Read Kidnapped the Wrong Sister Online

Authors: Marie Kelly

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

Kidnapped the Wrong Sister (10 page)

As the guests
moved back into the hotel, she saw Nikias moving purposefully towards her.  With her eyes scanning the crowd she quickly spotted her friend James, who she had invited to be her partner for the wedding.  Quickly, she moved over to join him, linking her arm into his, much to his surprise as he smiled down warmly at her.  James had been her therapist, helping her to overcome her fear of flying and the two kept in touch, a great friendship growing between them.

“You look great”, he smiled. “Shouldn’t bridesmaids look frumpy?”, he joked, as she grinned back at him, seeing in the corner of her eye how Nikias stopped, his face thoughtful, before he turned and moved away.  After the meal, the speeches took place.  Nikias stood to give the best man speech, totally unrehearsed, yet the funniest and most heart-rending of the night.  She saw how he looked at both Alexis and Daryle and wished them much happiness, his eyes full of such honesty and sincerity.  She found herself hating him just a little less, seeing how much it meant to the couple beside her.  Finally he made a toast to the bridesmaid, his eyes mocking her as he made several chess-related jokes, which despite herself saw Diona laugh, their eyes meeting for that split second, both warm, before she once more pulled hers away.

Finally it was time for the first dance, the one duty she was now least looking forward to.  As Daryle and Alexis
took to the floor, it had then been her duty to dance with the best man, who swept her into his arms, pulling her close against him.  Diona held herself rigid as he moved around the floor with her.  Her whole body screamed at her with a yearning which she was doing her best to ignore, as she once more felt his hardness against her.

“Do you know that this is the first time we have ever danced together?”, he asked against her hair as he looked down at her with those lovely dark eyes.  Diona smiled shakily, not willing to look up at him as she kept her face averted from his. “Yes”  She felt his hand stroking her back as she gasped softly, her eyes flying up to meet his.  “Please don’t do that”, she said, her voice tortured as he frowned down gently at her.

“You look wonderful Diona”, he murmured softly, his voice sensual as his eyes flicked across her face.  She closed hers, forcing a more hardened look on her features.  “Why are you here?”, she whispered, her voice harsh.  Nikias looked at her, his face suddenly harder.  “I have a right to be at my own brother’s wedding”, he said as she looked at him with disbelief.  “You ignore him for six months and then turn up on the day of his wedding to my sister, and demand to be best man, how the hell do you justify that?”, she asked, her voice low and angry.

“I didn’t demand to be best man”, he replied softly, “Alexis and Chris insisted I be best man, and what was said between my brother and I is our business”, he added.  Diona closed her mouth, not wanting to start an argument so publically at her sister’s wedding, just as the music stopped.  Moving quickly from him, she moved over to the table where James sat laughing with other friends of theirs.

For the rest of the night she
avoided Nikias, who seemed to give up trying to talk with her, as he became the object of desire of so many of the women at the wedding.  With a feeling of jealousy, Diona watched as the girls from the boutique, all of whom were as lovely as her sister,  tried to catch his eye, demanding dance after dance from the handsome man.  She in turn spent most of the night with James, who enjoyed dancing with her, telling her jokes which relaxed her, allowing her to enjoy the evening. 

As the wedding couple
made to leave, Nikias once more appeared to hug his brother.  Only Diona knew that they were spending the night in the honeymoon suite of one of the best hotels in the city.

“We will talk more about what I said when you come back from your honeymoon”, he said enigmatically as Diona frowned slightly, uncomfortable at the way he seemed to be pushing his way back into his brother’s and now her sister’s lives.  She hugged her sister, the two almost in tears as they fixed each other’s make-up in an attempt to stop the tears which shone in their eyes.  Diona leant in against Daryle. “I’ll see you here Monday at 2:00”, she giggled, having offered to drive them to the airport when they would be starting their honeymoon in the Bahamas.

