Knadyn: A Terraneu Novel (Book Six) (11 page)

Chapter Twenty

Knadyn was sitting on the patio with Ava’s father. They had taken a quick
break to see if Ava wanted lunch, only to find her gone from Hu’lani. He had
wanted to use the teleport unit and find her in Terraneu, but Steve Howard
argued that whatever Ava was doing must be important and she would return soon
enough. Once the initial panic had worn off, Knadyn had agreed and they had
gone back to surfing lessons.

The sun had set and darkness was settling on the beach like a comfortable
blanket. He was about to suggest they go to bed when he heard footsteps on the

“Knadyn.” Ava’s voice held a hesitant note and he turned to see her
standing under a light at the edge of the patio. At first, he couldn’t
understand why she hesitated. Was something wrong? Then he noticed the long
strands of hair flowing over her shoulder and the new fullness to her body.
With a sudden realization, he understood. She had gone to Terraneu for the

“I think I’ll go to bed now.” Her
father walked over and gave her a quick hug, “I’ll see you in the morning.
my girl. Knadyn.”

“Good-night Steve.” Knadyn called out, and his attention fixed on Ava.

“Good-night dad.” She kept her eyes glued to his, waiting for something
from him.

Slowly walking toward her he reached out and pulled her into his arms.
“I’m so happy Ava. We are going to be together for a very long time.” With that
said, he drew her into his arms and ran for their dome.

Locking the door behind him, Knadyn made for the bedroom. Sliding Ava
down his body to stand in front of him was a wicked taste of the pleasure to
come. Pressing her back until she was half leaning on the mattress, propped on
her elbows. He grabbed the hem of her cover-up and slowly pulled it up her legs
to her hips.

“No underwear again?” he let his fingers dip between her legs.

“I left my new clothes at the transport dome.” She gasped when his
fingers moved across the sensitive skin between her legs. She was now hairless
since the change took off all un-necessary body hair. Armpits, arms, legs,
chest, stomach and nether region. All hairless. He felt a thrill of excitement
go through him. Her legs had spread to give him better access.

He saw the deepening of her hazel eyes and leaned his chest to rub
against hers. Her eyes widened further at the contact. “I love how your body
responds to me.” Her nipples were hard nubs rubbing against his. His fingers
were able to slide between her slick folds. Her hands were grasping at his
shoulders and her lips were wet and inviting. Taking her lower lip between his
teeth with a gentle tug, he groaned when her tongue flicked out to tease him.
Deepening the kiss, he thrust a finger into her warmth at the same time. She
responded with equal measure to the kiss, and lifted her leg to move her hips
against his finger. He added another finger and bent her back, holding her off
the bed. The kiss had turned primal and his fingers were thrusting and teasing
her flesh in mock love play.

Taking her cover-up, he pulled it over her head. Instead of taking it
completely off, he did a few quick twists and turned it into a makeshift
blindfold. It covered her eyes, but her lower face was exposed.

“Knadyn…not fair.”

“What fun is playing fair?” He picked her up at the back of the thighs
and sat her on the bed. Using one hand he pushed her back onto the mattress,
his other hand was still busy between her thighs. Her arms were flung wide
until he settled himself between her legs. Then they flew to grab his
shoulders. Before she could get out a protest, if that was her intent, he buried
his face in the vee of her legs. His mouth joined his fingers in the sweet
torment. In bringing pleasure to Ava, he was growing hard and aching himself.
His balls were tight, his shaft was jerking with every sound wrenched from
Ava’s lips…and she was making a lot of noise. Her soft gasps and groans were
music to his ears.

His tongue flicked at her fleshy nub, then dove to run along his fingers
as they pumped inside of her tight channel. He sucked, nipped and thrust his
fingers deep until Ava let out a startled shriek. His fingers felt her spasm,
her fingers dug into his shoulders and her thighs clamped onto his head. When
Ava went lax on the bed, he flipped her onto her stomach and lifted her onto
her knees. Climbing onto the bed behind her, he positioned himself between her

“Can you hold this position?” his voice was thoughtfully with unspent

“Yes.” Ava’s voice was muffled, her face turned on the mattress. “I think

Knadyn made sure the blindfold was still in place. Grabbing a fistful of
Ava’s hair, he rubbed his eager shaft along her cleft. Back and forth he
stroked, wetting his length so he wouldn’t hurt Ava with his next move. Her
hips were pushing back against him and she was making those sexy sounds in her
throat again.

