Read IslandAffair Online

Authors: Cait Miller

IslandAffair (4 page)

Love at first sight. Was it even possible?

The skeptical side of him immediately yelled
No way!
One thing he knew for certain, he wanted to find out.

“Wish I could stay here forever,” he whispered.

Robin tunneled his fingers through his chest hair, running a
fingernail lightly over his nipple. “For what it’s worth, so do I but we have
to go home sometime. Vacations can’t last forever.” He lifted his head and
looked at John. “Where is home anyway? You said you don’t live in Scotland

“New York.” He sighed. “It’s a long way from Texas.”


John hated the look of sadness he had put on Robin’s face.
It was a look that mirrored his own feelings. But at the same time part of him
was thrilled that the other man cared enough to be upset that they lived so far
apart. Robin turned onto his side, out of his embrace, expression pensive.
Recognizing his need to have a few minutes alone, John rose and went into the
bathroom and took a warm washcloth out to Robin before returning to clean
himself up.

When he returned he found Robin sitting back against the
headboard, sheet pulled up under his folded arms. His hair was a tousled mess,
a blush warmed his cheeks, his lips were kiss swollen and he had a whisker burn
on his jaw. He looked absolutely gorgeous. John’s heart leaped in his chest. He
wanted nothing more than to join him but his body language screamed “don’t
touch”. What was he thinking? There was no regret in his eyes but there was
embarrassment. Banished was the man who had demanded that he fuck him.

His gaze traveled the length of John’s body and he flushed a
deeper shade of red. Against all odds John’s cock began to respond. Robin made
him feel like a horny teenager again. Ignoring his wayward body parts, he sat
on the edge of the bed.

“What’s wrong,

Robin closed his eyes for a moment. “Nothing. It’s
just…contrary to what my behavior tonight might suggest… I just want to let you
know that I don’t usually jump into bed with men I’ve just met.”

“I know.”

“Oh… Well… Okay… Good.” He sighed. “Look, it’s obvious I
don’t know how to play these games so I’m just gonna come right out and say it.
I like you, John, and I think you like me. I’d like to spend more time with
you.” John opened his mouth to respond but he hurried on before he could utter a
word. “Of course, if you don’t then that’s okay too. I know we’ve just met and
you probably have loads of plans—”

John almost grinned at the games comment. There were
definitely some games he’d like to show him. “Robin.” He put his finger to
Robin’s lips and the other man halted mid-sentence. “I’d love to spend more
time with you. You’re a beautiful, fascinatin’ man and I’m going to show you
just how much I like you.” John leaned over and kissed him deeply, smiling as
Rob shivered in response. “Startin’ right now.”

Chapter Four


Robin woke to the sound of the sea washing over the sand.
How would he ever again get used to the noises of cars and voices and dogs
barking? The sun shone through the open window and a gentle breeze brought the
scent of the ocean with it. He stretched luxuriously and ran his fingertips
over the mattress where John had slept. He had roused Rob with a gentle goodbye
kiss a couple of hours ago. He could still smell John, his musky male essence
and the lingering trace of his aftershave. Robin was sore in places he hadn’t
been sore in for a long time but the thought of seeing John again this morning
still had his body tingling in anticipation.

With a happy sigh he rose from the bed and pulled on his
cotton robe. In the kitchen his heart gave a foolish little bump when he saw
the vivid pink flower next to the coffeepot. Robin brought the bloom to his
nose and smiled at the unexpected romance of it, then forced himself to place
it to one side. He still knew very little about the man. Except that his voice
made him shiver and his hands made him burn. This could be nothing more than an
affair but he couldn’t help but wish they had more than a week to spend
together. The fact that they wouldn’t caused an ache in his heart that he could
not afford to feel. Quickly Rob placed the flower in a glass of water, put on
the coffee and went to shower.


