautiful white teeth and circled behind her.
“Off. Everything off.” Jenna’s words tickled her ear, and she removed her shoes
and set them beside her.

Soon, she stood naked in the center of the room with cameras
sending video of her to the men she was falling in love with. Kyle would be
able to see all of her, and somehow that made the reveal a bit easier.

Jenna helped her up onto a padded table that sat between two
doors on the far wall. It was covered with a white sheet that had odd slits.
“It’s a modified masseuse’s table, so there’s an opening for your face to be
comfortable. Facedown.”

Haleigh got comfortable while Jenna dimmed the lights.

“Are you courting me, Jenna?”

She snickered. “The mood is everything, my pretty…and your
little dog too.” Haleigh moaned when Jenna rubbed her back, applying lotion as
she went. Her hands were small but they were strong.

Haleigh was limp, unable to tell how much time had passed.
Jenna had massaged her entire body and was working her way up again from her

Somewhere along the way Jenna’s touch began to tease and
excite her. She rubbed up her thigh, glancing off the sensitive flesh of her
sex, but moved away quickly. She squeezed the cheeks of her rear, separating
them and sending twinges of yummy pleasure to the untried hole nestled in the

Tendrils of desire shot straight to Haleigh’s sex everywhere
Jenna touched.

Jenna murmured in her ear. “Roll over, sexy.”

She flipped over but kept her lids squeezed shut. The
thought that Kyle and Scott would see what was happening before she did excited
her beyond measure. Jenna must have agreed. She covered her eyes with a
blindfold, stroking along her inner arm.

“Right hand, please.”

She lifted it, and leather circled her wrist. Jenna buckled
a cuff in place, repeating the process on the other side. She circled to the
head of the table, wrapping a collar around her throat. That explained the
slits in the sheet. She tried to raise her head and couldn’t.

Jenna took her wrists one by one, clipping them to something
on the collar. Anxious arousal pounded through Haleigh on each beat of her
heart. She licked her lips and bit them to keep from moaning.

“You’re so responsive. I can see why the guys like to play
with you. You’re a Dom’s wet dream. In the short time we’ve been together I’ve
learned if I touch you here, you’ll arch your spine.” She brushed her hip, and
Haleigh strained against the table.

“Let’s see what else we can find out about you.” Jenna moved
to her feet, trapping her ankles in cuffs, clicking some kind of

She thought it odd until she tried to move them and they
were attached to the table. The table moved beneath her, and she thought it was
only under her feet. She wanted to ask but couldn’t concentrate past the blood
whooshing in her ears.

“Right here should be a good angle. The guys should be able
to see everything in HD.” Jenna lifted the sheet beneath Haleigh’s feet. “One
little latch is all that’s keeping them, and me, from paradise.”

A metal latch snapped open and to Haleigh it sounded like a

Jenna stretched Haleigh’s legs apart until the A/C blew
across her wet pussy. Jenna ran her palms up her inner thighs then sucked her
clit into her mouth. No teasing, no begging. Just sex—and it emptied her mind.
Haleigh sucked in a lungful of air, tugging on the restraints holding her

Being bound by her, for her. It was something Haleigh never
knew would excite her. Adrenaline surged through her limbs. Her feet rotated on
their own, and she couldn’t keep her body still.

“You’re only a few licks away from coming aren’t you?”

“Yesssss…” hissed out past her gritted teeth.

“Well, we can’t have that. I promised the guys I’d get you
ready, not get you off. Maybe next time they’ll really let me play.”

She stepped between her legs, crowded in close, brushing her
exposed clit as she leaned over. Jenna bit her stomach, not hard, but enough to
keep Haleigh’s attention focused exactly where she wanted it. She caressed up
her sides, tracing the edges of her ribs and up to the tips of Haleigh’s
breasts. Jenna cupped them, teased the sides, and swiped her nipple with
something a little bit moist. It smelled like cinnamon.

An insidious tingle started where Jenna touched. “What…did you—”

Before she could finish the question, Jenna spread what she
assumed was the same substance on the hood of her clit and the sensitive skin
surrounding her core, adding the tiniest amount on the piece of flesh
separating her pussy from her back entrance. An imaginary cord went taut
between her chest and slit. Haleigh squirmed, trying in vain to get more

“Cinnamon oil. Nice, huh? By the time your men get you naked
again you’ll be begging them to fuck you.”

“Please, Jenna.” The plea came out of nowhere and it was all
she could concentrate on.

“Nope. Not gonna happen, no matter how much you beg. Let’s
get you up and ready. I’ve been dying to put rope on you since Scott wouldn’t
let me play with you yesterday. I’ve got some new gray Italian silk I’ve been
itching to make a corset out of. You, my dear, have inspired me.”

She unlatched Haleigh’s wrists, connecting them together in
front of her.

Jenna helped her off the table, leading her somewhere in the
room. Haleigh didn’t care about where. All she could concentrate on was the
decadent ache, making her clit twitch in time with her heartbeat.

A soft rope touched her wrists, along with Jenna’s warm
fingers, and she tried to relax. All that Zen exited stage left when Haleigh’s
arms were jerked above her head. Air rapidly moved in and out of her tight
lungs. Though Jenna hadn’t put one piece of rope around her torso, her ribs
already felt bound.

“Spread your legs until I tell you to stop.”

It never even occurred to Haleigh to protest, especially if
it had anything to do with soft feminine hands and her dripping sex.

“Good. Stop there. Cuffs on your pretty ankles to match your
wrists and a nice big bar between your legs. This way you can’t rub those
lovely thighs together. We don’t want you coming before your big debut, right?”

By the time she was done talking Haleigh couldn’t close her
legs, making her feel exposed and raw. Her heart beat inside her chest, as if
it were a drum, and then missed a couple contractions when Jenna licked the
sensitive spot of flesh at the top of her thigh where it connected to her

“Mmm…I can smell cinnamon on your wet snatch. I want to lick
you until you scream.” She nosed up her clit one time, and Haleigh sucked in a
sharp breath. “But I can’t.”

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