Read Hook'd Online

Authors: Taisha S. Ryan

Hook'd (23 page)

"What?" she asked.


"I have?"

She never noticed it.


"Oh." Her face warmed a bit. "Well, I have to change that. What's your middle name?"

"I ain't telling you."

"Why not?"

"Because you're gonna laugh."

"No, I won't."


"C'mon, what is it?" She turned to him, and he lifted his chin with a distrustful stare.

"Promise you won't laugh?"

"I promise. What is it?"



She burst into laughter, and he hissed his teeth.


"Sorry, I just never expected that. It's sounds so..."

"Goofy, I know. Blame my mama for giving me that stupid ass name."

"It's kind of cute, actually."

"Cute? Fuck that. I'm too thugged out for a name like Gilbert, nah," he defended with a faux bravado that only made her giggle even more.

"Whatever, Gilbert."

"Call me that again," he dared.


He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up, startling her. He slammed her on the bed and tickled her sides as she burst into laughter.

"Think that's funny, huh," he teased.

She squirmed, fighting off his roaming hands as she continued to giggle. When he finally stopped, her laughter subsided as she caught her breath. They stared into each other’s eyes without a word. His fingers softly grazed the side of her face, and her skin tingled from his touch. There was a certain look in his eyes she never recognized before.

"What?" she whispered.

"Nothing," he said lowly.

She softly rubbed his face, admiring his beautiful features. From his dark smooth skin, those coffee brown almond shaped eyes, high cheekbones, full nose, and those plump lips. The air was filled with nothing but the soft sounds of their breathing, as they grew lost in their own thoughts. A certain feeling brewed in the depths of her stomach, a feeling so familiar yet potent enough to awaken something in her spirit she hadn't felt in years...

She broke her gaze, clearing her dry throat.

"What time is it?" she asked, easing up from under him.

He glanced at his watch. "10:30."

"We should get ready for bed since we have an early flight tomorrow."

He nodded, watching her. Without a word, she hurried into the bathroom to take a shower.

Reese shut her eyes, immersing herself in the warm water. Her mind jumbled with so many thoughts, as her heart spiraled with a myriad of feelings she could no longer suppress. She couldn't fight it anymore.

She was falling for Cameron. Hard.

How did she get this deep? Yes, she had always felt something between them. Whether she wanted to admit it or not. But not like this. Damnit. She had gotten caught up, and she didn't know what to do. This was exactly what she had been trying to avoid. These certain feelings she knew all too well, would only end in tumultuous pain. She learned that from experience. And since then, she had vowed to never feel that again.

Reese heaved in a deep breath, forcing herself to relax. Maybe he didn't feel the same way. Sure he felt something for her, but not like this. He had plenty other women to choose from. She doubted they would move even further than simply...friends. Or dating partners. Or sex buddies. Whatever they were calling it now a days. And she should be okay with that.

With a sigh, Reese shut off the water. She grabbed a fresh towel and wiped her face, before drying off her body. When her gaze landed on the countertop, she paused. With a lifted brow, she wrapped the towel around her body and approached the counter, staring at the black rectangular box. Had that been there all along?

She picked it up and opened it. She gasped at the sight. Inside was a 24-carat diamond necklace with a matching bracelet. In disbelief, she took out the necklace, observing its gleaming beauty.

"Cam, did you—" She spun around to meet him at the doorway. "What's this?"

He entered the bathroom, approaching her.

"Is this mine?" she asked, breathless.

He nodded.

"But why?...T-this is too much. I can't take this." She shook her head. It must've cost him a fortune.

He took the necklace from her hands. "Turn around."

She faced the mirror and watched as he latched the jewelry around her neck. He rubbed her arms and kissed her shoulder.

Her heart swelled. "It's beautiful."

It truly was. She ran her fingers across the jagged texture, loving the way it gleamed on her mahogany brown skin. She couldn't believe Cameron had bought this for her. What did she do to deserve this?

"Why for me?"

"Because I want us to be together."

She froze. "What?"

Her heart caught in her throat, she couldn't even speak.

