Read Lion Called Christian Online

Authors: Anthony Bourke

Lion Called Christian (9 page)

Virginia McKenna, Bill Travers, Ace, and John in Christian's gypsy caravan at Leith Hill.

Christian at Leith Hill, aged ten months. His mane had begun to grow.

Christian playing wheelbarrows with his best friend, Unity Bevis-Jones.

John playing with Christian at Leith Hill.

John removing a twig from Christian's mouth at Leith Hill.

John, Christian, and Ace relaxing at Leith Hill.

Ace and John checking on Christian in his crate at Heathrow Airport.

Loading Christian's crate onto the East African Airways flight to Nairobi.

George Adamson, Bill Travers, Ace, and John with Christian at Nairobi Airport.

John, Ace, and Christian at Kora.

Christian investigates the Tana River while John and Ace watch for crocodiles.

The first camp beside the Tana River.

Three-month-old Katania with Boy, who had starred in the film
Born Free.

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