Her Mad Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 15) (2 page)



Chapter Two


“You have
to be out of your
bloody mind
You want
to ask
that woman
out on a date?” Maddox bellowed.
“Are you daft?”

The mad dragon threw his hands in the air and stared at one
of his oldest friends and three of the men he thought of as surrogate sons like
they each had three heads. It was obvious Kayne, the son of Lugh, the Celtic
God of the Sun, as well as a Guardsman, had been visiting his dad in the sun
too long, or maybe his complete loss of sense was from living in Hell as a
hellhound for a hundred years. Kayne may have worked hard to catch up with
modern times with his speech and actions but the old boy undoubtedly had a
screw loose somewhere.  And love had made the O’Reilly boys soft in the head.
That’s just all there was to it. In the last few months, all three had found
their mates and were blissfully mated.


He’d seen them all fall like lambs led to the slaughter.
Whipped by a woman and being lead around by the nose. It was enough to make a
grown dragon cry. There was absolutely no way he was going to go act like a
bumbling teenager barely out of short pants and ask Calysta St. Kroix out on a
date. A date? What the hell was that anyway?

His four brethren were sitting around the table in the
little cottage he was occupying while staying at the lair, hell bent on
coaching him on the way to approach his mate. He’d known something was up when
they’d all four appeared at his door with pizza, beer, and Macallan 36. These
boys didn’t spring for the good hooch unless it was bad news or a party…and
this was most definitely
a party.

“You’ve got to do something besides growl at her or run away
when she’s within a hundred yards. I know Calysta and she’s gonna get fed up
with your mangy ass before she really gets to know you if you keep acting like
that,” Royce said just before taking a huge bite of pizza.

Maddox thought he’d been granted a few moments peace while
the middle O’Reilly brother chewed, but Rory, the youngest of the brothers,
quickly added, “If you know, she knows, and I’m sure she’s wondering what’s
going on with you. You have to get a move on, old man. Your woman’s waiting.”

Groaning into his hands, Maddox scratched at his stubble,
trying to come up with a means of escape. Unfortunately, Kayne was sitting in
front of the kitchen door, Rian by the front door, and Rory was standing in
front of the sliding glass patio doors. The mad dragon was trapped and growing
more irritated by the minute.

Bastards knew I’d run…

How could this be happening? He’d lived over two hundred
years without a mate. What in all that was holy made the Universe think he
needed a woman in his life
? And of all the creatures under the sun,
a witch? No, wait, not just a witch…
Grande Priestess, the witchiest
witch there ever was.

Well, hell, now I sound like a children’s song.

 Thinking about the topic of their conversation, Maddox had
to admit, at least to himself, that Calysta was pretty enough. The Goddess made
sure her carnation on earth was the fairest in the land. His mate had
beautiful, long, strawberry-blonde curls that just tickled the crest of her
perfectly rounded bum, emerald eyes that shone so bright he felt as if he was
falling into them with every look, skin resembling the finest porcelain, lips
that begged to be kissed, and a body with curves that made his palms itch and
his mouth water.

She was not too tall and not too short, just the right
height. There was no doubt she would fit perfectly with his arms across her
shoulders, pressed against his side, or writhing from pleasure in his bed. But
it was her voice that drew him to her and her voice that still called to him in
every dream, waking or asleep. It was just smoky enough to be sexy, lively
enough to be feminine, and melodious enough to calm both man and beast. For the
first time in decades, the mad dragon felt calm just from the sound of
Calysta’s voice.

“Hey, asshole. Wake up. I’m trying to help you out here.”
Kayne rapped him on the shoulder and added, “Time’s a wastin’. You’re sure as
hell not gettin’ any younger.”

Jumping to his feet, he turned on the demi-god like a
rattlesnake turns on a mouse and roared, “What the fuck do you know? You’re not
mated. You’re older than I am. What the hell am I even listening to you for

Shoving his chair to the side, the mad dragon stomped to the
refrigerator, grabbed a beer, and stepped to the side before leaning against
the kitchen counter. He could see his brethren staring at him, could hear the
buzz of their mindspeak and thought about telling them to all get the hell out
but knew it wouldn’t do any good. Opening his beer, he took a long drink then
watched out of the corner of his eye as Rian, the oldest of the O’Reilly
brothers and the Leader of the Blue Thunder Clan, walked towards him.