"This whole time we’ve been searching for something. Something that we never wanted to admit to ourselves, but both knew deep down that what we're really looking for only exists in each other. And I'm tired of searching, Reese. I want you to be mine. Right now."

Overwhelmed, she tried to process his words.

"I-I don't even know what to say."

He grasped her hand and placed it on her chest. "What does your heart say?"

She slowly shook her head, her eyes welling with tears. Afraid to articulate her heart's yearning desire.

"I don't know," she whispered.

"You do know, Reese. You know that right in here." He grasped her hand firmer. "Stop fighting it, baby. I won't allow that shit. Not this time."

Whirling with emotions, Reese shut her eyes with a deep breath. Her heart screaming the words her lips were afraid to speak.

"What does it say, Reese?" he demanded.

"That I wanna be with you too."

"Then let's take that next step. That's what we both want."

"I haven't been with another man in years," she admitted. "I just don't know if I can—"

"Look at me."

She forced her gaze to his, and his brown orbs held her in its strong grip

"It's okay to be scared. But you just gotta trust me, and believe I won't hurt you. Will you do that?"

She held his gaze for a while, battling with her fears she tried so hard to suppress. His fervent tone and words, that piercing stare smoldered with a warm sincerity that stirred her heart in tremendous waves. She felt him. She believed him. And she could no longer allow herself to run away from what she had been feeling all this time. This was what she truly wanted. And that was him.

She nodded.

"So, you ready to take that next step with me?"

"Yes," she whispered.

"You sure?"

"More than sure."

With a nod, he brought her into a hug and they kissed passionately.

Chapter 33


Reese entered Free the Heart headquarters with a bright smile plastered on her lips. Her yellow blazer wrapped around her white buttoned up top tucked in her black pencil skirt, with her yellow pumps to match, she looked as good as she felt. Her heels clicked across the sleek floor as she strutted through the main lobby, admiring how much the peach and white decor of the couches and painted walls matched her warm mood. 'Free the Heart' inscribed the wall in bold gold letters, only embodied her state of mind. Her heart definitely felt free. And with the beautiful sun welcoming her this morning, she couldn't feel anymore refreshed.

She greeted the red haired receptionist behind the front desk, before making her way to the elevator. When she arrived at her floor, she approached Naomi, behind her desk, who quickly straightened up at her presence.

"Good morning, Naomi," she greeted with a warm tone.

"Uh, good morning, Ms. Wilson."

"Any calls or messages?"

"No, not as of yet."

"Okay, thanks. Oh and I love your hair, did you change the color?"

"Uh..." Naomi fluffed her golden brown fro. "No, it's always been this color..."

"Well, it's beautiful. Really fits you."

She blinked. "Uh, thanks."

Reese entered her office and shut the door. She placed her coffee on her desk, then opened the blinds, welcoming the beaming sun. She stared at the busy streets of Manhattan from her 4 story window, admiring the view of the buildings, the bustling pedestrians and heavy traffic under the bright blue skies. What a truly beautiful day it was.

She sat around her desk and began gathering her notes for her meeting soon.

A knock on the door disrupted her.

"Come in."

The door cracked open and Lillian peaked in.

"Hey, it's me."

Reese waved her in, and Lillian stepped inside, shutting the door behind her.

"So, I just wanted to tell you that I got my copy." She showed her the magazine with a smile.

Reese blushed. "You did?"

She nodded, walking over to the chair by her desk. "And I looove what you said about Free the Heart. Really inspiring."

Since being with Cameron, she had gained access to mainstream media now more than ever. Instead of allowing the attention to ruin her, she used it to her advantage. She had been able to bring more attention to Free the Heart, even earning more donations due to the publicity it received. Just last month, the chief editor of the famous African American owned, Ebony magazine had contacted her for an interview. And she spoke about Free the Heart, shedding light on the organization and most of all what it stood for: Empowering women.

"Not to mention, you look amazing here." She showed her the article, with her stylish photo, dressed in her chic, yet classy dress, in front of an aqua hued backdrop. "Sizzling hot mama!"

Reese chuckled, turning to her computer. "Okay, Lillian."