With one hard thrust, he was buried deep. Ava let out a strangled gasp at
the sudden intrusion then pushed back against him. Keeping one hand on her
lower back tangled in her hair, he angled his hips. Sliding his shaft out all
the way to the tip, he slowly pressed forward and buried himself deep. Back
again slowly, feeling every inch of her channel squeezing at his shaft. Then he
slowly pushed his steely length deeper. Moved his hips against hers while
buried for a second, and then sliding out to the tip again. Over and over, he
repeated the torturously slow moves.

“Harder.” She gasped, “You can go harder.” She was insistently leaning
back against him.

“Slowly.” He held her hips still and pressed his shaft in, inch by inch.

“Bastard.” She tried to rise onto her hands, but he pushed forward and
pressed her lower back at the same time to keep her on her elbows. Her ass in
the air at this angle was just too delicious.

“Name calling?” he slapped her ass firmly. “Not nice.”

“Knadyn!” She jumped, and then groaned out at the heightened anticipation
the light smack had caused. “That’s too much.”

“Okay.” He moved his hands back to her hips. “Let me take care of you.”

Soon the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh rang out in the room. Knadyn
stopped being gentle. He was pulling back and thrusting into her hard. She was
pushing back against him eagerly.

“So good.” She groaned loudly. “So close.’

Grabbing her hips, he held her against him. “Ava.” He gently rubbed his
finger against her sensitive nub, just as his shaft went even more rigid in

“Knadyn.” She turned her head into the mattress and screamed her release.
Her body spasmed around him over and over again. He held her tightly against
him until she stopped shuddering and went lax.

Tucking himself against her back, he rolled onto his side. Kissing her
neck and shoulder, he untied the blindfold and tossed it to the top of the bed.

“That was incredible.” She snuggled her bottom against him.

are incredible.” He

Chapter Twenty-One

Staging Area Antilles

Antilles was where the original port pad was hidden for safety reasons
thousands of years before. The males from Terraneu barter a sugar cane that
grows on their planet with the leader of the Antilleans for their protection of
the port pad, and letting the more permanent, larger base be established. When
Ava had arrived on Antilles the last time, she hadn’t gotten a look at the
native inhabitants. She had been rushed straight to the other port pad to
Terraneu. This time she did get a chance to see them. They were giant insectoid
instead of the humanoid she was used to seeing. She wasn’t able to communicate
with their leader, but was told his name was Zerxix and that he had been a
staunch ally for years.

Now it was time to go on to Earth and she was arguing with Knadyn. “They
just need me to go to the portal site on Earth. It’s no big deal.” Ava tried to
reason with Knadyn. Medical units, technology, and weapons were being sent
through the portal. All that the Terraneu councils were asking was that every
person wanting to live in the new community went through the change. Oh, and
that the Earth government abdicate power to a new Earth council selected by the

“No big deal?!” Ava didn’t think her ears would ever stop ringing. Knadyn
was yelling his disapproval loud enough to be heard back on Terraneu. “You know
that Renee and Jeromy are not to be trusted.”

“You heard your Uncle Knaleg. The area is cleared and there are more men
from Terraneu guarding the portal site than the rebel or government forces
could possibly defeat. I will be perfectly safe.”

“Perfectly safe…” he snorted, “If it is so safe why is it that I cannot
go with you?”

Ava grabbed Knadyn close and hugged him as tightly as she could. “You
know why. We can’t risk them setting off a booby trap in your mind. It’s enough
that they let you come to Antilles.” Not that he had left them much choice,
just showing up and refusing to leave. Everyone had scattered until he was
safely in a tent, away from all the activity. “What is wrong with you?”

“I cannot lose you Ava. I care for you too deeply.” He was squeezing the
breath out of her, but she didn’t mind. “I would go crazy—”

“You are not going to lose me! Have a little faith in your family to keep
me safe until we get you fixed.” She looked into his troubled purple eyes and
teased, “Marcael alone is enough to scare off any threat to me.” She was only
half kidding, but it seemed to ease his mind.

“My sisters mate is a fierce fighter.” He put his chin on top of her head,
“He knows how much you mean to me and will keep you safe. Not to mention my
brother…and father…and uncles…”

“Okay then. I need to go.” She pulled back and gave him a quick kiss. She
knew that if she lingered she would never leave Knadyn’s arms. “I will be back
before you can miss me.” Reluctantly pulling away, she moved to the opening of
their tent. “I care too much for you to let this mission fail.” Before he could
stop her, she swept out of the flap and hurried toward the port pad to Earth.

“Ava.” She heard her name and turned to see Knaleg striding her way.

