Read Kee Patterbee - Hannah Starvling 02 - The Gourmet Who Kept Diamonds in the Kitchen Online

Authors: Kee Patterbee

Tags: #Mystery: Cozy - Culinary Consultant

Kee Patterbee - Hannah Starvling 02 - The Gourmet Who Kept Diamonds in the Kitchen (23 page)

Lukas gave her a sharp, frustrated, stare. Watching, Hannah knew she struck a nerve.
Hates when not believed. Used to people accepting him at his word
, she added to his profile.

You expect me to carry credentials?” He gave the area the once over.

Sure, why not? Show me a badge, ID, secret decoder ring, or laser etching pen, anything that says spy, instead of rich man playing a game.”

I checked into you. All of you.”

Gran laughed.
“Hello, internet, and you don’t have to check that hard. I’m seventy five and even I can tippy tap the keys enough to find out about people. You’ll have to do better than that.”

Lukas sat stunned, unsure about what to say.  After what seemed to be an infinite amount of time
, he offered, “Then check me out as well, because with your alleged skills, I am sure it will be easy to confirm.” He paused and added, “But do it with discretion, because this case is fragile. They are already in a panic, thus the Elias situation.”

Hannah considered his response.
Thanks to Cate, she already knew he was former Swiss military, but confirming he was undercover was impossible. This meant one of two things to her. First, he was betting on her accepting his claim outright because he offered it up free. Or, second, he expected her to try, fail, and assume he was telling the truth.
In any case, I can’t prove him right or wrong
, she noted with frustration.

Assuming I buy that you work undercover for whomever. The Swiss government. Military. CIA. MI-6. Or U.N.C.L.E. What can you tell me?”

Lukas grew serious.
“That I work with Elias. That he’s a friend. Like you, I want to know who did this.”

You said
,” Hym interrupted. “Why?”

Hannah studied his face as considerations washed about her mind.
There was an intensity that made her want to believe him. However, all he offered thus far was unprovable claims.
He could be an undercover agent
a con artist, a killer or all of the above
, she pondered.

The possibilities troubled Hannah. It was rare when she found herself unsure.
At the moment, she was awash with an unpleasant gnawing, nagging feeling of uncertainty that left her shaken. Unsteady ground was not familiar to her. Finding her footing was paramount if she were to find some resolution.

Coming back to Lukas, Hannah heard him say,
“To begin, he was helping us bust up a black market. Part of it revolves around all types of foods. This festival presents us with a large influx of international companies sending in vendors. Each has to go through a vetting process. Customs handles these types of operations, but we are onto something much deeper, broader, and bigger.”

Hannah took in a breath and puffed her cheeks as she let it out.
“So, I take it this is what got Elias thrown from a window. Any ideas who attacked him?”

Nothing concrete, but I do have some leads. A few of the heavy are hitters in the area. Ruffians for hire.”

Are the local police in on this?”

Lukas half chuckled.
“From what I’ve gathered, some are and some are not. Gresham is a border town on the water, a divider for nations.” Lukas pointed out across the water. “Sure, that’s a great country, but it has its criminal just like here in this country. Like anywhere in the world. And it is a nice, clean small town. Does that not strike you as odd?”

The idea having
been on Hannah’s mind before, she found herself nodding in response.

Regardless, I know that in general, they would not have the resources either way. Or the experience if they were to look into it. Parking tickets and drunk tourists are more their speed. Deep detective work, not so much.”

Hannah took in everything Lukas was saying. It all sounded right. He was convincing, for sure.
Still, she remained skeptical. 

Can you tell me what you told them about Elias?” Lukas asked in a sudden stop.

Nothing that they couldn’t find out for themselves by contacting the festival organizers. He’s a chef. We trained together in Paris. Truffles are his forte. Married, wealthy, and soon to be a father. that’s about it.”