As they
waved goodnight, James appeared at her side and she turned to talk with him.  “I have to go now”, he said softly, “Got to help somebody hold a spider tomorrow”, he grinned, as she smiled back.  “Well, if anybody can get them to do it, it’s you”, she replied softly.  As she kissed James on the cheek, Diona once again thanked him for accompanying her to the wedding.  He looked deeply into her beautiful blue eyes, his suddenly very serious.  “Would you have dinner with me tomorrow night?”, he asked, his tone a little nervous.

looked at him. “Dinner?”, she said in surprise. “That sounds great”, she smiled, seeing his quick look of relief.  James flashed her a small grin, “Wonderful”, he breathed happily, “I’ll pick you up tomorrow at your flat at say 7:00”, before surprising her by bending down and giving her a small kiss on the lips.  “Till tomorrow then”, he said before turning and leaving.

watched him go, a small frown on her face. How had she missed the signs, she asked herself wearily. She liked James; liked how steady he was.  Instinctively she knew that he would be the kind of man who, when he became involved with a woman, would expect one day to settle down and have children with her.  Unlike the one man who even at that moment was causing such havoc within her body.  Closing her eyes, she once again saw Nikias’ face, felt his arms around her, as they had held her on that first dance, before she spent so long avoiding being anywhere near him for the rest of the evening.

Turning, Diona
moved to the elevator, suddenly aware that she felt tired and her head was once more starting to throb slightly.  With a grimace, she scolded herself.  She should have taken an earlier flight back, given herself time to fully recover from the gruelling trip, before breaking straight into the hectic preparations for the wedding.  Three days was definitely not long enough, she chastised herself, and with a sigh she was glad to finally be able to escape the party.  Having punched her floor number into the elevator console she leant against the railing, her eyes closed as her head lifted skywards as she sighed gently. As the doors began to close she was aware of somebody else moving quickly into the small area and, forcing a polite smile on her face, she dropped her head, opening her eyes to gasp in shock at seeing Nikias before her.  Her first instinct was to run, but Diona was not able to escape as he blocked the doors which were once again closing behind him, leaving the two of them alone.

Smiling at her like a fox with a rabbit, he
hit the number for the penthouse suite as Diona looked down, trying to ignore the man before her.  “Hello Diona, I was starting to think you were avoiding me” His deep voice filled the air, the sound of which was once more causing small shivers to run down her spine.

“I didn’t think we had anything to say to each other”, she responded, pride making her look up to see his wonderful dark eyes looking down on her, her stomach flip-flopping instantly.  Nikias laughed, a small humorous laugh which had Diona gritting her teeth.  “I must say
”, he said gently, “You were not exactly loving with your boyfriend just then.  Is he a bit of a cold fish?”, he asked, seeing the angry look rose to her eyes instantly. “Why else is he not in this elevator with you?”, he asked, his eyes studying her intently. “Why is he not planning on making love to you tonight?... Isn’t that what happens at weddings?”, he murmured, a small flicker of amusement touching his lovely mouth.

glared at him, feeling her body respond to his voice.  “We are taking things slowly…some people can control themselves”, she replied angrily, before realising that she was justifying herself to him.  “And it’s none of your business anyway”, she added, her blue eyes flashing icily at him.

saw how Nikias raised his eyebrow, moving closer to her, causing panic to rise within Diona.  She looked at the progress of the elevator, praying that it would reach her stop soon.  He hooked a finger under her chin raising it slightly as a shiver of awareness at this simple touch shot through her.  “Mmmmm…no I do not think that he is the man for you”, he said as she looked back at him, bristling with anger.  “Who the hell are you to tell me who is or isn’t for me?”, she bit out, moving her chin from his hand, as he chuckled.  “You Diona have far too much fire and passion to take things slowly”, he said, before his hands moved so quickly that she had no time to move away.  Cupping her face to pull her head upwards he dropped his until their lips met, his kiss hard and searching.

pushed against him, her whole body fighting the way she erupted at his touch, before with a whimper she stopped, giving up.  Her hands wound around his neck, as his moved to her waist, lifting her high against him, her arms wrapped around his head as he held her close.  Her fingers raked furiously through his hair as their bodies moulded together so perfectly.  She had not even heard the elevator doors open at her stop or shut again as the lift made its way to its next destination.

