Read Home in Your Arms Online

Authors: Sarah Bale

Home in Your Arms (2 page)

Ian entered the viewing room and sat on a wooden chair in
front of the monitor. He hit the “play” button and watched the findings of the

Name: Lexi Jean Smith

Age: Twenty-nine

Location: Mustang, Oklahoma.

A short briefing of Oklahoma’s climate also popped up,
confirming there had been a tornado. It still didn’t explain how her house had
ended up in Sinoda. Usually the storms dropped their debris back into the other
realm without entering Sinoda.

The Wiz took a subconscious memory, filling in gaps the
person themselves might not even know about and filtered it, making it complete
like a short movie. Images from the woman’s mind danced across the screen. A
birthday party when she turned ten and had gotten a pony, a funeral when her
parents died, her first kiss, her first sexual experience and a more recent

Ian’s cock jumped as he watched an image of Lexi touching
herself in front of her lover. She slid a finger into her slick folds. Working
her finger slowly around, her eyes closed in pleasure. Damn, she was beautiful.
He cursed and shifted in his seat, trying to ignore the arousal building in his
body. Now was not the time for this.

As the scene progressed, he could see her lover had been
clumsy and hadn’t known what to do to make the experience pleasurable for Lexi.
Ian’s gaze raked over her body in the image. The pink of her nipples stood out
against her pale skin and longed for the mouth of a knowing lover.

How he would love to touch her—to show her how it could be.

He shoved the thought from his mind and watched the next
scene, which was thankfully not a sexual one. A tornado lifted her small house
from the ground and into the sky. He could see the fear in her eyes as she
realized she was airborne. A note from the Wiz popped up indicating she
experienced déjà vu during the moment. Interesting.

The last scene made him sit forward. The Wiz had found one
of her earliest memories from when she was around the age of two.

She toddled alone in a cornfield with large tears streaming
down her rosy cheeks. Her plump thumb was in her mouth as she tried to pacify
herself. The sun beat down on her and she appeared to be severely sunburned.
Ian’s heart ached for the lost child. Her chubby toddler legs were covered in
dirt and her diaper looked like it was about to fall off.

The scene broke and then began again. A woman and a man ran
to her and picked her up. There was something about the woman holding the child
that struck a chord in Ian’s memory but he couldn’t place her face. Who was

“Where did she come from?” the woman asked the man, looking

Lexi pointed up to the sky and cried harder.

“There, there, little one. You’re safe now,” the woman

Another scene showed the woman and man searching but found
no one looking for Lexi. In the end, they adopted her as their own child.

The Wiz showed a few more scenes and then went blank. Ian
stared at the static screen and finally stood. The king would want to know of
Lexi’s arrival. Then Ian could find a way to get her home, where she belonged.
He stormed out of the viewing room.

“Make sure the king gets the report right away,” Ian said. “And
get me when she wakes up.”

The medic glanced through the window. “She’s awake now. She
must be very strong-willed. We gave her a lot of drugs to help her heal. Most
people would sleep at least a day.”

Ian turned. Lexi strained against her restraints, her eyes
wildly moving around. The leather straps automatically untied when he pushed a
button. Fear and confusion danced across her face as she sat up.

Taking large strides, he entered the room where she was. He
wanted to talk to her. He shook his head. Hell, who was he kidding? He needed
to ease her fear.

* * * * *

Lexi panicked as she woke from her dream. Her clothes were
gone and there were cords hooked up to her. What the hell was going on? Vaguely
she remembered two doctors talking about her. They hadn’t made any sense
though. Something about witches? Fear spread throughout her body. Where was
she? The door opened and a man entered. Her breath caught in her throat.

God, he was gorgeous. She guessed he stood nearly six and a
half feet tall and muscles bulged everywhere. He wore black combat pants and
boots and a green shirt. Was he military then? His black hair and blue eyes
created a striking contrast. And the ink she caught peeking up the side of his
neck from under his shirt had her itching to see where it led. To sum it up, he
was all man.

“How are you feeling?” he asked with a smile.

The man even had a perfect dimple in his cheek.

“Okay, I think.” She blushed, hoping he hadn’t noticed her
checking him out. “What is this place? Where am I?”

The man pulled up a seat next to the bed and sat down. His
muscular thigh pressed taut against his pants reminding her again how big he
was. Her eyes jumped back to his face as he spoke in a deep voice that sent
shivers down her spine. Holy crap. She’d never felt a connection like this when
meeting a stranger before. It was as though she’d just found a long-lost friend
but that was ridiculous.

