Read I Conjure Thee Online

Authors: Elixa Everett

I Conjure Thee (3 page)

With great hesitation she inhaled sharply, and took his hand, stepping outside the protection of the circle.

A surge of energy pulsated through her as his hand took hers and she emerged from her sanctuary. With the energy came images, fast and furious, they were so random and distorted she couldn’t make any sense of them. The emotions that accompanied them were unmistakable, she was overcome by feelings of sorrow, fear, hatred, so intense and unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Mere seconds after taking his hand she collapsed into his arms unconscious, mentally and physically exhausted.

The last thing she was aware of was Tony catching her easily as she fell against him.


Her head was throbbing as Clarissa slowly awakened. She moaned softly as consciousness returned. She knew without opening her eyes that she was in the hospital, still dressed in the robe.

How did I get here? What?

Confused she slowly opened her eyes and immediately caught sight of Jeffrey, his frail little body covered in a beige blanket up to his chin.

It was a dream, the whole thing was a dream
. She wasn't sure if she was relieved or upset by the realization.

"It's about time you woke up," a deep male voice stated coming from her left.

Startled, she yelped and jumped from her chair, spinning around to face the voice. It was the man in her dream, the Infrit, reclining in one of the plastic hospital chairs.

"It was a dream. It..."

A grin touched his lips, and his dark eyes shone with amusement as he shook his head.

"No dream, Clarissa. You fainted." He shrugged, "I guess."

"What are we doing here?" She slowly made her way over to Jeffrey, placing herself between her son and Tony.

"I decided to come see the child for myself," he stood, and she took a couple of steps backwards, but ensuring she was still between him and her son.

"Don't you touch him!" she snarled.

Tony sighed loudly. "If I wanted to kill you or the child, I would have done it already.

He strode over to Jeffrey, pushing her out of his way and stood next to the child.

He placed a hand on Jeffrey's forehead and closed his eyes. Clarissa had to restrain herself from slapping his hand away. What was he doing? The Infrit seemed to go into some sort of trance as she looked on.

By the time Tony opened his eyes again, close to five minutes later, Clarissa had turned into a nervous wreck. She didn't like the idea that some being she knew nothing about seemed to be doing something to Jeffrey. Yes, she had called it to begin with, but that didn't make the situation any less stressful.

Tony locked his gaze to Clarissa's and shook his head. He doesn't have a month. "This child will be dead by the end of the week."

Instinct took over as Clarissa lunged at Tony, pushing him away from Jeffrey and flailing her fists into his massive chest. "What have you done to him? You... you monster! She screamed at him, as tears began to stream down her cheeks.

He allowed her a moment, taking the assault, but only a moment, before he caught her wrists in his hands and pulled her body closer to his.

"Let me go!" she bucked against him and attempted to squirm away, but his grip was iron tight. Exhausted she slumped against him as the tears rushed down her cheeks, soaking the t-shirt he was now wearing. Her final hope was gone. Her knees went weak under her and she would have collapsed to the floor had it not been for his hard body against hers and his tight grip around her waist.

"I did nothing to the boy, Clarissa. I'm simply telling you the direness of your circumstance."

She shook her head, her blonde curls swaying behind her. "No, they said a month.

They said..." A new stream of tears began to fall, and the front of his t-shirt was beginning to become soaked.

"They were wrong, Clarissa."

As the last of the tears slid down her face and onto his chest she sniffed and looked up at him. "Please.
help him."

The muscles in his jaw clenched and Tony glanced over at the bed and then back at her. "I can help him. But there is a price."

Hope surged though her, as she clung to him. All that she heard was that he could save her son, the part about there being a price, didn't even register. It was irrelevant to her anyway. She'd do anything,
if it meant her son would be happy and healthy.


Trying to steady her emotions she drew back from him, a hint of a grateful smile touching her lips. "Thank you."

Releasing her he took a step backward and crossed his arms over his chest, staring down at her. The intensity of his stare, made her slightly uneasy and she felt a shiver run through her. The part about there being a price chimed in the back of her mind and her smile faded.

