Hunter (Fairy Tale Bad Boys #1) (5 page)

Chapter 10


It was after midnight when they finally settled on a plan. They both decided that while killing Vincent would be satisfying, it wasn’t exactly legal, or going to make their case any better. The big issue was whether or not the debt Vincent had forgiven when they had fallen for each other was going to be back in full affect when she left him.

Her father had a known gambling problem and had racked up over half a million dollars in debt at Vincent’s little casino. How he had done it was beyond her, but she had been the dutiful daughter and tried to help her retired father out, which was how she ended up working for Vincent in the first place. She and Jason thought it would be prudent of her to let her father in on her plan, so he wouldn’t have any surprises, and for him to prepare for the worse, if Vincent did decide to collect.

“You should stay here,” Jason tried to convince her, he seemed afraid to let her walk through his door and out of his life again. Not that she could blame him, tonight was the longest they had been in each other’s presence in a long time, and it wasn’t just him who was feeling reluctant to separate.

“I can’t. I already told Lisa I would be staying over, and I’m already going to get an earful for being out so late.” She shoved her things in her pockets, gathering her purse.

“All the more reason to stay.” He had his hands in his pockets and was looking at her through his lashes with that small insecure boy look that had always been her Achilles heel.

“You don’t even have a spare room,” she pointed out.

“I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“Your couch isn’t that comfortable.” Their little back and forth was interrupted by the sound of her phone buzzing again.

For the last few hours, it had been going off nonstop with calls and messages from Vincent, wondering where she was and when she was coming home. When she didn’t answer the first few the threats began. She had turned her phone off after that and had only recently turned it back on now that she was leaving.

“You shouldn’t go out on your own right now. Stay here, I’ll stay on the couch.” He placed his hands on her shoulders, his lip quirked up on one side. “I promise to be the perfect gentleman.”

Isabel bit her lip. She knew she should say no, to insist she go to her sisters. Being with him the last few hours had brought up all the feelings she had been trying to keep buried, and standing there with him looking down at her the way he used to made it hard to decline.

“All right.” She let herself be led from the living room and into the bedroom she knew all too well.

Jason’s bedroom was like him, rugged and wholesome. His bed was king size to hold his massive form, something she had always teased him about before. Now looking down at it, knowing she would be sleeping there without him gave her a weird sort of sadness. It seemed wrong somehow, but she couldn’t bring herself to ask him to stay.

“I’ll just take this pillow.” He grabbed one from the bed and then the throw blanket at the end of the mattress.

“Um,” she started as he made his way to the door. “I don’t have anything to wear to bed.”

Jason paused and looked her over, undressing her with his eyes, telling her exactly what he wanted her to wear to bed. After a moment, he went over to his dresser and pulled out one of his shirts, tossing it to her. Catching it in her arms, she forced herself not to bring it to her nose and breathe it in.

“Thank you,” she muttered, her eyes never leaving his.

“If you need me just holler.” Jason’s eyes smoldered as he watched her until the very moment the door closed between them.

* * *

Yellow gold eyes stared out at her from the shadows. Her heart pounded in her chest as she backed away from them, trying not to draw attention to herself. A twig snapped beneath her foot and the muzzle to those eyes let out a growl. The sound of it made her bolt for the trees, the beating of her footsteps rung in her ears as well the four paws hitting the ground behind her.

The bushes scratched at her legs, bare but for the t-shirt that hung down to her knees. Fear gripped her and her lungs burned; she didn’t dare look behind her, knowing he was right on her tail. She pushed passed the panic and pain in her lungs, until her foot caught on a branch, and she spiraled down and down.

Falling onto the ground, it didn’t take long for him to be on her, snarling and snapping at her. She cried out and gripped the fur in front of her, trying to push him off. She locked her arms in front of her, pressing it against his throat as his sharp teeth snapped at her. All of sudden the wolf above her turned from animal to human. Muzzle to jaw.

