Her Asian Billionaire: A BWAM Pregnancy Love Story (10 page)

came back into the room shortly and he realized there was a slight
smile on his mother's placidly beautiful face.

will give you the money and the apartment you live in," Peter
Yang told his son. "And we wish you all the best. I am going to
deposit the money into your account and I think this will be enough
to open that restaurant?" He showed him a figure he had written
down on a notepad and John almost shouted with joy. It was far more
than he had expected to get from them considering the way they felt
about him being with Rosa.

father," he said giving a formal bow. Peter Yang nodded and left
the room.

are happy with her?" his mother asked him softly.

mother. I have never felt this way before and it does not matter what
I have to give up as long as it's not her or our baby.” He told
her sincerely.

happy son," she told him softly, placing a hand gently against
his cheek. "What you are talking about is not something many
people have."

you happy mother?" he asked her suddenly.

smiled at him gently. "Happiness is a state of mind. I am
contented and I am satisfied with that."


felt her belly stiffened as she stood up from behind the desk. It was
approaching February and she was not as sick as she was before but
she noticed, the more the baby was growing inside her the stiffer her
tummy was getting.
John had called and said he had some great
news he wanted to share with her as soon as she reached home. Ever
since she had agreed to marry him, she had been spending more time at
his apartment than hers and he had teasingly told her that she was
paying rent for nothing because she was never there. She knew he was
concerned she was not giving up her apartment but she had assured him
she just had not gotten around to doing so.

were going to get married as soon as possible, maybe in March because
it was only going to be a small ceremony.

She was
so happy she could not believe it was at all possible. He made her
feel very special and she was glad the day she met him.

phone rang just then and she realized it was her mother. "Mama,

there baby girl," her mother responded warmly. Ever since she
had learned about the baby and they had told her about the impending
nuptials she had been beside herself with joy. "I was thinking
of having a little engagement party here at the house for you guys."

we had not thought of that," Rosa said with a laugh. "We
did not even think about a ring."

fast girl. I want to throw an engagement party for you and that
fabulous man you landed." Her mother told her with a laugh.

I will tell John about it and see what he says." Rosa told her.

is the pregnancy treating you?" she asked in concern.

have been getting a little stiff and the morning sickness is getting
better." Rosa said with a grateful sigh.

to parenthood honey," her mother said indulgently. "You
were such a fighter when you were in my womb, could not wait to come
out and view the world. I was sick like a dog for almost the whole
nine months, could not keep down a blessed thing. Your poor daddy was
beside himself with worry and in the meantime I was craving all sorts
of nonsense at different times of day and night."

mama," Rosa exclaimed, feeling a sense of appreciation of what
her parents, especially her mother had gone through to get her here.
"Thank you for being such a good mother."

darling girl, you made up for the troubles I went through in so many
ways. I am so proud of you girl." She told her daughter.

mama," Rosa felt the tears prickling her eyes and she noticed
that she had been getting pretty emotional ever since the pregnancy.

are welcome baby," Joan said softly before hanging up the phone.

lunch hour had long gone and they were now preparing for the dinner
crowd. Rosa went out to the dining area to make sure everything was
ready for the evening crowd. She massaged the small of her back and
felt the tiredness descending on her like a cloud. John had pleaded
with her to take it easy or else he was going to come to the
restaurant every day to see that she did.

She had
looked at him in pretend outrage and told him he wouldn't dare.

me," he had whispered softly, pulling her up against him pushing
his tongue inside her mouth. She had sagged against him, her arms
around his neck as she returned the kiss with increased fervor.


picked her up from the restaurant at a half past eight. They had
gotten a night manager since she had become pregnant so she was able
to leave at a decent hour. The weather was getting increasingly
colder and it had snowed the day before, leaving the place looking
like a white winter land.

are we going?" she asked him puzzled as he turned the opposite
direction from his apartment.

are going to dinner." He told her mysteriously.

He took
her to the little Italian restaurant they had gone to some months ago
and pulled out a chair for her as they went to the table. He took her
hands inside his. "I got the money to buy the restaurant."
He told her without preamble.

she looked at him frowning.

parents gave me the money; it's in my account as we speak." He
released her hand and reached inside the pocket of his black winter
coat. "I also want to make it official." It was a black
velvet box and he opened it to reveal a sparkling diamond solitaire.
He took her finger and slid the ring onto it; leaving Rosa staring at
it wordlessly.

can't believe this is happening." She whispered, looking up at
him, her eyes rounded in shock.
"He gave us three million
dollars Rosa," He went on. "Think that's enough?"

you kidding me?" Rosa exclaimed, reaching across the small
nondescript table to pull him over for a tight hug. "This is by
far the happiest day of my life apart from finding out that I love
you and am carrying your baby." She told him tearfully, raining
kisses on his face, not caring who was looking.

I take it, that's a yes?" he asked her in amusement, his voice

a yes." She murmured, kissing him full on the lips, her tongue
reaching inside his mouth.