He raised a curious brow at her. "Do you care to know my terms before agreeing?"

Clarissa glanced over at Jeffrey so tiny in the bed and she took his little hand in hers giving it a light squeeze. Jeffrey was in a coma, he'd been like that for a few months now, but she felt in her heart that he knew she was there for him. Glancing back to Tony she nodded. "Yes, name your price."

"Your life in exchange for the boy," his face stayed expressionless as he watched her.

" I don't-" She looked down at Jeffrey and she had no doubt that she'd give herself for him, but what would happen to him once she was gone? His father had passed away unexpectedly, a tragic accident at the construction site at which he worked. He'd fallen ten stories and broken his neck, leaving Clarissa and Jeffrey on their own.

My parents.
Yes, they'll care for him
. She reached over and touched her son's cheek and sniffed. Yes, she'd do it.

"I don't want you dead, Clarissa."

"M-my soul?"

Noticing her expression and sensing where her thoughts had taken her, Tony groaned and stared down at her with an expression that suggested he was speaking to a complete idiot. "What in the fuck would I do with that? Do I look like a demon or angel to you? I thought we’d already discussed what I am?"

Considering she had never seen either of those two entities she had no idea how to respond other than shrug. Her blue eyes locked onto his impatient black ones. "I don't understand, then - what?"


The insinuation that he was after her soul, or wanted to see her dead was slightly insulting; although it wasn't close to being as insulting as when she’d assumed for a brief moment that he must be a demon.

Tony wasn't sure what it was about this particular human that caught his interest, but something had. She seemed so selfless and determined and his body had such an intense reaction to her that it was almost overwhelming. His cock became so hard being around her that it was paining him. He knew he had to have her, at least until his thirst for her was quenched.

Once his fascination with the little novice witch faded then he'd simply be on his way.

But until that time he wanted her all to himself and the child lying quietly in the bed beside her was going to be what gave her to him.

He stalked towards her, and she backed off until she was pinned against the railing of the hospital bed and his massive, muscular body. He leaned into her, his lips travelling the length of her neck, just barely grazing the flesh from her collarbone to her earlobe.

She tensed up, but didn't attempt to move away.

"I want you to be mine and for as long as I want you," he whispered into her ear.

He could hear her heartbeat accelerate and she inhaled sharply. "I... but..."

Slipping his hand into her long blonde locks, he fisted her hair and tugged tipping her face up so that her eyes met his. "For the next week, you'll serve me in whatever way I see fit and at the end of the week, if I'm pleased with you then your son will live a long and happy life."

Fear flashed in her bright eyes, but it was quickly replaced with acceptance. "If you save him, I'll do anything..."

Tony glanced down, his eyes admiring her generous breasts under the robe she was still wearing, the material had partially fallen away displaying part of one tight nipple.

Desire reared up within him, to the point where he had to fight with himself not to fuck her over one of the chairs in the room and pound into her, until he'd relieved himself of the tension.

"You'll give up all men, and if I find out-"

"No one, just you."

"The week is the trial; if I am pleased with you then you're mine... forever."

"Forever," she echoed.

Taking a deep breath in, he exhaled loudly and then looked over at the boy. Brushing past her, he leaned over the child and touched his forehead, as Clarissa looked on. It took several minutes but he was able to fully cleanse him of the inflicting disease.

Standing back up he turned to Clarissa, who looked on eyes wide and breath held, waiting for the verdict. "Is it done?"

"He'll be fine."

Pushing Tony out of the way, Clarissa leaned back over the bed and brushed a stray lock of hair from his eyes. "Why isn't he awake?"

"He will be... Once the week is up and you follow through with your end of the agreement."

A look of disappointment touched her features and that tugged at him, but he held strong. No, he couldn't let her see a weakness in him. "He'll remain dreaming, until the week is up. If it makes you feel more at ease, his dreams are of happy times."

She straightened up, nodding her head. "Thank you." she whispered.