The blonde head of Vincent sat above her, no longer biting at her, but pushing her hands down beside her as she struggled. Laughter sounded in her ears as she fought to get him off until she jerked awake when the door to the bedroom flew open.

“Izzy,” Jason’s voice cried out to her, and her eyes looked to his silhouette in the doorway, the light from the window barely enough to distinguish his features.

Her breathing was labored as she tried to calm herself. It was only a dream. Vincent couldn’t get to her here. Not while Jason was there.

“I’m okay,” she gasped her words raspy and hoarse. “It was only a bad dream.”

“You’re safe here, Izzy. I won’t let him hurt you.” Jason stepped forward and then stopped thinking better of it.

“I know.” Isabel looked down at her hands, the dream still making them shake with fear.

“Well then, I guess I’ll just go.” He thumbed back behind him, half turned to leave.


Before she could stop herself or even think about it, the single word fell out of her mouth. A word that caused him to pause in the doorway. Her eyes locked onto him and waited for him to comply with her request.

“Are you sure?” He stepped into the room, the moonlight landing on his shirtless chest, making her mouth go dry.

Gulping, she nodded her head and then licked her lips.

“I’m not going to apologize, Izzy.” His feet padded on the carpet as he made his way toward her. “I’m not always going to say the right thing. I won’t always make the right choices.” He stopped in front of her, the waistline of his boxers at her eye line. “I am not the smartest man, I know what I want and what I want is you. But don’t ask me to stay with you unless you are ready to deal with the consequences. I won’t lie next to you like a good boy and keep my hands to myself. I’m not that kind of man. If I’m going to stay with you, I sure as hell am going to be buried deep inside of you.”

His words caused a bit of anger to flare, but it was trumped by the aching need she had for him between her legs and in her heart.

She knew what asking him to stay would mean, and every part of her screamed at her not to care. So what if he wasn’t perfect? If they didn’t have everything in common, what couple did? Isabel was tired of fighting, with him and with herself. She just wanted it to be like it used to be between them before the misunderstanding and Vincent.

So when she told him to stay this time, her eyes locked with his, and she let all the words she wanted to say, all the emotions she had held back in the last nine months fill her up, until it was clear that she wanted him and him alone.

Chapter 11


The look in her eyes made his heart thud in his chest and his cock hard as a rock. In an instant, he was on her, one hand finding its way to the back of her head while the other wrapped one silken leg around his waist as he pressed her down into the bed. He couldn’t believe he was actually here with her, getting to touch her like this once again.

He had thought about it sure. Before she had cried out, he had been torturing himself with different scenarios that would cause him to jump from the couch and end with her in his arms. But he had never imagined those things actually happening.

So, when he heard her cries of panic, his body was already up and through the door before he realized anything was wrong. Then when his senses came back to him, and he saw her there in his bed, in his shirt, all thoughts of comforting her went out the window and all he wanted was her.

Isabel let out a soft sigh as she sunk into his embrace, letting him take the lead. His hand traced along the outside of her thigh and he forced himself to go slow, to take his time. No matter how much he wanted to rip the clothes from her back and bury himself inside her.

It seemed like she was having the same problem he was, because she arched her hips into him, pressing her heat against the thin front of his boxer. She moaned when her clit came into contact with his hardened length, and it took all his will power not to let her have her way.

But he had waited too long for this. Nine months was a long time to go without sex and he wanted this to last. Who knew what would happen in the morning? She could change her mind as women sometimes did and try to blame it all on being afraid and vulnerable. No. If this was the last time he ever got to feel her in his arms, it would be under his terms.

Leaning back from her so she could get the friction she needed, he almost smiled at the whine that came from her throat. His hands found their way under her shirt and pushed it up and over her head. Jason’s eyes soaked in the sight of her.

He had always said that Isabel had the most perfect breasts he had ever seen. Just this side of a handful and so sensitive to his touch that his eyes boring down on them alone caused the nipples to harden.

“Jason,” she moaned when he kept staring at her, not moving to touch her. “Please, touch me.”

