Read MadLoving Online

Authors: N.J. Walters

MadLoving (4 page)

He was even more gorgeous now that she could see him better
in the bright lighting. His black hair was silky and just long enough to give
him an edgy look. As though he felt her eyes on him, he looked at her and
smiled. One corner of his mouth tilted up higher than the other, making him
look incredibly sexy.

“Here you go.” He slid one of the glasses across the

She grabbed it and took a big sip, but the wine didn’t cool
her down. If anything she was heating up more with each passing second. His
eyes were so dark, she honestly couldn’t tell if they were dark brown or black.
Not that it mattered. They were sexy as hell. The way he looked at her raised
her body temperature.

Her anxiety was quickly forgotten, replaced by a heavy
pulsing low in her belly. Her skin felt too tight and her breasts were heavy.

Nevar sauntered around the counter, his big body graceful
and lean. Like a cat. He stopped beside her stool and she swiveled around until
she was facing him.

He cupped her face, his eyes growing even darker. “You are
so damn beautiful.”

She wasn’t. Not really. She was pretty, but beautiful was
stretching it. But with Nevar looking at her the way he was, she believed him.

“So are you,” she whispered.

He smiled again, that crooked smile that was quickly
becoming familiar and important to her. “A man isn’t supposed to be beautiful.”


Nevar shook his head. “A man is supposed to be rugged and
strong. Manly. Beautiful isn’t manly.”

“It’s not?” She was enjoying their banter, more relaxed than
she’d been all night.

“No, it’s not.” He leaned down and she knew what was coming.
She didn’t want him to stop. She wanted what was going to happen.

He kissed her. His lips against hers, their breath mingling.

She gave a cry and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling
him closer. He eased between her legs and dragged her up against the hot, hard
bulge in his pants. She squirmed to get closer.

Nevar made a rough sound in the back of his throat as he
eased away. “Are you sure?”

Allison had never been more sure of anything in her life.

Chapter Four


Nevar cautioned himself to slow down, to savor this time
with Allison. A man only got one first time with a woman and he wanted to make
this special for them both. He tasted the crisp wine on her lips, but beyond
that was pure heat, pure Allison.

He cupped the side of her neck, using his thumb under her
chin to tilt her head back so he could get a better angle. She moaned as his
tongue slid deeper, exploring the hot depths of her mouth.

Her fingernails dug into his shoulders.

Nevar got drunk on her taste, on the exquisite feel of her
under his hands. His fingers played along the exposed column of her neck, down
over her arms and back up again. He teased the bare skin along the V-neck of
her dress.

Allison sucked in a breath just before his hands dipped
lower and covered her breasts. The firm mounds fit perfectly in his hand, not
too big or small. Perfect for him.

He eased back and opened his eyes to find her staring up at
him. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes wide and dark with desire. Her lips were
moist and parted as she pulled in a breath.

He had to kiss her again.

Allison returned his passion, her tongue thrusting into his
mouth, her hands tearing at the buttons of his vest. He helped her as best he
could without breaking their kiss. He heard a rip and a button pinged off the
hardwood floor.

She yanked at the tail of his shirt, pulling it out of his
waistband and sliding her hands beneath. Her palms were cool against his hot

He wanted her hands everywhere on him.

But even more, he wanted to touch her.

He reached around to the back of her dress and found the
zipper. He tugged on the tab and slowly pulled it down. Anticipation filled him
as he eased the sleeves of her dress down her arms, exposing her pretty, lacy bra.
It was black, like her dress, making her skin look even creamier.

She made a slight sound and he tore his gaze away from her
lace-covered breasts. The light was stark in this room, harsh, not romantic in
the least. But Allison looked flawless, at least to him.

He eased back until he was a few feet away. Then he held out
his hand. “Come.”

She took his hand and he helped her off the stool, steadying
her when she wobbled slightly. He knew it had to be from nerves. She hadn’t had
enough alcohol to make her tipsy.

He walked backward down the hallway, leading her past his
home office and bathroom to the large room at the end. He kicked the door open
and pulled her inside.

Allison’s knees trembled, but not with fear. No, it was
anticipation thrumming through her veins, making her shiver. Nevar’s vest was
open and his shirt half unbuttoned, giving her a tantalizing glimpse of his
wide chest.

But she’d already felt the firm slabs of muscle hidden
beneath the fabric. Her hands tingled at the memory. She wanted him naked,
wanted to see and stroke every hard inch of him. His hair was slightly tousled
and sexy as all get out. She loved running her fingers through it.

