Read HeartStorm (HeartFast Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Linda Mooney

Tags: #space ships, #sci-fi, #sensuous, #Romance, #Science Fiction, #erotic, #outer space, #super powers, #superheroes, #other worlds

HeartStorm (HeartFast Series Book 3) (14 page)

            "We're shackled to base, unable to respond to any calls other than what is right here on Synaria. We have to get
travel-worthy as soon as possible, and that will be our top priority starting right now. Seeker, Sender, you and Condemner grab the portable sensors and do a thorough sweep of the outer hull. Be especially critical around the seams. Report your findings to Disaster and Hunter. You two..." The Guardian leader locked eyes with the men he'd named. "Start setting the seals on the hull. Double seal if you feel it necessary. No sense in taking any risks."

            "What about the inner hull?" Animator asked.

            "You and StarLight have
computer run the sweeps from inside the ship. Report what you find to Time Merchant and Blender, so we can get the cabin space ready. Blender, I'll relieve you of comm duty. Destiny? You and Doctor Perlakian do inventory on supplies. Get the ship back to status."          "What do you need me to do?" Bruiser inquired.

            Deceiver started to reply when the comm board lit up with an incoming call. Blender opened it up for all to hear.

            "Guardian Command, this is Provoker. There's two more humanoid races that I know of with the type of abilities you requested. There's the M'golif species from the M'andrif Two star cluster, over in the Trehebres system. And the Aglatures from Benecia Chollo. The Aglatures don't make themselves invisible. They surround themselves with an aura that makes them appear invisible to the humanoid eye. Similar to what Hunter's capable of doing, except in their case they can't maintain it for more than a few seconds. The M'golifi, however, can't turn invisible, but they can move at an incredibly fast rate. So fast, they're undetectable. Reports have shown they're able to vibrate their bodies at the cellular level, thus allowing them to disappear from sight. And because they're able to move like that, it's believed, although this hasn't been verified, it's believed they can pass through solid objects. That's all I can give you at the moment, but if I think of anything else, I'll pass it along. Guardian Transport Three out."

            Blender closed the communication as Commander entered the meeting room with the incubator. Placing the ovoid container on the table, he looked directly at Hunter and Star.

            "The security system is functioning. There's nothing wrong with it. I tested it four times, four different ways, and every time the sensors were tripped. I don't know how the baby was taken from it, but the incubator is in no way defective."

            "We believe you," Hunter replied, speaking for himself and Star, who had reached up to grasp his hands resting on her shoulders. "Thank you for checking. But we're thinking now the problem is not a safety glitch. We believe we're dealing with a humanoid race with a special ability."

            Commander's brows lowered. "What do you mean?"

            Deceiver quickly told the man what they had discovered, adding, "If a person created an invisible shield around themselves, would they trip the alarm?"

            "If the shield only blocks the visual stimuli to the brain, no. The safety checks would recognize any type of force used to open the pod."

            "What about if they were able to vibrate themselves at the cellular level?" Star inquired.

            Commander paused to think, giving Hunter a chance to voice an additional question. "If a person is able to vibrate themselves to the point where they could walk through solid objects, would they also be able to do the same to an object they encountered?"

            Perlakian picked up the thought. "You're talking about the baby. Paol, if a person had that ability, would it be possible for him to make the baby's cellular structure vibrate at the same speed, and enable him to remove the child from the pod without tripping the alarm?"

            "I never took that into consideration," the Guardian admitted.

            "Why would you?" Disaster commented. "We've just heard about this species not five minutes ago."

            "But would it be possible?" Perlakian insisted.

            "The person would have to have his cells moving at an incredible rate. It would also generate tremendous heat in the process."

            "Wouldn't that seriously injure the baby?" the doctor asked, concerned.