Preparing for what was to come, Maddox blew out a long
suffering breath and shook his head. He was just about to tell the Dragon
Leader to bugger off when Rian said, “Before you tell me to go to hell, just
listen. I know what a pain in the ass you are and you know what a pain in the
ass you are. That’s one of the reasons why you retreated all those years ago.
But don’t you think the Universe knows what She’s doing? Isn’t it you who’s
always preaching ‘The Universe doesn’t make mistakes’?”

Rian stepped forward, opened the fridge, took out a beer,
and stepped back before continuing. As he spoke he opened the bottle. “The
Almighty knew it would take the strongest, most stubborn, most magical, most
understanding and kind woman on the planet to deal with your foul humor and
lookie there, Calysta appeared.”

Lookie? Really?

Maddox needed time alone in the worst way. He needed to
think, to figure out how the hell he, of all people, was going to handle having
a mate. He thought about flying off to his mountain. A few weeks of solitude
would do him good, but what if Rory was right. It would be a miracle since the
little jackass didn’t have a clue most of the time, but stranger things
happened. What if Calysta did know? What if she was waiting on him to make the
first move? If that was the case, he’d already disappointed the one person in
all the world who was made just for him.

Way to go, Maddox…

Lost in thought, Maddox nearly dropped his beer when Rory
tapped on his shoulder. 

“Jumpy, old man?” The youngest O’Reilly brother chuckled.

“I was thinkin’,” Maddox grumbled.

Shaking his head, Rory leaned his shoulder against the
refrigerator. “I know you’re freaking out, but you’ve got to get over it and
make your move.”

Kayne and Royce joined the conversation with the demi god
putting his hands up in surrender and chuckling. “I know you think I don’t know
what I’m talking about but I’ve seen a lot of couples get mated, and I know one
thing for sure…time waits for no man.”

“Kayne’s right, Maddox. You gotta get your shit together and
get over there. Talk to her. I swear, it’s easier than you think.” Royce was
grinning from ear-to-ear, making the mad dragon wonder exactly what he

“I know there’s something you’re not telling me. I can feel
it in my bones. You assholes are up to something. I just can’t figure out
what.” Maddox growled, took a long swallow of his beer, and then tossed the
empty bottle in the trash. Leveling his stare at each of them, he promised,
“But I’ll figure it out and then I’m gonna kick your asses. That’s a

It took the better part of the next hour to get Rian, Royce,
Rory, and Kayne to shut up and leave. He finally had to promise to take the
early morning training class of the new Guardsmen just to get them out the
door. Taking out the trash, the mad dragon looked at the cloudless sky and once
again wished he was back on his mountain. Up there, away from civilization, he
could call his dragon and take flight whenever he liked. Flying helped him think,
make sense out of things that simply seemed ludicrous everywhere else. It was
the thing he missed most about being back with a clan. Well, that and his

Deciding to take a walk, Maddox headed for one of the
smaller lakes at the back of the lair. It was quiet enough there for him to
think and as close to the wilderness of his home as he could get for the time
being. Walking through the woods, he listened to the cicadas, the beautiful
song of the nightingale, and the mating call of a male tawny owl. A few minutes
later, the mad dragon actually smiled when he heard the female owl’s reply. In
nature, unlike his world, everything was simple.

Even the flippin’ birds are havin’ a go at it…

He replayed his ‘ambush’ from earlier in the evening. Knew
the guys had his best interests at heart but couldn’t shake the feeling that
there was something they weren’t telling him, something he
know. It was possible Calysta had already decided to ignore their mating. She
had been wed before, had a grown daughter and an entire nation of witches to
govern. What the hell would she want with a crazy old dragon like him?

