Read Invasion Earth Online

Authors: Loribelle Hunt

Tags: #erotic romance, #bdsm, #science fiction romance, #loribelle hunt, #delroi connection

Invasion Earth (4 page)

That last bit got to him, she noticed with a
surge of satisfaction. His eyes narrowed, his nostrils flared.

“Leave us,” he curtly ordered and the room
emptied. She felt like she’d grabbed a tiger by the tail, but she
didn’t care. She wanted him to feel her wrath, wanted to see his
eyes snap with anger too. She was a free woman, a soldier, from
Earth. She would not be bought and sold by two warring governments.
Even if she maybe saw the sense in it. The necessity for her
people, at least. That didn’t mean she couldn’t, and wouldn’t, rail
against her fate.

When the room cleared, he stood. She ignored
the throb in her pussy as she watched him move, muscles rippling.
The man was her enemy. He smoothly stalked towards her. She knew
she should be running, but she stood her ground, certain he would
never hurt her. Lock her up and not let her have a life, sure, but
not actual physical injury. He would just kill her spirit a little
at a time.

Alrik reached her and pulled her close, and
she fought the urge to melt against his broad chest. Why couldn’t
they just have sex and leave it at that? Why did he have to try to
take over her life?

“We’re connected, you and I. When you left
the ledge three days ago, you went back to your quarters and
masturbated,” he said quietly.

She gasped and tried to pull back. There was
no way he could know that. But his eyes made it clear that he did,
that he felt the connection too, felt whatever it was that linked
them so carnally together.

His head dipped to her neck and he nibbled at
her pounding pulse before continuing, murmuring in her ear. “You
imagined it was my hands on you, my cock in you. I’ve been walking
around with a hard-on for three days while you found relief. I
haven’t quite decided on your punishment for that.”

She felt her eyes drift closed. There’d been
no real relief, just a temporary appeasement of her libido.

Somehow during that monologue, he had opened
her uniform jacket, and his hand found her breast through the thin
shirt underneath, kneading it just the way she had imagined before
pinching the hard tip. His mouth returned to her nape, finding the
sensitive hollow of skin between her throat and collar.

“Oh,” she gasped, head falling back under the
assault of his teeth and lips.

He ripped her shirt, bottom to collar, and
dragged it to her elbows, knotting the ends together so that her
arms were pinned behind her back. Catching her nipple in his mouth,
he wrung a long groan from her, and her pussy clamored for
attention. Okay, maybe she’d have sex with him just this once.

With one arm locked around her waist, and his
lips on her breast, she didn’t notice how close that was until she
felt cool air on her ass. He left her pants and underwear around
her knees, and when she tried to step back to remove them he
growled low in his throat. She felt a thrill at the unvoiced
command and the restriction of movement. The loss of control.

Already hot, she swayed against him when he
cupped her pussy with his palm. His hand was hot, searing. Slowly,
oh so slowly, he pushed one finger inside her. She trembled at the
contact, would have been a puddle at his feet if he weren’t holding
her up. She felt a sudden yearning for a bed. Now.

His head dipped lower, in slow torturous
increments. Dropping to his knees, he gripped her hips with both
hands. She whimpered. The hell with a bed. The floor would do just
fine. His tongue swirled, tasted everywhere. Her hipbones, her
belly button. He slid his hands down as his tongue traveled south.
His fingers were bruising on her thighs, but the sting of pain
barely registered. She held her breath as his tongue traced the
sensitive skin around the top of her legs, as he explored her pussy
while ignoring her clit.

She remembered his promise to punish her. By
withholding her orgasm? She considered growling herself, but then
his tongue darted over it and she flinched in response, again
straining to him, demanding more. He lightly flicked his tongue
over her, occasionally nipping her with his teeth. No alphabet
method for this guy. He should give lessons. It was ten times
better than anything in her experience. How was it possible the men
she’d known over the years were doing it so wrong?

Awash in sensation, she was amazed to feel
her orgasm move through her so quickly. Every nerve tingled, and
when she opened her eyes, she saw spots and sagged along him.

