James, Elle Saint - Unbridled and Unridden [The Double Rider Men's Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (11 page)

She paused wondering if she should tell the truth. It would probably be best. “Because Deacon came over last night.”

He shrugged. “I already knew that. I sent him on over since he missed out on dinner with you the other night. Did the two of you have a good chat?” His expression was unreadable.

Jessica didn’t like the way this conversation was going. She didn’t want to express out loud what had happened between her and Deacon the night before. She tried to push his hands away from her breasts abruptly ashamed of herself for lusting after two men who were best friends. “I guess so.”

“Please don’t shut me out.” He released her breasts unexpectedly and pulled her into a bear hug. His face burrowed into her the hair at her neck. He nuzzled her for a few minutes. If she had to choose one of them in this moment she’d be screwed, because she had heartfelt feelings for each of them.

Her mouth was next to his ear. She whispered, “I don’t want to be the kind of woman that comes between your friendship with him.”

He squeezed her tighter. “Won’t happen, honey. I promise you.”

She dearly wanted to know why, but at that moment, her cell phone buzzed from the hallway where she’d dropped her purse.

“Just a second.” She ran to her phone and answered it before the final ring.

“What’s up, Gregory?”

“There are some folks here ready to check into the most expensive penthouse suite. Did you make sure the room is ready?”

“Yes. I did that right before I went to lunch.”

“The name on the reservation and hold card is different than the one these people are offering. How do I make the changes?”

“Oh. Right. Their friend got the room for them.” She glanced at Boyd. He was staring at her breasts with a smile.

“Don’t I need his card to take the initial charges off before I swipe the new card?” Greg was asking. She could hear ambient lobby noise through the phone. Time to get back to work.

“Yes. Eventually, I’ll contact the initial card holder and send him back to the front desk. For now, just take their card and do it as a split charge. I’ll take care of all the paperwork later.”

“Thanks, Jessica.”

“No problem, thanks for letting me know they’re here.”

She hung up. “Your guests are already downstairs waiting to check in.”

“That was fast.” Boyd checked his watch. “I didn’t think they’d make it down from the Denver airport this soon.”

“We’ve been up here almost an hour.” She leaned down to collect her hopelessly wrinkled shirt. After extracting her bra and putting it on, she pulled the shirt over her head and put her saturated panties back on.

“Sorry we won’t be able to have lunch together.” He moved closer and kissed her temple.

“Me too.”

“And we probably need to talk about—”

She shook her head. “We don’t need to talk about anything.”

The puzzled expression on his face as he walked to the door also made her feel guilty. “Are you upset about something?”

Just that I’m a slut and I’ve already managed to screw two men, best friends no less, in the past twenty-four hours after holding out for twenty-eight years.
“No. I’m really great.” She wasn’t great yet, but she would be. “You should go. The elevators are on your left.”

He grabbed her and kissed her hard on the lips. “Today was amazing. We’ll talk again soon, right?”

She nodded and plastered a smile on her face reserved for when she was about to fib to a customer about something. “Yes. Right. We’ll talk soon.”

If they never spoke again, she’d be perfectly fine. But she’d surely miss the two of them. She just hoped she hadn’t ruined a good friendship.

Or worse once they found out she’d slept with them both in such a short time frame, they’d both hate her and never want to see her ever again.

Chapter Seven

Boyd rode the elevator down to the lobby as regret and satisfaction warred in his mind. Regret that she was obviously torn up about something, and satisfaction over having had sex with her. Not just ordinary sex, but amazing fuck-her-against-the-wall sex.

Deacon hadn’t come home last night, and the brief text he’d sent earlier this morning didn’t mention where he’d been. Boyd suspected that he’d spent it with Jessica. Now he wasn’t as sure. She hadn’t said so, but something was up. He expected Deacon might have explained their lifestyle. Judging from her reaction just now, perhaps he hadn’t.

Secretly, he hoped they had fucked like bunnies. Deacon had made a deliciously perfect selection in Jessica. She’d been sexually adventurous today, which was a huge surprise.

Convinced she was fairly inexperienced, she’d proven him wrong. The blow job she’d started made his balls tighten in sublime memory even now, and the sex against the wall of her entryway was an experience he’d remember for about the next thousand years.

Would she have allowed him to fuck her if she’d spent the night with Deacon? She didn’t initially seem like a worldly kind of girl, but he sincerely wanted her to be exactly like that. Perhaps if Deacon had played gentlemen, Boyd would send him back with instructions to get the job done, and explicit instructions to tell her everything about the DRMC and their unbridled lifestyle.

The dream of all dreams in this scenario was that perhaps she’d consider letting them share her. He mentally crossed his fingers before heading out to the lobby. He met his good friend Johnny Dyer. He was with Adam and Veronica Keller at the concierge desk. Jessica’s replacement Gregory finished the room transaction.

The first
event at the DRMC property was set for later tonight. Truthfully, Boyd didn’t even care if he went, but they had to. At least they’d attend the reception. And while there would be willing women available and ready for during the show, he found he didn’t want anyone else until the issue with Jessica was resolved.

He promised to send a car for his friends for the event tonight. It was only fifteen minutes away from the hotel to the Stadium building on the DRMC property.

