Read Hector (Season One: The Ninth Inning #3) Online

Authors: Lindsay Paige,Mary Smith

Hector (Season One: The Ninth Inning #3) (15 page)

Without actually saying the words, Hector grips my thighs tightly, picking me up. My dress is loose enough I’m able to wrap my legs around his waist. He guides us into my bedroom and we begin to undress each other.

Seeing Hector naked takes my breath away. Michelangelo’s David doesn’t hold a candle to Hector. Someone needs to sculpt Hector’s deep abs and hard chest. That’s a masterpiece.

I thought his tongue felt amazing in me until he buries himself deep within me. At that point, I lose all the ability to form coherent thought.



I’M LAYING ON my stomach and Hector is tracing the tattoo on my back. It’s tickling my skin and making me smile.

“This almost looks the tree in your charcoal,” he finally speaks.

“It’s similar.”

“Why this tattoo?” He kisses my shoulder blade and continues tracing.

“It was supposed to be a family tree, but I changed my mind at the last minute. I’m close to my family, but I’m rooted to my life. Each branch holds something of my family and me. Aunt Lanny told me my mom liked to knit and there’s a branch covered in colorful yarn. My dad was into carpentry and that’s the branch with all the wood making tools. Then there’s one for Aunt Lanny and Aunt Minnie. I know my arms have them, but they are such a big part of my life I wanted them part of the tree too. Each branch is me, things I like, and it’s one of my favorites.”

“I think it’s my favorite.”

“Are you doing okay? I know your mother isn’t going to be pleased with you since you spent the night with me.” I don’t really want to talk about her after making love with Hector, but I’m concerned for him and his feelings.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. Are
doing okay?”

“I’m suddenly very relaxed,” I tease him.

Hector flashes me a smile and laughs. “Good. Me too. I’m almost tempted to stay here with you all day.”

“I want you to, but I know you want to spend time with your family. Especially Carissa, since I know you both are close.”

“She’s the only reason I’m going home. She’ll be bummed she won’t spend more time with you while she’s here.”

“Maybe you two can sneak away and come see me at the bar tonight. If you want to.”

“We’ll try. If I can’t, I can at least send her without me. She wants to meet your aunts, but I think that’ll have to wait until she comes next time.”

“Okay.” I sound a little sad, so I change the subject. “Do you still want me at the game tomorrow night? I know you want me to sit with your family, but I’m not sure about that.”

Hector thinks for a moment before answering. “What if I get you, Carissa, and your aunts tickets together? Then she could meet them, you could come, and you all could avoid my mother.”

“I would like that a lot. My aunts will be back this afternoon and they are already asking about you. I think they might like you.”

He grins at me. “Like me? They love me. I’m probably the best thing since sliced bread.”

I laugh loudly at his words. “Well, I’m not sure about all that, however, you’re pretty awesome.”



WHEN I WALK into my front door, I see Carissa first. She doesn’t look optimistic. A quick glance around doesn’t reveal my parents just yet.

“How mad is she?” I ask, knowing she’s probably pissed beyond reasoning.

“It’s the worst I’ve ever seen.”

I nod, not feeling the least bit guilty over upsetting her because she was overstepping, being mean and judgmental. I sit down on the couch next to my sister and before either of us can say anything else, I hear my mother’s angry voice as she walks into the room.

“I guess you finally decided to join your family today.”

“You should call Zoey and thank her for convincing me to come back because I almost didn’t.”

“Hector, you have always made wise and smart decisions in your life, but I don’t know what you are thinking right now. She works in a bar, claims she’s an artist but has only sold one painting, and on top of that, she has lesbians for a family. You’re a baseball star. What will people think?”

“They’ll think I’m with a good person who is independent and makes me happy. Why don’t you give her an actual chance instead of looking down on her from your pedestal? I left with her last night. I didn’t stay with my family. That should tell you something, Mom.”

“It tells me you’re not thinking straight. She has to be brainwashing you in some form. My son wouldn’t leave his family for some tattooed bartender.”

“What do you want me to do? I’m not leaving her.” God, does she honestly think I’m being brainwashed? Come on. “
the one who spent all my free time trying to get her to tell me her name.
asked for her number.
asked her to hang out.
wanted her before she ever gave me the time of day. I actually know who she is. You don’t. There’s not a sane person who would have sat through that bullshit last night except Zoey because I asked her to and unlike you, she decided to be open minded and nice to someone she knew wouldn’t be. Zoey isn’t going anywhere unless she decides to walk away,” I finish, my temper rising with every word spoken between us. I knew it wouldn’t go smoothly, but my mother blew my expectations out of the water.

“I gave you a list of lovely girls. Girls who understand our culture, our religion, our heritage. Instead, you picked up some tattooed, lesbian-raised, white girl. Was she the only girl in Memphis you saw? I’m sure I can find someone who at least has a college degree and you can have a long-lasting marriage with. This
will run probably run off with some biker after she empties your bank account. How much money have you spent on her? Have you bought her a new car? What about a house?”

“She has a degree; it’s in art history. I haven’t spent any money on her. I haven’t bought her anything but dinner. She understands all of what you mentioned. She doesn’t have to believe in the same things or be from the same place to be a good person!” I shout. “I knew you wouldn’t like certain aspects of her life, but you’re going too far with this. I’m not some teenager wanting to run off and marry the first hot chick I’ve ever met. I’m grown and you raised me well. All I want is for you to give her a chance and if you won’t do that, then be satisfied with the fact that I’ve never been happier than when I’m with her.”