She watched bemused as Alrik reached down,
pulled the zippers on her boots, and had her out of the rest of her
clothes in record time. Then he stood and freed himself from his
own pants, dropped them to his ankles, and sat down.

She eyed him while she tried to maneuver out
of the restraining shirt. He was big, long and thick, and his cock
was as golden hued as the rest of him. She needed that in her now.
Amused, she thought,
you couldn’t pry me from the room with a
rocket launcher now.
So much for noble intentions.

Leaning forward, he grabbed her upper arms
and pulled her close, not allowing her any freedom of movement.

“Just like you are,” he said, his voice
almost guttural, the demand in it unmistakable. She’d never liked
being ordered around, especially in bed, but it wasn’t protest that
rose. It was lust, pure and simple. He was a man she’d never be
able to push around. She couldn’t fight the urge to give him
control, didn’t even try.

Eagerly, she straddled his hips and looked
him in the eye as she slowly lowered herself. He gripped her
ribcage, guiding her and forcing her down at the same time he
thrust up. She gasped and closed her eyes. Impaled. In a good, full
way. Pleasure and discomfort mixed before she adjusted to his size.
She felt him watching her, and stilled until she did.

Once she softened around him, he lifted her
until only the head of his cock was still inside her. He held her
there until she opened her eyes and met his gaze, saw the stark
need stamped across his features. Then he plunged deep, building a
slow steady rhythm. She leaned forward, a little wobbly while
incapable of bracing her hands on his shoulders or chest, but
unable to resist the allure of his skin, the compulsion to taste
his lips. She flattened her tongue against his neck, following a
leisurely trail up his salty skin, smiling at his grunt when her
teeth closed over his ear lobe and nipped.

He didn’t give her the chance to kiss him.
After pulling her flat against his chest, she heard him murmuring
something in his own language. Struggling to breathe, dragging his
masculine scent deep into her lungs, she didn’t have time to
consider the words, or the radar-like pinging she felt straight to
her marrow. Another orgasm rolled through her and she felt the hot
spurt of his cum inside her. Replete and exhausted, she collapsed
against him, barely registering when he freed her arms or stood and
carried her into a bedroom.

Chapter Four


It was done. Alrik hadn’t planned on doing it
so soon. The binding prayer had burst forth from him when he felt
her channel tighten around his cock. Even if he could take the
words back, he wouldn’t. She was his now. She might despise him in
the short run, but in the long run, it was the right thing to do
for everyone.

Tomorrow they would begin negotiating trade
agreements that would put more of the Delroi’s unattached males on
Earth. Hopefully, it would be enough to save his people. Until
then, he had a warm soft woman in his arms and duty could wait.

Her hair was still up and braided, the length
twisted and pinned against her head. He pulled the small pins out
and dropped them on the bedside table until finally the length was
free. Surprised, he noted it reached the bottom of her back.
Removing the band holding the end, he slowly worked the plait

Wavy from the braid, her hair was like heavy
silk in his hand. He held it to the light to examine its color, a
deep brown shot through with big streaks of red. He brought it to
his face and breathed in its sweet scent, which smelled faintly of
the flower called gardenia on this world, a plant the Delroi women
with them had quickly discovered and adopted. He loved it.

Alrik dropped the strands and they fell
around her like a curtain. Grinning, he wondered if it would drape
them both when she rode him. He would test that at the earliest
opportunity. For now, he was content to explore her without her
yammering at him.

He had admired the tactical cunning of this
woman for months. Her body was just as impressive. The bulky
uniform concealed feminine curves. A small waist accented her
flared hips and high breasts. Her skin was smooth and blemish free
except for the small rose tattooed on one breast. Laugh lines
around her eyes added to the appeal of an already pretty face.

He rested his palm over her flat stomach,
wondering how she would look swollen with his child. Nostrils
flared in desire when he realized she could even now carry a babe.
Would she give him girls? A houseful of females with their mother’s
warrior spirit?

