Read Hansel's Bear (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tale) Online

Authors: Yvette Hines

Tags: #interracial, #shifter, #bear shifter

Hansel's Bear (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tale) (14 page)

Glad you made it home

Startled Greta jumped back and let out
a low warning growl as she faced the darkened corner of the porch.
One sniff and she picked up the scent of her father.

You going to shift on
your papa-bear?” Manni Armel rocked once in the chair he remained
seated in.

Taking a breath, she relaxed. “Sorry,
papa-bear.” She placed a hand on her chest and felt her heart
pounding. “I didn’t see you there.”

Your bear senses on the
fritz?” He chuckled.

She could see him clearly in the dark
and even though he laughed, the humor didn’t reach his eyes. They
were dark and filled with concern.

No. Just a lot on my mind
and I wasn’t paying attention.”

He rose. “You should always know your
surroundings, Greta.”

What he said was the truth. Having
lived the life that she lived because she got too forgone in her
own mind was dangerous. She didn’t fear being abducted again. She
wasn’t a small child. However, things weren’t always safe and other
things could happen and she needed to stay aware. “You’re right. It
won’t happen again. Why are you still up?”

Stepping toward her, he placed a hand
on her shoulder. “I don’t sleep until I know my daughter has come
home safe. When you were taken years ago, I slept on this porch
every night and prayed to the Great Spirit to return you to us.
Then one day he did.”

She moved into his embrace and
welcomed the strength of her father’s big strong arms. Not only
because of the emotions surrounding her about that long ago time,
but she also needed solace to deal with this night. Her feelings
toward Hansel.

I remember when I made it
home you were here sitting on the steps, papa-bear. You were the
best sight in the world to me.” She squeezed tighter against

You were that for me as
well.” He kissed the top of her head. “I just want the best for
you, sweetheart.”

Leaning back, she stared up into a
face that resembled her own, just with more masculine features.
“I’m alright. I’ve decided to really start being a part of my life
instead of a bystander. So you no longer have to worry about

He squeezed her again then released
her. “I will always worry about you. It’s my job.”

Smiling, she led the way into the
house. “Okay, I can live with that.”

Good. Now, let me cut us
a piece of your mother’s peach cobbler she made for dessert.” He
walked toward the kitchen.

Now, I’m pretty sure you
had a nice big piece after dinner.” She teased as she went to the
cabinet for plates.

What kind of father would
I be if I allowed my daughter to eat alone?” He uncovered the pie
that sat on the counter and grabbed a triangle-shaped

Oh, one of the worst. You
want some milk with it?” She handed him the plates.

Yes.” He cut the pie and
removed the slices from the dish.

After pouring two glasses of milk she
joined her father at the breakfast bar. The first bite of her
mother’s dessert was pure heaven. She allowed her eyes to close and
just savored it. “Thanks, papa-bear, this was just what I

I’m glad I could be of
service.” He bumped his shoulder against hers.

They ate in silence then washed off
their dishes.

Get some rest.” She
raised up on her toes and kissed his cheek.

You too, morning will be
here soon enough and work is waiting for us both.” He whispered as
he walked down the hall and entered the first door to the room he
shared with her mother.

Greta continued straight and went to
hers at the end of the hall. Changing quickly into her pajamas, she
slipped beneath the comforter on her bed. Over the last few minutes
in her father’s presence she’d done a good job of not thinking
about the one person she needed to put out of her mind.

However, as her lids lowered Hansel’s
face was the last thing she saw and his name came out softly from
her lips as sleep claimed her.


Taking one final glance around the
cabin, he made sure he hadn’t left any of his meager belongings.
He’d cleaned and straightened up and everything seemed as it had
been the day before when the females had given him the key to the
cabin. It was in his hand now and he pondered what he should do
with it. He didn’t want to go back into town to locate them to
return it. He figured treating the place like a hotel would
probably be best, and he should leave it on the table or under the

Deciding on the mat out front, he
picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder.

A knock at the door surprised

Not only because the isolated cabin
wasn’t the kind of place where people would just drop by. But, it
was just after nine in the morning, most Den residents he would
assume would be at work by now.

His heart leaped in his chest as he
crossed to the door hoping that maybe Greta had come back to him.
To see him off of course.

Good morning,

He was stunned to see the females
standing on the porch, however, he should not have been. They
seemed to always show up at the right moment.

Morning, Mrs. Rita, Mrs.
Octavia, Mrs. Genma.”

All three women’s lips were turned up
in high smiles.

Hope you slept well.”
Octavia held out a wrapped item to him.

Taking it, he peeled back the white
cloth and discovered a muffin inside.

We figured you’d need
something for breakfast.” Rita placed a hand on his arm.

That is one of Rita’s
award-winning muffins.” Genma held out a tall sealed thermos to

It didn’t take a genius to figure out
it was most likely coffee. The muffin was already making his mouth
water. He took the drink from her. “Thanks, ladies. You all didn’t
have to do this. But, I’m glad you came by so I can give you the

Well, we didn’t just stop
by to deliver breakfast.” Genma glanced at her fellow

Suspicion began to crawl up his spine.
Had they found out Greta had been here last night?

Reaching behind him, he pulled the
door closed. He knew it was rude not to invite them in to sit down
while they told them what was on their collective minds. However,
he couldn’t run the risk that they would pick up on Greta’s scent
that to him seemed to fill the small cabin.

What other reason?” He
popped the top on the thermos and inhaled the strong, sweet coffee,
then sipped. It was hot but he didn’t care, it was made exactly how
he liked it—extra sweet.

