James, Elle Saint - Unbridled and Unridden [The Double Rider Men's Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (17 page)

“We’ve missed you, too,” Deacon said, and sat next to them on the sofa. She climbed over Boyd and put her arms around Deacon. She kissed him soundly. The wine-soaked kiss was the most wonderful welcome thing he’d enjoyed all week.

She shifted to straddle his lap leaving Boyd free to move. “I’ve made an important decision.”

“What’s that?”

“I will join you at your club and have wild, wanton sex in front of people. I mean, I won’t see them. They won’t be able to tell me to my face that I’m not really attractive enough to participate, right? And maybe if I pretend I’m not on a real stage, then I won’t panic or freeze up and embarrass you both.”

Her glassy-eyed, drunken stare combined with the revelation that she didn’t think she was attractive tore at his heartstrings.

“Sugar, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

She shook her head. “No. I’m too skinny and flat-chested. And I had a really bad experience on a stage when I was a kid. I swore that I’d never get on one again. Not ever. Not even one with a big bed on it.”

“Who on earth told you that you were skinny and flat-chested?”

“All the women my dad dated.”

“They were just jealous.”

She shook her head. “But lots of them said it. It must be true. You know, for a long, long time, I never even wanted to have sex with men because I figured they’d hate my body. Who needs that sort of rejection? Easier just to stay a virgin.”

Deacon grabbed her face in his hands with gentleness and kissed the corner of each side of her mouth. “They were all wrong. Every single old hag your dad dated. But I’m not sorry you stayed a virgin so long.”

She scrunched her face up in puzzlement. “Are you sure I don’t have flat boobs? Those women all seemed pretty sure I’d never get a man without having some serious work done.” She grabbed her breasts with both hands and propped them up. She looked down and then sighed deeply. Her hands dropped.

Jessica slumped forward as if the weight of the world finally got to be too much to hold up. She cuddled into his neck.

Boyd got up and headed in the direction of her bathroom. He returned moments later with three aspirin and a glass of water.

He woke her up enough to take the tablets. “That’s a good girl,” he said as she laid her head back down on Deacon’s shoulder.

“I know you insist that three aspirin hangover trick works. But I’m not so sure.” Deacon stroked her back.

Boyd shrugged. “Can’t hurt.”

“Glad we showed up tonight?” With her currently naked and cradled in his arms, Deacon was pretty glad.

“Yep. I hope she remembers what she told us in the morning.”

“We’ll remind her.”

“So are we sleeping here tonight?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. Think she has to work tomorrow?”

Boyd lifted one shoulder in a half shrug then snapped his fingers as if he’d just had a great idea. “Hang on.” He whipped out his cell phone and speed dialed a number. “Yes. I’m looking for Jessica Troy. She’s the concierge. Right. Well, will she be available tomorrow. Oh I see. Tomorrow is her day off. No. No message. I’ll try her again later in the week.”

If Deacon’s arms weren’t filled with Jessica, he would have clapped. “Brilliant.”

“I have my moments.”

Deacon carried an already sleeping Jessica to bed. They took off her robe and left her naked. Then each of them stripped down to their boxers and squeezed into her queen-size bed.

“Think she’ll be surprised when she wakes up?”

“No. I’m sure she always wakes up with two men crowding her in bed.” Deacon didn’t know why he was so filled with sarcasm.

Boyd made a face. “Well, perhaps she will from now on.”

“We can wish it so. But don’t get your hopes up.”

“Too late.”

Chapter Eleven

Jessica woke in the middle of the night and couldn’t move. She tried to turn one way and then the next, but couldn’t budge.

Before she panicked, she tried to recall what had happened after work. She remembered showering and changing into a robe. She also remembered missing Deacon and Boyd. Had she summoned them?

She reached out a hand and touched an arm. Someone was in bed with her. She opened her eyes. Deacon was less than a foot away, facing her. A glance over her shoulder the other direction and she saw spiky, dark hair. Boyd. Had to be.

She filtered through the evening before the prosecco clouded her memories and vaguely remembered the doorbell ringing. She remembered the surprised expression on their faces when she opened the door, but not much after that.

Another disturbing memory having something to do with all the women her father had dated over the years bubbled to the surface. And then more wine had ensued. Worst of all, the memory of the last time she was on a stage flooded her mind. A pain erupted in her stomach. Had she told them?

What the hell
she done last night?

She sat up in bed, and Deacon woke immediately.

Surprisingly, she didn’t have the bruiser headache she would have expected.

“Are you okay, sugar?” he whispered.

She was distracted by his bare chest momentarily before words would form.

“You spent the night with me?”

“It seemed like the right thing to do given your condition.”

“Crap. I’m sorry you saw me like that.”

One shoulder lifted. “Did something bad happen to you?”

“Yeah. Something terrible. I realized that I’d ditched two wonderful men and didn’t know how to get them back.”

He grinned. “Easy. We showed up unannounced because we missed you, too. Problem solved.”

“Not quite. I still have issues.”

“Would it make you feel better if I heartily assured you that you are by no stretch of the imagination flat-chested.”

Her mouth dropped open. “I told you that?”

He nodded. “I told you the women your father dated were jealous. Also that they were all hags.”

She put a hand to her head and pushed her palm over her eyes. “I cannot believe I told you that.”

