Read Her Mates Online

Authors: Suzanne Thomas

Tags: #Menage Amour, #Menage a Quatre (m/m/m/f), #Menage a Quintet

Her Mates (6 page)



















Most of my life has been spent around animals, which is why I probably work in a veterinary office. Next to animals, my main passion is reading. I read tons and tons of books. I have so many favorite authors that there isn’t enough room on this page to list them. I have always written stories, but something about them didn’t ring true with me. When I read my first erotic book, on my Kindle, I was hooked. This was what I wanted to write.

I hope you enjoyed this story and continue with me on my journey of excitement and adventure. Not to mention hot, steamy, passionate sex. Oh La La.










Siren Publishing, Inc.





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