Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1) (32 page)

A girl about five foot with red hair, red glasses, and tattoos riding up both of her arms and with her nose pierced glares down at us all. I’m pretty sure I saw silver when she opened her mouth too.

“Yes, this is she. My girlfriend. My one and only. She’s the Juliet to my Romeo, the salt to my vinegar, the fish to my chips....’’

“I get it loser. Mess with Analyse again and I’ll rip your balls off and feed it to your precious salt and fish,’’ she snaps staring at Denny with evil eyes.

“I told you I haven’t touched her...’’

“Save it, you prick,’’ she yells before rushing back down the hill towards a group of girls dressed similar to her.

“What was that all about?’’ I ask amused.

Denny shrugs Max’s arm off that was still wrapped around her shoulder and glares at him, “She looks like she’s going to be doing some voodoo shit on me Max. What the fuck?’’

“She won’t,’’ he says laughing her statement off. “I think.’’

Both Denny and I look at Max as if to say ‘oh really’ making him squirm in his place on the ground.

“Honestly I didn’t do anything. Her sister hit on me last week at a party and I turned the freak down. After I kissed her. I was drunk and when I realised who it was I ran away. Farrrrr away,’’ he says with widened eyes.

“So why exactly was her sister here?’’ I ask.

“Because her sister told her we had sex and that we needed to get married. You wouldn’t think looking at the devils offspring that they could be so religious.’’

Not able to hold it in I laugh, Denny joining in with me until we end up falling back on our backs on the grass.

“You really need to stop drinking,’’ I warn him. “You could have had a love child with her,’’ I tease making him wince.

“Who has a love child?’’ Mason asks, and immediately my head turns to Denny to pick up her reaction. Whereas usually she’s looking to the floor to avoid looking at him, she’s staring off into space with a pale face.

“You okay?’’ I nudge her, grateful that Max picks up conversation with Mason.

“Peachy,’’ she grimaces, giving me a sad smile before her eyes revert back to the race track.


Malik was only able to spend a few minutes with me before the race before he had to go back down again. His race is just about to begin and my hands are shaking with nervous energy.

From up here we have a good vantage point. Instead of trying to look through people’s bodies to see the track or pushing our way through the crowd, we can just sit and relax with a better view of the track.

“How come no one else sits up here? These seats are the shit,’’ I ask, cheering loudly when they call Malik’s name over the speaker.

“Malik asked if it was okay for us, they gave us permission under orders to send anyone else who tries to come up here away,’’ Mason answers.

“So no pissheads spilling beer or any girls giving me death stares?’’

“Nope,’’ Myles laughs. He came up before Malik went off to start the race with a bag of chips for everyone. I’d already eaten, but it didn’t stop me pinching a few chips every now and then.

“Awe, he spoils me,’’ I tease laughing.

We all settle in watching the race begin. The lad called Gary is in the lead, Malik and Davis close behind, but when he takes the first jump Davis comes in from behind him, his front wheel clipping the back, sending the bike crashing off to the side.

We all stand up and gasp, Mav and Myles shouting expletives.

“What the hell is Davis doing?’’ Denny’s horrified voice cuts through the loud cheering crowd and the roar of the bikes.

I don’t answer her, my eyes are glued to the race track where Davis is now trying to catch up to Malik and still trying to complete the jumps. My nails dig into the palm of my hands, cutting into the skin when I see Davis try to knock Malik off the track. My heart stops when his bike shakes to the left. It isn’t until he manages to manoeuvre the bike straight that I finally let out a breath.

“Oh my God, he’s going to kill him,’’ I gasp and that’s when I notice someone on the side of the track waving a flag, and a few men shouting. Why, when they’ll never be heard over the roaring of the bikes, it just seems like a waste of air.

“Malik will be fine,’’ Maverick tells me, grabbing me to his side.  I cuddle into him feeling tears fall from my eyes as I watch Malik take another jump with Davis not far behind. I’m worried that when he catches up to him he will ram him off the road.

As soon as the horn sounds I’m out of Maverick’s arms and running down the bank to the pits. Malik hands his bike to one of his sponsors, ripping his helmet off his head. His facial expression is murderous and has me stopping in my tracks. I’ve seen him angry, but this is just something more, he looks cold and menacing.

When his eyes meet mine they soften, my Malik coming back to me and before he can say anything or one of the security team can stop me, I’m running over to him, jumping in his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist.

“Are you okay?’’ I cry.

“Hey, I’m good, but Davis won’t be when I get to him,’’ his voice hard.

Lifting my head from out of his neck to look at him, I arch my eyebrow, “Huh?’’ that’s when I look around and notice Davis isn’t here. Where his bike is usually parked before and after a race is empty.

“He took off on the bike. I don’t know what the fuck he’s playing at. He could have killed one of us,’’ he says as a man with a headset around his head walks up to us.

“Mr. Carter, can you come with us please? It won’t take long, we just need to take you’re statement on tonight’s race for legal and insurance matters.’’

“Yeah,’’ Malik answers, his eyes not looking away from mine. “I’m okay babe. I’m going to go do this then I’ll meet you on the hill. I’m not going to bother going home for a shower. I’ll just wear what I’ve got on.’’

I breathe a sigh of relief knowing I won’t have to go to the party without him. It’s at Chris’s house tonight thanks to his dad being away.

“Hurry up,’’ I tell him, kissing him again. He deepens the kiss making me moan, his tongue massaging mine sensually. My breathing picks up and I become wet between the legs. A loud voice shouting Malik’s name has us breaking apart. He slowly lets me down before kissing my nose with a grin on his face.

“See you in a few.’’

I wave lamely at him until he’s out of sight then make my way back up to the gang. Everyone bombards me with questions, none I thought to ask Malik when I was with him. My first and only priority was seeing if he was okay. Anything beyond that had left my thoughts.  

