Keeping the Beat: An Adrenaline Novel (14 page)

              “Fuck no.” The thought of it made me feel sick. I knew I could never physically hurt Kenzie the way my father had hurt my mother but that didn't make the fear in my heart lessen. My palms started to sweat and my breathing quickened. “There’s not even a small part of you that worries about her safety with me?”

              “No,” my aunt answered without any hesitation. “I know you would rather lay down in traffic than do anything to hurt Kenzie. That’s why seeing you this past year has been so hard for me. You’re not the man you were trying to be.” Her words bore a striking similarity to Garret’s from our conversation in his kitchen not too long ago. “You hurt Kenzie but you hurt yourself just as much. I don’t like seeing my kids hurting.”

              Moving forward she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a squeeze, pulling back when I yelped. With a frown she pulled up my shirt and gasped when she saw my ribs. She gave me a questioning look. I shrugged and pulled my shirt back down.

              “Which one?” She demanded.

              “Does it matter?” I asked with a small smile. If I gave Lucas up he was going to be in trouble. My aunt was a tiny thing but she knew how to keep us in line.

              Just as she was about to speak Kenzie and the rest of the family filed inside. The guys were lugging Aunt Lorraine’s luggage. They set it down by the door and moved across the room, stopping in their tracks when she gave them a harsh look. She pointed a finger at me before sweeping her gaze over them.

              “Who is responsible for what?”

              Kenzie and Reece started to snicker as my aunt placed her hands on her hips regarding the men before her.

              Declan raised his hand and stepped forward. “I gave him the black eye and split lip.” He couldn't disguise the pride in his voice even as my aunt glared at him. “She’s my little sister, what did you expect?”

              “And the ribs?” Her stare went straight to Wyatt who looked affronted at the accusation.

              “It wasn't me! Why do you always assume it’s me?”

              “Because it usually is,” Kenzie muttered under her breath making me laugh.

              “It was me,” Lucas admitted.

              “Lucas?” She sounded genuinely surprised. I was still a little shocked myself. Not for the first time I suspected something more was behind his response to my relationship with Kenzie.

              “Got carried away,” he shuffled his feet and gave me a brief look. “Didn't mean to hit him so hard.”

              “Liar,” Wyatt covered the word with a cough ignoring his mother’s stormy face.

              Aunt Lorraine gave Lucas a curious once over but apparently decided to let it go for now. “Where’s my grandson?”

              “Should be here soon. He needed to clean up his room before coming to see his best girl.”

              Somewhat mollified Aunt Lorraine gave a little smile moving forward to give everyone a hug. “Then I guess we will wait for him to open up the gifts I brought you.”

              Moving to my side Kenzie placed her hand in mine. “Okay?” She asked hesitantly. Reaching out I tucked her hair behind her ear and gave her a smile.

              “More than.” Leaning over I lowered my mouth to hers and gave her a kiss, quickly giving into the bliss I found there.

              “Why did you just do that?” I lifted my head to see Simon standing in the doorway with an angry expression on his face. His voice had vibrated with anger making him sound a lot older than ten.

              In other words, he sounded exactly like his father.



Chapter 13


              I froze in place realizing that while we had told everyone else about us, we had both forgotten about telling Simon. Looking confused and mad his eyes shot to mine. “Did you tell him it was okay to do that?” Jace started to talk but Simon gave a sharp shake of his head, his blue eyes hardening. “If she didn't say you could do that, then it wasn't okay and you have to tell Aunt Kenzie you’re sorry.”

              Lucas’ face split into a glee filled grin as he watched his son grill Jace, who had started to shift uncomfortably next to me. “Kenzie, tell him you said it was okay,” he said nudging me with his elbow. His eyes looked slightly panicked.              

              “Simon,” I said, bringing his attention back to me, “It’s okay that Jace kisses me because we care about each other a lot,” I explained wanting to reassure him. “Jace and I are dating,” I added after a brief pause. “I’m sorry we didn't tell you right away. That was wrong of us to surprise you like this.” I could tell everyone was watching the interaction intently. Wyatt started to speak staying silent when Lucas held up a hand.

              Simon took an audible breath before meeting Jace’s eye. “Aunt Kenzie isn't like my mom.”  His words made my stomach drop. Not for the first time, I wondered just what he had seen when he’d lived with that woman. Lucas’s eyes flashed at the mention of his ex-wife as we all listed to Simon’s voice shake. “She’s my family and I love her. I love you too and I know you’re my uncle, but if you hurt Kenzie, I’ll choose her over you and I’ll make you sorry.”

              “Uh,” Wyatt spoke into the silence that followed. “Did anyone else just get chills? I don't even want to hit you anymore Jace. Simon that was badass.”

              Lucas swatted at Wyatt absentmindedly. “Language.”

              I felt my heart swell as the little boy in front of me held Jace’s gaze ignoring Wyatt’s comments. I wanted to hug him close for being so unbelievably sweet, but knew he had a right to say what was on his mind.

