Read Kailani & Bishop: A Case of the Exes Online

Authors: B. Love

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Urban

Kailani & Bishop: A Case of the Exes (8 page)



I’m not gone try and make it seem like I wasn’t messed up about what happened between Kai and me. I wanted her — more than she knew. I just refused to be an option. If she wanted me, she was going to have to make me a priority. I shouldn’t have, but I called Ashley and she came running of course, but now that she was here, in my face, I just wanted my Kai more.

Ash was laying her head on my lap, staring up at a nigga like she couldn’t get enough of me. I was running my fingers through her hair, flipping through the TV. Three in the morning and a nigga wasn’t nowhere near sleepy. Out of nowhere, she lifted her head and pulled my dick out of my boxers. I wasn’t hard, but when I felt her hand against my skin, that changed. I stopped her and she looked at me like I was crazy.

“What you doing, Ashley?”

“Trying to please my man.”

“I ain’t your man and I ain’t having sex with you.”

“Fine. Just let me make you feel better.”

“Aight. No kissing. No feelings. It’s just a nut. Can you handle that?”

She nodded before licking her lips and taking all of me inside of her mouth.



When I made it home, Courtney was sitting on my porch with his palms cupping his face and elbows on his thighs. I slowly got out of my car and walked over to him. I was so drained emotionally I really didn’t even feel like dealing with him, but because I’d just lost my love practically over him, I figured now was a better time than any to talk. By the time I made it to my porch, he had stood. We stared at each other for a second before he pulled me into his arms. I didn’t want to fit so comfortably inside him, but I did.

“I missed you…” He almost moaned before hanging his head slightly and kissing me on my temple.

I pressed my nails into his arms slightly before removing myself from his grip and unlocking my door.

“You didn’t hear me?” he asked, following me into my home.

After kicking my pumps off, I turned to face him. “I heard you,” I spoke nonchalantly.

As much as I missed him, the fact still remained, he cut me off. I didn’t have to miss him. I could have still been with him. He forced me to have to and I didn’t appreciate that.

“You didn’t miss me?” Courtney asked, walking closer to me.

“I’m mad at you.”

I couldn’t front anymore because tears were filling my eyes. I hated that he still had power over my emotions.

“Why Kai? What did I do?”

“You left me!” I yelled louder than I wanted to before grabbing a bottle of Vodka and pouring me a shot.

He didn’t say anything, giving me time to cool off. Then, he followed me into the kitchen. Taking the shot glass from my hand, he took my face into his hands and stared into my eyes.

“I left you…” He paused and kissed my lips softly, so soft that I barely felt it. “Because I love you…” He did it again. “You didn’t deserve…” And, again. “To be punished…” And. Again. “With me…”

This time, he applied more pressure and I moaned, causing him to wrap his arms around my waist and pull me into him.

“Courtney…” I slurred, pushing my hands into his chest, trying unsuccessfully to remove myself from his grip.

“I love you, Kai. Tell me you don’t love me anymore.”

His lips found their way to my neck and he hit the spot he’d introduced me to years ago.

“Ahhh…” I moaned, wrapping my arms around his waist.

“Tell me you don’t love me anymore,” he requested again, sitting me on top of my kitchen table. Spreading my legs, he stared into my eyes before scanning the rest of my body slowly.

I tried to close my legs. He was turning me the fuck on. I didn’t need that right now, but he opened them and stood between them, pulling my waist into his, grinding his dick against me.

“Courtney…” I pleaded.

“Tell me… you don’t love me anymore.” His hands found their way under my dress. Gripping my thighs, he started working on my neck again.

I didn’t see how he expected me to have a conversation with him while he was teasing me like this, but he snapped me out of my trance when I heard his pants unzip. I looked down immediately and looked at the man I’d given my virginity to. As much as I loved and missed him and wanted him inside of me, I felt like I’d be disloyal to Bishop if I had sex with him.

“Courtney, you know I will always love you,” I finally got out as he pressed his manhood against my clit through his boxers. I had to start wearing panties more often. Just the sensation of him against me through his boxers was about to send me over the edge.

