Read Lanie's Lessons Online

Authors: Maddie Taylor

Lanie's Lessons (26 page)

“Baby, really, it’s okay. I read recently that only 17% of women can actually ejac—”

Her mouth slammed down over his this time as she tried to silence him with her lips. “So help me Ethan Fischer, if you say either of those awful words, it will be a very cold day before you even get to try to recreate it again.”

He rolled them, stopping when he was on top. His grin hadn’t faded the least. “I’m teasing you, Lanie. If those words bother you, we can call it something else. It’s up to you. But I swear, it will be my life’s mission to make it happen again and again.”

“Just say gush, or something. For heaven’s sake, what am I saying?” Closing her eyes, she moaned out her disgrace as she buried her face in his neck. “Why do we have to call it anything? I’m mortified. I didn’t even think that was real. I thought it was a myth.”

“Lanie… look at me.”

She couldn’t, shaking her head as she rooted deeper.

“Baby…” He urged, tugging gently at the back of her hair

Propping up on his chest, she cracked open one eye and peeked at him. His eyes were twinkling and that damn dimple was making an appearance. It was irresistible, which wasn’t helping one bit.

“What?” she grumbled.

“That was sexy as hell. That you could come so hard, and with me inside you… It was incredible and I loved it.”

“I’m glad one of us did. I’m ticked. I just changed the sheets.”

Laughing, he rolled them again somehow avoiding the wet spot. He pulled her onto his chest and aligning their bodies, sliding his hands over her behind and holding her in place.

“Lanie Fischer,” he charged with a huge grin. “That is an out and out lie. You thoroughly enjoyed it or you wouldn’t have—.”

“Ethan!” she squealed.

“—gushed,” he finished with a wink. “If you hadn’t completely loved what we were doing, you wouldn’t have come that hard in the first place.”

Despite being terribly embarrassed, she conceded that she’d never climaxed so hard in her life. Burrowing her hands under his arms, she curled them around his back as best she could. Snuggling into him, she squeezed tight as she admitted, “I did love it, Ethan, completely.”

Hands cupping her face, his thumbs stroked over her cheeks as his eyes burned into her eyes. “Remember, to always be honest with me. Nothing you do, say or feel with me should ever cause you shame. Okay?”

As she felt the tension pass, she nodded and agreed, “Okay.”

“Good. Because like Pinocchio’s nose, when you gush, it’s not really a lie you can hide.”

She smacked him playfully on the arm and laughed as he rolled them again, this time off the bed. With her held close against his chest, he carried her to the shower. Ethan made up for his teasing by washing her hair. When he was finished, he soaped them both from top to bottom with her girly smelling body wash, without a single complaint. He’d fussed about smelling like a flower in the past, but it had been half-hearted because if they were in the shower together, it always led to great sex.

It was no different now. After finishing only minutes before, Ethan’s hands on her body stirred them both. He took her with her back to the wall, his strong arms supporting her. This time they went slow, staring into one another’s eyes as he pumped into her with long, slow glides moving faster only when the hot water ran out. In the end, they’d had to wash again in cold water, but neither had really cared.

Lanie was so exhausted, afterward, that Ethan had to dry her off and carry her back to bed. He propped her against one of the four-posts of their bed while he changed the sheets. He tucked her into the clean, fresh-smelling linens and climbed in next to her. She felt as limp as a rag doll and was silent as he positioned her on her side and spooned behind her. Lastly, he reached for the lamp on the bedside table. With the blinds closed, the room was cloaked in semi-darkness.

“Nap for a while. We’ll scrounge up dinner later.”

She lay there for several minutes, enjoying the feel of his warm body wrapped around her. The heat he emitted was relaxing, like an electric blanket its cozy warmth dragged her down toward sleep. She fought it, being there with him was just too good. Besides, all she’d done for the past five days was sleep.

“Dr. Fischer is a sham.” Her words disturbed the easy silence, said in a whisper in case he was already asleep

“Hmm? What was that?” He asked in a drowsy murmur.

“Dr. Fischer, he’s really a Mr. Hyde. A deranged mad man with a medical fetish, not to mention an obsession with spanking, toys and all things kinky. Who knew?”

“Complaints? I’ll have to practice using more conservative techniques. Missionary comes to mind, under the covers, in the dark. We’ve never done that. Sounds like a blast. We can try it out after dinner.”

