Kate’s Vermonth Adventure (16 page)

“Or who put too much cheese in the fondue,” Michael threw in.

“Or who used my treadmill when I wasn't looking!” Uncle Ollie added, looking at Sydney.

“Wasn't me!” Aunt Molly proclaimed. They all laughed at that one.

“It doesn't matter where Kate goes, adventure always seems to follow,” her dad said. “She's my little super-sleuth!”

“I just
adventure!” Kate said. “Love, love, love it!”

She and Sydney spent the next few minutes telling everyone about some of the cases they had solved with the Camp Club Girls. On and on their stories went, filling the ears of everyone in the room.

When she finished, her dad looked at her, beaming with pride. “I'm so proud of you, Kate.”

“Here's to Inspector Gadget!” Sydney raised her glass of wassail.

Seconds later, everyone joined her, offering up a toast to Kate. She felt all warm and tingly inside. Solving mysteries made her feel good from the top of her head to the bottom of her toes.

But what made her feel even better—much, much better, in fact—was forgiving Phillip. Perhaps that had been the greatest lesson of all this week. Never again would she hold a grudge. No, from now on she would forgive… quickly!

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”
Kate smiled as she whispered the words. Yes, from now on, she would always be quick to forgive!

Aunt Molly stood and began to sing “Joy to the World.” Uncle Ollie joined her, then Mr. and Mrs. Hampton. Before long, most everyone was singing, even Michael.

Sydney leaned over and whispered in Kate's ear. “We solved another case, Kate! Can you believe it?”

“Yep!” Turning to her friend, Kate whispered the words they loved so much: “Super-sleuths forever!”

Sydney winked and added, “Forever and ever!”

Kate nodded, then happened to look over at the little manger scene on the fireplace mantle. She focused on the babe inside, remembering what her mother had said.
He came to forgive
, she reminded herself.

With a
merry heart, Kate lifted her voice and began to sing!

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