Boyd headed home thinking about what he’d say to Deacon. First he wanted to learn what had happened the night before. If Deacon hadn’t had sex with her, Boyd was going to recommend it highly, and then they could discuss a future with her. He already knew he wanted to try one out with her if Deacon agreed. Jessica lit a fire in him few women in his past ever had. He already couldn’t wait to see her again.

He drove straight to the DRMC property and to their private quarters. Their land was parked on a three acre lot a half a mile in a northeasterly direction beyond the Stadium building on the narrow paved road installed on the property. He passed by the obscured and well-hidden Stadium, the gemstone of their lifestyle, with thoughts of how they could convince Jessica to join them there. Ballsy, since he didn’t even know if Deacon still wanted her, or if Jessica had any interest in either of them.

There was a fancy main house for the DRMC members about two miles southwest of their home, and several other private homes scattered around the large property in various stages of construction. Not everyone in the club planned to build here, but Deacon and Boyd had decided that it worked for them, and put a rush to finish the home in time for the annual event.

They had their own five-thousand-acre cattle ranch several miles away, but the house there, while large, needed a huge renovation to bring it into the twenty-first century for both communications and technology. For now, they’d stay here.

The home they’d constructed, with Johnny Dyer’s help, was state of the art and hardwired for peak efficiency. Even better than what was enjoyed by several others here on the property. Deacon was adamant they have the best regardless of price. It wasn’t like they couldn’t afford it.

He pulled into one of the four garage stalls and noticed that Deacon’s car was also here. Time for serious discussions about their future.

They hadn’t planned to settle down to a permanent relationship. They hadn’t even discussed it lately. There were many women who liked to play and experience the lifestyle at the annual events, but who didn’t want to commit to a regular, long-standing relationship. He and Deacon understood that very well. At least he had until Jessica Troy bubbled her way into his life. He’d noticed her long ago, and dismissed her as too innocent to trouble themselves with. He’d been very mistaken in his initial assessment.

The forceful experience of earlier made him crave it. He’d honestly never felt the same way about another woman before.

He hadn’t gotten all the way through the door between the garage and the house, when Deacon entered the kitchen.

“Where have you been all morning? I thought you’d be here today.”

Boyd shot back, “You aren’t my mama. I come and go as I please quite a bit. This is the first time you’ve ever called me on it. What’s up?”

Deacon gave him a surly look. “We need to talk.”

Boyd cocked his head to one side. “About what?”

“I need to tell you what happened with Jessica last night.”

I have something to tell you too.
“So tell me.”

“I slept with her.”

“Oh yeah? How was it?” Boyd forced himself not to show the jubilation he felt at those four wonderful words.

“How was it?” Deacon scrunched his brows together. “What the fuck kind of question is that?”

Boyd shrugged and turned away so his best friend wouldn’t see him smile. “A relevant one. If she’s a lousy lay, why bother discussing her any further. Move on already.”

“She’s not a lousy lay!” Deacon grabbed the front of his shirt with his fist and pulled him close, as if to ensure his message was understood in a physical way.

Boyd laughed out loud. Deacon released him and frowned. “Are you drunk or something?”

“No. I just came from the Ryder Hotel. Johnny and Adam are in from Northwestern Colorado with Veronica, but the house they arranged in town had problems. I got the last penthouse suite for them. Jessica helped me secure it.”

Deacon took a step closer. “Did she say anything about
or what happened last night?”

“Contrary to popular belief, women also find me attractive and interesting without ever once mentioning

Deacon rolled his eyes. “I don’t find that to be true all the time.”

“And where the fuck are my homemade cookies? She told me that she gave you some cookies last night to give me.”

Deacon finally smiled. “They’re on the counter behind you, shit head.”

He turned and saw the plate half filled with cookies. “You ate some of my cookies? You bastard.”

“Yeah, and that’s not all I did.”

“Tell me.” Boyd reached beneath the plastic, snagged a cookie, and took a big bite. Rich chocolate and sweet oatmeal cookie flavor hit the sweet spot of his tongue as he waited for Deacon to talk. He expected a story about getting the very lovely Jessica into bed.

“No one was more surprised than I was at the time, but I took her virginity last night.”

Boyd choked on the cookie and bent over again, coughing. That was
not at all what he’d expected Deacon to say. His friend promptly smacked him on the center of the back, which didn’t help.

“She was a virgin?” Boyd was suddenly beside himself with guilt as the replay of the lunch sex he’d had with her against the wall circulated in his mind. And Deacon didn’t even know why, yet.

“Well, she was until last night. She chose me to relieve her of her virginity. Can you believe it?”


“I know, right? I felt so guilty after fucking her the second time before I knew for certain, but the third time I just ate her pussy out. And you should probably be aware that if you’d gone last night she probably would have sacrificed herself to you instead.”

Boyd bent at the waist.
. She had to be suffering from internal injuries right now from the rough-assed sex they’d had against the wall. At the very least she had to be walking funny.

“What is wrong with you?”

Boyd took a deep breath, pushed it out, and coughed one last time. “Two hours ago, she invited me to her apartment to eat some cookies.” He straightened and looked Deacon in the eyes. “I fucked her against the wall in the entryway instead.”

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