He knew the mating bond had started. Felt it the first time
they locked eyes. If she was to turn away from him now, it meant that he would
never love another, could never be with another, and would never have children.
It wasn’t that any of that really mattered. For all intents and purposes,
Maddox had given up on the happily ever after dream a very,
time ago. 

Sitting on the far side of the lake, hidden by the shadows
from the half-moon brightly shining on the large oak tree he was leaned
against, the mad dragon watched the ripples in the water as a school of fish
broke the surface to feed on the mosquitos flitting about. It was nice to be
alone, let his thoughts wander, be one with his surroundings. These were the
things he missed after his return to civilization.

He knew they all thought he was crazy for wanting to be
alone. Dragons were supposed to be in groups. They were supposed to thrive on
the comradery, flourish in the togetherness, work together towards a common
goal, and there had been a time when that was what he believed too, but things
had changed. Friends had died. Missions had failed even when they’d looked like
a win on paper and Maddox had simply had enough.

The sound of approaching footsteps pulled the mad dragon
from his memories. Shifting to his knees and using the foliage for cover, he
watched and waited. Night blooming jasmine and sage scented the air seconds
before a vision in white broke through the trees. His breath caught in his
throat, his heart beat a profound staccato rhythm in his chest, and his dragon
purred at the sight of Calysta gliding towards the lake and kneeling at its

It took all his considerable control to stay put. Both man
and dragon longed to join her. The mating call was at full strength and
demanding that Maddox act upon his impulses. Drawing upon his incredible
strength, he resisted. He had to be sure. Needed to know that she truly wanted
him, would accept him and all his faults. Had to be sure that this whole
calamity was not a figment of his overworked imagination.

Unaware of his presence, the Priestess took a small satin
pouch from the pocket of her gown. Gently loosening the drawstrings, she poured
a combination of aromatic herbs into the palm of her right hand before laying
the empty sachet on the ground. With just the tips of the fingers of her left
hand, Calysta touched the surface of the water and transferred a few tiny drops
of liquid into the herbs.

Bowing her head, his little witch began to pray as she
sprinkled the damp herbs over the surface of the water. They rode the ripples
like tiny surfers fighting to remain close to the one whose hand they’d just
touched. It only added to the ambiance of the moment, as if all things, both
great and small, were hanging on Calysta’s every word. The reverence of her
tone was awe inspiring and the emotion filling the air an inspiration. He was
mesmerized as the beauty of her prayer unfolded.

I come to you, Goddess of All, seeking wisdom and
comfort. Please help me shine light on what is dark in the world. Help me
strengthen and repair what is weak and broken. Bind the negativity that
threatens my faith. Banish the doubt and heal whatever sickness lives within
me. Help me find the peace and love that has been taken from us and use me as a
beacon of Your everlasting devotion and hope in Your world and Your children.
Show the path that is Your will. Let me always walk in the light of Your love. I
am Your humble servant, now and forever. Blessed be.

Maddox had never been what most would call a ‘religious
man’. He believed all blessings flowed from the Universe. He knew Fate had a
wicked sense of humor and Destiny could be a cruel mistress. He was thankful
for every breath he drew and every day he had on earth, even if he did bitch
and moan through most of them. He had faith. Some might say he was spiritual
but none would ever accuse him of the kind of devotion he’d just witnessed as
he watched the woman meant to be his mate pray to her Goddess.

He waited for her to rise, was sure her time of reflection
had come to an end, but the Priestess didn’t move. Had it not been for his
enhanced hearing, the mad dragon would’ve wondered if she was still breathing.
That was how completely motionless she was. Silent moments passed. The mating
bond grew warm within his soul. Its glow burned brighter. He began to feel
Calysta’s presence in a more formidable sense as opposed to the seedling it had

Unable to wait any longer, Maddox rose to his feet. Moving
from behind the bushes, he pushed the low hanging branches out of the way as he
took first one step, then another and another until he was fully exposed,
watching his mate from the opposite side of the lake. She remained in her
supplicant pose, unaware of his presence.

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