Read Love and Demons Online

Authors: J.L. Oiler

Love and Demons (4 page)

Once she scripted exactly
what she wanted him to say, she handed him the paper. "Remember to make it
believable. I need to be certain he heads out on his own instead of bringing


Barak stared at the paper,
then at his Zi mate. Had they been on his plane, there would be no question of
him allowing such a dangerous act, but this was not his plane and this could
help him on two fronts. First, it would give his mate some peace to see those
responsible for what
last night pay.
Secondly, it would allow him to gain the trust of his mate. This also meant he
would be there to ensure her safety.


Chapter Four


Seated in the far dark
corner of the little tavern a few blocks from her apartment, Kat waited. From
her vantage point she could easily observe who came and went without drawing
attention to herself. Barak and his companions had insisted on accompanying her,
and now they mixed in among the crowd that occupied the establishment. She'd
done her best to convince them she did not need their help, but secretly she
was glad they came along. If things went to hell, as they had back in the
alley, she would need them. She could only hope she had Drake's arrogance
pinned correctly. She was betting he would make a beeline straight for her
without calling the others first.

"The one you seek
has arrived," Barak said, leaning in to whisper the words. His breath
danced against her neck. He had been determined not to leave her side, still
insistent she was his Zi mate. She was not so certain about this Zi thing, but
he definitely had an effect on her libido. Just the touch of his breath had her
panties wet. Damn, he made her want to straddle him right there and ride his
cock until they both had their fill, which meant Drake's arrival saved her from
drawing more attention than a streaker at Sunday service.

"Wait until I draw
him out back before you and your friends move in," Kat told him. She
intent on putting her plan into action. She could not
help but smile when Barak brought her hand to his lips and brushed a gentle
kiss across her knuckles before she walked away. She was in way over her head,
she knew that, and not just with those turncoats she'd been teamed with. No,
Barak had her wrapped so tight, Kat was certain she was heading for a cataclysmic
fall. She just hoped he was planning to be there to catch her.

Making sure to keep her
back toward Drake, Kat moved unhurriedly toward the tavern's rear door. If she
played it right, he would not know she was aware of his presence until it was
too late. Stepping out into the small, empty courtyard, she began walking as
though she had some particular destination in mind, though in reality she was
just making certain there was enough space between him and any escape before
they sprang the trap.

The back of Joe's Tavern
was a courtyard the establishment opened up in the late spring to accommodate
those larger crowds who milled around the area when it was warm. However, that
time was a few months gone, leaving the area an eerie collection of leaves precariously
dangling from skeleton limbs and vacant cobweb-covered tables and chairs set
among the crisp smells of autumn. The area would have made an excellent
location for a Halloween party, and Kat even thought about asking if they had
one, once her business concluded. Of course, that thought was not one she would
be acting on — nothing like waving a red flag over the location of a murder
scene to draw attention to you.

About five hundred feet
upwind from the tavern's rear exit, Kat turned to face her pursuer, giving him a
smirk more sinister then any movie psychopath's. "Drake, imagine meeting
you here." The look and tone had been enough to make his eyes go wide in
realization, but still his arrogance got the best of him.

"You should've just
disappeared when you had the chance, Katrina. Now you'll make me a hero. I can
see tomorrow's headlines already: 'Hero cop takes down murderous former
teammate in local shootout.' Hell, I'll probably get a reward."

It was just like the egocentric
bastard to be thinking about his own benefits. That attitude had most likely
made him a prime target for the flip. Willingness to do anything for the right
price or benefit was in high demand with any asshole seeking to buy himself a
cop or two. However, it looked as if the supply was going to be a man down.

Stepping back toward the
male she faced down, Kat ran her index finger along her lower lip as if to
remove a smudge of her passion pink lipstick. "Too bad you'll never see
tomorrow's edition," she told him with a raised brow, while pulling the
handgun and silencer from the holster at the small of her back. The shot was
quick and on-mark. A small blossom of red formed in the center of his chest
while his body crumpled backward.

Kat put the gun away and
walked over to where the body of her former teammate now lay against the dark
pavement. Stepping over him, she looked up at Barak, who had been leaning
against the wall a few yards away, and smiled.

"He always did talk
too much."

The large male stared at
her with a look of pure satisfaction. Evidently, he liked what he had seen,
because those eyes said he was hungry for more than conversation.

"I want you," he
said, moving toward her, the intensity of his voice sending a fresh flow of
moisture through her already throbbing pussy.

Wrapping his arms around
her waist, Barak pulled her tight against him and captured her lips in a kiss
that demanded her submission. Kat's head swam with the intensity of his embrace,
and it was only moments before she gave herself over fully to his kiss. He lifted
her into his arms and began to move, but still his mouth danced upon hers until
she was certain the world was a mere blur around them. When he placed her on
her feet again and released her lips, she gazed around in awe and confusion.

They were at the hotel's
rear elevator.

Chapter Five


It was the only word she could get out
before the bell rang, signaling the arrival of the private elevator that would
take them to the upper floors. Kat's questions on the speed of their arrival instantly
swept away once Barak again captured her lips. His fingers slid across the
fabric of her bodice, tugging on the hard ridge of her nipples pressed against
the intrusive material. When the elevator opened at their floor, he placed both
hands beneath the curve of her ass and lifted while Kat wrapped her legs about
his tapered waist. Walking hastily toward the back bedroom, she was unaware of
the clearing throats and grins of the men who sat in the front room as they
passed, though she was certain she had heard one refer to Barak as 'lord'.