“You’re in our holding compound. We treated your injuries
and stitched up your leg. The cords are from a test we ran on you.”

His voice held an accent that she couldn’t place. It sounded
vaguely European but even that wasn’t right.

“Test? Is everything okay?” She felt fine but there must
have been a reason why they ran a test on her.

The man shook his head. “Not a physical test. Our screening
machine, the Wiz, scanned your mind to see why you were here.”

She looked at the man trying to let his words sink in. “And
where am I?”

“You are in the Realm of Sinoda. You fell from the sky.”

She could almost hear the sirens back in Oklahoma as he
finished speaking. So, it had been real? Maybe they had drugged her? Was that
why everything felt so strange?

She rubbed her face. “There was a tornado. I remember my
house flying through the air. And you found me.” She paused. “I thought I dreamed

“This is no dream, Lexi,” he said softly, his warm voice
full of sympathy.

“You know my name but I don’t know yours.”

“Ian,” he said in a quick voice as he stood. “You should
sleep. The medicine will be kicking in. I’ll come see you later and we’ll talk
some more.”

“But…” Lexi protested. She knew he was right and she was
getting tired but she had so many questions for him. Before she could say
another word, her head dropped to the side as sleep took over, pulling her into
a world of restless dreams where blue eyes stared back at her.

* * * * *

Ian paused. The medicine was doing its job and now he could
do his. He covered her with the blanket and left the room. It was time to see
if the king wanted her killed or kept alive.

Chapter Two


“Ian, she’s asking for you again.”

Ian looked up from the letter in his hand. “Tell her I’ll be
there shortly.”

This was unbelievable. After seeing the Wiz’s report, the
king decided he wanted Lexi brought to the palace right away even against the
advice of the Royal Guard. He wouldn’t listen to reason, which put Ian in an
awkward position.

“Ian,” the king wrote, “this woman may be the O
have been looking for. Bring her to me. I will expect you here no later than
one week. Travel with care. If the Witches find out you have her, they

That was putting it mildly. When the Witches found out the
head of the Royal Guard was traveling with a mysterious woman to the palace,
they would do everything in their power to stop them. Especially if they
thought Lexi could be the One whom prophecy spoke of and wars had been fought

He closed his eyes, the dull ache of a migraine beginning.
There would be no easy way to get her to the palace either. Each path was laced
with danger. It was a matter of picking the lesser threat.

“Are you going to do it?” Andrew asked after reading the
letter over Ian’s shoulder. “You could always pass it onto someone else.”

Andrew was the only person who had enough balls to question
what he was going to do. Most of his men were afraid of him, as they should be.
But Andrew was his oldest and only friend and knew how to handle him. Hell, Ian
was glad to have his advice.

He shook his head. “I’ll do as the king wishes. I just hope
he doesn’t get his hopes up. She’s probably just some poor girl who was in the
wrong place at the wrong time.”

It was the easiest solution to believe. Any other option
came with consequences that he didn’t want to think about, like killing her.

Andrew bowed his head. “I’ll have your bags packed right

Ian stood and stretched slowly. He needed to prepare Lexi
for the journey. And he hoped to God she that would be able to understand
everything they were going to face.

* * * * *

Lexi sat in a chair by the open window and stared out at the
beautiful scenery. Lush green hills went as far as she could see. Butterflies
fluttered around and she could hear the soft buzzing of bees. Colorful flowers
of every kind were everywhere, looking like the crafty hand of an artist had created

A gentle breeze brought the scent of the flowers to her as
if they were in her room. She inhaled and smelled roses. A sky bluer than any
in Oklahoma could ever be spanned the horizon. It was almost unreal. A tear ran
down her face and she wiped it away.

She sighed and realized that she wasn’t alone. Without
looking up, she knew Ian stood beside her. Only he made her feel calm and
nervous at the same time.

“I still can’t believe this. The medics tell me that the
Realm of Sinoda is the most magical place in the universe. They also say that I
might not be able to get back to my home.” Her voice broke on the last word.

She hated crying but she was just so damn scared. Things
like this weren’t supposed to happen. Other realms were fake, just like witches
and any other bad thing that might be lurking in the shadows. But denying the
truth wouldn’t solve anything. She needed to get back home no matter what it
took. Accepting this new, crazy fate was the first step in finding a solution.

He placed a warm hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry about
that for now. You’re alive and that is pretty amazing considering you fell from
the sky.”