              The haunted look had left Lucas’s face replaced with a beaming pride as he looked at his kid.  “Well said, son,” he praised with a quirk of his lips.

              When I looked at Jace, he was staring at Simon with that same gleam in his eye, blinking once before offering his hand. Simon hesitated briefly before crossing the room and placing his small hand in Jace’s much larger one. After giving it a firm shake, Simon started to pull away but stopped when Jace lightly tugged him back, waiting until the boy looked at him again. “Simon, I care about Kenzie too. I’m proud of you for protecting her. That’s exactly the way it’s supposed to be.”

              Simon smiled, his chest puffing out at the respect in Jace’s voice.

              “Okay, I can't take it anymore.” I reached out and pulled Simon against me, pressing smacking kisses over his face. “I love you, kid,” I said letting him go after a few seconds.

              “Yeah, me too,” he laughed and rolled his eyes. “You don't have to get all mushy about it.” He softened the words with quick hug before crossing the room. Reece snagged him next giving him the same loving I did. “Geez,” Simon complained, but I could see the attention pleased him. “You women are so emotional.” Reece laughed and gave him another kiss before releasing him to go greet his grandma.

              “I have to go to work soon,” I said as I glanced at the clock on the wall. Now that Jace and I had talked to Mrs. Cooper I felt like we could finally officially be together. Part of me wanted to call in but I liked my job. I also didn't want to let Emma or Jared down when I knew they were counting on me.

              “I’ll drive you,” Jace offered, frowning when I laughed at him.

              “I can drive myself, Jace.” I pressed onto my toes, pulling his head down so that I could whisper in his ear. “If you come visit me I’ll buy you a beer.”

              The sullen look faded from his face as his fingers tangled in my hair. Jace brought my face to his for a quick kiss ignoring the boos and groans resounding in the room. I adjusted my glasses once we had broken apart and licked my lips seeing the heat flicker in Jace’s eyes.

              “I think we should just do gifts at dinner tomorrow night,” Mrs. Cooper said smiling at us. “Kenzie you go on and get to work. We wouldn't want you to be late. I could use a shower to wash the travel germs off of me anyway.” Mrs. Cooper came to my side and gave me a tight hug before doing the same to Jace. “Boys you can lug my stuff upstairs.”

              Rolling their eyes the twins did as they were told but Declan and Garret remained in place watching Jace and I closely. Reece had placed her hand in Declan’s, leaning her head against his shoulder with a loud yawn. His stern expression shifted as he turned to look down at her, concern filling his dark blue eyes. “Come on babe, let’s go take a nap.” Shooting me a wink Reece led Declan outside leaving Garret with us in the living room.

              “We haven't had a chance to talk,” he said looking us over. I reached for Jace’s hand and gave my friend a look. He had been supportive when we’d spoken before but judging from the look on his face, I couldn't tell if he had changed his mind. Especially since Jared wasn't around to lighten him up.

              “How’s everything?”

              Jace rubbed soothing circles with his thumb on the back of my hand and gave Garret a smile. “Everything is great.”

              Garret seemed satisfied with his cousin’s reply. “Good. Make sure it stays that way.”

              “Okay.” I began pulling Jace towards the door. “We’re going to be leaving now.”

              “How about I meet you for a drink at JJ’s later?” Garret asked Jace.

              “I’d like that. Text me when you want to meet up.”

              When we climbed inside Jace’s truck he gave me a smile, leaning across the seat to press a kiss to my lips. “I’m feeling pretty relieved right now,” he said letting out a breath. I laughed and kissed him again wanting to climb into his lap and take things to the next level. Jace groaned and took a quick nip at my lip. “Sugar, you’re going to get me in trouble if we get started in my aunt’s driveway.”

              “You’re right.” I ran my tongue over my lips and sat back in my seat enjoying the feel of his eyes on me. “My shift doesn't start for another hour. If you drive fast we can fool around a little before I have to go.”

              Without further prompting Jace cranked the engine and threw the truck into reverse backing out of the driveway. We made it to my house in record time. Jace jumped out of the cab and ran around the truck. Grabbing me around the waist he tossed me over his shoulder making me squeal as he jogged us up the porch steps. He patted my pockets searching for my keys to unlock the door with one hand while balancing me with the other.

              “Keys?” He grunted after abandoning the search.

              “It’s open.”

              Jace pushed the door open and kicked it shut behind him. Setting me on my feet he caught my chin in his hand. “Why was your door unlocked?”

              “Because I forgot to lock it.”

              “Kenzie,” he growled pulling his body away from mine. “You can’t do that. It’s not safe. You never know what could happen.”

              “I’m sorry.” I grabbed his hand and linked our pinkies. “I promise I’ll be better and start locking the door.”

