Read Hurricane Online

Authors: Taige Crenshaw

Hurricane (17 page)

“Definitely okay.” He kissed her.

Julianne leaned against him, returning the kiss. He released her before it got too heated.

“If you have time, I can show you around,” he offered.

“I have time,” she said.

He started the tour with his office, then the rest of the station, introducing her to the firefighters, EMTs and paramedics, and others who were working. In the rec room, Julianne sat on the couch talking to the captain and the other men who had followed them there. Keenan leaned on the counter in the kitchen and looked at her. She was radiant and gracious.

“That one is a keeper,” Tommy said, joining him.

“She is,” Keenan agreed.

Julianne looked up at them. She winked, then went back to chatting.

Later, as he escorted her out, the men told her to visit again. Julianne invited them to come by Moments for a tour. Keenan chuckled as they followed behind them. He ushered her out and closed the door on their faces. He ignored their protests and escorted Julianne to her car. She unlocked it and opened it, throwing her purse into the passenger side. Julianne leaned against the doorframe. Keenan braced his hands on the roof over her and kissed her. Julianne hugged him, holding him close.

“We still on for tonight?”

“Yeah. A quiet night at home is just what we need,” Julianne said.

“I got the food you wanted from the store.”

“Good. Till later.” Julianne nodded before kissing him, then got into her car.


He closed the door and stood back, watching her leave. Returning to work, he was looking forward to the night ahead. Having her spend a night through the week was a rare thing.

Hopefully, that will change soon.



Later that evening, Keenan finished washing the last plate and passed it to her. Julianne kissed him, taking the dish and drying it. She had enjoyed dinner and now her thoughts turned to her visit to Keenan’s work.

From what she could tell, he was well respected by his co-workers. The tour he’d given her of the station had been eye-opening. It was very different to how she had pictured a fire station. After being with Keenan, she’d come to respect people in the fire department even more than she had done before.

“I’ll get the popcorn and drinks,” Keenan said.

“I’ll put in the movie.” She wiped off her hands.

Julianne gave him another kiss before she left the kitchen. He followed her to the living room, where she put the DVD in then sat on the couch, pulling her legs up and scooting back against the arm rest. Keenan put the popcorn and drinks in easy reach while she moved forward making space for him. He sat behind her, pulling her back against his chest. Julianne sighed, relaxing against his big frame. Keenan kissed the top of her head as she handed him the remote.

She absently watched the previews, thinking that the whole evening had been wonderful. Cooking together, eating and even cleaning up had been done with a playful camaraderie. It had been a great idea to have a night in. She touched his hands around her. It was so rare for them to have a night over during the middle of the week.

That’s my choice.

Yes, it was. She knew that Keenan wanted to get to know Rissa. Heck, Rissa wanted to get to know him, too. Since their conversation, Rissa had been asking when she would get to see him and Julianne kept telling her it would take time. Being like any eight-year-old, Rissa wanted an actual date. Julianne had none to give her.

Maybe I should let Keenan spend some time with Rissa.
As soon as she thought it, she dismissed it. It was too soon.

It will always be too soon.
Julianne ignored the nagging inner voice. When she felt it was time, she would get them together.

“What has you thinking so hard?” Keenan said.

Julianne shook her head. “Nothing. Just tired.”

“We can go to bed,” he offered.

“Sure. I want to make you blush.” Julianne glanced at him.

Keenan smiled wickedly, that delightful blush edging up his face.

Julianne stood and Keenan turned off the TV before he rose. She kissed him, then turned, picking up the popcorn and drinks.

“Let me put this away,” she said.

“And I’ll lock up.”

Julianne took everything through to the kitchen then shut off the light, heading to the stairs. The rest of the downstairs of the house was dark. Ascending the steps by the light at the top, she turned left on the landing and went to the bedroom. She flicked the landing light just outside the door off before entering. Julianne paused in the doorway, taking in the man on the bed. Keenan was nude, lying on top of the covers, his arms bent behind his head.