“I was just coming to get you.” He made it to her side and together they
continued walking, “I just came back from Earth and have some news. The female
rebel named Kenzie has volunteered to get Renee and Jeromy to the port pad. She
has been dealing with them and feels they will trust her. Knacayn wanted to
escort her but was denied since he looks exactly like Knadyn and we don’t want
them to be alarmed just yet. Marcael and a few others went instead. We want you
on the Earth port pad site to talk with whomever she brings back. Your father
is there already as our liaison. The rebel leader and the group he brought with
him are fully agreeable to the requests we made. It looks like our presence on
Earth will be a lasting one.”

“I don’t know what to say.” Ava knew that this male was a born fighter,
she could tell he was excited at the challenge Earth posed. “I’m glad that
Earth survivors are getting the help, I’m just not sure how I feel about
dragging the males of Terraneu into the fight.”

He laughed, “Do not forget my little hell Cat.” Ava knew he was talking
about his mate, Catherine. “She would have my left nut if we tried to leave her
out of the fighting.” He blushed and looked askance, “Sorry. I mean to say, she
would be upset.”

Ava laughed, “Don’t apologize. I’m not offended.” Standing on the port
pad waiting she asked, “How are the other males taking the news about going to

Knaleg looked over at her, his bright purple eyes strangely intense. “To
be honest, I think some of them are more excited than the Earth natives.” He
leaned in and whispered conspiratorially, “I think they have ideas of finding
mates among some of the females. Those that do not already have mates that is.
This could be the best thing that happened for the males of Terraneu in a long
time. Some of them were getting downright lazy. Now they will have a reason to
train harder.” He cupped her on the shoulder with a friendly ‘thwack’. She
almost fell over on the port pad and was glad for once to feel the sucking
motion as she fell into darkness.


Ava couldn’t believe the change that had come over the dilapidated
building that had been over the port pad the last time she had been here.
Instead of the old holey walls, Ava saw with astonishment, it was a new
teleporting dome. Built around the port pad there was now four domes. A
medical, technology, teleporting and caging. They had named it the Earth
Command Center. From here, they would build out in rings just as they had on
Terraneu. There would be a community of survivors living, working, and able to
defend the port pad.

“Ava, over here.” Stepping outside Ava was blasted by the cold. “Here
wear this.” She was stuffed into a down coat Amber handed her and was glad that
the supplies included for this trip were the pants and military boots that all
the men wore. If she had tried to wear her normal toga dress, she would have
frozen. “We are expecting the group back from the Earth government any minute.
Did you hear that Kenzie had volunteered to go?”

“Yes. Knaleg told me.” Ava stumbled along beside Amber as she hurried to
a large tent set up on the outer perimeter of the domes. “Why are you meeting
Renee here in this tent and not the new command center?”

“We do not want to give him an idea of our technology just yet. He is
going to get one chance to do the right thing.” Kniam had heard her question
and answered as they entered the tent.

“If he can’t find it in his heart to give us the release code then we go
to Plan B.” Catherine walked past Ava and gave her mate a quick kiss.

“What is Plan B?” Ava wondered out loud to no one in particular.

It was Knaleg who answered. “We beat him until he complies.”

“Oh…that Plan B.” Ava couldn’t keep the humor out of her voice, thinking
surely that was a joke. When everyone just looked at her she choked out, “You
weren’t kidding?”

“They are here.” One of the male council members, Asteen she thought,
came into the dome and took his place by the table. It was then that Ava
realized this tent was set up like the council room on Terraneu. All the female
council members were here, along with all the males. When Asteen had come in,
everyone moved to stand in their same place. Since she had been in the middle,
but that was Renee’s spot she just hurried to the side to stand by her father.

Just as she reached his side, the tent flap opened and Renee walked in,
followed by Jeromy, Kenzie, Knacayn and Marcael. Marcael was a council member
and took his spot at the table. Knacayn she noticed took the hand of the female
Kenzie and drew her to the side of the tent to watch. Ava bit back a laugh when
with a scowl the female jerked her hand out of his hold and tried to bump him
away with her hip. Instead of being offended, Knadyn’s brother got a smile on
his face. She was suddenly drawn from watching the pair by the sound of Kniam’s
gavel hitting the table.

“I am Kniam, and this is the male council of Terraneu.” He gestured at
the male side of the table. “This is the female council of Terraneu.” He then
swept his hand to indicate the female side.”

“I am Renee Rousard. A member of the leadership over what I am told you
call the Earth government forces.” It seemed that someone had told him
something about what was going on, since he didn’t even question what Terraneu
was. “This is my son Jeromy. We speak for the survivors of our community.” Ava
saw Jeromy give a stiff nod to Kniam.