By the time he was dressed in a pair of shorts and a white
T-shirt, the cottage was filled with the scent of freshly brewed coffee. Rob
poured himself a cup and took it out to sit on the shaded deck. His gaze
drifted over the calm, flat expanse of blue ocean and was drawn inexorably to
the cottage a hundred yards or so down the sand. The shutters were closed and
there was no sign of life. He had noticed the group of men staying there the
day he arrived but had assumed they were a group of friends vacationing
together and put it out of his mind. Who would have guessed that a few days
later he would be intimately acquainted with one of them? But why did John need
the men he had dismissed so casually as bodyguards?

Before he could analyze any further, movement on the path
caught his eye and John stepped out onto the white sand. He wore another
hideous Hawaiian-style shirt, this one green with white and pink flowers on it
and a pair of cut-off jeans. His hair was damp, turning it a darker shade of
red, and looked as though he’d done little more than run his hands through it.
He had shaved again, the smooth line of his jaw making him appear younger. A
small part of Robin had worried that he might feel awkward when he saw John
again but as Robin watched him walk up the steps toward him he realized he was
more than glad.


John bent and kissed him, a brief press of his smiling lips
and Rob breathed in the clean masculine scent of him. No aftershave today, just
soap and his own skin.

“Hi, yourself. You look great.” He perched on a chair,
picked up Robin’s coffee and drank.

Rob looked around at the empty beach. “Where are your

“They’re around. So are you ready to explore?”

He frowned at John’s easy dismissal and glanced at the trees
again. They hadn’t been far from him yesterday so he suspected they must be
there, out of sight. “John, why do you need bodyguards?”

John’s eyes found the tree line and hesitated briefly before
returning to his face. His easy expression sobered. “They’re no’ going to be
happy I told you this but to hell with them, I don’t want to lie to you.” His
gaze flicked again toward the trees then met Rob’s. “This is too important for

Robin opened his mouth to protest that it couldn’t be that
important, they’d just met. But John was right. There was something bigger than
just a hot attraction between them. Something Robin wasn’t ready to put a name
to yet.

“They really are here to protect me.” John rolled his eyes.
“My parents insisted.” He told Robin about the events in the stairwell and what
had followed. Skimming matter-of-factly over the fact that he had saved a man’s
life. Again Robin saw the determined, strong man beneath the beach bum image
John had adopted. He knew that whatever John did, he was successful at it,
probably very successful. And he had been forced to leave it all and come here.

“I knew there was more to you than bad Hawaiian shirts.”

He gave him a mock wounded expression. “You don’t like ma

Rob smiled and attempted to imitate the Scots burr, “I think
don’t like your shirts.”

John grinned, “Then you’d be wrong. I’ve actually got quite
attached to them. I’m thinkin’ of wearing them to work when I get back but it
might give my secretary heart failure.” His smile faded. “If I get back to
work.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Armstrong is a very well-connected man
and he knows who I am. I could be called back at any time to testify against
him. Even if he’s convicted I don’t know what kind of life I’m going to have, I
might never be safe again.” He closed his eyes briefly. “And despite all that
I’m askin’ you to come with me, be with me…for however long we have here.”

He held out his hand and stood. Robin hesitated, feeling as
though he was about to step off a cliff. “All right.” He put his hand in John’s
and hoped the fall wouldn’t shatter him.


John’s heart thundered in his ears as his lover took his
hand. That brief hesitation had felt like an eternity. This was probably—
definitely—a mistake. But he still pulled Robin into his arms, knowing he could
not bear to let him go. And yet, he might not have any choice. As though
sensing the bleak direction of his thoughts, Robin raised his head from his
shoulder and stroked his fingertips along John’s jaw.

“Did I tell you why I came on this trip?” A mischievous
smile banished the trace of sadness from his eyes.

John shook his head and couldn’t help but smile in return.

“Well, back home I am your typical ‘boy next door’. It’s a
small town and I’ve lived there all my life. So I’ve never done or said
anything I shouldn’t. No one but my sister Joanne has any idea I’m gay so I
never date. I smile at the girls friends try to set me up with and sometimes
even take them out but every night I am home in my own bed. Alone.”

He nipped John’s chin with a boldness that belied his words.

“I love my home but I needed to get away from that, live up
to my
expectations for a while. So here I am and here you are…and
let me tell you, John, I am not thinking boy-next-door thoughts at all.”