He gazed down at her, his eyes dark, desire flaring up within them. "No, thank

Chapter 3

Back at her house, Tony immediately went to what she assumed he had now claimed as 'his chair'. Reclining back into it, elbows on the arms and his fingers steepled in front of him, he examined her as she stood before him.

"Take off the robe, Clarissa. I want to see every inch of that sweet body of yours."

Clarissa gulped down the lump forming in her throat. His dark eyes were fixated on her, making her more uncomfortable than she'd ever been in her life, but she nodded her compliance. "Okay."

"Okay what..." he prompted, his eyes gleaming in anticipation.

"I... I don't know." She searched her mind trying to figure out what he wanted from her.

"You'll address me as Master, are we clear?"

She hesitated, eyeing him as he sat there cocky and arrogant. Despite his demeanour, perhaps even because of it, she felt a stirring between her legs in anticipation of what he wanted from her.

"Yes, Master." With her heart racing so fast she could feel it thudding in her chest, she untied the satin belt. She then shrugged the garment from her shoulders letting it fall to the floor at her feet in a black, satin puddle. Holding her head high she stood before him naked and awaiting his reaction.

His eyes took their time taking in every inch of her, pausing at her ample, yet pert breasts and then again at her shaven mound. "Nice. I approve. Now turn around I want to see the rest of my slave."

She did as instructed, not sure how she felt about being referred to as 'slave.' Part of her hated it, hated him for it, but there was another part, a part that had been buried deep down that was relishing the idea of servicing a man, or thing, of his immense beauty.

"Turn back around to face me."

Biting at her bottom lip, Clarissa nodded and did as instructed, facing him once more and without meaning to, allowed her eyes to drop to his groin. A soft moan escaped her lips as she noticed the huge bulge beneath his black trousers.

"You're a wanton little slave," he growled his voice deep and thick with desire.

She snapped her eyes up to meet his and felt her cheeks flush, while cursing herself for allowing her gaze to wander.

"'Do you want me to fuck you, Clarissa?"

Her cheeks grew hotter. The part of her that was scared of him and what he might do to her screamed no in her mind, but the throbbing between her legs increased. "I...umm."

His eyes travelled down her body to settle between her legs. "Come here."

"Yes, M-Master." She closed the distance between them until she was standing between his spread knees. His eyes travelled back up to meet hers and she could have sworn that for a moment the flames appeared in them again, overriding the blackness with heated fire, but in the blink of an eye they were pitch black again.

"Good girl." Reaching out to her, he ran his hands up the outside of her legs, from her knees to her hips and then gripped her hips in his hands. She trembled under his touch, partly from fear, partly from anticipation. "I'll ask you one more time. Do you want me to fuck you, Clarissa?"

Her voice caught in her throat and her breathing became ragged. She couldn't seem to find a voice to answer him.

A frown creased his brow at her reluctance to answer. "I think its time to show you want happens when you misbehave, slave."

Terror shot through her and her eyes widened as she looked down at him. "I... I'm sorry, Master. I..."

He pushed her back a foot and closed his legs. Grabbing her waist he flipped her over his knees. Her long blonde hair cascaded down covering her face. Unprepared and not expecting the first slap, she screamed out, her hands fisting tightly as the palm of his hand made contact with the soft flesh of her ass branding the ivory flesh.

Another loud smacking sound and then her other cheek began to sting, and again she screamed out. He landed several more slaps to her rear, each along with a loud smacking sound. To her surprise the burn and sting, began to radiate between her legs and she could feel the moisture building between them.

She squirmed on his lap, attempting to relieve some of the building tension, when she heard him groan - deep and feral - and felt his huge, erect cock press against her stomach.

"I will ask you again," he finally said, his hands now caressing the red and bruised flesh of her bottom. "Do you want me to fuck you, slave?"

A rush of anticipation washed over her, and all she could think about was the thick, hard dick pressing against her stomach and how it would feel between her legs, thrusting deep and hard into her. Fucking her into exhaustion. And God help her she wanted to find out!

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