Read Hunter (Sons of Rebellion Book 2) Online

Authors: Elsa Day

Tags: #love, #urban, #series, #wedding, #curves, #Fiction, #motorcycle club romance, #biker, #Bike, #college, #gang, #Action adventure, #serial, #chrome, #travel, #book, #bbw, #Suspense, #proposal, #New Adult, #alpha male, #plus size, #sons of, #outlaw rebel, #big, #women's, #Coming of Age, #kindle, #alpha, #thriller, #man, #mystery, #dark, #novel, #mc, #leather, #second chance, #curvy, #marriage, #Motorcycle, #action, #1%, #novella

Hunter (Sons of Rebellion Book 2) (7 page)

For all I knew, they were probably both blackout drunk in a shitty bar somewhere. They didn't need me for that.

Whatever. It was time to get back in the game.

I accelerated, speeding along on my motorcycle so fast that the trees above me shuddered as I passed. I crouched low, pressing my body against the smooth metal. My bike was the only lady I could afford to worry about now, she was gonna take me home with no problems.

The wind whipped against my face. It tossed my hair and chilled my hands. Car lights appeared every now and again out of the darkness, and I avoided them, ducking out of the way. The trees were perfect camouflage.

I managed to make it back without anyone seeing my face. Jase and Brent's bikes sat outside of the place we rented. Great, so they
getting shit faced somewhere. Maybe, for once, I had underestimated them.

"Where the hell have you been?"

As soon as I opened the door, Jase jumped out of his chair. He slammed the door shut behind me and came right up into my face. Any other time, I would've knocked his stupid mug backwards, but something was wrong.

He looked like shit. The both of them did. Jase's face swelled on one side and bruises spread out over his chest. Clotted blood smeared over Brent's temple as he turned to look at us.

"What the
happened to you?" I asked.

"What the hell happened to us?" Jase yelled. He was close enough for his spit to land on my skin. "What happened was that you don't pick up your fucking phone!"

I pushed him out of my face and he stumbled backwards. "What does my phone have to do with your fucked up face?"

"Well, maybe if you weren't so busy chasing after tail, none of this would've happened," Jase said. He smirked and licked his busted lip. "So how was your little bitch, huh? Was the pussy good?"

I grabbed Jase by the throat. My fingers dug into his skin and he choked.

"Say that one more time," I said. "I

Even though he could barely get the sounds out, Jase tried. "I


Brent pulled Jase out of my hands. He came between us and pushed me backwards.

"Calm the fuck down," he yelled, "the
of you."

Jase bent over with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. Brent made him sit down, then he turned to me.

"Look, this is what happened," he said." We were leaving a bar when we got into a fight with the Treasurer of the Midnight Stalkers."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This couldn't be true.

"It's fine! We eliminated the target and his lackeys," Brent said.

I let out a breath.

"Well, all except one…"

?" I yelled.

"What did I tell you?" Jase shouted. "If you would've been here, the bastard wouldn't have gotten away!"

"Jase, if you don't shut your mouth…" I took a deep breath.

Now wasn't the time to be angry with him. Other things were more important. I turned to Brent.

"So you're telling me that you left the guy alive, and now he's going to go back to report on everything?" I asked.

"Yes," he said.

"And he knows that we killed Slick
the Treasurer?"

"… Yes," Brent said.

I clenched my fists, trying to hold back the anger I was feeling. These two were getting very close to making me add a second ass kicking to their day.

"Can't I leave you two alone for
fucking seconds?" I yelled.

"Look, look, what's done is done. We don't have the element of surprise anymore, so we gotta move quick."

"You got that right."

"We need to hit them first, before they hit us," Brent said.

So far so good.

"We need to kill their secretary," he said.

Suddenly, the rage left my body. I dropped my fist and leaned back against the wall.

"We need to kill Tyson Grenadine," Brent said. "And we need to do it


"NADIA!" MOM YELLED AS soon as I opened the front door. "Why are you back so late?"

I slipped past her and closed the door behind me.
? For at least one time, couldn't she wait until I was
to start yelling?

"I told you I was going to be with Jona. All we did was watch TV," I said.

"But it's already dark outside. With everything that happened with Slick, it's not safe. You had me worried sick!"

"It's not even late," I said. "I'm not a baby. I'm not going to come running home soon as the sun goes down!"

Mom raised her hand and came close to me. "What did you say?"

"Leave the girl alone."

Dad was sitting on the couch, watching TV with a bottle of beer in his hand. He changed the channel and then turned to look at me.

"She's right," he said. "She's not a baby anymore. After all, she's going to be married soon."

I glared at him. After everything that happened today, I didn't need this. His stupid little plan to shack me up with Palmer wasn't what I wanted to be thinking about. I grit my teeth.

"It'll be a cold day in hell before I marry that bastard," I said under my voice.

Dad shut off the TV and stood up.

"I thought I heard something," he said. "Wanna say that again?"

Mom grabbed my hand and tugged me to the side.

"She must be tired," she said. "She's mumbling such crazy things! Did you have dinner? I'm sure you didn't. Let me make you a snack…"

She pulled me in the direction of the kitchen and Dad got back into his seat.

"Yeah, she
be tired," Dad said, "because no one with any sense would say something like that to me. Right?"