“I have only one question for you. What is the release code for my son Knadyn?”
Kniam bit out the question.

Ava gave him credit, Renee didn’t even flinch, “I don’t know what you

There was an outburst of angry comments from the male side of the council
table and Kniam held up his hand.

“Stop the lies Renee.” Catherine stood up. “I know you are better than
this. Tell Kniam the release code. You are only hurting the survivors of your
community with your stubborn arrogance.”

Ava saw all eyes swing to look from Renee to Catherine. After looking at
her for a second Renee smoothly covered the pause, “I’m sorry…do I know you?”

“You don’t recognize me?” she stared him down, “I am Catherine. Catherine

That had an effect on the older man. “That is impossible. Catherine
Chambers would be my age. You can’t expect—”

“You enrolled me in McPherson Match Making…an online dating service. You
sent me to Scotland to investigate the missing women. Well here we are Renee.
Amber Anderson now mated, or married if you will, to the male who just asked
you for the code to release their son. Mairi McPherson, mated to the uncle of
the man you tortured—”

“Oh my god it is you! How is that possible…?” Renee turned as white as a
sheet and if Ava wasn’t mistaken looked about to pass out.

“What is she talking about?” Jeromy couldn’t stand to stay quiet long.
Ava knew he wasn’t worried for his father. He just hated being left out of

“Not now Jeromy.” Renee snapped. Looking at the angry male side of the
table, he could see what Ava knew. Half of these males were related to the one
he had either ordered tortured or allowed to be tortured. The resemblance was
just too strong. If he was smart, he was calculating how long he had left on
this Earth. “I didn’t know…I thought he might be from the portal I didn’t know
for sure…I just wanted to get the destruction to stop. We thought you were

“We are not responsible for the destruction. We were helping with the
clean-up.” Ava heard Kneus call out from his place at the table.

Kniam held up his hand again, “I will only ask once more, and then your
time is up. The release code.” His tone of voice was implacable and Ava knew
that if Renee didn’t give up the code, plan B would commence.

“Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” Renee blurted and she didn’t know what
he had just said. Only the women on the female council had a reaction.

“Father!’ Jeromy tried to stop him, but Renee had blurted the word too
quickly. “What have you done?” his son yelled at him.

“I will go to Antilles.” Amber jumped out of her seat, “It’s okay Kniam.
I will be back…with Knadyn.” She ran out of the tent before anyone could stop

Rubbing his temples Kniam looked at Renee. “What you did to my son will
not be forgotten. The people of my community have voted and it is agreed that
we will help the survivors of Earth. These are our demands of you however. You
and any other member of the current leadership of your community will step

“Wait a damn minute.” Ava swung her eyes to Jeromy. His face was red with
anger and his fist clenched.

Kniam kept talking, ignoring the interruption. “You will make it known
that your community is to select three people to sit on a new council. To be
headed by Steve Howard.” At those words, he gestured toward her father.

“Steve?” Renee looked at her father and shook his head in confusion.
“What is going on?”

Kniam continued yet again, “Your people will be given the option of
having what we call ‘the change’ done to them. Steve, Ava, Catherine, Amber,
Mairi, Jen…they are all examples of the results.”

“Ava?” Jeromy turned to try to find her, looking past her standing next
to her father and then swinging his eyes back. “Ava!? That can’t be you.”

“You keep your eyes off her!” Knadyn’s angry words echoed around the
room. “Father.” He bowed slightly to Kniam at the head of the table and if you
weren’t looking, you would have missed the elation that crossed his father’s
face. “I apologize for the interruption.” Storming across the short distance,
he stopped to tower over Jeromy. “If I see you so much as blink in Ava’s
direction I will forget any truce you have been offered.” Ava had never seen
Knadyn this angry and knew it was taking great restraint for him not to lash
out at his tormentor. When he looked away from Jeromy, she saw his purple eyes
were flashing. Without another word, he walked to stand with her. She tucked
into his side, her hand finding and holding his. Her fingers rubbing against
his in what she hoped was a soothing manner.

Amber had followed Knadyn into the tent and then returned to her spot at
the table. Grabbing Kniam’s hand, her eyes tearful she gave a slight nod.

“As I was saying.” Kniam tried to finish his list of demands. “The change
will lengthen your life span and return you to an optimum state of youth and
health. The only downside, if you wish to consider it as such, is that you
cannot eat solid food. Your body will use the sun for energy, water for
hydration and added minerals for optimum vitality.”

“This is a joke.” Jeromy snarled, “I won’t listen to anymore. You don’t
have any authority here. We are the leadership of our community and—”

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