"So, what's it like?"

"What's what, like?" She opened her emails.

"Dating one of the most famous athletes in sports?"

"Didn't you ask me that before?"

"Yeah, but that was before...all of this." She gestured the magazine. "You're like, famous now."

"I'm not famous."

"You know what I mean. People know your face. Your name. That has to be pretty amazing."

"It's not that big of a deal."

That was a lie. Dating one of the most prominent athlete in sports right now was definitely...a big deal. Being with Cameron came with lots of perks. Such as nothing but VIP access to the most exclusive restaurants, clubs, concerts, shows, basketball games, and even vacations spots. They had actually just come back from Tahiti, a few weeks ago, which had been amazing. It took her a while to get used to this new way of life. In fact, she was still adjusting to it. Cameron spoiled her like no other. Showering her with endless gifts. And treating her like a queen. And just the concept of that at times, seemed absurd. She would've never in a million years, expected the womanizing athlete to treat any woman like a queen. But he did. She wasn't used to being this spoiled by any man. But he had made an adamant stance that she was his woman and he was willing to take care of her. So, with reservation, she let him. And she had to admit, it felt pretty damn good.

"Well, you both look wonderful together. Black men are not usually my type, but he is hot!"

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for the board meeting soon?"

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to come in here and say that." Lillian let out a sigh. "You know, just going through this whole divorce with Richard, I began to give up on love. But seeing you find it again, it's restored my faith."

"Where'd you get the idea that I was in love?" She frowned a bit.

"You're not?"


Lillian paused. "Oh. I just figured since know..."

"Since I, what?" Reese lifted a brow.

"Have this glow about you. Kind of like the one I used to have when I was with Richard. I just assumed that you were already in love."

"You should be getting ready for that meeting."

"Alright, fine. I'm leaving." Lillian stood up, taking the magazine with her. She tapped the picture with glee. "Really love this!"

Reese smirked. "Bye, Lillian."

Thankfully, Lillian stepped out, giving her much needed privacy. She was a trip.


The thought made her laugh.

Her office phone rang and she picked it up off the hook.

"Free the Heart. Sherese Wilson speaking," she answered.

"Sharese...just the person I wanted to talk to." The gruff baritone made her pause.

"And who am I speaking with?"

"You know who, baby."

Her senses heightened at the sinister tone. "Excuse me, who is this?"

"You know exactly who this is, bitch."

She froze.

"Don't think I won't find you. Can't run away forever."

She gasped when the realization struck her. It couldn't be.

"This shit ain't over, bitch. I swear to god when I find you, you gonna regret it. Fuck with me."

Reese slammed the phone on the hook. She pressed the button on the machine for the caller ID. But it was blocked.

It couldn't be him.

How did he find her number? After all these years? How?

In a state of panic, Reese opened her draw and grabbed her container of Xanax pills. She poured two tablets in her palm and swallowed them down. Her vision growing dizzy, she rubbed her temples, forcing herself to relax.




Cam threw punches at the heavyweight bag, striking it with all of his strength. His trainer, Leo, pressed the clicker, keeping count of each punch he threw. Cam envisioned himself in the ring bashing Chavez's face in. Attaining his victory one again. He pounded the bag repeatedly, growling as the adrenaline pumped through his veins.

"Time!" his trainer called.

Cam stopped with tired breaths, his muscles aching from the strenuous workout. Since 5 am, he had been training nonstop. Working on his conditioning, cardio, and of course boxing techniques. The fight was only a month away and he was focused. So much, he could almost taste the sweet victory on his tongue.

A clapping sound made him turn his head, and he found Slick entering the gym. As usual, he was dressed in his clean designer suit with his fedora hat cocked to the side, like some big time 70's don.

"Now, that's what I like to see." Slick nodded.

Cam grabbed the towel off the bench and wiped the sweat drenching his skin.

"Aye, Cam!"

He glanced at his trainer. "Yeah, wassup?"

"I'm a go take a break. I'll be back in a minute."


"You want anything on the way?"

"Nah, I'm good."

Instead, Cam took gulps of his protein shake he had made for himself. It replenished him with just enough energy to sustain.