The bodice of her dress was hanging almost down to her
waist, the sleeves still caught around her wrists. Her breasts felt swollen and
achy beneath the thin lace of her bra. Her nipples grew taut when she thought
about his hands being on her.

His hot gaze never left her face as he led her away from the
harsh light of the kitchen into the bedroom. He didn’t bother with a light,
relying on the ambient glow from the hallway to illuminate the room.

She blinked to help her vision adjust. Nevar seemed larger,
more mysterious in the dim light. Instead of wanting to run away, she wanted to
run toward him. She’d never had this kind of reaction to any man before.

Usually, she was extremely cautious, getting to know a man
for quite some time before she took the final step of sleeping with him. But
how well could you know anyone? She thought she’d known Bradley and look how
that turned out.

No, deep in her gut, she trusted Nevar. Trusted him not to
hurt her, at least physically. They weren’t building a relationship here. This
was all about sex, plain and simple. It was about both of them finding pleasure
and sexual release.

And if it felt like more—well, that was her problem. He
hadn’t promised her anything beyond tonight.

“Let’s get this off you,” he murmured. He tugged on the
sleeves of her dress until the material released her hands. The garment fell to
her hips and she gave them a little shimmy, letting the dress fall to the
floor. The fabric pooled around her feet.

Standing in her bra, underwear and thigh-high stockings, she
should have felt awkward and self-conscious. Nevar was practically a stranger.

Instead, a sense of feminine power welled up inside her as
Nevar’s hot gaze stroked her body from head to toe. He swallowed heavily. “You
are so fucking gorgeous.”

Still wearing her suede pumps, she took the step necessary
to bring her up against his hard body. “And you’re wearing way too many
clothes.” Her voice didn’t sound like her own practical tones. It sounded
sultry. Sexy.

“I can take care of that.” Nevar ripped his shirt open and
yanked it off, losing another button or two in the process.

The light might have been muted, but there was more than
enough for her to see the broad planes of his chest and light dusting of black
hair sprinkled in the middle. Using her index finger, she traced a pattern from
one flat nipple to the other, sliding through the crisp hair and following the
thin line down the center of his washboard abs all the way to the waistband of
his pants.

He sucked in a deep breath when her hand drifted lower. She
cupped his heavy erection through the fabric of his slacks. He was long and
hard and hot. Her pussy went liquid and she creamed her panties at the thought
of having that thick shaft pumping in and out of her.

Nevar thrust his hips against her hand. She stroked him
harder. He gave a curse and pulled back. “Enough.”

“No, it’s not.”

He gave a rough laugh and reached for the opening of her
bra. “You’re right. It’s not. I want your hands all over me.” He undid the
hooks and pulled the thin straps down and off her arms. His hooded gaze
devoured her breasts, leaving her breathless. “But first, I want my hands on

He covered the firm mounds, circling his palms over them.
She gasped, her knees growing weak. She caught his shoulders for support, her
nails digging into his flesh. He groaned, leaned down and stroked his tongue
over one pert nipple.

Allison didn’t know whether to cry in relief or groan as the
sensual heat made her even more restless, more needy. “Again,” she whispered.

He caught the nub between his lips and sucked, drawing a
moan from deep inside her. Pure sexual heat shot from her nipple down to her
pussy, and her hips moved restlessly.

Nevar kept sucking and licking at her breasts but took a
step back, pulling her with him. She stumbled, but his hands steadied her and
kept her from falling.

He released her and hurriedly undid his belt. Then he
unzipped his pants and shoved them down. Allison licked her lips when she
caught sight of the outline of his cock prominently displayed against the soft
cotton of his boxer briefs.

Nevar kicked off his shoes and discarded his slacks and
socks. Then he whisked his underwear off and stood proudly naked before her.

She reached out, noting absently that her hands were
shaking. When she wrapped her hand around his thick shaft, they both shuddered.

She had to taste him.

Allison gave him a small shove and he sat down hard on the
edge of the bed. Then she sank to her knees.

Nevar thought he was going to lose his fucking mind when
Allison went to her knees in front of him. She was naked from the waist up, her
firm breasts swaying with every movement she made. She was still wearing her
underwear, stockings and high heels. In other words, she was every man’s
fantasy come to life.

No, not every man’s. His.

He reached out and ran his hand over her short, glossy black
hair. She glanced up at him, a sexy smile on her face. “You don’t have to do
this,” he told her. A voice in the back of his brain was screaming at him to
shut up. He wanted her to suck his cock. Badly. But he’d wanted to make tonight
about her. To show her how good it could be between them.

“I know.” Her soft reply made his balls clench. She gripped
the base of his dick with one hand and cradled his sac with the other.