            Disaster gave a slight nod. "It would...unless he knew for certain the child was of his blood. His direct descendant. Star? It's very possible that, if your father is an M'golifian, if he has this ability, there's every chance you could have it as well and didn't know it. It would also explain your own powers. They could be an offshoot or a mutation of his, or of both your parents, since we don't know her origins."

            "Could Callie have the ability?" she asked softly.

            "Maybe. Maybe not. Sorry I can't be more specific. Genetics are a very tricky field. Just ask Doctor Perlakian. One thing, though, is very clear. We still don't know for certain DiMackerlyn has her, but we should be able to find out soon."

            "Deceiver!" Blender's voice crackled with excitement. "
transmitter just went green! It's exited hyperspace, and we got a lock on its location!"



Chapter Seventeen




            A dozen pairs of eyes focused on the three dimensional hologram Blender opened above the onyx table. It was a small yellow star surrounded by four planets. A space station orbited around the sun between the third and fourth worlds like a miniature planetoid.

            "Is that Carnesium?" Time Merchant inquired, recognizing the distinctive red rings which crisscrossed the first planet with a stellar X.

            "Yep. Star Base Carnesium," Blender announced.

            "Any idea how far it might be from the Trehebres system?" Condemner asked.

            A few keystrokes, and a small galaxy shaped like a helix appeared in the far corner of the holo. Blender adjusted for the distance, until a thin white line connected the star base to it.

            "They're barely a parsec apart," Hunter muttered.

            "It wouldn't matter if they were on opposite ends of the universe," Bruiser growled. "We're stuck here until

            "I'm not. I can go," Hunter commented. At the others' surprised looks, he nodded. Beneath his hands, he felt Star's consternation increase. "I'll find DiMackerlyn. Confront him. See if he'll cooperate and come back with me. If I have to, I'll trounce his mind, but either way I'll load him back into
and return him to base." He paused, then added, "And I'll find out what he knows about my daughter."

            "May I say something?" Animator raised her hand for attention. "There's something that's been nagging me, and I've just figured it out. How in the blue blazes did DiMackerlyn find out about the baby in the first place? He was kept to the touring area, and there's nothing as far as I can remember in there about Star's there?"

            Deceiver glanced over at Bruiser. "You were with him the whole time until he gave you the slip in the restroom. Did you tell him about Star giving birth?"

            The big man's face went from pasty white to flaming red within a matter of seconds. His obvious discomfort was a flashing sign to the rest of the group.

            "Bruiser? You told him about the baby?" Seeker demanded, voicing what they all were thinking.

            "I didn't do it intentionally," Bruiser defended himself. "We were in the Accolade Room, and he saw the display where the vid was showing the Ombitra attack. He asked if Star was indisposed like he'd been told because she was still recovering from it. I...I told him no, that wasn't the case. I..." He turned to Star, his eyes filled with sorrow. "I'm sorry, Star. I told him you were indisposed because you'd just had a baby. I'm sorry."

            Hunter felt his wife take a deep breath. Like her, he sometimes felt sorry for the big guy. Bruiser was an intelligent man when it came to his work, but he wasn't skilled in subterfuge.

            "Don't fret over it," Star finally told him, her voice soft with regret. "What's done is done. I believe you never intentionally meant to tell him."

            Bruiser appeared less chagrined after hearing he was forgiven, but Hunter could sense the man was far from relieving himself of the blame.

            Dropping a kiss to his wife's hair, he stepped away from her chair. "I need to leave now. I'll notify you once I reach the space station and keep you updated as to my status."

            "Be careful," Commander bid him.

            Giving Star a departing, loving smile, Hunter softly said, "I'll find them, Terrin. I don't care how long it takes or how far I have to go, I'll find our baby, and I'll make DiMackerlyn pay for his crimes."

            "I love you," Star whispered, and a moment later he was gone.


* * *


            The room remained quiet for a few seconds. Letting out a loud sigh, Deceiver refocused the remaining Guardians.

