Kayla's Cowboy Fantasy (Delta of Venus Inc.) (6 page)

"You knew I was here?"

"Of course. What, you think I take time out of my workday to jerk off all the time? Hardly. I new someone was here the second we walked in. I could smell you." He leaned in and breathed in her scent. "Ahhh...like flowers, vanilla and musk. You smell delicious." He nipped her collarbone and the hairs on the back of Kayla's neck stood up in reaction.

"So, you deliberately put on a show, without knowing who was trespassing? What if I was your employer's wife, or daughter? Or a cross-dressing jockey?"

"The boss isn't married. Besides, I knew who it was. I could see your red boots through the cracks between the boards."

"And I suppose you recognized me? I'm pretty sure we haven't met."

"Listen, I've seen you around town. Hard to miss those boots you always wear, not to mention those legs. I know you work at the dairy down the road. And I've been trying to figure out a way to meet you for months. I know this isn't exactly typical, but I couldn't resist when I saw you spying on me. I though you'd stop me before things got out of hand."

Kayla couldn't see his face but she suspected that he was smiling at his own double entendre. "I probably should have. But I liked it. Liked watching you. A lot." She admitted it quickly, but didn't turn to look at him. Despite the role playing, she still felt her cheeks grow hot at the admission.

He cleared his throat. "Yeah. Well, I liked feeling your eyes on me too. I got carried away. But if it makes you feel any better, I was thinking of you the whole time."

She snorted doubtfully. "Seriously? You expect me to believe that?"

"Absolutely. I swear. I was thinking about the last time I saw you. A week or two ago. I was coming out of the gas station in town and you were bent over, facing away from me, pumping gas. Your cut-off jeans were just barely decent and I thought to myself, 'If I could just feel those legs wrapped around me, just one time, I could die a happy man.' So that was what I was thinking about."

"Me? Pumping gas?"

"Not exactly."

"Me? Pumping you?"

"Yeah. Pretty much."

Kayla angled her head around until she could see his gorgeous face. He was actually blushing. She couldn't help it. She laughed outright. Who knew a prostitute could be so charming? Not to mention such a terrific actor. She hadn't been expecting this level of performance at all. She was certainly getting her money's worth. She reached out with one hand and caressed his angular cheek with her fingertips. His stubble was long enough to feel smooth and silky. All pretense at struggling to escape left her as she looked deeply into his bright blue eyes, and ran her thumb along his full lower lip. An invitation to kiss her.

He slowly leaned down until his warm mouth was just a hairsbreadth away from hers. "By the way, I'm Nick," he said, placing one hand on her neck to angle her chin up to him

"Katie," Kayla breathed as his lips settled on hers. She wanted to hear her real name on his lips. The one Jake would have used. It seemed appropriate.

Initially, his kiss was very gentle. She had expected him to be forceful and overwhelming. Everything about him shouted dominant alpha male, so she doubted seduction was part of his repertoire. But he surprised her once again. He slid his bottom lip against her top one with slow intent, pressing softly, and then shifted his attention to her lush bottom one, sucking it gently between his lips and then releasing it.

Closing her eyes, she let herself be lulled by his sweet approach. At least for now.

Deepening the kiss, he flicked the tip of his tongue against one sensitive corner of her mouth. She opened eagerly to receive the silky thrust of it, but he barely breached her lips before pulling back and kissing her gently again.

With each invasion his tongue licked more deeply into her mouth and she thought to herself,
This is how he's going to fuck me. Just like this. Gradually, deeper and harder until I'm begging him to give it all to me. Every single hard inch of that giant cock.
The coarse thought shocked her, but also caused a fizzle of excitement to ignite between her thighs.

He pulled back and looked at her heatedly, as if he could read her dirty thoughts or smell her arousal. "You have the softest lips," he said, rubbing his thumb across her bottom one.

Looking into his eyes, she knew he wanted her to go down on him, and even though it was really not part of her fantasy, she would have sunk to her knees in a moment if he'd asked. That longing look on his face was so compelling. All she wanted to do was please him. This man she barely knew.

Instead, she grabbed his hand to keep it still, and watched his reaction from beneath lowered lashes as she slowly wrapped her lips around his thumb and tugged it into the warm, wet cavern of her mouth. She sucked on it for a moment and then released it with a plop.

He looked stunned, but then he leaned forward to kiss her again. This time he was not subtle in his approach. He thrust his tongue deeply, over and over, possessing her mouth with his.

Kayla tried to turn in his arms so the front of her body could enjoy some of his heat and hardness. She really wanted to explore his lovely chest with her fingers and lips, but he wouldn't let her shift her position. He kept her body firmly where he wanted it and apparently that was trapped against the table. But since he kissed like an angel, she wasn't going to complain too much. At least not for another minute or two. She compromised by reaching around behind them with one hand and squeezing his amazing ass.

Nick gasped against her lips as she slid her other hand between their bodies to cup his package through his jeans. She could feel how hard he was and the image of how incredibly hot he had looked with his hand on his throbbing erection flitted through her mind. A quiver of lust shot through her body at the thought. He would look even hotter with her hand around that gorgeous cock.

"Take it out," she whispered against his lips. "I want to touch it. Like you were earlier."

Pulling back, Nick shook his head as if to clear it, and then moved a few inches away from her. Gently, he removed both of her hands from his body and placed them on the saddle in front of her.

"Nick?" Kayla asked, nearly wailing in disappointment. What was he doing exactly?

"Wow. You really distracted me for a second there." He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her shoulder as if trying to placate her. "And as much as I would love to have your hands on my dick, we've got some business to tend to first. So, keep your sweet little paws on the saddle and we'll get this over with as fast as possible."