“People really do that?” She gasped in mock horror and faked a shudder. “Now that’s what I call deviant.” She giggled until he pinched her bottom.

Too tired to think about another orgasm, she snuggled back against him, sighing her contentment. Her hand found his where it rested on her waist. Sliding her fingers over the back, she intertwined his with her own, lifting his hand to her lips where she pressed a kiss into his palm. She curled their joined hands into her chest, resting them between her breasts and over her heart. With his face against her neck, she felt the movement of his lips and knew they had turned upward into the sexy smile she so loved. With that image in her mind, she drifted off to sleep a matching curve gracing her own lips.

Chapter Twenty



The sun had dipped low on the horizon by the time Ethan headed out to his car at the end of a very long week. He pulled out his phone and dialed Lanie, smiling as she answered on the first ring.

“What’s our dinner plan, beautiful? I missed lunch and I’m starving.”

“I didn’t have time to shop. Want to meet at Mariano’s?”

“Perfect. I haven’t had my favorite appetizer in quite some time.”

“Mmm-hmm, what’s that?”

“Pussy a la Lanie.”

“Yeah, honey, sounds good.”

He shook his head. She was so distracted, she’d walked right into his crude joke and still hadn’t noticed. Something was up.

“Are you okay, Lanie?”

“Just thinking.”

“Did you call for reservations?”

“Not yet.”

“I’ll take care of it, but it’s probably too late to get our favorite booth and waiter. I’ll meet you back at the house. I’d like to change and pick you out another pantiless outfit.”

“That’s nice, honey,” Was her vague response.

“Enough, Lanie. You are so preoccupied I could ask you to go down on the president at a state dinner right now and you’d agree. What’s going on?”

“What? A state dinner? When?”

He sighed. “Are you going to tell me what’s got you so distracted?”

He’d arrived at his car and ripped some political flyer off his windshield, balling it up. Fumbling with the trash, his briefcase, and his keys, he managed to get his car door open without losing the phone he had gripped between his ear and shoulder. As he folded his long body inside, he waited for her to spill.

“I’m sorry, honey. My mind has been going a mile a minute all day. You’ll never guess who came into the office today.”

“True, so you’ll have to tell me.” Traffic was heavy at this time of day, so he put the call on speaker to minimize distractions and started the engine.

“First, I have to put you on retainer. Remember the fifty I gave you for that fund raiser? Keep it. You’re on retainer.”

When a car pulled out in front of him, he hit the brakes and the well sprung vehicle glided to a halt. The vehicle behind him didn’t appreciate the short stop and honked. He made the turn onto Commonwealth, toward the Turnpike, which would take him out of the city toward their suburban home.

When no further explanation was forthcoming, he pushed for an answer. “What’s this all about, Lanie?”

“Attorney-client privilege, of course.”

“I’m familiar with the concept. What is the case, why do you need me on retainer, and who came by your office? I have a feeling all of the questions have the same answer.”

“Trudy Blakely.”


“From Wolfe, Williams and Simons. She was the practice manager. C’mon honey, you met her at least four times while I was there. She hosted and arranged every Christmas party.”


“They fired her after sixteen years.”

“That’s too bad, but why is that a big deal? With ‘at will’ employment laws, it happens every day unfortunately. Unless there was discrimination, a breach of contract, or some other public policy violation, employers often come away as bullet proof in these cases.”

“This goes beyond any discrimination lawsuit. They accused her of misappropriating over two hundred thousand dollars.”

He whistled. “Did she?”

“No. Ethan! She’s the most scrupulous woman I know. They’re framing her.” Her voice had risen as she spoke and he could hear it quivering with anger. “I feel it in my gut. I guarantee it was Walt Simons who had his hands in the till.”

“Does she have a defense?”

“Not yet, but Beth and I are behind her.”

“Lanie, your skills are impressive, but you’re going to need more than gut instinct to take on the biggest law firm in Boston.”

“We’ll find the evidence. Then I’ll take extreme pleasure in bringing Walt Simons to his knees.”

“I hope you’re thinking with your head, not your temper.”

