Read Legacy Online

Authors: Calista Anastasia

Tags: #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Fiction

Legacy (26 page)

They could hear the faint so
und of classical chamber music.

“That’s not music!” Kelli protested.

“Sure it is. It’s
. Let’s dance!” Felicity picked up her imaginary skirt
and dipped into a deep curtsey.

Mercy focused her intent and Felicity was wearing a purple
ball gown and a powdered wig.

“Oh, my!” Felicity gasped and twirled around.

“Do me too,” Kelli shouted and a pink
ball gown popped onto her form.

The two girls bowed to
each other and twirled around.

I might as well have a dress too.
She closed her eyes and when she opened them, she was wearing a blue damask dress with ruffles and huge swags of fabric on both sides with a lace panel in front. She joined her friends an
d they danced to the odd music.

There was a knock at the door and they froze in place. Kelli peeked out the window and made a face. “It’s your neighbor.”

Mercy winced. Great! The nosiest woman in the whole town. Reluctantly, she opened the door a few inches. “Hello, Mrs. O’Grady. How are you today?”

Mrs. O’
Grady stared at Mercy and let her gaze travel all the way down the dress. “Goodness! I heard the noise and had to come see if you’re alright.”

The classical music got louder and Kelli came to stand beside Mercy. “We were just practicing for the…uh…”
Kelli looked blank.

“School talent show,” Felicity
finished, poking her head out.

“Oh, I see.” She gazed at the three girls in the elaborate dresses. “Things sure have changed from when I was a girl.”

“I imagine they have
” Kelli smil
sweetly. “We have to get back to our…practice now.” She reached for the door and began to pull it closed.

“Yes, but…” Mrs. O’Grady started. “I haven’t seen Lavinia…” But the door was firmly cl
osed and the music grew louder.

Mercy saw the lady pass by the window, shaking her head.
Mercy turned to Feli
city. “Talent show?” she asked.

“Gimme a break,” she said. “It was the first thing that came to mind.”

Mercy grinned and gave her a hug. “Thank
s for the save.”

“This music is not what I had in mind,” Kelli announced. “Can you give me something
from this decade

The Orb tingled and a swirl of sparkles danced around. “How about this?” Mercy snapped her fingers and the tune changed to

“Now that’s more like it!” The
pink chiffon
dress evaporated and Kelli was wearing her jeans and knit top. She danced to the music, grinning
as the sparkles surrounded her.

Felicity held out her arms and was restored to wearing her own clothes.
She joined Kelli in her dance.

Mercy zapped the blue dress, feeling much more comfortable in her regular clothes. She danced with her friends, wondering how this interlude would help her restore the backyard farm animals into their previously obnoxious state.

At least the Orb felt stronger. Now, if she only knew what to do with it.
As she danced, she gathered her intent and tried to focus on th
e three transplants in her back
I wish...
I wish they were the way they used to be
wish my spell undone.

She peered into the back and saw the long-necked goose and chicken pecking around and spied the donkey tail n
ear her grandmother’s begonias.

y and Kelli came up behind her.

“How about Greg? Shouldn’t you get him involved?”
Felicity asked.

“You mean, tell him? I can’t do that. My trainer said the witch’s council will probably make yo
u guys forget you ever knew me.

“That can never happen.” Kelli crossed her arms across her chest. “The three of us will always be tight
. I mean, we are best friends.”

Felicity looped an arm around both of them. “That’s right, ‘cause that’s the way its always been, Three best friends…

“Yeah, how can we have a circle of three without you?” Kelli t
ouched her forehead to Mercy’s.

“I hope we’re still friends
by tomorrow

“We will be. Now, I think you should call Greg. See if he can come over and stand in the exact same spot where you were and
lay a serious lip
on him.” She grinned. “I’m sure he’ll cooperate.”

Maybe she could get Greg to
drive over. Maybe he wouldn’t think she was crazy if she had a sudden notion to see him. “What about if it works? What happens when Lindy, Becca and Amy turn back into themselves in my backyard and start talking? Half the population of Tannersville already thinks I’m a witch.”

Kelli pushed her glasses up on her nose. “Don’t you
. Felicity and I can take care of those three
brainless peeps. You get Greg over here.”

Mercy called Greg and asked if he could come over.

“Now?” he asked. “I’m helping my dad clean the garage. How about a little later after I clean up?”

“That would be great,” she whispered. “I’ll see you

She hung up feeling unsure. Could it possibly be as simple as making a wish while kissing her boyfriend?

“You get ready for Greg,” Felicity said.

“You’re looking a little uh…less than wonderful,” Kelli supplied.

Mercy looked down at her clothes that had been through the sprinkler and dried on her. Her hair hung limp and flat from the same sprinkler experience. “I guess I do need some work.”

“Can’t you just zap yourself?” Kelli asked. “Use that Orb thing.”

“I think I’ll save it for the big event.”
Mercy changed her clothes, and ran a brush through her hair
. She peered into the mirror and hoped her grandmother was nearby. “Gran, I’m trying to make things right.  I hope I have enough magic to make this work.”