Her mouth watered at all that delicious tanned skin available for exploring. She pulled off her housedress and dropped it on the chair by the door. Naked, she sauntered to the foot of the bed. She tapped his ankle, and he widened his legs giving her the room to crawl up between his legs and to what she wanted to taste. Opening her mouth, she licked the top of his spongy head, tasting his essence. Growling, she pushed her tongue on the hole, lapping up the pre-cum. Keenan’s thighs were rigid. Forming an ‘O’, she sucked him into her mouth. He shuddered, a groan sounding above her.

Suckling him, Julianne moaned. Opening wide, she pulled as much of him as she could into her mouth—he was like silken steel. Hollowing her cheeks, she bobbed on him, playing with his balls.

“Jul…iannn…e…yes…please,” Keenan babbled.

Raising her gaze, she noted the flush spread across his skin and up to his face. Keenan’s head was arched back, his neck muscles bulging, a harsh grimace on his face. Keenan glanced at her. His pale green eyes were slightly unfocused while his lips were pulled in a straight line. He held the back of her head. Keeping her eyes locked on his, she sped up her ministrations. Keenan grunted, pushing his cock deeper into her mouth. Julianne sucked harder, tightening around him. Keenan roared—his essence filled her mouth. Swallowing it, Julianne continued to suck him, taking all he had. She squeezed his sac. Keenan’s cock twitched and filled again. Releasing him, Julianne rose then grabbed protection by his thigh, she sheathed him, then straddled his hips.

Keenan guided her as she slid down onto his length. Julianne moaned—he filled her going deep. Keenan sat up, holding her tight as they moved together. Keenan kissed her, rocking his hips into her. Julianne gasped, his cock slid along her inner walls. She pushed down then back whimpering, she wrenched her lips from his. Arching back Julianne rose rapidly up and down, spreading her legs wider. With a hitch of her hips, she took his cock deeper, moving on him. Tension pooled in the base of her spine and went up her back to her skull. Keenan gripped her hair, pulling her head further back. He pressed his lips on the centre of her throat, then he bit gently.

“Kee…nan…” Julianne screamed and spasmed, coming.

“Jul…ianne…” he roared, joining her.

She shivered while he shuddered. Slumping against him, Julianne tried to relearn how to breathe. Her pulse pounded and her heart raced. Keenan’s chest rose and fell rapidly. He dropped back, holding her. Julianne moaned softly. He cupped her ass. Julianne inhaled the scent that was them. Everything about being with him seemed so easy. So perfect and idyllic.

It’s the calm before the hurricane.
Julianne closed her eyes—she knew that, when things seemed too good, something came along to muck it up.

You can’t think that way, Julianne. Don’t borrow trouble. When it comes, you’ll weather it like you always have.
Julianne pushed her uneasiness aside and leaned against Keenan.

I will enjoy every moment with this man,
Julianne vowed.

She tightened her hold on him, revelling in being in his arms.



Julianne glanced at the calendar on her computer, frowning. August was the busiest month for them at Moments. Add in Moments Deuce, which was also fully booked, and their schedule was hectic. Thankfully, the staff they’d hired were working out well. It was the second Friday in August, and as the calendar showed, they would be running with functions till the Friday before Labor Day. No functions were scheduled for three weeks after that. Although they had lots of requests for events on Labor Day weekend, they didn’t accept any.

The Labor Day weekend, from Saturday to Monday, was the Locke family gathering. All her business partners were considered part of the family and all attended—like every event they planned they used their combined talents to help coordinate the party. Unofficially, the family get-together was their last event before their ‘sort of’ break. They still worked the three weeks, but with no events they had time to rejuvenate and get ready for the rest of the year. They did a similar thing at the end of December, with Christmas Eve being their last big event. For the last week of December until the fourth week in January, they only handled smaller events, on a limited basis.

Julianne flipped the calendar forward to after their break. Biting her lip, she juggled the information in her head. Checking the time, then the main calendar of appointments, she stood and left her office. Glancing into her assistant’s office, she noted Andrea was on the phone. Moments later she passed their personal receptionist’s desk, noticing Sid was also on the phone. Julianne smiled to herself—seeing them talking to current or potential clients meant they were in demand, and she loved that they were. She continued on her way and in moments exited into the main lobby area, heading past the front desk. She waved at the main receptionist, also on a call.

She continued across the lobby then down the hall, waving to Regina’s receptionist, and knocked on Regina’s door.