“Then fucking act like it,” he demanded still grinding against me.

“Baby… we can’t…”

“Why not?” he asked stopping. “It’s because of that nigga? Hunh?”

I said nothing as I pushed him away slightly and pulled my dress back down.

“You think I give a fuck about what you had going on with him while I was gone? I’m home. You mine now.”

Shaking my head, I jumped off the table. “It doesn’t work like that, Courtney. I love you. Yes. You were my first love, my first lover, but when you let me go… I moved on. I mean, you didn’t really leave me with much of a choice.”

“I did that shit for you.”

“I know, Baby, and I appreciate that. I’m grateful to you for that, but what we had… is over now. I’m not with Bishop. Hell, he might not even want me after tonight, but whether he does or not, I can’t be with you.”

He took a step back and stared at me in silence, stared at me so long, I got uncomfortable and turned away.

“I’m sorry…” I mumbled.

“I don’t want to let you go,” Courtney said, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

“Courtney… we’re not the same people anymore. You only want me because I was who you had before you left.”

“Just give me a chance to show you that I was worth the wait,” he continued, turning me to face him.

Bishop was heavy on my mind. His lips found their way to mine again.

“We don’t have to have sex. We don’t have to commit. Just let me be a part of you, Kai.”

I didn’t want to say yes. I wanted to say no nigga get out my house so I could go get my man back, but instead I heard myself say, “Ok. We can see what’s up.”



After the little spat that Kai and I had, I felt kind of bad. I let my anger and my pride get the best of me. I didn’t tell her, but I had us a little trip planned. I needed to go to Nashville to check out some buildings there and after that we were going to hit up Atlanta. I was hoping that the time alone and out of Memphis would help us get to a better place. I was missing her already, just from the thought of not having her. I sat in her driveway for a few minutes before forcing myself to get out of the car, but when Courtney answered the door, I hated that I did. Soon as I saw his bitch ass, I swung on him and what the hell Kai do? Came running out in my t-shirt, telling me to stop.

“The fuck is this nigga doing in yo house?” I asked pissed. I wanted to stomp his ass, but he ain’t do shit but laugh as he stood.

“You a bitch for that,” he said.

“Ain’t no bitch in me. Square up.” I got in my stance and he looked over at Kai, who already had tears in her eyes.

“I ain’t got no reason to fight you. I got her,” Courtney said with a smile, “but the next time you put yo hands on me… I’m killing yo ass.”

I side eyed the nigga as he walked out the house. I wasn’t worried about his threat. If that was what he was on, he would’ve done it now. I waited until he was gone completely before I walked over to her. She was trying so hard not to cry. I almost felt sorry for her, but then, I remembered that she spent the night with another nigga and that faded away.

“So you couldn’t wait to leave me and get to him, hunh?”

“You put me out, Bishop. I didn’t want to leave. Besides, he was sitting on my doorstep when I got here.”

“Obviously, you wanted him here or you would have put him out.”

“What do you want? You didn’t want anything to do with me last night.”

“I want everything to do with you, Kailani, just not while you stuck on some other nigga.” I started to walk out, but her voice stopped me.

“What did you want, Bishop?”

“Doesn’t matter anymore.”

Ignoring her cries for me I left, got in my car, called Ashley and told her to pack a bag.



After Bishop had left, I felt kind of bad. I ain’t gone lie. He probably felt like I was getting back with Courtney, probably thought that we even had sex, but that wasn’t the case. I missed Court and I did feel as if we had unfinished business, but spending the night with him only made me want Bishop even more. The connection that Bishop and I had gone beyond anything I experienced with Court. I realized, as I slept with his arms, that he would always have a place in my heart, but there was absolutely no point in holding on to a relationship that I had already let go of. It was time to move on, whether Courtney wanted to or not. I just hoped I hadn’t pushed Bishop too far away.