She moaned in her sleep and leaned into him,
her ass rubbing against his still hard cock. Spooned up behind her,
he pulled her leg over his. Testing her pussy with his fingers, he
found her soft and wet with his cum. With one hand pressed on her
belly, he used the other to guide himself into her. With a long
sigh, she cracked an eye open and looked up at him.

“Not a dream,” she murmured, moving against

“Shh,” he answered, hand sliding down to
where their bodies joined and circling her clit to match his gentle
glide in and out of her core.

The languid action quickly gave way to more
pressing urges and when he felt her clenching around him he
quickened his thrusts. Her head fell back against his chest and he
gave into the temptation of her bared neck, sucking the soft skin
hard. She would bear his mark, he thought with satisfaction as his
thrusts reached a crescendo. Her body stiffened and trembled. He
held her tightly, unwilling to release her even after they’d both

By the time he eased out of her, she was once
again sleeping. He was content to hold her, drifting between sleep
and wakefulness. Some time later, a soft knock came at the outer
door. After untangling himself from her limbs and pulling on his
pants, he let his brother in. Daggar glanced over at the sleeping

“It’s done then?”

“It is.”



She woke a short time later and dreamily
studied the ceiling, wondering how she got into this situation.
Alrik’s soft murmur drifted to her from the outer room, joined by
another. The brother. Daggar.

Rolling she buried her face in the pillow and
dragged the sheet over her head. His scent enveloped her, and she
wondered how long till he came back to bed.
Not helping,

She tried to remind herself why she shouldn’t
be here. He was her enemy, had come to her planet bringing war. So
what if his tactics impressed her? Not just his tactics, she
conceded, but the way they went about war. The Delroi were very
disciplined soldiers. There was no useless butchery, no reports of
rape, no executed POW’s, no wanton destruction of property or land.
It confused some of the other military leaders, but she understood.
They planned to occupy the land they conquered, assimilate its
people. She would have proceeded in the same manner. She sighed.
That appeared to be inevitable. At least they didn’t show signs of
cruelty. Much.

Controlling the fate of women as they did
struck her as cruel and unusual punishment. Yet she liked Alrik
despite that. On the shuttle she’d been intrigued by him. Amused
and appalled was a curious combination. He was charming and funny,
but his certainty that women had no place in warfare rankled. She
did what she had to do and she was good at it. What was she if not
a soldier? She had spent her adult life mastering the art of war.
Sadly, she admitted to herself she had no other skills and it
seemed she was embarking on a brave new path. She rolled her eyes
at the thought.

She should be angry, but as a professional
soldier, she had always dealt with reality. Reality was they
couldn’t defeat the Delroi and this was their price for surrender.
She could make the best of it, or she could turn to rage. Or she
could try to figure a way out of it. Rage was tempting, but
wouldn’t get her anywhere. And other options ... well, at the
moment she didn’t appear to have any. Accepting the change though,
might give her enough leverage to help her people. Provided of
course, their offers were real, that they could be trusted.
Provided she was willing, able, to give herself over to Alrik. She
suspected that would be demanded of her. It was going to be damned
hard to resist if he was in the same room.

At least the benefit of that journey was sex.
By the time they’d docked on the ship, she was completely turned on
by him. Then came the shock of her impending marriage, followed by
the most incredible sex she’d ever had. Even now, sore in places
that hadn’t seen action in well, years, her body hummed with
awareness of him.

She closed her eyes and imagined she could
feel him moving around the next room. With a jolt of shock, she
realized that was exactly what she was doing. There seemed to be a
growing connection between them. She felt it almost as an invisible
cord stretching from him to her. Recalling the
she felt
between them the first time they had sex, she knew with abrupt
clarity he had somehow tied them together. Some of the psychics she
knew on Earth claimed to have that kind of connection with their
spouses, but she wasn’t psychic and had been given no reason to
believe he was.

Trying to filter out sensation, she replayed
the scene in her mind, skittering to a stop over the strange words
he’d uttered. What were they? Were they responsible for this?

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