“Why don’t you tell me what you want us to know, and we’ll go from there.”


“We’ve got to find a way to give it a shot.”

“I don’t have the self-confidence to get up on a stage and have people watch me perform such an intimate act even with men I love. As a matter of fact, I cannot ever see myself being able to overcome my debilitating stage fright.”


“You heard me. Don’t make me say it again.”

“Just repeat the part where you love us. Nothing else matters.”

She slid both hands up to cover her face. “Why do you want me?”

“The heart wants what the heart wants.”

From behind her Boyd said, “And also the cock wants what the cock wants.”

“Very funny.”

“You think I’m joking?” He sat up behind her and gripped her shoulders. “Reach back here and feel me. I’m only hard for you, honey. How’s your head, by the way?”

She twisted her head slowly from side to side. “Not as bad as I thought it would be.”

“I made you take three aspirin before you went to bed.” Boyd kissed the back of her neck.

“Thanks, I’ve always wanted to try that hangover remedy.”

“Why haven’t you?”

“Too drunk to ever remember.”

Deacon and Boyd both laughed. She was so glad they were here.

“You’re off from work today, right?”


Boyd ran his fingertips down her back on either side of her spine. “What will we do today, I wonder?”

Deacon put his hand on the center of her chest right above her breasts. “Whatever she wants.”

“You know what I want. Double penetration sex. Don’t say I’m not ready.”

“I don’t think I could even form the words,” Deacon said. “So ready or not, here we come, sugar.”

“Wait.” Boyd put a hand on her arm. Both she and Deacon gave him a stern what-the-fuck look. “Listen. I’m all for going ahead right now. However, if you would rather head out to our place instead of staying here, we’ve got a much bigger bed.”

“Like the one at the show.”

“Exactly like it.”

Jessica glanced around at them all crammed on her bed and decided more space would be a good thing. “Good point. Not to mention that even though this is my day off, if anyone knows I’m here, they sometimes call me.”

Deacon slipped out of her bed. He grabbed her hand and pulled her toward him. “Let’s go.” He kissed her lips in anything but a gentlemanly fashion and had her pressed to her own mattress in less than ten seconds.

His cock, separated from her naked body by only his boxers, plowed a furrow along her belly. She pushed at him until they rolled over, but the kiss didn’t stop. She moved her hips back and forth tilting her pussy forward to run along his shaft.

When Boyd bent over and pushed his cock along one ass cheek, she moaned. Perhaps they could stay here for just one round, then go on to the DRMC property for the rest of the day.

Boyd whispered in her ear, “Want a taste before we go?” The hard length of his fully engorged cock then dipped between her ass cheeks.

A thrill of panic ran through her at the thought of how big he was in her pussy. And she was the one insisting on this. Her libido then punched her in the gut with such a longing, Jessica knew she’d never back down now. She wanted to know what this was like.

A glimmer of future events and that damned sexy Stadium danced in her mind. Perhaps if they got her
drunk, she’d be able to perform for the masses at the club.

Deacon’s cock pressed into her belly at the same time Boyd’s cock rubbed hard across the very sensitive ring of her derriere hole. She wanted them now. And then she wanted them later.

“Okay. How about once now, and then we move to your place.”

Boyd suddenly slipped two of his fingers inside of her gushing pussy. He then slipped them slowly into her anus. The sensation was amazing. Dark and deliciously decadent. She still wanted more. As if he read her mind, an additional pressure came into her clenched asshole. “Relax,” Boyd whispered. “I’m trying three fingers to stretch you a bit.”

Deacon distracted her with a sudden kiss so amazingly sexy and tender, she was able to unclench her backside a bit and allow Boyd’s fingers better access. “That’s it, honey,” he whispered. “Let’s get you all prepared for my wide cock to slide in back here.”

Deacon still kissed her like he was trying to make her come. He made love to her mouth with his adroit tongue. He was good at it, too. She was so close to release. When he moved a hand over her bare breast and tugged at her distended nipple, her pussy clenched in delight.

Boyd continued a slow, rhythmic thrust and retreat with his fingers in her ass. The sensation, while bordering on the slightest edge of pain, made her heart pound in arousal. He bent over her and whispered. “Please tell me you have some sort of lubricant we can use.”

She broke the still seductive kiss with Deacon. “In my bedside drawer I have a tube that I just bought just in case.”

Deacon grinned. “Wily and proactive. I love that about you.” He pushed her shoulders up a bit. She gained her footing at the side of the bed. He followed and kissed her collarbone right before latching his mouth onto one pebbled nipple. He also slipped his hand between her legs and skated his fingertips across her clit before delving into her pussy.

Jessica moaned and grasped Deacon’s head in her hands to keep him sucking on her breast. She pushed her hips back as Boyd continued to stretch her anal hole. With each thrust of his fingers he went a little bit deeper.

Deacon’s fingers in her pussy gave her an inkling of what to expect. She loved it.

Boyd kissed the back of her neck and she clenched on both sets of male fingers thrusting inside her body. Deacon’s thumb suddenly shifted to rub her clit, but his fingers remained fully embedded in her pussy. She hadn’t had sex in a number of days, and went right up to the edge of preclimax in seconds with his stimulation.

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