"So, how you feeling? Ready for this fight?" Slick asked, as they took a seat on the bench.

"More than ready."

"That's what I like to hear."

His phone buzzed and he dug in his duffle bag. When he noticed Reese's name flashing on the screen, he answered it.

"Sup, baby."

"Hey, um are you still at the gym?"

"Yeah. Why, whatsup?"

"Nothing. Is it okay if I come by?"

"Yeah, of course. Why? Everything okay?" he asked, picking up on her somber tone.

"Mhmm, I'm fine. I'll see you in a bit."

"Alright, cool."


When their call ended, he placed the phone in his duffel bag.

"Reese's coming by," Cam told him.

And he didn't mind it. Sometimes when she had the time, she would visit just to watch him train. Although he preferred to train alone due to distractions, Reese was never a bothersome. Instead, he liked her presence here. It showed that she supported what he did. Even if it was to simply watch him.

"Look, I hope you ain't letting this chick lose your focus."

Cam hissed his teeth. "C'mon, man."

"I'm serious."

"Didn't you just see me over there, doin' work? I am focused."

"Well, I hope so. You know how you get."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You always let these bitches keep you off track. Before it was the pregnancy scare with that one bitch, then it was that whole lawsuit you had, after that it was the rape bullshit. Now this. And for some reason, it always happens right around fight time. And the last thing we need right now, is you getting caught up in some other shit. Especially not this fight—"

"I said I'm focused, alright." He shot him glare.

"Yeah, you better be. I got a lot of money riding on this. You better not fuck this up," he threatened.

Cam gritted his teeth, facing ahead. "I'm a do what I got to. Don't worry about me. Just make sure you do your part, and have all my shit set up before the fight."

When a presence appeared at the corner of his eye, he turned his head to see Reese entering the gym. And just like that, his anger subsided. That professional look, he loved on her did her justice, giving him the perfect view of her beautiful frame as she strutted toward him in her high heels. He stood up and walked toward her.

"Sup, baby," They hugged and kissed.


"Aye, I'm a takeoff," Slick called out.

Cam gave him a dismissal nod, not even bothering to spare him a glance. Instead, he kept his attention on Reese.

"Took an early day off work?" he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Mhmm. Figured I'll come by and see you. I got you Joe's Crab Shack." She lifted the plastic bag, and the delicious aroma permeated his senses. He nearly jumped up, salivating like a hungry dog in search of a treat. He could kiss her right now. She got his favorite meal.

"You're the best, you know that?" He kissed her cheek, taking the bag from her.

"I know." She smiled and walked to the bench.

He followed suit and sat next to her. 

"So, how was your work out?"

"Good." He nodded, taking out the container. "Did a lot of conditioning. Cardio. Punching techniques."

When he opened the plastic container, his stomach churned at the sight of crab legs, fries, bisects, and corn. "And you got my favorite? Aw man. You want some?"

"No, it's okay. I'm not hungry."

"Woman, stop playing. You know you can't resist all this good food." He waved the container by her nose teasingly and she grinned, moving it away.

"I'm fine, Cam."

"Yeah, alright." He took no time in digging in. He pulled the crab legs apart, and sucked the meat out of the shell. He moaned in bliss, savoring the delicious taste. If this were any other time, he would've refrained from eating such junk. But since he needed to gain a certain weight for the fight, he could eat all the fatty foods he wanted, within reason.

"So, where's your trainer?"

"Went out for a break. Should be back soon, though."


"Sure you don't want some?" he offered again. He felt bad eating so much without sharing any.

She shook her head.

He studied her, picking up on her sullen mood. "You okay?"


"You sure? You look...out of it."

She gave a faint smile. "I'm fine."

He could tell she wasn't. Something was bothering her. As much as it pained him, he didn't bother to push it. He learned since getting to know Reese, doing that wasn't the answer. She wasn't the type to open up easily. And pushing her to do so, would only cause her to shut down. It was frustrating. And it took a lot of patience. But because he cared about her, he had to wait on her to feel comfortable enough to fully trust him.

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