A short time later, she saw Greg’s car pull into the driveway
and park
behind Gran’s
. “He’s here!”

Kelli nodded. “Don’t worry. We know what to do. Give us two minutes to get in place.” She and Feli
city slipped out the back door.

Mercy watched
out the window
as Greg got out of his car. He smoothed his hair down and straightened his shirt. She liked that he was trying to look
his best
for her. When he knocked on the door, she waited a little to give the girls time to get to the back of the property.
Here goes…

She twisted the knob and swung the door open.
“Hi Greg,” she said
stepped out onto the front step. She
pulled the door almost closed behind her

A smile spread across his face. “Hey.” He looked a little perplexed that she wasn’t inviting him inside. “Do you want to go for a

She shook her head, smiling shyly.

Are you thirsty? We can go
get a soda

“That’s so sweet, but not just now.” She took a deep breath and sighed. “I just wanted to know if you would
like to
kiss me.”

“Sure,” he said. “Anytime, anyplace, anywhere.”

She placed her hands on his shoulders and stood on her tiptoes. “How about now?”

He put his hands on her waist and leaned toward her.

She closed her eyes and felt his lips touch hers.
I wish Lindy, Becca and Amy were just the way they were before the dance. I wish they were back in their human forms. Oooh, I’m s
o glad I asked Greg to kiss me…

A herd of frenzied butterflies danced in her chest…or it might be the Orb doing its thing. Whatever, she was floating in a
pool of happy.

When the kiss ended, she opened her eyes. Greg had a slightly dazed look and she imagined that she did too.
“Best kiss ever,” she breathed.

“You got that right.” He leaned down and gave her another.

She thought that she might enjoy kissing him at length, but now she had to get rid of
him to see if the spell worked.

She glanced at her watch. “Oh,
it's late
better get home
See you tomorrow.

He stepped back. “You called me over here just to kiss me?”

“Yes. Does that make me a bad person?”

He shook his head. “No. It makes you the best girlfriend ever.” He
gave her
another short kiss and turned toward his car. “Call me anytime you need a refill. I have an endless supply with your name on them.” He winked and loped to his car. He let out a war whop as he climbed in. “Best girlfriend ever!”

and wrapped in
a warm and tingly feeling
, she watched him drive away
. This feeling was quickly extinguished when she heard a commotion coming from the house. She heaved a sigh and stepped insi

Kelli was trying to block the back door while a furious Lindy
was trying to push her way in.

“Where is she?” Lindy demanded. “I’m going to beat her like a drum. I’m going to tear her in two…I’m going to…”

“Hush!” Felicity said. “You’re making a real jackass of yourself.”

Lindy s
creamed and turned on Felicity.

“Stop!” Mercy said. “Just come inside and calm down.”

All of the girls trooped in
to the hous
e. When they were in the living room, Mercy turned around.
The three newly-turned humans looked disheveled and scruffy. "I
’m sorry I turned you into animals, but I was very upset after you
punch on my dress at the dance.” She gazed at Lindy, at Becca and at Amy in turn.

Amy ran to throw her arms around Mercy’s neck. “Thanks for saving me. I was so scared. I thought for sure the farmer was going to cook me for dinner.”

Lindy screamed in outrage.
“Don’t be an idiot, Amy.”
stood with her hands fisted on her hips. “You wouldn’t have needed saving if SHE
dn’t change
you into a chicken.”
She grabbed Amy by the arm and pulled her away from Mercy. “And don’t think you can be my friend if you ever hug her again.”

Kelli and Felicity began speaking at once, contrasting with the voices of Becca
, Amy
d Lindy. Mercy remained silent.

At that moment, the television came on, blasting through the
din with an ear-splitting tone.

“All right you people. Break it up.” Darynda sent a little finger wave to Mercy. “I have a decision from the council.
Unfortunately, the decision was not in your favor."

"Oh, no!" Desperation gathered in Mercy's stomach. How could she exist without her best friends?

“Who is that creepy woman?” Lindy asked
, still holding Amy by the arm
. “And what is the council?”

Becca fisted her hands on her hips, mimicking Lindy’s stance. “Yeah, who is that creepy woman?”

Darynda straightened her spine and glared at
y. “Are these your friends?” she asked, her voice dripping ice.

Mercy swallowed hard. “Well, sort of.”

“Fine.” She pointed her finger at Lindy
, Amy a
nd Becca. “They have forgotten you.” The screen went dark.

“Where are we?”
Lindy demanded. “And who are you?” She gazed down her nose at Mercy.

“Yeah, Becca
d. “Who are you?”

Mercy opened her mouth, but no words came out. She wasn't sure what had just happened, but somehow her best friends were still her best friends and the mean g
irls had forgotten who she was.

Lindy jabbed a finger at Kelli and Felicity in turn. “I know both
you losers…but who is that?” Her finger pointed at Mercy. “And how did I get here?”

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