"Business?" She asked, turning to watch him. Surely he wasn't talking about the money. She'd given that to Miss Bright at the beginning of their interview.

He held her in place with one hand on her lower back and searched through the items on the table with the other. "Yup. Business," he said, dragging something small and heavy over with one booted foot and placing it directly behind the heels of her boots.

Kayla looked down between her spread feet and saw that it was a small step stool used for helping riders get into the saddle.

He brushed his lips against her temple. "You see, if my boss knew that I came across a trespasser and didn't do anything about it, he'd be pissed. And he can be a real stickler about security. So, I can either call the cops, or punish you myself."

Kayla felt an odd mixture of dread and excitement at his words. She'd already lived out her fantasy by watching this beautiful man pleasure himself, so satisfying her curiosity about spanking was really just a bonus. She didn't need to go through with it, but she was tempted. She was pretty sure he wouldn't really hurt her. He didn't seem the type. This was just a game. He'd give her a few taps on the behind and then they'd move onto the good stuff.

"But the gate was open. I had no idea it was private property," she said, looking up at him and feigning innocence rather convincingly, she thought.

"Yeah. I may have accidentally left it open when I let in the other owners," he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her onto the step stool. Then, he pressed down on her shoulders until her chest was leaning on the saddle in front of her and her bottom was in the air.

He cupped one round, firm buttock through the denim of her skirt and then trailed his hand down the back of her silky thighs which were mostly exposed by the garment's short hem.

"If you left the gate open, then maybe you should be the one being punished," she said hopefully. An interesting thought. She'd never really considered physically disciplining a man before. She verbally disciplined them all day at work and it wasn't particularly sexy. But this cowboy would look exceedingly fetching with his perky butt in the air. She supposed it was too late to steer her fantasy in that direction and avoid getting her own bottom pummeled, but she would certainly entertain the idea in the future.

"Nice try." He chuckled. "But trespassing is a crime. I can't just overlook it, can I?"

"I'd be okay with that. But do what you have to do. Know this though. I will make you pay later."

He actually laughed at her threat. And gave her bottom a playful swat. It was just a flick of his fingers against her flesh. It didn't hurt at all, but heat flooded through her throbbing pussy as if more rough treatment was exactly what it craved to get off.

"Look at those legs," he said in a reverent tone, like he was looking at a great work of art or an incredible view. He leaned down and pressed an open-mouthed kiss to the back of one of her knees.

Kayla felt that kiss all the way to her womb and shivered in response.

He stood back up and placed one hand on the back of her neck, caressing her gently and looking into her eyes through the black lace mask. "Do you have any idea what looking at those legs does to me? I mean, seriously, I feel like Kingmaker when he gets a whiff of a mare in season. Like I'll go crazy if I can't get to you." He leaned forward and kissed her, hard.

"But first things first." He stood up and held an object up in front of her face so she could get a good look at what he was holding. It was a riding crop.

Kayla's eyes widened. What was that damn safe word again? Pizza? All she needed to say was 'pizza' and they could go back to normal, painless, vanilla sex. She didn't want that scary thing anywhere near her bottom. She had expected him to use his hand or maybe one of the horse grooming brushes, but a riding crop? That would leave marks. What was he thinking? She was a novice with the whole spanking thing. Riding crops were definitely meant for someone in the advanced class.

"Umm...maybe not," she said, attempting to stand upright and mover her posterior out of his reach.

He pushed her gently back down, and leaned over her. "Katie," he whispered against her ear. "You don't have to go through with this part, but if you'll trust me not to hurt you, I'd really like to give you the rest of your fantasy. I think you'll always wonder about it otherwise. Now. Pizza or no pizza?"

Would she regret it? Maybe. When would she ever get the chance to explore her kinkier side again? If she went through with her plan to find a nice, safe, boring man to settle down with, she probably wouldn't feel comfortable asking him to give her a few good whacks on her fanny, now would she? She was wildly curious to explore the spicier side of her sexuality. And that swat he'd given her earlier had given her tingles through her whole body, especially between her thighs.

"Alright. Hold the pizza for now," she conceded, getting comfortable against the saddle again. "But don't get carried away. I bruise easily."

He nodded his approval. "I can see that. Your skin is like cream silk," he said softly. Standing directly behind her now, he gently began sliding her skirt up her thighs and over her buttocks. Putting an arm around her again, he lifted her slightly so he could bunch her skirt up around her waist.

Kayla could feel his prominent erection against her buttocks now. When he set her back down, she rocked back against him, trying to maximize her contact with that delicious bulge. But he moved away from her. She sighed in disappointment. "You are such a tease," she muttered, resting her cheek against the saddle.

He chuckled again and ran his large palm over her bum. "Just be patient, and you'll be getting as much of my cock as you could possibly want. Believe me. I am going to fuck you senseless."

Kayla’s body clenched in anticipation at his words. "Promises, promises. Patience is overrated." She said, and waggled her bottom in invitation. "Why don't you give it to me now instead?"

The riding crop snapped across her buttock and she flinched in reaction.

"Ow! That's not what I meant." After the mild pain subsided, heat rushed through her cleft and she brought her thighs tightly together to hold in the sensation. Her clit flared to life, highly sensitized by the confusing mixture of pain and pleasure thrumming through her body. She rocked her pelvis to provide some relief, but it wasn't enough.

“Nope. None of that," he said, kicking her booted feet apart on the stool, none too gently. "If you come too soon, what kind of punishment with this be? We'll have to start all over again. So, keep those gorgeous thighs wide open, okay?"

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