He held
the back of her head and deepened the kiss, his mouth moving over
hers with an intensity that shook her to the very core. He released
her lips and ran a finger over her throbbing mouth. They were both so
hot for each other they could hardly contain themselves. "We are
starting our family," he told her hoarsely, he sat back in the
chair and had to take deep breaths as he fought for control. He had
made a decision not to touch her like that when they were out in the
public because touching her was like lighting a match to a brush
fire, the blaze could get out of control and the need for her was
blazing inside him something fierce.

us to leave?" she asked him softly, seeing the intense look of
desire on his face. She loved him so much that she could not think of
her life without him.

because I planned this dinner for us and so that we could have a
civilized conversation and make plans for the future and if I take
you home now, that is not going to happen," he told her with a
shaky laugh. "I can't control myself around you baby, I have to
learn to do so."

we are staying?" she asked him in amusement.

are staying," he told her firmly.

stayed and made plans regarding her acquiring the restaurant. He told
her he wanted to be a part of it; he wanted it to be a joint venture
and he was going to be there to make sure she did not work too hard.

have a wedding to plan, a baby to look forward to and a restaurant to
buy," she said with a grin. "How are we not going to be

small wedding," he told her with a slight frown. "I want to
marry you right now Rosa, so it will not be a long time for

Chapter 8

wedding took place on a cold winter Sunday afternoon at a small
chapel in town. Her fiancé Jonathon had barely returned a week
ago and Hayley had told him firmly before his company sent off to God
knows where again, they were getting married first. The wedding was
small and intimate with a few friends and family and Rosa the only
attendant. She was wearing a forest green dress with furs on the
sleeves and around the neck and flared out at the waist. Hayley
looked radiant in a simple white dress that covered her from neck to
knees and molded her body to perfection.

ceremony was finished in less than an hour and they had the reception
at the restaurant that was soon to be John and Rosa’s. They had
tried to get the building Rosa had been so excited about when John
took her on their first official date but to her disappointment it
had been sold. The owners of the restaurant had offered to sell her
the place at a reasonable cost so John was handling that part of it.
It still gave her a thrill of unbelievable excitement to know that
she was going to be the owner of her own restaurant; her dreams had
finally come through.

The chef
had prepared a simple fare of three different kinds of chicken, a
pasta salad, macaroni salad and a variety of vegetables and fruit
plates. The cake was a three tiered vanilla concoction with creamy
butterscotch frosting.

owe me so much that I cannot begin to count.” Hayley told Rosa
as they were gathering the wedding presents and putting them in bags.
She and her husband were going away for a week to the Bahamas and
they would be back in time for Hayley to help her with her wedding.

really do,” Rosa said happily, giving her friend a hug. “I
can’t believe that all of this has happened to me in a matter
of months.”

am happy for you honey, you deserve it.” Hayley told her

place emptied out leaving John and Rosa. She was sitting at one of
the tables toying with a piece of cake and slowly eased her feet out
of her boots. “Tired?” John came over immediately,
crouching on the floor and taking her feet in his hands. Rosa smiled
at him lovingly. She was stealing gazes at him when she was at the
altar; he was by far the most handsome man in the place. “A
little,” she told him with a sigh as he rubbed the instep of
her feet slowly. “That feels good.”

to leave?” She had finally given up her apartment and had moved
in with him much to his delight. He had made some changes to the
apartment, wanting to please her by putting a few cheerful rugs his
mother had given him around the place. He had also widened the
already large built in closet in the bedroom to accommodate her
clothes and had insisted on taking her shopping. He had also added
her name to his account, telling her that the money was theirs.

nodded as he slid back the boots on her feet and helped her up. She
had told him the changes she was going to make to the restaurant as
soon as it belonged to them. The chef; Alfonso had agreed to stay
with her and she was planning to look for a new waitress as the
current one was leaving to go back to school. She could not believe
that very soon she would be living her dreams.

spoke about the plans for the restaurant and how soon she would be
staying home and for how long. “I can’t stay home right
now, not with the planning for the restaurant underfoot. I have to
make sure everything goes well.” She told him a little
anxiously. They were in bed after he had given her some tea to settle
her stomach which still tended to act up every now and then.

forgetting I will be there Rosa and I mean it, you are going to take
it easy,” he warned her. He was making circular motions over
her belly which was incredibly soothing.

am not going to be a stay at home mother John,” she told him
heatedly, pushing his hand away and sliding off the bed. “I am
going to be a part of every single detail of what it’s going to
be like. I worked too hard to let anything get in the way of what I
dreamed about since I was a little girl.”

back to bed Rosa,” John told her calmly. “I was not
saying anything about you being a stay at home mother and I know it
has been your dream for a long time and I have no intention of
standing in the way of it. I am simply asking you to take it easy;
you are not alone, I am here and I want you to always remember that.”

felt slightly ashamed. He has been so wonderful to her and had asked
for nothing in return, being there for her every step of the way and
she kept putting up resistance. “I am sorry,” she climbed
back on the bed. He was propped up on several pillows, his chest
bare, and his eyes looking at her intently. She slid a hand over his
chest. “I get a little prickly when it comes to my
independence,” she admitted. “I have to try and remember
that I am not alone anymore, that I have a man now.” She gave a
slight smile as she brought a hand up to his jaw. “I have a man
beside me now and I love it.” She spent the next half hour
showing him how much.


The time
flew by quickly, soon it was March and time for the wedding. It was
going to be in the same small chapel that Hayley had used and the
reception was going to coincide with the grand opening of the
restaurant. The takeover had gone smoothly and they had the deed for
the restaurant in their hands. Rosa had stared at it in a daze, not
daring to believe that she had gone from being an employee to an
employer and she had thrown herself into John’s arms, tears
streaming down her face. “You came into my life and changed it
completely,” she told him emotionally. “I love you

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