They leave me alone once they realise I don’t have the answers, but when they see Malik jogging up the hill they all rush over to him throwing questions at him.

“Can I talk?’’ Malik groans waiting until everyone quiets down before carrying on. “He’s going to be banned from motocross. They have taken my statement, but there’s nothing they can do until they’ve talked to him and made a decision,’’ he shrugs.

“Where is he?’’ Myles growls looking just as murderous as Malik did earlier on.

“Don’t know, he took off around the side of the track and went through the tape barricade over the back.’’

“I’m off to work,’’ Maverick interrupts. “If you need me or think he’ll cause trouble tonight then give me a text or call.’’

“I will. Where’s Mason gone?’’ Malik asks, that’s when I notice he’s gone.

“He um...’’ Mav looks pained as he looks over to Denny. She looks pale again, her eyes sad and glazed over, her face cast down to the floor. “He left with um...’’

“He left with another bimbo,’’ Denny snaps quickly surprising me. She’s usually quiet around the brothers. I asked her why once and she said they’re loyal to the bone with each other. If she slagged one of them off they’d probably rip her a new one.

“Oh,’’ Malik frowns looking at Denny not knowing what to say.

“See you later, be good,’’ Maverick warns.

“We will,’’ Myles, Max and Malik answer together making us laugh.


The party is in full swing when we turn up. The whole house and the outside is swarming with people. I’ve been to three of these parties now and never have there been this many people.

I look over to Denny giving her a questioning look.

“It’s because it’s the final race tonight. Kids from other schools come to this party.’’

“Jesus, how the hell is he going to explain the mess to his dad?’’ I ask loudly as we walk up the dirt path to his house. The music is bouncing off the walls and as we walk in Denny has to lean over and shout in my ear.

“Honestly, I don’t know. His dad has never banned him from having a party or had someone watch him so he can’t have one,’’ she shrugs.

Max and Myles disappeared through the crowd when we arrived and Malik has stayed behind me, his hand on my back.

“Do you want a drink?’’ he shouts over the loud music.

I nod my head yes, not needing to tell him what I want as the only drink I’ve ever drunk is WKD blue. He looks at Denny then lifts his hand as if he’s taking a swig of a drink. She shakes her head no which surprises me. Denny uses every opportunity to get drunk when she doesn’t have to go back home to her parents.

We move over to the side of the room so we’re out of the way of people dancing in the middle of the front room whilst we wait for Malik to return with our drinks.

When he returns ten minutes later he looks annoyed shoving his way through the crowd. People congratulate him on his win, but he just nods his head sharply and keeps on walking towards us.

“What’s a matter with you?’’ I grin when he’s close.

“Some fucking girl tried to touch my junk,’’ he growls sounding pissed.

“What?’’ I ask shocked, the smile vanishing from my face. “What did you do?’’

“Pushed her the fuck away. I swear if she was a bloke I’d knock her into next week.’’

“If she was a lad she wouldn’t be touching your junk,’’ Denny sniggers making light of the conversation.

“She had no right touching me, the dirty skank. I feel really fucking violated right now and need a shower,’’ he shivers making me chuckle.

“Oh baby, want me to make it better?’’ I ask seductively pressing my body against his. I’m wrapping my arms around his neck when his phone vibrates in his front pocket.

“Pleased to see me?’’ I tease.

He chuckles lightly giving me a kiss on the nose before he pulls his phone out of his pocket. He looks down frowning then it starts ringing again.

“Hello?’’ he shouts. “What? Hold on, let me go outside,’’ he shouts into the phone as he gestures for Denny and I to follow him.

Outside he starts to talk, the expression on his face going from relaxed to tense which has me on high alert.

“Be there in twenty minutes,’’ he says before putting the phone down. He looks across the yard as if he’s looking for someone. I try to see who he could be looking for, but his voice startles me and makes me jump. “Kyle,’’ he booms. I look over noticing a big built lad chatting up a tiny red head. When he hears Malik he turns his head and grins, walking away from the girl he was talking to.

“What’s up dude? Heard congratulations are in order,’’ he says, but Malik doesn’t let him talk any further before he interrupts.

“Do you have a car? Mason is in trouble and I need to go to him now,’’ he says rushed and my head whips around to him.

“What’s happened?’’ Denny and I ask worried.

“Yeah mate,’’ Kyle answers, his posture serious.

“Babe, stay here with Denny. I don’t want you around this,’’ he says before walking off.

“Malik, wait! What’s going on? Is Mason okay?’’

“I don’t know. A friend of mine from another school just called saying Mason is in trouble. Apparently Davis and his brothers are there. I need to go, I’m sorry,’’ he says looking completely torn. Knowing what I know about Davis and his brother I understand why he needs to go.

“Go. Call me and let me know,’’ I tell him then watch him rush down the lane to where Kyle’s car is parked.

I turn to Denny who looks really pale and I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her.

“It’s going to be okay,’’ I assure her.

“I don’t even know why I’m worried. He deserves an ass kicking, but I don’t like the thought of him getting hurt,’’ she tells me sadly, her eyes watering.

“Come on, let’s go inside. I need the bathroom.’’


When we get inside Denny decides she needs a bottle of water before we head off upstairs. The place is starting to clear out as I hear a few people talking about going into town. They must be the people who are legal to drink because I’ve never seen them around here or at school.

I stand to the side when someone pushes past me, knocking me off balance, spilling my drink in the process, the cool liquid running down my arm.

“Shit!’’ I mumble, shaking droplets of water from off my hand and arm.

“You okay?’’ Denny asks as she walks over with her water.

“Yeah, just got bumped into,’’ I tell her as we make our way up the stairs.

“Where is everyone?’’ Denny asks sounding curious.

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