Kat kept herself wound
tight around him until she felt the soft push of the mattress against her back.
He lowered her down and crouched above her. Grinning down upon her, Barak began
to trail his tongue along the curve of her neck, his hands working to push the
thin cotton of her blouse up and over her head. He slid the moist caress of his
tongue along her shoulders, and then worked to open the clasp that held the
thin lace of her bra.

She could not help but
chuckle at the low growl that resounded from deep in his chest while he fought
unsuccessfully to release the tiny hooks holding the thin elastic band. His
irritation finally managed to get the best of him and instead of unfastening
Barak tore it from her body and tossed the troublesome
scrap of material across the room. If Kat were not more careful, he would cause
her to need a completely new wardrobe in no time.

She was just about to
chastise him for his impatience when he caught one nipple with his teeth and
gave a not-so-gentle tug that drove all sane thought from her mind. The
constant pull on the sensitive bud sent waves of heat shooting through her body
and pooling in her cunt. She could not recall how or when he disposed of both
her pants and the thin thong she had been wearing; all she knew for certain was
that she
beneath him completely nude, squirming
and wriggling while he ravished one breast, then the other.

After sliding one hand
down her abdomen, Barak teasingly stroked the outside folds of her pussy,
before thrusting two large digits deep into the moist heat. Instantly Kat
arched into his palm, attempting to take him deeper. "Please," she whined
wanted to feel him inside her, to ride his hard
cock until she shuddered with release.


Instead, he added another
finger to the two already buried in her throbbing wet cunt, and increased the
pace. She moaned her disappointment. "I need to make certain you are ready
for me," he whispered against her ear. "I don't want to hurt you."
Kat barely heard his words because the first orgasm washed over her and she

Pulling his fingers from
inside her, Barak raised up so that he could smile down at her flushed face. "One
more like that and you will be ready, my Zi mate," he told her, then
slipped his digits into his mouth and sucked the sticky sweet essence of her
pleasure from his skin.

"I am ready. I want
you now," Kat purred in response, though he paid little heed to her
proclaim. He was taking no chances. Barak intended to see that she took release
at least once more before he breached that tight cunt of hers with his


Kat was still trembling
slightly from his last ministrations when Barak slid down her body and pushed
her thighs wide. The moment his tongue pushed into the wet folds of her cunt, a
loud throaty moan echoed through the room, a sound she barely registered as her
own. Her body was hot and boneless. He continued to lap at the fluids covering
her sex, feeding on her as though he
a lost man
in the desert and she was his oasis.

"Please," Kat
begged, needing to feel him surge deep inside her. She attempted to pull him to
her, burying her hands in his hair, intent to bring his face to hers. Instead, she
wrapped her fingers around the rigid pair of bonelike protrusions that sat to
either side of his head. Instantly Barak stilled and raised his head to look at
her. He waited breathlessly for her reaction, uncertainty crackling like
electricity around him. She did not say anything or release her hold, instead
rose up until they both sat face to face. Looking at him with an unspoken
request, he responded and dropped his head forward so she could see the matched
set of alabaster-colored horn stubs his dark hair had hid so effectively from

Releasing her hold, Kat
pushed the hair away to get a better view of the object that was coming out of
the side of her lover's head.

"What are you?"
she asked in an almost eerily calm voice.

"I told you I was

"You have horns."


"I don't understand."
Her voice had trailed off to just above a whisper, and her eyes doubled in size.
Kat ran a finger across the rough outcrop in a state of complete awe.

"Those from my plane
are very different from this one," he told her pulling her hand from his
head and placed it on his chest. "Please do not fear us, Kat. I would
never harm my Zi mate."

"This cannot be real,"
Kat said, staring deep into his eyes, as if trying to find a way to reason it
all out. Barak wrapped one large hand around the back of her neck and brought
her face in to meet his for a sultry kiss.


"That is very real."
Relief echoed through his entire being when she met his kiss with no apparent
reservations. Now he just needed to make her as his own before she had the
opportunity to change her mind.

Sliding his hand along
the curve of her waist and then along her inner thigh, Barak was pleased to
find Katrina's tender folds still hot and wet. Slipping two fingers knuckle-deep,
he began to fuck them into her as his need to take his mate pressed at him. "Come
again for me, Kat. Let me know you are ready to accept all of me." As if
her body responded to his command, Kat bucked up to meet his fingers, yelling
out her release.

Before she had a chance
to recover from the latest orgasm, Barak pushed her thighs wide and settled
between them. The engorged dark head of his cock perched at her molten opening.

She trembled, caught
between the desire to have him and the need to resist. Still his hands danced
magically across her skin, tempting, teasing, until her entire being longed for
him. "Please," Kat whispered, breathless with her own desire.

"Will you surrender?"
he asked

"Yes," she
responded, her teeth worrying her lower lip in a silent seduction of their own.

"Do you give
yourself to me completely?" Barak asked before he teased one erect peak
with his tongue.

"Yes," she
answered once again, fisting his hair.

Hearing the promise on
her lips left him undone, and all hope of restraint dissipated like the morning

Grabbing her hips, he
flipped her entire body so she faced away from him, a trembling thigh across
the outside of his own. In one forceful thrust, Barak filled her tight cunt,
stretching her with rapid force. A loud moan escaped from his lips when her hot,
wet muscles gripped him tight. She was tight, too tight, but still he could not
reign in his control and he thrust madly into her. Even when he heard her pleas
to stop, he could not. The beast refused to relinquish its mate until its need
to mark her had been satisfied.

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