Read Lacy Seeing Double Online

Authors: Jana Leigh

Lacy Seeing Double (12 page)

“Please.” She cried out and felt Shawn push further in her.

“Easy, sweetheart.” Shawn said and then pushed until he was all the way in her.

“Oh my Gods, so full!” She cried. “You have to move.” Sevi pinched one of her nipples and she jumped a little. “Patience.” He said and then grabbed her waist. Shawn did the same thing and they both moved her a little.

Shawn remained in her and Sevi pulled out a little, they started a rhythm and before long, she was panting. The feeling of one of them sliding in, while the other pulled out, created a friction against the thin membrane that separated them. The result made her yell their names repeatedly.

Sevi and Shawn began to move faster, making her almost loose her breath. In and out, they moved until she was ready to explode. Finally, Sevi reached between them and pushed a finger against her straining clit and she screamed their names one last time and came.

They leaned up and sank their teeth into either side of her neck and she felt another explosive orgasm rip through her, clenching them inside her at the same time. She felt her men"s seed empty inside her as they came. Both of her men followed her as she slumped to the side, and they collapsed in exhaustion.

Shawn slowly pulled out of her and rose from the bed. He smiled down at the picture in front of him. His mate and brother both panting and red from exertion. He went and got a warm cloth and cleaned up his mate who had rolled on her back, separating herself from his brother.

When he was done, he threw the cloth on the floor and crawled back in beside her, resting his hand on her stomach. His brother curled up and did the same and that was how they fell asleep.

Chapter 15

She woke up slowly to her men caressing her. She smiled and opened her eyes. “I love you.” She whispered and they pulled back and smiled.

“Oh baby, we love you too.” Shawn whispered and kissed her gently. When he was done, Sevi did the same thing and then they heard a knock at the door.

Shawn frowned and stood up. Walking to the door naked, he looked through the little peep hole before opening the door and poking his head out. They could hear the rumble of voices and Lacy jumped from the bed and ran into the bathroom.

“Sweetheart, we have to get ready. Your parents are waiting in the café across the street.” Shawn called through the door.

“I will hurry.” She said and started the shower.

Soon she was dressed in a new outfit and ready to go. While she pulled her new bag out of the bathroom, her mates kissed her on the way in. They both carried bags similar to hers and she smiled. Like an old married couple, she thought and put her bag on the bed.

Lacy saw her nightgown on the floor and smiled. Last night had been amazing. She could still feel the twinge of power coming from their love making. If she had been unsure of their mating before, last night had put all of her worries to rest. They were made for each other. She ran a hand along her stomach and smiled. Inside grew their child, something that would show the world that they were mates.

She bent and picked up her nightgown and carefully packed it away, grinning like an idiot the whole time. When her mates came out of the bathroom, they wore the same smile and she laughed.

“My parents are going to know what we did last night.” She said.

“Honey, the whole place knew what we did last night. You screamed so loud, I half expected someone to call the police.” Sevi teased and then slapped her on the ass as she walked by.

Lacy stuck out her tongue and then walked to the door. “Let's go.” She said.

Her mates laughed and followed her. Shawn pulled her so she was in between them as they walked out of the room. They were protecting her, even when there was no threat.

She was going to have to get used to this, she thought and then promptly tripped on the rug outside of the elevator. She fell against Shawn and Sevi reached out to steady her.

“Bubble wrap.” They said at the same time and she giggled.

When they finally made it to the café, her parents smiled when they saw the trio walk in laughing and holding hands. It was obvious to anyone that they were in love. Some of the people looked at her strangely for holding two men"s hands, but most of the place just smiled indulgently at the group.

They quickly ordered breakfast and once again talked about what was going on. Her mother had more updates, and it sounded like everyone was going to arrive the same day to Loveland. They had a meeting room ready for them, so they could plan their course.

Back on the road, Lacy enjoyed her time with her mates getting to know them more.

This long ride was exactly what they needed to get to know each other. Lacy was glad for the time, their bond strengthened with every mile they drove.

