Read Masque Online

Authors: Lexi Post

Masque (5 page)

Synn’s piercing stare made her uncomfortable, so she gazed
at the now-purple sky, the sun having sunk below the water, leaving nothing but
a shadow of its former brilliance behind.


She kept focused on the horizon. “Yes?”

“I want to be inside you.”

A flush spread through her limbs and warmed her against the
cooling air of the day’s end. She glanced at him. Though his eyes were
shadowed, his desire reached across the two feet separating them.

She had to know he wouldn’t think her inferior, and the one
way to be sure was to ask about what had been preying on her mind all day.
“Tell me. Did I dream I saw ghosts in the Blue Room last night or were they
really there?”

A lascivious grin formed on his face. “If you mean did Eve
and Jonathan make love while you watched, then the answer would be yes, they
were there.”

“Oh sugar.” She leaned against the battlement. “You saw them

He nodded, staring intently.

“Did you…did you enjoy watching them?” She held her breath.
So much depended on his answer.

“I have observed them before, but I found watching you as
you took pleasure in their mating much more enjoyable.”

Her breath halted. He’d watched her. He liked watching her,
and he liked seeing the ghosts have sex. Her heart beat increased as she pulled
air into her lungs. She didn’t know if it meant he was as sexually depraved as
she was or not, but it certainly put them on an equal ground.

“Rena. Is having sex in front of others something you would
like to do?”

Would she? How would she know? She hadn’t even thought about
watching others, except on porn videos, and the few she had, she’d hidden from
Bryce. “I—”

“Rena! Rena, are you still up there?”

She leaned over the battlement and peered into the dark
shadow cast by the abbey wall, barely able to find Valerie in the front
courtyard. “Yes, I’m still here!”

“Well, come down. I’m hungry.”

“Okay! On my way.”

She turned from the battlement only to collide with Synn’s
hard body. His arms locked around her. She found his expression calculating, but
before she could determine his thoughts, he kissed her.

She couldn’t help it. She melted into him as his mouth
claimed hers. His hand grasped her ass and pulled her tight into his erection
and her pussy filled. His lips traced the side of her jaw before he licked a
path to her neck just behind her ear. When he sucked on her earlobe, her knees
weakened and she grasped his taut arms.

He pressed her head against his chest and she rested there.
He spoke to the top of her head. “You better go now. Your friend awaits.”

She lifted her face from his chest.

He pushed her back to arm’s length. “Go. You are to eat
dinner, I believe. I promise, we will be together soon.”

She shook her head to make it work again. “Would you like to
join us?”

“No thank you. I ate while you were gone.” He nodded toward
the town.

She looked past him. Was there a food kitchen there? She
couldn’t imagine him going to such a place. Friends perhaps? She’d confer with
Valerie on how they could make him feel comfortable eating with them. She walked
to the stairs. Okay, dinner. Then maybe some Synn? Before taking the first
step, she turned to look at him. He once again stood against the darkening sky,
facing the ocean.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she started the long
trek down to the kitchen. After dinner, maybe she could have dessert in the
muscular form of one upper-crust man.

* * * * *

Rena turned her head into the pillow to allow her dream
lover’s lips access to her neck. His hands linked with hers on either side of
her while his kisses traveled along her skin to her collarbone. He pinned her
wrists above her head and his lips moved to the crest of her breast before
traveling between her cleavage.

She moaned, her nipples hard.
Suck me. Please.

As if he heard her, his head moved toward her nipple and
long hair flowed over her chest.

Her nipple caught within a warm mouth. A tongue stroked
before lips enclosed her hard nub and sucked. Teeth nibbled, teasing before
suction began again until half her breast was covered in warm moisture.

“Yes.” She pushed her chest upward. She sought to grasp his
head in her hands, but they remained above her head. Oh Lord. Moist fullness
engorged her pussy.

He released her breast and licked around the nipple, causing
an ache to form deep inside her. She tried to calm herself, but her body, tense
with wanting, would only allow her short breaths. His tongue left her breast
and cool air blew across it. Her nipple hardened to a painful peak, as the
other was pinched.

“Oh.” The shock of her tweaked nipple traveled straight to
her cunt and caused her to squeeze her internal muscles. But then he rolled her
nipple, scraping, pinching lightly and the tingles became continuous until her
pussy flooded.

She raised her hips. She needed release. “My pussy. Please.”

Her wet dream didn’t disappoint. The hand that tweaked her
throbbing nipple released it and stroked down her waist, across her hipbone to
seek the wet warmth of her labia. The fingers pushed away her dollop of curls
to explore each fold, dip a tiny bit inside, before spreading her juices over
her clit.

She raised her hips to press into his fingers while her
hands stayed captured above her head. His lips found her nipple again as his
fingers played a game of come-and-go across her clit, causing her to moan in
pleasure. The tension between her legs built, and as she panted, her inner
muscles prepared for release. The stirrings of a first wave of sheer joy seeped
from her clit.

And he disappeared.

Rena woke, her breaths short, her pussy soaked and her
frustration peaking. A dream. The whole damn episode had been a
good-for-nothing, mind-blowing, irritating

She sat up and turned on the flashlight she’d bought earlier
in the day. Sweeping the beam through the room, she found her clothes from
earlier, the dresser and armchairs, the fireplace and the door, but no one was
there. Nope. No nighttime visit from Synn. He had disappeared from the Abbey
after sunset, much as he disappeared from her dream. What the hell?

Pushing the covers off her heated body, she sat against the
stylized headboard. She remained still in the hope of calming her sensitized
flesh. Deep breaths in, out. That didn’t work. Her nipples remained tight.
Well, hell. If her dream lover wouldn’t stick around to finish the job, it
looked as if she’d have to.