“So essentially you want me to help you free your inner bad
boy.” John sent his gaze skyward. “I feel so used.” He grinned as a wash of
pink warmed Robin’s cheeks. The man was such a wonderful combination of
innocence and seduction. John found it unbelievably sexy and his cock twitched
at the picture Robin made. Pushing the thoughts of the future out of his mind,
he kissed Robin and took his hand to lead him down the steps. Halfway down Robin
missed his footing, almost falling, and John caught him in his arms, laughing.

“I warned you, I am a klutz. It’s a miracle I made it to my
twenty-sixth birthday.”

“I’ll take my chances.” John set him on his feet. “Besides,
I have bodyguards, remember?” He ducked Robin’s punch and took his hand again,
leading him along the shore.

* * * * *

The days passed more quickly than either of them would like.
They had spent almost every moment of them together but as the sun began to set
again, Robin suspected that it wouldn’t be enough. He sighed and John’s arms
tightened around him in silent understanding. They lay on a blanket on the sand
in front of his cabin and watched the blazing orange-and-pink horizon darken
toward twilight. Robin thought of his job and his hometown and how much he
loved them. Right now they seemed very far away.



“Do you miss your work? New York?”

“Yes, I do. Though not as much, now, as I did to begin with.
You should have seen me when I first got here.” He chuckled softly. “I was so
used to the fast pace and the challenge of keeping up with it mentally and
physically that I didn’t know what to do with myself.” He ran his fingers along
Robin’s bare thigh in a gentle caress, skimming along the bottom of his trunks.
“What about you, do you miss the wee ones you teach?”

“Yes. It’s what I always wanted to do, work with kids.
Though one day I would like to do more than just teach them to swim. Maybe go
back to college.” He shifted to look at John’s face. “If you could do anything,
what would it be?”

His lips quirked in a lopsided smile. “Believe it or not I
like what I do. I love working with numbers. I was that geeky lad in class who
always got As in math. But I also used to love working with my hands. My
granddad taught me carpentry when I was younger. Back in Scotland I had a small
workshop but there isn’t much space for that in a New York apartment. No time
either.” He paused, sighed. “MacAllister Accounting is my father’s company,
it’s everything to him and I know he wants me to take it over but he’s never
forced me to work there. I enjoy it…but I don’t want it to mean so much to me
that I miss out on other things. Don’t get me wrong. My parents have always
been there for me but a lot of the time I had to go to the office to find my
father. If nothing else, this holiday has shown me that’s the way I was
heading. This is a wake-up call, telling me I need to get a life.”

“Maybe going back to carpentry is a good start. Finding
something else you love.”

“Maybe.” John stared at him intently for a moment and there
was something in his eyes that made Robin shiver. A moment later it was gone.
“But for now why don’t I show you what else I can do with my hands?”

He grinned and bobbed his eyebrows, making Rob laugh at his
lascivious expression. Then he kissed him and his laughter was forgotten.

John turned him in his arms until they faced each other.
Legs entwined, bodies pressed close. Robin could feel the hard heat of John’s
erection through their shorts, rubbing with delicious friction against his own.
A shiver of arousal ran through him and his nipples beaded in response.
Deliberately he ran his hands over the warm skin of his lover’s back, gripped
that tight ass and rocked his hips. Making John moan hungrily into his mouth
and slide his hand under the leg of Robin’s shorts and between the cleft of his
buttocks. Robin whimpered and broke their kiss to nip the other man’s
stubble-roughened chin. John’s hand whispered over his anus and his body
clenched with the need to be filled.

The intimate caress brought Rob to his senses enough to
think about the bodyguards. He might find the idea of having someone watch
exciting but he wasn’t ready to do it. Besides, there were places that sand
should never be introduced.

“Let’s go inside,” he gasped.

“Inside,” John echoed and gave another brief kiss before
climbing to his feet and leading Rob up the steps and into the cool air of the
cottage. John’s erection tented the front of his shorts. Robin smiled at him
and beckoned him toward the sofa, pushing him back onto the soft cushions.

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