About the next bit of information, Hannah considered withholding it.
Elias’ mushrooms were missing. The knowledge of their whereabouts played a paramount part in her investigation. She planned on making her way to the storage facility soon. For now, she chose to dangle a carrot in front of Lukas and see if he would try and grab it.

I do know his mushrooms are missing.” She watched as he suppressed a hard frown.

That explains a lot.” Lukas stared off into the distance for a moment before he spewed, “Damn it.” He slammed his fist into the railing.  Reacting to his own action, he pulled his hand back and dropped it to his side. He gave a forced smile and added, “I guess we know what they were after.”

Hannah looked surprised.
“His private stock? I know they’re worth a lot.”

Lukas sat up and stiffened.
“More than you can imagine.”

Hannah noted the change in his voice and body language.
Anger. Frustration. Concern
, she added to her mental list of the man. Something stirred the pot as Gran would say. Her gut instinct told her it involved something more than the value of Elias’ fungi.
Now, she questioned his response. Is he angry because someone hurt Elias? Or is he angry because they got away with the truffles? Did someone beat him to the punch?
Serious questions
, Hannah thought.
I need serious answers
You spin a good story, Mr. Grimm. But is any of it true?

You still haven’t answered my question,” Hym once again tossed in. “Why initially? That implies something changed.”

It did,” Luka said in a forbidding voice. He waved his hand as he shook his head. “It started out about the illegal food trade. It was a matter of contention between Canadian and Swiss governments, but along the way, it evolved into something more. It is no longer just about the illegal food trade. It’s about diamonds. Real diamonds. Uncut blood diamonds.”

Chapter 18

The information took Hannah aback. “You’re talking conflict diamonds. Mined and sold to fund a war or resurgence, right?”

Lukas nodded. “We found that they slip the diamonds in with foods that need special handling. Elias has been through customs so many times, he knew the best way to slip them through with his truffles. Or what he called his truffles. Most of the time, they were fakes, but the average custom agent has no clue. A mushroom’s a mushroom.”

He’d never risk ruining the real thing,” Hannah added. “Makes sense that he’d use fakes.”

Gran patted the table.
“Wait, I don’t get it. Elias was dealing in illegal diamonds via the illegal truffle trade?”

Lukas shook his head. “About nine months ago, my government approached me. They knew my connections to the food industry and wanted to use them to look into the food black market. Someone was using my country’s banking system to harbor money from the trade. As you know, our laws on banking have been, I admit, questionable at times. Now there is an ongoing effort to clean up such matters. Being a patriot and a former investigator, I am suited for the matter. I agreed. My partner and I approached Elias about helping us. He’s a decent enough man and fit the profile of someone who would help.”

Wait,” Hannah intervened, “you have a partner?”

’s sudden change in expression caught Hannah’s attention. Nervousness became repressed anger. “Had.”

Hannah recognized this state. She had seen and heard it before.
His partner is dead
, she inferred.

Do you know who did it?”

Lukas gestured no, adding, “Not for certain.” His voice became low and again, he glanced all around, “but I have an idea. She went in first. It didn’t take long. She made the right connections. Then set it up so Elias would do the transport, but he made a mistake. He found the diamonds among the truffles and told us. Someone found out, but the exchange was already set in motion. Elias already had the diamonds. That changed everything. Bess no longer had any use…” Lukas’ voice faded.

“When did they find her?”

“The day Elias met with his ‘accident’.”

“Why didn’t they move on this before?”

Lukas shrugged. “I imagine they had to regroup first. They just found out someone compromised their organization. It is likely they balanced the loss against the profit, but given the amount of diamonds, that was never an actual question.”

“How much are we talking about?” Hym inquired.

“Approximately twenty million US in uncut stones from Africa. They transported them through Europe into Canada, and were moving them onto US soil through Gresham.”

The number caused Hannah, Gran, and Hym to gasp or take a breath. Gran tugged at her ear. “Seems like a lot of steps. Why not just bring them in the straight way?”