I called Lay to come over and talk this through with me, but she’d been acting funny lately. I figured she was having issues with Rell again and would talk to me about it when she was ready. When I couldn’t get in touch with her, I decided to call Court and ask him to come over. I wanted to go ahead and end it before it went too deep. I was ready to get back to my baby. Just as I was pulling my chicken breasts out of the stove, Courtney was knocking on my door. After taking a few deep breaths, I went over to the door and let him in.

“How long your boyfriend been gone?”

That was the first thing he asked me as he walked past me to come inside.

“Courtney… you know I love you. You were my first everything, but… our time has passed. I’ve moved on and… we can’t do this anymore.” I spit out.

I was hoping he wouldn’t make this difficult. I was hoping that he would accept this and just let me go, but when he stopped and turned to face me the look in his eyes told me it wouldn’t be that easy.

“What did you say?” he asked me.

“I said… we can’t do this anymore.”

“The fuck you mean we can’t do this anymore?” Courtney stepped closer.

“I mean, I don’t want to be with you, Courtney.”

My patience was thin and my temper was quick. I didn’t have time to be constantly repeating myself just because I was saying something he didn’t want to hear. As he stepped closer to me, I realized he had me close to a wall. I tried to walk to the side and stay in the middle of the floor, but his hands were around my neck, and I was pushed into the wall before I could.

“I waited for you for ten years, Kai. Ten fucking years! Do you think you’re going to get away from me that easy?”

His grip around my neck tightened so I couldn’t reply even if I wanted to. I lifted my arms and pulled my right arm over my face. Pushing my forearm down as I would if I were arm wrestling, I tried to break his hold, but he was too strong.

“Don’t fight back, that’ll only make it worse,” he warned. “If I can’t have you, Kai, I swear that nigga won’t either.”

He let me go and almost tossed me to the other side of the room. It was nothing for me to fight a woman, but I wasn’t crazy enough to try and fight a man like Lay was. So, as pissed as I was, I sat on the floor as he opened the door and left. I was mad that he put his hands on me, but I was more hurt that he would disrespect me like that. As I coughed and rubbed my neck, I wondered what the hell he had in mind. I had to warn Bishop.



After I had hit up some potential buildings for my businesses, Ashley and I went back to the hotel to kick it. I wasn’t gone take her ass to St. Louis and Atlanta like I planned on doing with Kai. She wasn’t worth all that. I decided to cut the trip short and head home the next morning. Being with her was cool, though, reminded me of why I’d messed with her ass for as long as I did. She was cool when she wasn’t nagging and being needy, tryna lock a nigga down. We’d just finished eating some wings and fries and a nigga was tired. She got up to take a shower and I took that as an opportunity to check with Rell and Kai.

Something told me to Facetime Kai for some reason, so I did and when I did, I saw bruises all along her neck. She was trying to hide it with her hand, but it wasn’t big enough.

“The fuck happened to your neck?” I asked, standing.

I refused to believe that bitch ass nigga put his hands on her. She said nothing as tears escaped her eyes. I felt bad as fuck. I should’ve brought her with me regardless of how things were, especially after I’d just embarrassed the nigga in front of her.

“You don’t hear me talking to you, Kailani?” I asked again.

“I told Courtney that I didn’t want to be with him anymore and he got mad. Said if he couldn’t have me, you couldn’t either. I thought he was going to kill me, but the way he said it… it sounded like he was going to come after you.”

More tears fell.

“Bae, don’t worry about me. That nigga ain’t nobody for me to fear. I’m in Nashville right now so I can’t get to you as quick as I want to. Go to Rell’s place. I’ll meet you there in a few hours.”

“No Bishop. You don’t have to change your plans for me. I’ll be fine. I’ll just go to a hotel or something if you want but like I said, I really don’t think he’s gone come for me.”

“Nah, fuck all that. Go to Rell. I’m gone have him and a few other niggas try and find that nigga tonight. If he can’t, I’ll deal with that nigga when I get home myself, but for now, I just need to know that you’re safe so get yo ass on over there.”

She smiled lightly before biting her lip. This was not the time for her to be getting turned on.

“Kailani… focus.”