“I’m in full control although I’d like to rip off his balls and shove them down his throat. You’re forgetting our new secret weapon—Sarah Masterson. She starts going over the discovery documents tomorrow. She’s a freakin’ genius, Ethan, and Walt is a cocky bastard. He thinks he’s above the law, but that plays into our hands. I guarantee he made a mistake and if it’s there, Sarah will find it.”

He paused briefly, taken aback by her ruthless words until he realized he was speaking to Lanie in Ice Queen mode. “This is more up Beth’s alley, isn’t it? She’s taken on similar cases before. Where do you or I come in?”

“If it goes to trial, Beth wants me to take first chair.”

“What happened to low profile cases and reducing your stress?”

“I can’t let them do this to Trudy, Ethan.”


“This case will make a name for our fledgling firm when we win.”

“Tell me the real reason.” That was greeted with a long silence. Ethan insisted with one word, “Lanie.”

“Fine. I want to make Walt Simons pay for messing with my career for four long years because I wouldn’t sleep with him. When we prove Trudy didn’t do it, I’m going after everything he’s got. We’ll counter sue for perjury, defamation, libel or whatever we can come up with after the trial. Then we’ll file the harassment suit. There are two other women at the firm that have come forward. He’s going down, Ethan, and I’m going after every dime he’s got.”

“There it is. I’d like you to know you have my full support.”

“I knew I could count on you, professor, but can you invite badass cutthroat Ethan Fischer trial attorney extraordinaire to the team as well.”

“It would be my pleasure. I’d like to see that fucker finally get his. But Lanie, remember that badass cutthroat Ethan Fischer is also your husband. He is going to be there watching in case you start falling back into old habits. If I see the first signs of stress, be it insomnia, stomach pain, weight loss—”

“You’ll bust my ass. I understand, Ethan.” Her voice trailed off and there was silence a long silence from her end.

“What aren’t you saying, Lanie?”

“That last part… well, that’s the real reason I want you on retainer. I’m counting on you to rein me in if I go a little nutso.”

“Absolutely, I’ll be on that too. And Lanie, one more thing.”

“Anything, honey.”

“Forget about dinner.”

“Okay, but why?”

“Because speaking as cutthroat badass Ethan Fischer, I can tell you that my dick gets as hard as iron thinking about wreaking your vengeance on that prick. It aches when I think about you bleeding that son of a bitch dry. And, when I think of Melanie Fischer, the Ice Queen, nailing his ass to the wall, it’s all I can do to keep from coming in my pants. I want you home. Now. I want you naked, ass up over the back of the couch and waiting for me. Because as soon as I get there I’ve got to have you.”

Silence greeted him on the other end. “Lanie?”

“Sorry. I kinda got wet picturing your cock as hard as iron. See you in twenty, honey. I love you.”

“I adore you, Lanie. Make it fifteen.”

Chapter Twenty-One



“Read the US Supreme Court 1961 Mapp v. Ohio ruling on the exclusionary rule and due process, Mr. Jacobs. Evidence obtained through an illegal search, which is a Fourth Amendment violation of due process, is inadmissible.” Ethan twisted the handle on his office door and frowned. He didn’t remember locking it. Juggling his coffee cup and the pile of legal briefs from his last class, he fished his keys out of his right side pocket with this left hand. A neat trick considering he continued to lecture one of his more obnoxious students without missing a beat. “It’s been the law of the land for over fifty years, Jacobs, and unlikely to change.” Getting the door unlocked at last, he was amazed when the persistent student followed him in.

“Was there something else?” Ethan asked as he made his way around his desk and unloaded his burden. Taking a sip of coffee, he pulled out his chair and promptly choked. Sputtering and coughing, he tried not to suck the remainder of his Americano into his lungs as he gazed at his half naked wife hiding under his desk. Correction, in white knee socks, a pair of girlish white Keds, and a miniscule plaid skirt that left nothing to the imagination, she was practically naked especially since the big red bow that was draped like a sash across her body left her breasts completely bare.

“Are you all right, sir?”

Startled, Ethan stared in alarm at the young man who stood between the twin wing back leather chairs opposite from him. He stepped closer to the desk, his legs hiding Lanie as best he could. He wouldn’t put it past the exuberant student to round the desk and try to give him the Heimlich. Putting up a hand, he shook his head, still unable to talk through his wheezing. He cleared his throat as he grabbed for some Kleenex to dab at the coffee droplets staining his shirt.

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