Nevar groaned. Nothing had ever felt this good before.
Allison’s touch was pure magic.

She slid her hand up and down his thick shaft, using the
wetness from the tip to help lubricate it. He dug his hands into the edge of
the mattress to keep from reaching for her. This was her show and he’d let her
do whatever she wanted. Even if it killed him.

She licked her lips again, sliding her tongue over the full
bottom one. He closed his eyes against the erotic image she made. Big mistake.
He felt the warm brush of air, his only warning before her tongue stroked over
his cockhead.

His eyelid popped open and his hips surged upward. She gave
a husky laugh, obviously pleased with his reaction. Her tongue circled the
crown of his cock before flicking the slit at the tip.

He gritted his teeth and hung on, determined not to come.
Not yet.

Allison looked up at him from beneath her thick lashes.
There was passion and pleasure in her eyes as she opened her mouth and took him

His control snapped. He grabbed her head between his hands
and began to guide her, moving her mouth forward and back, sliding his cock as
deep as he could.

Allison relaxed her throat and opened her mouth wide,
accepting the wild thrusts of Nevar’s cock as he rocked against her. She’d
known the second his restraint snapped and secretly admitted that was what she
wanted. It made her feel sexy and more in control of the situation.

But she was also affected by the sensual snare she’d set.
Nevar’s erection was thick and long, the heavy veins pulsing up and down the
length. She could smell the musk of his body, mixed with the light woodsy scent
of his cologne, taste the salt of his skin. Her pussy ached and throbbed,
begging her to mount him. She felt empty, needing what only he could provide.

She gently squeezed his sac and he groaned, his fingers
tightening against her skull. His hips jerked and he thrust deep, the head
bumping the back of her throat. She sucked hard, breathing through her nose.
The crisp hair of his groin tickled her face when she took him deep.

She tasted pre-cum and swallowed hard.

Nevar gave a shout and pulled himself out of her mouth with
a wet pop. His eyes seemed to glow in the dim light, his facial features harsh
with need. He reached down, yanked her to her feet and practically threw her
onto the bed.

He shoved at her panties and she heard them rip. Then his
mouth was on her hot and determined. She cried out, her back arching as he ate
at the slick folds of her pussy and dragged his tongue over her sensitive skin.
She moaned and dug the heels of her shoes into the mattress, pushing upward,
seeking more of his touch.

Her body was on fire for him.

He plunged his tongue into her slit and she cried out again.
But he didn’t stop. She had a feeling there was no stopping him now. He gripped
her thighs with his large hands and spread them wide. He made a deep sound of
pleasure and his mouth went straight for her clit. There was no light touches,
no gentle wooing. He captured the bundle of nerves between his lips and sucked.

Allison cried out, her entire body exploding like a
supernova. Lights flashed beneath her closed eyes. Heat enveloped her entire

But he wasn’t done.

He swore, flipped her over onto her stomach and then pulled
her up onto her hands and knees. He left her briefly and she heard him fumbling
in the nightstand drawer. A condom. Thank God one of them remembered.

Then his hands were on her hips and his cock slid between
her legs, his thick shaft brushing against her swollen clit. Once. Twice.

Her arms shook and her pussy clenched.

Then he drove into her in one single stroke. Allison threw
back her head and gasped. He was so big and her pussy was still pulsing from her

Nevar wrapped one arm around her waist to keep her from
falling flat onto the bed. “You okay?” His voice was low and gritty.

She couldn’t find the strength to answer. No, she wasn’t all
right. She was on the verge of another orgasm. Her pussy clamped down on his
cock, squeezing it. He filled her completely, stretching the sensitive tissues
to the point where she could barely tell if what she was feeling was pleasure
or pain.

Then he began to move.

His thick cock slid almost all the way out of her slick
channel before he powered inward again. She gasped. Oh that felt so good. This
time when he did it, she thrust her butt back to meet him. The slap of their
bare skin, the brush of his balls against her pussy with each thrust pushed her
higher and higher.

She’d never had two orgasms this close together in her life,
but there was no stopping it. Nevar slid his free hand between her thighs and
touched her clit. Allison screamed and her body imploded. Heat flashed over her
skin. Her pussy spasmed and her thick cream coated his cock.

Nevar yelled, his hips pumping hard. He picked up speed,
going faster and faster. His arm tightened around her waist and his cock jerked
inside her. She felt his shaft flex and ripple and knew he’d come.

He didn’t stop thrusting. He kept going and it sent her body
into another round of shudders. He half fell on her and she went down flat on
the mattress. Nevar managed to twist his body so he was lying alongside her and
not on top of her.

Breathless, they both lay there, completely spent.

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