My mother settles her glare on me, letting what I’ve told her hit her hard. “Are you going to stand there and tell me, your mother, you will pick her over us?”

“Yes,” I reply without any hesitation whatsoever. No way am I letting Zoey go because of her close mindedness.

“How dare you, Hector? I’m your mother. I gave you life and you’re going to tell me you’d leave this family, never speak to me again, for her! Some tattooed whore!” she yells.

“You’re going to make me choose instead of giving her a chance!” I shout right back. “You’re in the wrong here, Mom, not me and not Zoey. If you want to force me to walk away because you’re judging her, then yes, I’ll walk away. This is my life and I should be able to be with the person I want to be with.” I’ve had enough, so I turn to Carissa. “C’mon. Let’s go.”

She quickly stands and disappears down the hall, probably to put on her shoes. I don’t wait for her, needing to get away from my mom. A few minutes later, Carissa comes outside, holding my car keys in her hand.

“We may need these,” she says as she tosses them to me.


We get into the car and I drive away.

“Where are we going?”

“I was thinking I could take my baby sister shopping. How’s school been?”

“It’s been better. I think my weekend here really helped me. When I got back to Miami, I had more energy and was more focused.”

“Good. You know you can always come visit. Even if I’m out of town and you need to get away, you could come. Just don’t do anything too exciting.” I give her a quick stern look.

“Oh no, I’m leaving that to you.” She pauses. “You know, I’ve never seen Mom mad at you. It’s usually me.”

“Maybe she’ll leave you alone for a while then. She’ll probably be pissed again when she finds out you’re not sitting with her at the game tomorrow. I’m getting you a ticket to sit with Zoey and her aunts since you want to meet them.”

Carissa grins. “I can’t wait to meet them. As much as you and Zoey have talked about them, I feel like I already know them. Mom may not come to the game, but Dad will. I did hear them talking last night

“They were arguing? Really?” I can’t believe it.

“I know, right? Dad never says anything, but he was so pissed when you stormed off last night. He really was.” She sounds as shocked as I feel. Dad is usually the calm one.

“Pissed at me for leaving or pissed at Mom for causing it?”

“Not at you, at Mom. He even snapped at her to stop talking on the ride home because she was still going on about Zoey. I’ve never heard Dad speak to Mom like that before.”

“Me either. Wow. I wonder if there’s a chance for her to come around then since he’s not on her side.” Maybe there’s hope yet.

“Come on, Hector. She’s the most stubborn woman in the word. It’s her way or no way. I don’t see her and Zoey having lunch together in our lifetime.”

“She doesn’t have to be friends with her, but she could be nice to her at least,” I say as I park. “Enough about that though. Let’s walk around the mall and see if we can find you something new to have.”

“I like that idea.”

Carissa seriously walks into every single store, dragging me with her. By the like ninth one, I’m starting to wonder what in the world was I thinking. She likes to look at everything, even if she has no interest or intention of buying it. It’s good to spend time with her though. Once I suggest she find something to wear to the bar tonight, she squeals and I spend almost an hour sitting outside of a fitting room, judging outfits. I’ve vetoed most of them so far.

“I know it’s still warm, but we’re not in the desert or at the beach. You need more cloth that that,” I tell her after she walks out and spins to show off shorts that might as well be those boy shorts underwear and a tube top.

Carissa huffs. “You’re such a big brother. I bet Zoey would love this outfit.”

“No, she wouldn’t. Try something else.”

She disappears inside the stall once more. “This is my last one,” she calls. “If you don’t like this one, then that means more shopping.”

I don’t reply. A few minutes later, she finally comes out wearing something decent. “Do you like it?”

She grins and nods. “I saved the best for last.”

“Go change, so we can check out then.”

We do more shopping anyway. Carissa finds something she insists would be perfect for one of her friends back home, so I end up buying that for her too. Once we’re all done, we decide to eat.

“We’ll go home and once we’re ready, we can go ahead and leave for the bar. Sound good?”

“Yep. Is Zoey doing okay after last night? I assume so since you stayed with her.”

“She was somewhat prepared for what was coming, but she’s fine. She didn’t dump me, so there’s hope. Are there any new guys I need to worry about with you?”

“No more than before,” she grins.

We enjoy our meal while Carissa talks nearly the entire time. Getting away from my mother and spending the day with my baby sister was exactly what I needed. I’m already wishing Mom hadn’t come. I feel a little guilty at the thought, but then I remember what Mom said and the guilt goes away.

When we get back to the house, I don’t see Mom, which is good. Dad is sitting on the couch, watching TV, and Carissa goes off to start getting ready.

“We’re going out tonight. There’s food in the fridge if you want to cook or there’s some takeout menus on top if you want to order something,” I tell him, still not quite able to believe he was angry and said something to Mom.

“Okay. Your mother is lying down, resting.” He pauses long enough that I think he’s done and I’m about to walk away to my room when he adds, “Zoey seems like a nice girl, Hector.”

“She’s the best,” I tell him honestly.

“I’m glad she seems to make you happy.”

“Thanks. I’m going to get ready.” I leave him and disappear into my room.

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