There was another glance between

He continued to drink.

Well, we don’t want to
hold you up from your travels.” Octavia’s gaze met his.

As pressing as your own
life probably is,” Genma tossed in.

There’s a situation we
hoped you would be able to help with. It’s rather important.”
Rita’s gaze was filled with hope.

For what, he wasn’t sure. Maybe
because she was Greta’s mother, he felt drawn to the female. But,
he couldn’t allow his emotions to get any further

Why don’t you all tell me
what it is I can do for you and I’ll see if there is something I
can do to assist?” He moved past them and sat down on the two steps
at the edge of the porch, working on his delicious

Like a line of school kids, the three
females filed down the steps and stood before him once

There’s a problem….more
like a situation,” Genma kneeled before him. “Your assistance would
be extremely helpful.”

Octavia moved closer, moving to the
side of the steps. “You see Rorke owns the furniture store in town.
Normally, he has time to get all his production

But the orders now have
gotten substantial with so many offspring on the way.” Genma
lowered her head, shaking it.

Rita took up the space beside him,
sitting down and taking hold of his forearm gently. “We wish we
didn’t have to bother you, but his parent died when he was younger.
He and his brother work the store together. But, his older
brother’s mate recently had triplets and he’s had to be home
helping.” She placed a hand on his shoulder until he glanced over
at her. “You see, this matter is urgent. It should only take a few
days of your time, but weeks off Rorke’s workload.”

No. He just wanted to say the word,
even if mentally. He thought about catching up to the mini carny
circus. If he didn’t follow his last lead he may lose them
altogether. Besides, it was just furniture, not a life or death

Isn’t there someone else
in Den that can lend the Were a hand?” He pulled his gaze away from
Rita’s sincere gaze and finished off the last bite of his muffin.
Hell, if they had promised him a basket of them for his trip he
would have stayed a month.

Normally, that would be
the case. But, with the First Moon Festival coming up, all hands
are occupied for one reason or another.” Octavia placed a hand on
his other shoulder.

The First Moon

Yes. It’s a few weeks
away. It’s one of two celebration events we have in Den County. At
the end of the week-long festival there is a bear run for unmated
Weres.” Octavia smiled.

Genma glanced at Rita. “Do you think
Greta will run in it this year?”

I believe she mentioned

Hansel bit down hard on the inside of
his cheek to stifle the growl from his bear threatening to rumble
out. Lifting his drink he guzzled half of it and reveled in the
burning. He needed something to take his mind off the idea of Greta
running around before unmated were-males. It was on the tip of his
tongue to ask for more details of the run, but it would just be
torture for him to hear them, then recall them while he was far
away chasing down the men that had murdered his family and stolen
his youth.

I don’t know ladies.” He
passed Genma the empty mug and rose. “I really need to get on the
road. There’s a matter I need to attend to.”

Just spare us a few days,
a week maybe.” Rita stood. “It would mean a great deal to me.
However, if you can’t we will understand.”

Octavia and Genma aligned themselves
on each side of Rita.

Glancing from one face to the next, he
battled within himself. His mind yelled at him to jump on his bike
and hit the open road. However, his bear was on the other side of
the divide, pushing him to stay—see Greta again.

He knew what he would do. However, he
would stay far away from the enticing were-female. They had already
said their goodbyes and his life didn’t need the complications that
came with being near Greta. He’d get the job done and hightail it
out of the county.

Hansel knew it would be a daily fight
for him with his bear, but he would stay away from her.

Fine, I’ll do it.” He
gripped the handle of the bag on his shoulder. “But, if Rorke was
part of the group of men that wanted me out of Den, what makes you
all believe he’d even want my help?”

Genma and I stopped by
his cabin last night after we heard.” Octavia led the way to the
driveway where their station wagon-style SUV was parked.

His bike couldn’t be seen on the side
of the cabin. He’d purposely hidden it last night.

I radioed him this
morning and let him know we would find him some help. He was very
grateful for any assistance he said.” Rita moved into step beside

Trust us, he will take
it, happily.” Genma’s face was filled with a bright joy.

Happy? That’s doubtful
once he sees who you brought.” He stopped in front of their

Genma walked to the driver’s side,
Octavia claimed the front passenger seat while Rita opened the back
door behind her.

We will wait at the end
of the drive for you to follow us there.” Octavia called out, then
slipped into her seat.

I’d prefer not to cruise
down Main Street if at all possible,” he informed Genma.

She nodded. “Understandable. No need
getting the males all riled up again. We’ll show you the back route
into town. Since the furniture warehouse sits at the back end of
town it works out well.” Genma got in, started up and then backed
her car down the drive.

Shaking his head at his own decision
to stay, he strutted up the side of the cabin to his Stateline
parked at the back. He stored his things, then gunned the engine.
It roared loud and fast. The sound always brought him comfort. It
had been the first and only major purchase he’d made after working
odd jobs for more than two years while he lived in a small, rundown
one-room apartment.

He’d bought it from an old biker who
collected them. The man had back surgery and didn’t know when he’d
be able to sit his rides again and was selling off most of them.
Hansel had paid the man in cash all seven thousand he’d saved. The
bike had needed a little work, from and accident and sitting around
too long unattended. However, he and the man worked on it every
night and two months later Hansel hit the road to a new destination
until he’d hired on at a construction site and heard about a
carnival that was coming to town. It turned out not to be a more
legit one and not the one that had captured him. However, it put
the lust of vengeance in his blood and he started on his path to
locate the three men and see they paid.

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