He grinned and her heart jumped. What was it about Ian that
made her feel this way? Could it be his kindness or his looks? Her stomach
fluttered. Her feelings came from somewhere deeper, but

Realizing he had been talking, she said, “Um, I’m sorry.
What did you say?”

“The king wants to meet with you. We will leave early in the
morning so get some rest.”

He held out his hand and helped her across the room, which
was a kind gesture. The medics told her that he was the head of the Royal Guard
so checking in on her probably wasn’t part of his normal job. He made sure she
was safely in the bed before turning to leave.

Staring at his back, she said, “Thanks Ian…for everything.”

Lexi rolled over and he didn’t reply but the soft click of
the door let her know he had left. She still didn’t know what to believe. Maybe
this was all a dream…or a coma. Deep down she knew the reality of her
situation. Stuck in a different realm, finding a way back home was her only
goal now.

Sleep began to take over. Ian had told her to rest and that
sounded great at the moment. As she slept, she dreamed.


She sat on a large bed, naked. Candles lit the room, bathing
her in a soft glow. Two French doors were open and a light breeze caressed her
skin. Somewhere in the room she could hear soft music playing. The beats were
slow and erotic causing her body throb to the tempo.

“Come to me, love,” she said as she held out her hand.

Ian prowled slowly toward her with a breathtaking smile on
his face. He, too, was naked and Lexi eyed his body greedily. Built like a
Greek god, his chiseled muscles flexed with each step. His tan skin glowed in
the candlelight and she could see that his chest was hairless.

Her eyes ran down his body and she gasped aloud. His cock
stood proud and ready and she found herself in awe. None of her past lovers
could even compare to him.

His large hand reached down and stroked his length. Her eyes
jumped back to his face and she found him watching her.

“Is this what you want?” he asked with a smile. “Tell me how
much you want it.”

She licked her lips. She could almost taste the come that
glistened on the purple tip. “I want you, Ian.”

With her other lovers, she never felt comfortable telling
them what she wanted. With Ian, it felt as normal as breathing. He stopped in
front of her and she reached out to touch him. His cock pulsed in her hand and
made her own body clench in excitement.

He took her hand, holding it still, and asked, “Where do you
want my cock, Lexi? I want to hear you say the words.”

Her cheeks flushed red and she looked away from him.

“No, don’t be shy. Here in this room, there are no secrets.
I want you to be honest with me.”

“I want you inside me, Ian. I’m so wet for you. So wet,” she

To prove her point, she spread the hairless lips of her
pussy. She was so wet that it was dripping down her thighs. She smiled as she
dipped a finger through the silky wetness, slowly moving her finger in and out.
Holding it up for his inspection, she looked away, not being able to bear
seeing his reaction to her boldness.

She gasped as his hot mouth covered her finger, gently

“You taste like honey.”

He caught her face and lifted her head until their eyes met.
His tongue danced around her finger and she knew that he enjoyed teasing her.
Kneeling before her, he coaxed her to lie on her back.

“I am going to fuck you, Lexi, but first you’re going to beg
for it.”

His head lowered and she watched as he breathed in her scent
before his tongue licked the juices flowing from her pussy. He flicked his
tongue over her clit, sending shivers throughout her body.

“I could spend hours discovering your body, Lexi, but
tonight there are no games.”

Her head rolled back against the feather mattress and she

“Like that? Then you are going to love this.”

He flicked his tongue into her pussy and made circles. She
arched her hips to him. In reward, he pushed in two fingers. Lexi rode his
fingers and tongue until she felt as if she was going to explode.

“Come for me, baby,” Ian urged, hot breath against her skin.
“Let your pussy fuck my tongue like you want to fuck my cock.”

His words sent her over the edge and an orgasm took over,
her body milking Ian’s tongue and fingers.

“Oh Ian. Yes.” she cried out.

When she could breathe again, Ian climbed next to her on the
bed. She pulled him toward her.

“I want you in me. Now,” she said as she opened her legs.

“Greedy,” he replied with a grin. “But you haven’t begged
for it.”

She laughed, “I’ll beg later, but for now you need to fuck
me and fuck me hard. That’s an order.”

His eyes flashed with humor. “I always follow an order.”

His lips brushed hers and she moaned. She could taste her
juices and her body shook with excitement.

“I love eating you out, Lexi. You taste so fucking good. So

He slammed his cock into her throbbing pussy. He wasn’t
gentle and she loved that he knew how she wanted it. Repeatedly he thrust into
her and she could feel pressure building up again. She grabbed her nipples and
rolled them until they were hard beads.