The second night was the same as the first, Lacy being taken by her two mates and while the course of their lives was about to change. She grew quieter the following day as they neared their destination. Her mates grew a little tenser also. By the time they reached Denver, she thought she would scream in frustration. She did not want the perfect time she spent with her mates to end. It was not supposed to be like this. A three day honeymoon, only to arrive home to a battle was not the way she planned her life to start out.

Sevi pulled his cell phone out and called her parents who were still in front of them.

Adele said that people had begun to arrive in Loveland and they would probably be the last to get there. One of the elders who had flown from New Orleans was at the hotel getting people organized. By the time they got there, they would be ready.

Shawn pulled out his phone also and called the Denver Pack office. There were still wolves in Denver who ran the Pack house there. He received an update from them.

Telling them briefly of their plans to get back into Milliken. The wolves reported the last communication they received form Quin was to stay away until the bears returned.

They arranged for a group of Enforcers to meet them in Loveland.

It seemed like they were gathering a small army. Lacy hoped it would put the advantage in their court. She watched as the miles rolled by. They were close to Loveland; Denver was not that far away. She was awed by the mountains that they were driving next to.

She hoped when things were settled they could go and explore.

Sevi talked about Colorado in between phone calls. He pointed out places they could go and promised a vacation when things settled down. She could see the snow still on the mountain caps and was enchanted. She had never actually seen snow. Her life had been in the south. She thought about making a snowman with the child growing inside her.

And decorating a Christmas tree while the snow fell outside, she would make hot chocolate and cookies. What a wonderful dream. If only it turned out that way.

By the time they arrived at the hotel in Loveland, Lacy was a nervous wreck. She couldn"t help but be anxious about meeting the people who had gathered in the hotel.

They were all coming to help her. She was one of the Chosen. It was going to take some getting used to.

Lacy had been focused on her mates for the last few days. Now she had to embrace her position and future. Her mother waited by the car and then held out her hand when Lacy jumped from the truck. She ran to her side and grabbed her hand like it was a lifeline.

“Darling, they are all here for you. You are the one who we need to protect. Hold your head up and be the person you were meant to be.” Adele said and kissed her daughter on the cheek.

They had waited for so long for their daughter to know about her calling. She was going to help change the world and her parents were going to make sure that they were here to see it.

Her mates came to her side and she grabbed their hands and squeezed. She felt their power flow through them. It was comforting. Her father came to her mother, put his arm around her shoulders, and smiled at Lacy.

“Let"s go make a plan to kick some witch ass.” Timothy said and grinned.

They all laughed, it let out the tension that had been surrounding them. She took a deep breath and then followed her parents to the entrance of the hotel. She was surprised at the activity in the lobby. There were people milling around everywhere. She knew none of them, although some looked a little familiar, like maybe they had been in her store at one time or another.

Her mother walked to the desk and announced their arrival. The woman who was behind the desk jumped and quickly pulled out papers for them to sign. They were in their room in minutes. She had never been treated so well at a hotel.

They spent only a few moments in their room, getting things arranged and then they returned to the lobby. Her mother and father called a meeting upon their arrival and she did not want to be late.

The woman at the desk nervously directed them to the door on the far side of the lobby.

When they entered, she once again gasped at the amount of people that had showed up.

She shifted from one foot to the other nervously. Shawn was the one who spotted her parents and pulled her behind him so they could join them.

She looked around curiously and wondered what kind of shifters they were. She could see that many of them had brought their mate; she could see the connection between them. One couple in the back drew her gaze. She could see the connection was weak.

She wasn"t sure if they were destined mates or not. The woman did not look happy about being here and the man ignored her sighs of frustration. She was going to have to talk to them soon.

Her mother clapped her hands as she approached and the room fell silent. Everyone looked at her and then began to take their seats. There were at least a hundred people in the room, including around twelve men she assumed were from the Denver Pack. They stood in the back of the room leaning against the wall with their arms folded.

Her father stepped forward and raised his hands. “Welcome, and thank you for coming.