“Come in,” Regina called.

As Julianne entered, Regina glanced up from where she sat behind her desk. Julianne walked over and sat in the chair facing it.

“We’re going to have to go ahead with what we discussed when we decided to proceed with Moments Deuce.”

Regina frowned, before realisation filled her face. “Oh…I’ve been thinking the same thing for the last few weeks.” Regina grinned. “Aren’t you glad I convinced you to train Byron and Azure? They picked up fast on what planning functions entailed, and even added more on our plans. I think they would be an asset to this part of the business.”

Julianne pursed her lips. “It’s annoying how you’re usually right.”

“Not all the time.” Regina rubbed her finger on her wedding ring.

Julianne sat forward. “Things aren’t any better?”

“No. It’s my fault. I’ll have to figure out a way to break through his silence.” Regina looked sad, then shook her head. “Enough about that. So, how do you think we should work this so they can keep planning events?”

“The long-term plan, I think, would be to have Byron and Azure take over all the planning of the smaller events we have. That way, Byron can still handle the physical security and Azure can still handle the staffing needs. That way, neither would be overwhelmed with work,” Julianne said.

“That sounds fine with me. You beat me to it. I was planning to talk with you about this after Labor Day, when we take our decompress time. The way we’ve been going, not having someone else to take on some of the workload would burn us out. I would never have imagined twelve years ago, when we started Moments, that it would be this successful.” Regina smiled.

“Liar. You were the one who, after two years in business, said we should take on partners. And you were right.”

“Yeah, I was. But it was you and Charles who took the initial leap of faith and went in with your family to buy this land, so we could build this place for all our dreams,” Regina said.

Julianne’s heart ached. Charles was the one who’d had faith that they could do it. He’d stood by her for her dreams, and she his.

“Yeah. He never saw it completed, but I know he’s smiling that we did it.”

“Not only did it, but did it well.” Regina smirked.

“You know it. Hard work.”

“Late nights.”

“Pain in the ass vendors.” Julianne chuckled.

“And clients who you want to choke for their crazy ideas.” Regina joined her.

“And I would not change it for the world. Thanks for coming into this with me.” Julianne cleared her throat, overwhelmed by all they shared personally and professionally.

“Thanks for asking me.” Regina stood and came around the desk.

Julianne rose to meet her and they hugged. They leaned on the desk next to each other.

“It’s amazing how things change. Life changes that affect you, both for the good and bad,” Regina mused.

“Yeah,” Julianne said softly.

Her thoughts flashed to Keenan. They had been spending the past few weeks together as often as their schedules and obligations allowed.

“Rissa is getting so big. I remember when she was that little, itty-bitty thing.”

“My baby is growing. God, the teenage years are staring me in the eyes. I am not ready,” Julianne groaned.

“If she’s like us when we were teenagers, you’ll be okay.” Regina bumped her shoulder.

“You can say that. I wonder what our parents would say about that.”

“They would agree. Maybe Charles and Spencer kept us grounded,” Regina said softly.

“They did,” Julianne agreed, then laughed. “And got us into lots of trouble, too.”

“The four musketeers.”

“All for one, and one for all,” Julianne said.

“I’m glad you’ve decided to get a new musketeer. Keenan is good for you.”

“I’m not replacing Charles,” Julianne said harshly, surprised her friend would even think, much less say, such a thing.

“Christ, Julianne. That’s not what I meant,” Regina said.

“Sorry. I know. It’s just… Keenan makes me feel so…” Julianne hung her head, unable to continue.

“Alive. You are, Julianne. Live and be happy.” Regina put her arm over her shoulder hugging her.

“I am.”

“Good. That’s what Charles would have wanted, for both you and Rissa,” Regina said.

Julianne sighed. “I know.” Shrugging, she changed the subject. “Back to smaller events. Once we start the ‘sort of’ break after Labor Day, I think we should sit down and go over the small functions we already have planned, or started, and turn them over to Byron and Azure. With Azure’s office down the hall from yours and Byron’s from mine, we can just pass our events to them. You give Azure yours, and I give Byron mine. And going forward, all smaller events are done by them. We’ll need to discuss it with everyone and see if they agree.”

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