Her body tensed and then shook as she reached another
climax. Her greedy body sucked his cock and he came too. He fell onto her, his
cock still throbbing inside her. The room smelled of sex and sweat.

He looked at her, his blue eyes hooded with passion. “You
are too fucking good.”

“You aren’t so bad yourself.”

Ian blinked slowly, as if waking from a dream. His face went
from passion filled to a calm mask of fury. The warm satisfaction she felt
vanished in an instant and she pulled away in fright.

“Ian…” Something was not right. “What’s wrong?”

Ian jumped off the bed. He looked at her as if she had committed
a crime.


“How the fuck did you get into my dream?”


Lexi woke up with a gasp. Her heart pounded like a drum. It
was just a dream, she told herself. But it hadn’t felt like a dream. When she
had been fucking Ian, it felt real and oh so good. Then he looked at her with
that horrible expression on his face and she woke up in fright.

She turned in the bed and then stopped with a gasp. Her
pussy throbbed and she clenched her legs together, trying to hold onto the
memory. God, it had felt so real. She touched herself and moaned aloud.

The door burst open and slammed shut. She knew without
looking who had entered the room. Her heart raced with excitement and fear. She
closed her eyes and waited.


Ian strode over to the bed. He could tell by the rapid rise
and fall of her chest that she was awake. He didn’t care, though. He wanted
answers and he wanted them now. He stood next to the bed and waited for her to
turn over.

His cock was still hard from the dream. He shook his head. A
woman hadn’t invaded his dreams since he had been a young lad. His training
ensured he did not share dreams with anyone and yet he shared one with Lexi. And
it had been fucking amazing until he realized that she felt everything too.

“Are you going to turn over?” he asked, his voice dripping
in anger.

To be fair, it wasn’t her fault. He should control himself
better but the thought of her rosy nipples turned him on so much that he
masturbated before going to bed. That and his attraction to Lexi made him lower
his guard, which never happened. Never.

Lexi rolled over slowly. He silently cursed. Her nipples
were rock hard and she didn’t bother to cover herself. She looked up at him
with her big golden eyes. Eyes that said so much. She held out her arms to him
and it was his undoing.

Without saying anything, he growled and covered her mouth
with his own. She tasted like sweet candy and he kissed her deeper. She thrust
her tongue into his mouth and he sucked it. He broke the kiss and moved to her

They were large and the pink areolas drove him wild. Her
breast filled his hand like ripe melons. He covered her nipple with his mouth.
He lightly grazed it with his teeth and then blew cold breath against it.

Lexi gasped and arched her back. He sucked on one, knowing
she liked it that way. She moaned and held his head in place.

Pulling away, he moved to her other breast. While he sucked
her nipple, she moved her hand down his bare chest. Her hand dipped into his
pants and found his cock. It twitched when she wrapped her fingers around it.

“Ian,” she whispered in his ear. “I am begging now. I need
you to fuck me.”

He was more than willing to oblige. He unzipped his pants
and his cock sprang out. Lexi fondled his balls and he growled in approval. He
kicked his pants off and kneeled over her body. Her pale skin glowed against
his tan skin.

He spread her legs. Her slick juices coated her pussy and he
used his fingers to spread it around evenly. Positioning himself above her, he
touched her slick opening with the head of his cock.

“Ian,” she breathed out.

“Tell me what you want, Lexi.” He rubbed his cock up and
down her pussy, feeling her body quiver with anticipation.

Lexi arched up toward him. “Fuck me, Ian. I want you inside
me, filling me.”

He loved that she told him what she wanted. In the dream,
she had been hesitant but this time she wasn’t.

Holding her open, he entered slowly. Inch by inch he slid
into her until he was completely in. Lexi whimpered and he held onto her creamy
white hips. He knew he was big but her body held onto him. She was so wet for
him and he loved it. He gave her a moment to adjust to his cock before pulling

He could feel his own blood pounding in his body. This woman
affected him like no one else. He lowered his head and kissed her neck before
he thrust again, loving the excited gasp she let out. That made two of them.


Lexi cried out as he slammed into her. Bigger than she could
have ever imagined, she met him thrust for thrust. Fucking him in real life was
better than the dream. So so so much better.

“Fuck, you feel good,” Ian ground out. “You are so fucking

It had been so long since she had been with a man but no one
compared to Ian. She reached down and rubbed her aching clit. Her body shook
with pleasure and she needed to find her release.

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