“It is, but the amount started out much greater. Rather than risk everything in one country, or one continent, they spread them out. Some borders are easier to access. This particular operation favors following the food industry, in part because it is a disregarded crime by the public. A few pounds of cheese, fish, or truffles, do not catch the public imagination. So, while there are issues with customs, no one thinks to cut open the block of cheese to find what’s inside. Or to see what’s stuffed in the fish’s belly. Or to turn up such an expensive item as truffles. As long as the paperwork looks good, agents wave them through. A more established individual, such as Elias, passes through customs often. As much as we like to think those agents are scrutinizing everyone, that is not the case. Beyond that, the largest part came here because the US has the largest market for uncut diamonds. They claim otherwise, but the truth is out there.”

“So who do you think is behind this?” Hannah asked.

Lukas glared at the sleuth.
“It is someone you are familiar with.”

Hannah drew her eyes narrow and her face tightened. She half expected to hear the name Serizawa Kamo, or Madeline Doyle, or even Jonathan Wexler. Instead, she found herself going numb.

“The Ambassador for Côte d’Ivoire.”

Felix Salomon.
Lukas’ words hit Hannah hard. Disbelief rolled across her face. Lukas continued.

“That country is one of the major suppliers of the diamonds. There’s always an ongoing political struggle of some kind. For years, he’s been readying himself for any eventuality. According to my superiors, he has almost one billion dollars in our banks.”

Hym studied Lukas. “Eventuality? As in a coup?”

“No. I doubt it. The ambassador has lived out of the country for years.” Lukas looked to Hannah. “In Mexico, where you saved his life. France before that. Now in Canada. He’s had a taste of the Western world if you will. His home country no longer holds any appeal. Within a year, he plans on leaving his post and moving to my country on a permanent basis. He doesn’t plan on living the life of a retired politician from Côte d’Ivoire.”

While Lukas explained, Hannah’s mind was hard at work. She tried again to make the pieces of the puzzle fit. Everything Lukas said or was saying fit well, but the picture did not make sense. She knew the ambassador to be a good man. What she was unsure of was Lukas. Then it hit her.
Or his nephew
. She knew little about Samori. She never met him in Mexico, though she recalled now that Salomon mentioned a nephew who lived with his wife and him. At the time, he was away at school.
Culinary school, I suppose
. She considered the possibility that if he moved with his uncle, he could have been a transporter. She also considered that he was too young to have amassed such a fortune on his own.
The ambassador could have though
, she reconsidered.

The touch of Hym squeezing her hand brought her back to the present conversation. He waved a finger at Grimm.

“All right, so you want justice for your friend. That I get. How does Elias sent flying… tie into all this? It’s obvious that something went wrong. Otherwise, they would have just shot him. Does he have evidence that this Salomon is the head of this operation?”

No, the ambassador keeps his hands clean and operates through intermediaries. Elias does have a file, but I am assuming that would just be a bonus to attain. What kept Elias alive is the fact that he has a large cache of uncut diamonds somewhere.” Lukas turned to Hannah. “You got there just after someone was looking for them and went too far. Now, they want him to give them up.”

Hym glanced over to Hannah.
“I was right.
Tell me
, is what Johnny heard the deliveryman say.”

agreed. “The problem is, he isn’t waking up fast enough for

. I’d imagine the responsible party is pretty nervous at this point.”

So nervous in fact…” Lukas took a drink of his beer. “They have you

twenty four hour surveillance.”

Gran put he
r hand to her chest and laid the other one across Hannah’s free hand. “Heavens.”

Elias always called his truffles--”

The diamonds of the kitchen,” Hannah interrupted.

“Correct. You were there right after he fell, and you followed through to the hospital. You being a chef, you working in a kitchen…”

“They assume since she’s a woman…” Hym added.

“And a chef…”  Hannah sighed, and then added, “It’s a reference to me.”