As you know, we have a situation with the New Council. This is my daughter, Lacy; she is one of the Chosen. We were just made aware of the New Council a week ago. I admit that we have been in hiding before then.”

A man entered the room and drew her attention. He was tall and had the essence of power surrounding him. Whoever he was, he was a leader. “Oliver.” Her mother cried out, ran to the man, and hugged him.

“Adele, Timothy, so glad to find you safe and sound.” The older man said and Lacy remembered who he was. The Alpha of the Old Council. The one whose child was kidnapped. Several other men followed them behind. She could feel the amount of power they all had. They must be the Old Council she thought and watched curiously as her mother greeted them all.

Her father stood and waited for the men to approach and come to the front of the room.

He shook hands with Oliver and then nodded to the rest of the men and indicated places for them to sit at the front of the room.

Before the older man took his seat though, he approached Lacy. Her mates growled and stepped in front of her. She was surprised they would do that in a room full of people who were supposed to be allies.

Oliver held up his hands and stepped back. “Sorry, boys. Forgot what newly mated shifters are like. I just wanted to introduce myself to Lacy. She was one of the few Chosen I never met.”

Sevi and Shawn raised their noses, sniffed, with one last warning growl they stepped to the side, pulled Lacy in between them, and held her tight. Another show of dominance and Lacy was having none of it. She was their mate, not their property. She shook off their arms and stepped forward looking back at the twins and glaring.

“Hello.” She said quietly and held out a hand.

The older man grasped it, pulled her a little closer, and gave her a quick hug. “My Jo is going to love you.” He laughed and stepped back. “She hates it when her mate gets growly too. But I suspect it is only going to get worse for at least the next nine months.

Congratulations. You are quick.”

Lacy frowned and put her hand to her stomach. The rest of the room saw the gesture and she heard people whispering and gasping in surprise. Lacy had not wanted anyone to know just yet, hell she was like three days pregnant. Damn shifters.

Adele came to her side again and smiled as she out her arm around her. “Is everyone here now?” She said pleasantly.

“No, we are waiting for a few stragglers. My Beta was out of town, as were a few more of the Old Council members. They were following up on leads to the Chosen. They were trying to find help from them, some way to get inside.” Oliver said.

Adele nodded and said, “Well I think we can move along. We can"t wait much longer.

The witch who is leading the Rogues coven is unstable and dangerous. The sooner we take care of her, the easier it will be for the New Council to resume its search. My daughter is ready and willing to take her place on the Council.” Oliver nodded and stepped back to take a seat. Her father cleared his throat again and began to speak. “As I was saying. We decided to take Lacy into hiding when the child was kidnapped. We thought it was best with the powers that Lacy has, we did not want her to be used by anyone. As you can imagine she was shocked. However, her mates were the ones to find her, and that helped with the surprise. She is now claimed by her mates and has taken her powers.”

Adele then spoke up. “The woman we believe is responsible for the spell surrounding the New Council"s compound is very dangerous. She was a member of our coven a long time ago. Sabrina had a bright future in our coven, but she was unhappy with the rules that we established. We would not allow a witch to use her powers for personal gain.

She was very vocal about what she wanted. After many arguments, she took five of the coven members and struck out on her own to establish her own coven. Sabrina was certainly powerful enough to do that. We told her that if she crossed a line; her powers would never be the same. By that time, the darkness had begun to take over. We saw a different side to her. One that scared us.”

Timothy put his arm around his spouse and kissed her on the head. “We did what we could but you know as well as I do that people have free will. Sabrina wanted the finer things in life without having to work for them. We tracked her for a while, but lost her when she was in California. The Rogues obviously found her. The spell around the compound sounds like a protective spell used to contain people rather than protect. It is very hard to break. No one from inside is able to leave and no one from the outside gets in. I suspect that they are waiting until they have their people in place and they will lower the shield and attack. Since the people on the inside have no clue when it will be, they are at a disadvantage. We are going to have to surprise them and break the spell while we protect the compound. They may be expecting us. We were attacked in New Orleans the night we left.”

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