The two
kissed, each exploring the other’s mouth, their tongues so frantically caressing each other, before their kisses became gentle, each losing themselves within the other.  As the elevator once more opened, Nikias moved out, still carrying her in his arms, moving to the door he knew to be his; he opened it, stepping into the large suite.

Diona was aware of none of this as her head spun, her whole being wanting only to feel this man holding her, kissing her, touching her.  Finally she knew for sure what it was that
had been missing from her life all those empty months; what she dreamt of in her sleep when she lay alone night after night, and she groaned with such desire against his mouth.  “Nikias, I’ve missed you”, she breathed so softly against him, feeling him shiver against her.  “And I you Diona”, he replied throatily, his mouth finding the small throbbing pulse on her neck, as his tongue licked it, the heat of him causing her to shudder with such desire.

As he
placed her once more on her feet beside his bed, she was unable to open her eyes as they suddenly felt so heavy with the sensations running through her.  He continued to kiss her, as she felt his hands searching for and finding the clip holding the halter neck closed, before swiftly undoing the catch, allowing her dress to fall softly to her feet, leaving her standing with only her panties on.  Diona felt him pulling off his jacket and tie as her fingers feverishly pulled on his buttons until the shirt hung from him, her fingers exploring his stomach and back as he threw the shirt to the floor.  With a groan, he dropped his head to pull in one taut nipple, causing Diona to cry out with pleasure, her back arching against him as her hand reached for his trousers, to pull his belt free from him. 

She could feel the hard
bulge of his arousal against her hand, straining under the material which separated them, as he kicked off his shoes, his hands joining hers to undo the trousers, which she helped him push down, her hands now moving to hold the hardness of him. 

As he
stopped kissing her, he looked down at her face.  It was so full of need and passion at that moment, looking at the core of him as it throbbed in her hand, the image bringing him so close to the edge that he quickly sucked in a long masculine breath between his teeth.  Groaning deeply, he pulled her hands from him, and sweeping her into his arms laid her down onto the bed, his hands pulling down the panties from her legs.

, I want you so much”, he groaned in her ear. “I have dreamt of this for so long”, as he moved over her, even as she moaned his name her legs opened with the need to feel him, to invite him to love her.

“Please Nikias, please”, she begged him, gasping with relief as he surged into her, her whole body exploding into a thousand shards of pulsating need.  As she felt him move within her, she was completely lost with the desire her whole body was experiencing, the way his mouth took hers as his hips moved so surely against her, until with a cry she felt the waves crashing over her like a tidal wave.  Gasping, her fingers clawed at his back, her head thrashing from side to side, her mouth panting, as she called out his name.  She was only partially aware of his body stiffening as he made his final surge before feeling the welcome relief as he filled her.  Nikias cried out as they both clung onto each other, their sweat intermingling as their bodies continued to move against the other until she laid still, feeling his heavy body over her.

looked up at Nikias, her eyes so full of shock and surprise.  She could not understand what happened and it clearly showed on her expressive face.  Nikias dropped his mouth to kiss her so tenderly that she started to cry gently.  Looking down, he rolled from her, pulling her protectively into his arms.  “Please don’t Diona”, he said gently against her, kissing her hair which had escaped the soft knot.

“This is wrong Nikias”, she said with such pain, sniffling softly, the sound catching deep within him.  “Why is it wrong?”, he asked. “We both wanted it”  He pulled back to look into her lovely face, as she stared back, so full of shame at what had just happened between them.  “From the moment I saw you today, I knew that I wanted you back”, he said softly against her head.  “I should never have let you go in the first place, I was just so angry that you tricked me the way you did...but we can move past that, I am prepared to forget the past,
, if it means we can be together”, he whispered softly, feeling as she stiffened beside him.

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