            "All right. Time to get our butts in gear. You all have your assignments. Bruiser, you help Disaster with patching the outer hull. Commander, you're in charge of overseeing all repairs." He gave them a steady glare. "Any questions? Then let's move it, people."

            Everyone got up from their seats and began filing down the hallway toward the landing bay. Devorah hurried over to snag Star's arm before the woman left the room. Star gave her a tired but curious glance.

            "I need to talk to you," Perlakian requested in a low voice. "Come with me. Deceiver, I need to speak with Star for a few minutes alone. I won't take longer than a couple of minutes, then I'll let her join you to help."

            Deceiver waved a hand to show he understood and turned his attention to the comm board.

            Star silently followed the physician to the clinic. Once they reached the outer examination room, Perlakian gestured toward a chair. "Please sit. This won't take long."

            "I feel fine," Star started to say, when the doctor waved her into silence.

            "I said to sit. Before we go any further, I want to thank you," the doctor told her.

            Star gave her a blank look. She was tired. Depressed. Frightened and worried. She kept a small flame of hope burning in her heart that Hunter would be successful and find her father. And Callie. It was the only thing keeping her going at the moment.

            She stared down at her hands lying dormant in her lap. In no way was she anywhere near peak condition, and Perlakian knew it would take her a long time to get over this latest development if the baby was never recovered.

            "Thank me for what?" Star asked, finally looking up at the doctor.

            "For interceding. For suggesting to Deceiver that they take Wooly with them instead of Commander. I understand why you did it, and I want you to know I'm grateful."

            "Wooly needs to get his feet wet," Star commented.

            "Yes, he does. But you know what I mean," Perlakian insisted gently.

            Star brushed a strand of hair away from her face. "I...I saw that look in your eyes. The panic. It reminded me of the first time Hunter and I were separated after I recovered from the Ombitra attack. How I felt when he had to leave, and I thought it may be the last time I'd ever see him again."

            "But you eventually got over that feeling," the doctor commented.

            Star shook her head. "Not really. It wasn't until Destiny told me I would have a son that I think I lost that fear. I know Udo may go missing. Perhaps for months or years. But I believe her prophesy that he and I will have a son together." She bit her lips, adding, "I have to believe her. Otherwise, I don't think I could manage."

            She glanced up to see the doctor's wistful expression. The woman's normally stoic mask was gone, revealing her vulnerability. Rising, Star walked over and wrapped her arms around the physician, who hugged her tightly. "This job is harder when you love," Star murmured.

            They held each other for several moments, until Star pulled away to clutch her chest. Immediately, Perlakian's countenance shifted, and she was the cool-headed, no-nonsense doctor once again.

            "Your milk's coming in?"

            "Yes." Star gave her a concerned look. "What do I do? My baby's not here to feed."

            "Come. We'll pump you and save the milk for when she's returned." Walking over to a panel, Perlakian opened the small rectangular door to reveal a palm-size apparatus. Pulling it out, along with a purple box, she went back over to Star. "Get up on the bed and let me show you how to use this. Then, whenever you need, you can take care of yourself in your apartment, and store the milk in your refrigerant." She grimaced, following it with a smile.

            Star saw the glint of amusement in the doctor's eyes. "What are you thinking?"

            Snorting, Perlakian's smile widened. "I'm thinking that right about now DiMackerlyn may be having to deal with a very hungry baby, and most likely a very dirty diaper. When Hunter calls in, have him ask around if anyone's seen a perturbed older man with a squalling baby. Chances are, Callaura may help lead him to our kidnapper."



Chapter Eighteen




            Hunter couldn't allow himself to think about what DiMackerlyn was doing with his daughter. Neither could he worry about what the man had planned for her. At the moment, he had to concentrate on getting to Star Base Carnesium without running out of oxygen.

            He had never been in this part of the galaxy before. The stars and planets were new and therefore potentially dangerous. But he remembered the words of wisdom his father had imparted one evening, back when he was a teenager and just beginning to venture away from his home world of Abernath.

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