Lukas affirmed with a point of the finger to Hannah. He relaxed enough to lean back. “They assume Elias and you were…” He glanced over to Hym and paused before he added, “together.”

Hym’s face drew in tight, but he said nothing.

“Do you think they’ll come after her?” Gran asked. She swallowed hard before adding, “Come to think of it. Why haven’t they tried already?”

Lukas rose and turned to look out at the water. “I have a few connections in Gresham. I know about the incident earlier with the engineer. Regrettable. Such a talent.” He spun around to stare at Hannah. “But given what has occurred, I think the period of them waiting for you to lead them to the Elias’ truffles is at an end. Either they’ll have them or have you. Again, if you know anything…”

Before Hannah could answer, Gran leaned forward. Her voice was strong and steady as she addressed her host.  “If Salomon did this, he’s bought into the police for sure. Two officers came looking for Hannah.”

Lukas nodded. “The brothers, I know about them. They came to Gresham police at the same time Salomon took his new post across the border. I’m sure that is not a coincidence.”

Hannah pulled her hands up to either side of her cheeks and stared forward. For the moment, everything Lukas said fit her puzzle. Pieces were coming together. Though she resisted the idea, it appeared that behind everything was Felix Salomon. Confirmation was still needed for her, but for the moment, she considered the possibility. “So what do you need from me?”

“Do you have any idea where Elias took his case? The diamonds are the evidence that links Salomon to the black market via the food trade. Elias kept a file in it. Everything we need is within. It is obvious that Salomon does not have them yet. If he gets his hands on them before I can establish the connection, then our case becomes nullified. Everyone who died collecting them, all the victims, Bess, Elias, it will all be for nothing.”

Unsure how to answer, Hannah ran everything related through her mind. She was certain that the case was at the storage facility. Her initial response was to answer him as such, but her gut instinct told her to keep that information close until she could confirm it for herself. Though everything fit, some questions remained. Given that no one yet found his case, she determined all the answers she needed lie within it. So she lied, telling herself that for the time, it was for the greater good.

“Sorry, but when he wakes up, it will be the first thing I ask him. In the meantime, is there anything else I can do to help?”

Lukas pulled his brow down. “Mr. Starvling is watching over the wife. If you could continue to do so, I believe that a presence is enough to keep trouble at bay. The officers guarding Elias through Detective Betts are clear. We have found that she is honest and is working to clean out the department.  For now, all is secure, but I ask you to keep every word of this meeting to yourselves.”

From the corner of her eyes, Hannah watched Gran. The elder Starvling’s body tightened. Though her grandmother agreed, Hannah could tell that the seasoned gumshoe did not buy the story as presented. When Hannah shifted her eyes to Hym, she knew that he too found everything problematic. She thought again about the puzzle at hand.
The pieces fit. The picture doesn’t line up.

“Well, I suggest that I get you back to shore. Mr. Starvling will want an update. Tell him that I just wanted to secure your services for a new chain that I plan on buying. I will release this information at the festival, saying that you have agreed to work for my company. No one will suspect otherwise. This has put you good people in enough danger as is.”

Lukas moved back toward the cockpit. Hannah stopped him.

“One other thing, is Madeline Doyle working with you?”

Lukas’ eyes narrowed and his nose flared. Hannah watched as his expression shifted from taken aback to intense, and then calm in an instant.

“Yes, but in a...” Lukas gestured with hand quotes before finishing, “real world capacity.” Through his fake, toothy grin, he added, “Her restaurants are struggling. Rather than me take them over, we are negotiating. She’s quite persuasive as you can imagine. We are doing a joint venture. At some point, this present adventure will conclude and I will return to the real world. Madeline’s restaurants will be part of it.” He paused and scanned Hannah over. Another smile and he turned to the cockpit, starting the engine.

Hannah went back and sat beside Hym. In a near whisper, not taking her eyes off Lukas, she said, “We’ll compare notes when we get back. Until then, let’s just enjoy the ride back.”

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