“Okay. Okay. I’m getting up.”

“I’m staying on the phone with you till you get out the house.”

“Okay, Daddy.”

This time, I smiled.

“I missed you, Lani.”

“I missed you too, but… I don’t think we should see each other yet. Courtney is crazy Bishop. Until things die down, I don’t think we should see each other.”

“I’m not finna hide from that nigga and I’m not finna avoid being with you to appease that nigga.”

“Bishop, please… just…” She shook her head and began to cry again.

“I don’t want you to do anything crazy. I don’t want you going back to jail.”

“I’m not going back to jail, Lani. I got this. This shit ain’t new to me. Just trust me.”

She sighed heavily as if she was thinking about what I said.

“Okay, baby. I’m done. It’s your turn.”

I closed my eyes at the sound of Ashley’s voice. Her timing could not be any worse.

“Who the fuck is that?” Kai asked.

“It’s um…”

“Ashley, bitch! Who else would it be?” Ashley yelled, bringing her naked ass right behind me.

Kai laughed angrily as she tilted her head to the side. “So, you pretty much said fuck me, huh? You took her to Nashville with you and said fuck me, huh? The hell you calling me for, Bishop, if you with her?”

“Ion want her ass like that, Lani. You know that. Quit tripping. I was just mad because that nigga spent the night at your house. I planned on bringing you. I fucked up but ain’t shit happened.”

“Yet,” Ashley added.

I mushed her ass away from me.

“You know what, Bishop? Since it’s obvious you can’t seem to leave her alone, just be with her. Lose my damn number and don’t bother stopping by when you get back because I’m not gone answer.”

“Oh, so you can have that nigga all in yo crib, but when I fuck with somebody else it’s a problem? You on some bullshit, Kai.”

“If I am, leave me alone then, nigga!”

“Fine!” I yelled before ending the call.

She had me fucked up if she thought she was gone get away with that fucked up one sided ass shit. If I was a shady ass nigga, I would’ve fucked Ashley just for the hell of it, but that wasn’t going to do anything but make her ass act even more crazy, so I decided against it. I headed to the shower.

“You mad at me, baby? I’m sorry.” Ashley asked.

I didn’t even respond to her shady ass.

When I got out of the shower, Ashley was laying on the bed still naked. I shook my head and sat on the edge of the bed. When I’d reserved this honeymoon suite, it was because I thought I was gone be with my baby. Now, I was in this heart shaped bed with a Jacuzzi, flowers, hearts, and shit all over the place with Ashley’s crazy ass. She was eating that shit up. I felt her crawling towards me and my dick instantly shot up. I didn’t want to respond to her, but I couldn’t help it. I didn’t want to want her, but my dick did and he made a hell of an argument.

She started kissing on my neck and rubbing my dick, making a nigga feel all kinds of good. Her pussy was nowhere near as good as Kai’s, but when it came down to head, Ashley was more experienced.

“Suck it,” I commanded.

“Nope, not unless you gone return the favor this time.”

I shot her a look that let her know that wasn’t going to happen. Only pussy I was gone be eating was Kai’s.

“Gone on with that, Ash.”

Pouting, she got off the bed and kneeled before me. “You gone at least sex me?” she asked before twirling her tongue on my dick before making it completely disappear.

“Shit…” I groaned before grabbing a handful of her weave. “You got a condom?”

“Since when do we have to use a condom?”

“Since I started fucking somebody else. Do you have one or nah?”


“Well then, suck my dick and shut that other shit up. I’ll play with it, but that’s it.”

Even though she wanted to protest, she didn’t. I knew her body better than she did. I showed her where her spots were, and then she showed other men. She knew she was gone be taken care of whether it be by my dick, tongue or fingers. What she didn’t know was this was gone be the last time I dealt with her ass. She was way too messy. Yeah, I was mad at Kai for not being fair. She didn’t take my feelings into consideration linking up with Courtney but had Ashley not brought her ass out, talking all that shit, I’d be on my way back to my baby. She knew what she was doing. I ain’t have time for all this drama.

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