I felt my muscles tensing, but mom just smiled and pulled me out of the room. She dragged me into the kitchen and spun around.

"Do you
him to go off on you? Ever since what happened to Slick, he's just been itching to fight!" Mom grabbed me and shook me. "You want the next person he turns on to be

It wasn't until then that I realized I wasn't the only person covering things up with concealer. Mom's left eye was caked in extra layers of makeup and powder. As soon as she noticed me looking at it, she dropped my shoulders and turned away. Her hair fell over her face so that I couldn't see her eye anymore.

I bit my lip. My stomach felt hard, nauseous. Did he really do that to her? Was he
far gone?

"And everyone says that
the trouble child."

I spun around. There he was, shoving a big old bag of potato chips into his mouth.

"Tyson, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I decided to stick around," he said. He reached into the fridge for a can of soda and popped it open. "I might as well stay until this whole situation is dealt with."

I grabbed the soda from his hand. "You mean you're just going to keep mooching off of Mom until this is over."

"Hey –"

Someone knocked at the door. No, knocked wasn't the word. They
on the door as if their life depended on it. Dad must've opened it, because the next thing we heard sounded like someone falling on the floor.

Mom rushed over.

"Honey who is-"

She screamed and we ran over to see what the hell was going on.

The front door was still open. Dad stood there, the handle in his hand, looking down at the scene playing out at his feet. A guy was sprawled out on the floor, laying half on the front steps and half in the house. It looked like he just came back from the beating of his life. His blood stained Mom's white carpet a deep red.

Mom screamed again, loud enough to make my ears ring.

"Who is
!" she screeched and pointed.

Tyson kneeled down to look at the guy's puffy face.


The guy groaned, nodding his head. A wave of realization washed over Tyson's face.

"Dad, this is Nathan Mengual, one of Raymond's guys. He's good," he said. "Help me drag him in!"

Tyson and Dad grabbed Nathan by his arms and pulled him into the house. He left a track of blood behind him on the carpet. They made him sit up and leaned him against the wall. His head lolled to the side, like he had no strength.

"Well, don't just stand there! "Dad yelled. "Do something!"

I hadn't even noticed that I'd just been standing there. How exactly was I
to react to a half dead guy showing up on my doorstep?

"I'll get the first aid kit!" Mom said, and ran upstairs.

"I'll get… some water," I said.

Well, at least it was better than nothing.

In the kitchen, my mind raced. I was almost certain what Nathan was going to say. I didn't want to hear it.

The faucet filled the cup to the brim, and I took a swig. Hey, I needed it. I filled up the cup again and took a deep breath before heading back. My stomach was churning, but I tried to stay calm. What was the worst thing that could happen?

I thought about my mom. Did Nathan know about Slayer? And if he did, would he tell? What would Dad do then?

Maybe he would die before he could say anything. Yeah, that would be great. Then there would be no problem.

I stopped myself. What was I
? Was I really hoping that someone would die just to protect my secret? What was
with me?

I closed my eyes and smoothed my hair, throwing it back over my shoulders. Everything would be fine. I just had to be calm…

As soon as I got to him, Nathan grabbed the glass of water and chugged it down. He spilt water down his neck and on his chest in the process, but he didn't seem to care. Mom was wiping the dirt out of his cuts and rubbing ointment into the wounds. Looks like she could actually be caring sometimes.

"Sons of Rebellion," Nathan blurted out.

"What?" Dad asked.

"They are behind this, the Sons of Rebellion. They are in town. They did everything."

"Slow down," Tyson said. "What exactly happened to you? Why are you like this?"

Nathan took a deep breath.

"We got a tip that there were these guys in town who caused some trouble a few nights ago. Got into a fight at a bar. At first Raymond didn't think anything about it, because you know how drunk people get on a Friday night.

"But then we heard about Slick, and that got us thinking. The next thing we know this guy shows up, he says some asshole from the Sons of Rebellion beat him up in a bathroom outside of town. Says the guy told him to keep his mouth shut."

Nathan stopped to cough, hacking up blood. It sounded like he might cough out an organ. I took a step back.

"So Raymond says we're gonna find 'em. These stupid bastards are hanging out in a bar. We go after them. There's five of us and only two of them but …"

Nathan hung his head and looked away from Dad.


"They-" Nathan's voice strained. "They killed
. Even Raymond. I'm the only one who got away."

That knocked the wind out of all of us. People were dropping like flies. That made five in just the past few days. Just what was going on here anyway?

"They said that they were going to keep killing until the whole club was wiped off the face of the earth," Nathan said.

Dad's face went red. His nostrils flared and I could see the veins standing up in his neck. He stood up and cracked his knuckles like he was getting ready to fight.

"So they want to fuck with me and my club, huh?" Dad said. "Well, I'm gonna fuck with them! We're gonna find the guys who did this to you, and we're going to make them pay. And that's just the beginning. I'm not going to stop until
every single person
in that club is lying six feet under. I want to see a mountain of their bones.

"Don't they know who I am? I'm Donaldo Grenadine, and this is a fucking



Brent blinked. He cocked his head to the side, as if he thought he wasn't hearing right. Jase stood up again, stomping in my direction. He threw his hands into the air.

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