              “I want to still be mad at you but you're cute,” Jace said making my heart flutter. He tugged my hand and led us towards the bedroom. Jace gently nudged me onto the bed following me down. He began raining kisses down my neck making me giggle and squirm beneath him. Lifting his head with a grin he gave a gentle tug on my earlobe. “Ticklish, sugar?”

              “A little,” I answered breathless. I loved this playful, relaxed side of him. The Jace I knew was always so collected and tense but lately it was like the dark cloud had disappeared from over his head.

              “Where else are you ticklish I wonder?” His voice roughened as he moved over me. Glancing at the alarm clock next to my bed he gave me a devilish grin. “We have thirty minutes to find out.”

              “When do I get my turn?” I pursed my lips at him and tried not to laugh as his hands paused at my hips. He ran a hand through his hair to push it out of his eyes giving me that smile that always made my heart skip a beat.

              “After your shift.”



              Garret had texted me saying he had saved me a seat at the bar so that was where I headed once I walked into JJ’s. My eyes sought out Kenzie, finding her laughing at something a customer was saying as she served them a drink before catching my eye.

              If possible her smile grew even wider at the sight of me making my stomach clench. I could hardly believe after all this time she was finally mine. With a tilt of her head she gestured to where Garret was sitting. Jared was leaning across the bar to chat with him while another bartender worked around him. Kenzie gave me a finger signaling she would be with me in a minute. I nodded heading over to the empty barstool next to my cousin.

              “Hey guys,” I greeted when I was within hearing range.

              “Jace, good to see you,” Jared said offering his hand. “Can I get you something to drink?”

              “Thanks, Jared. Whatever Garret’s having would be great,” I said nodding towards my cousin’s beer. “You guys seem pretty busy.”

              “Good business,” he shrugged with a grin. “I really should be helping out more but Kenzie and Conner have things covered over here.”

              My gaze drifted back towards Kenzie who was chatting with some guys at the other end of the bar. I scowled at the sight and forced myself to relax as Jared slid a beer in front of me. If one of those fuckers looked at her wrong I was going to make them regret it. 

              Catching the look Jared reached over the bar and clapped a hand onto my shoulder. “She handles them, Jace. Girl’s only got eyes for you.” I nodded but felt my eyes fall back on Kenzie just the same. Sure enough she was walking towards me, her eyes bright with happiness.

              “Hi there.” Leaning up on the bar she pressed her lips to mine before dropping back to her feet. Shoving her glasses back up her nose she nodded towards the bottle in my hand. “I see you already got your beer.”

              “You taste better,” I assured her, grinning when she laughed.

              “I’m covering for Conner so he can go on his break then it’s my turn.” Giving me a sassy smile she tilted her head. “Save a dance for me?”

              I didn't dance but there was no way I was going to turn down the opportunity to spend time holding Kenzie. Giving her a nod I watched as she winked, shooting a shot of heat straight through me before bouncing off to the other end of the bar.

              “That’s a definite change,” Jared commented, his eyes following Kenzie’s progress.

              “What do you mean?” I asked as he leaned back against the bar.

              He shrugged his broad shoulders and flicked his eyes towards Garret before answering me. “I haven't known Kenzie that long, but when I met her she seemed kind of down even though she was always smiling. Now her smile reaches her eyes. It’s a nice thing to see.” Jared turned when a customer flagged him down and I shifted to see Garret watching me.

              “He’s right you know,” my cousin remarked in a clear voice. “It’s only been a couple days but her whole attitude has changed. It was starting to happen already. Started when she punched her mom.” We both gave a little laugh. Remembering the proud look in Kenzie’s eye when she finally put Mara in her place always put me in a good mood.

              “Then she moved out of the house and started doing stuff for herself, things got even better for her.” Garret began fidgeting with his beer bottle, peeling off the wrapper with his fingers. “But ever since you went to her house the other night, it’s like she lit up from the inside out.”

              “You think so?” I felt my lips curve listening to Garret talk. The thought that I could make Kenzie as happy as she made me was definitely something to smile about.

              “I do,” Garret answered jutting his chin towards me. “I think the same about you. You’re good for each other. I’m happy for you.” He frowned and shifted to stare down at his beer. “I’m glad you’re not letting your dad’s actions dictate your life anymore, Jace.”

              Sucking in a breath I cut my eyes away from watching Kenzie to look back at my cousin. “What?”

              Tutting his tongue at me Garret shook his head. “Just because my parent’s were careful not to talk in front of the twins doesn't mean I didn't overhear them from time to time. I never got to tell you I’m sorry about what happened. I never wanted you to know that I knew.”              

              “Nothing to be sorry about.” I took a pull of my beer to ease my suddenly dry throat.

              “I didn't meant to make you feel uncomfortable,” Garret said looking pretty uncomfortable himself. “I’ve been wanting to talk to you about it for awhile and since all of our dirty laundry seems to be airing out lately it seemed like the time.” He gave a glance around the crowded bar before looking back at me. “Maybe not the place though.”

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