“Not yet,” he murmured, his eyes trailing from her perfect breasts to her panties that were soaked where they pressed against her. His hand reached up and cupped her hips, sliding his hands underneath the edges of her panties before pulling them down, revealing her to him.

Isabel moaned and wiggled beneath his gaze. He could tell she was getting frustrated, that if he didn’t touch her soon she was going to go crazy, which was exactly how he wanted her. To want his touch so badly that she couldn’t stand it, the same way she had made him feel for almost a year.

Jason leaned down, pressing his mouth against the skin between her breasts, savoring in the taste of her against his tongue, but never quite touching the areas she wanted. He let his mouth leave a trail of hot wet kisses down her stomach and traced along the edge of her hip bone. He threw one leg over his shoulder and pressed his face between her thighs, not touching, just breathing against her.

“Jason. Please,” she groaned, her hands finding their way into his hair, trying to push him to where she wanted him.

He loved to hear his name on her lips, especially like this. When she was begging for it, and he knew he was the only one who could give her what she wanted. When his tongue finally slipped out and lapped along her heated skin, she wailed at the contact and tried to close her legs around him.

Determined to keep in control, he used his strength to keep her open for him, circling and teasing her just short of her release. With each pant and moan of his name, his own arousal heightened, making it almost painful to deny himself much longer.

Isabel thrashed against him, trying to buck her hips up and closer to him. Instead of pulling away from her, he grabbed her hips and pressed his mouth against her clit and sucked hard. The sound of her howling in his ear made him slide his finger inside of her, making sure she was good and ready for him.

While she was still riding her high, Jason removed his mouth and aligned himself between her thighs. Pulling his boxers down, he thrust the full length of himself into her but stopped at the feel of her so tight around him.

“God, baby. Give me a moment,” he gasped, not prepared for the overwhelming feeling of being inside of her. “So tight,” he croaked out almost blowing his load right there.

Wiggling her hips against him, this time she made him whimper and beg. “It feels so good to have you inside of me again,” she whispered in his ear, knowing her dirty talk always made him lose control. “It’s been almost a year since I’ve had anything that didn’t take batteries in me. It’s just not the same.”

Jason looked down at her for a moment, his brows crinkled. “You haven’t with the mutt?”

A wicked smile crossed her face and when she shook her head, it killed the last bit of his restraint.

Planting one hand above her, he used the other to get a good grip on her hip, pulling back and then driving into her, causing them both to gasp and moan. He had wanted to make it last but knowing the mutt hadn’t touched her, hadn’t been inside of her, made him throw all of his plans out the window. All he could think of now was bringing them both to a state of oblivion.

Isabel had other ideas.

While she had seemed perfectly content to let him be in control, it didn’t last long before she hooked her foot around his leg, pushing him up and over until she was writhing on top of him. Each movement she made as she rose above him only to sink back down on his length caused a twinge in his heart. It sounded sappy even to him, but in that moment the way she moved, the way she seemed so delighted to be with him was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

He placed his hands on her hips and helped her move against him, urging her to lean forward so the top of her brushed against him. They moved like that for a few minutes, eyes on each other while each movement brought them closer to the edge. Before long, he felt his balls tighten, and he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.

Flipping them over again, he braced one hand on her hip and slid the other between them rubbing her bundle of nerves in rapid concession. A smirk of satisfaction slipped onto his face as he watched her mouth drop open, and her eyes roll back into her head. Only when her whole body tensed and her insides clenched around him did he let himself go.

Jason slammed into her over and over, trying to make Isabel’s orgasm last as long as possible while he reached for his as well. Each stroke along her insides made him grunt and his legs quake, and when he was almost there he leaned into her, his mouth brushing her ear.

“I love you, sugar.”

To any other woman those words would have been blown off as a man talking in the heat of the moment but not with Izzy. He knew from the way her eyes filled with emotion that she knew he meant it,  and as sweet oblivion found them, he vowed never to let her go again.

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