Leaning the flashlight against the headboard so it shone on
the ceiling, making the room glow a muted purple, she took one nipple and
squeezed. The tingle started again in her pussy and with her other hand she
rubbed her clit. It wouldn’t be nearly as good as with her dream Synn, but she
had to have release…now. Spreading her legs and bending her knees, she worked
her clit, sticking two fingers inside herself before slathering her clit with
more wetness. She held tight to her nipple, rolling it as her fingers stroked
back and forth across her moist nub. She spread her legs and imagined Synn
taking her.

She increased the friction, rubbing more. Her body strung
tight and ready as she pressed her clit against her body, her other hand
joining the play as she inserted two fingers.

A male moan brought her to a stop. She froze. Removing her
fingers, she wiped them on the sheets, causing the flashlight to tip over,
spreading light on the door. She grabbed it and focused the beam on the
fireplace. A vanishing figure rose from the chair. Oh God, there had been a man
in her room. She stared at the now-empty spot.

Great. Now she had ghosts who were Peeping Toms. Her cheeks
burned with shame. She may have sworn off sex until the renovations were done,
but she had hoped to be able to pleasure herself at least. Damn.

She turned the flashlight off and pulled the sheets to her
chin. Sinking into the mattress, she prayed she’d have no more sex dreams.
Bryce was right. She had crazy sexual ideas, but if she thought about him,
she’d easily keep her sex demons away, or ghosts as the case may be.

* * * * *

Synn took the stairs two at a time as he raced for the
wall-walk and its welcoming cold air.
Bloody hell.

He pushed open the door and strode along the battlements.
Divesting himself of his shirt, he let the cold night breeze chill his
overheated body. Blast the woman!

He paced back the way he’d come before turning again at the
corner. She shouldn’t make him lose control. He’d almost been caught. Twice now
she’d made him so hard with her reactions, he’d lost the ability to stay
invisible. He’d never lost control before. Why now? Why her? He had to remain
calm. Too many souls depended on his success, and if she thought him a ghost,
all chances would be lost. If she learned the truth… He shuddered.

He stopped and leaned against the battlement, the stone hard
against his lower back. He rubbed the back of his neck. What the bloody hell
should he do?

Lifting his face to the sky, he stared at the stars and
searched for an answer.

Chapter Five


Rena dropped the
History of Nova Scotia
on the desk
and put a hand over her eyes, as if that would help block the noise. How was
she supposed to concentrate? The chainsaw outside and the drilling inside would
help her open the Abbey sooner rather than later, but the sounds chipped away
at her already short supply of patience. Not finding useful information about
the Abbey in the book only added to her frustration.

She sat back in the chair and closed her eyes. The sex book
she’d originally looked at on her first visit to the library was missing, its
place on the shelf eerily empty, holding a space open for its inevitable
return. What were the chances Valerie took it? Pretty slim. It had to be Synn,
or should she call him the magical, vanishing Synn. He seemed to appear when
she least expected him to, and remain absent when she most wanted him around.

The touch of his hands on her shoulders jolted her eyes

“Can I help?” His deep voice slid through her muscles,
soothing her nerves.

She relaxed and bent her head forward to give him better
access as he massaged her shoulders. He could talk to her in that bass tone of
his any day and all would be right with the world, or at least her world. “Hmm,
that helps a lot.”

“What were you looking for?”

What she was looking for was peace of mind, but her sexual
frustration had worsened. She just wanted her urges to go away. Trying to lose
herself in research was impossible with the construction. At least in addition
to the
History of Nova Scotia
she’d found a number of
Godey’s Lady’s
s, which helped her understand the fashions of her resident ghosts.
“I’m trying to learn more about the Abbey for the website I want to create.
That is, as soon as we have electricity, which if Valerie has her way, will be
by the end of next month.”

His hands moved into her hair, making short work of removing
her clip as he rubbed her scalp. She forgot the myriad noises surrounding her
while his fingers massaged her head.

“I can tell you the history of the Abbey. I’ve been studying
it for years.”

She opened her eyes to find him gazing down her tank top. He
had to stop that. She sat forward again, away from his hands and closed the

He walked around the desk and sat his hip on it. “What is
it, Rena?”

She looked into his eyes and found him honestly puzzled. Was
her own sexual frustration now ruling her life? She forced a smile and
shrugged. “It’s just the loud noises. They put me on edge.”

He stroked her jawbone with his finger. “On edge of what?”

“It’s an expression. Oh, maybe it’s not common in Canada.
What I mean is, it’s stressful.”

His brows furrowed and he lightly grasped her chin. “Do you
mean the sounds bother your nerves?”

She nodded, watching his lips as his head lowered.

“I can have them stop, if you like.”

“No.” She raised her voice to be heard above the din. “I
need them to continue.”

He sighed, his breath passing over her lips. “Then perhaps I
can distract you.”

She closed her eyes and his lips touched hers with a
featherlight kiss. When he didn’t continue, she opened her eyes to find him
standing next to her chair, his hand held out to her. “Come. Let us go above,
away from this cacophony and I will tell you more about the Abbey.”

It took her a moment to realize he planned to distract her
with information, not sex. She
low class. All the more reason to
focus on the Abbey. “Great.”

He grasped her hand and led the way through the Purple and
Blue Rooms before taking the stairs two at a time.

“Whoa, slow down. My legs are a lot shorter than yours.”

He stopped midway up the first flight. “I apologize.”

“That’s okay. If we walk ahh—”

He scooped her into his arms and continued up the stairs.
How Rhett Butler of him. Looping her hands around his neck, Rena held on as he
strode through the second floor and without hesitation ascended the stairs to
the next level. Once at the end of the hall, he stood her on her own feet.

She didn’t want to be on her feet. She wanted to be in his
arms, or rather in his bed. Holy crud, what was it about this abbey that had
her every other thought focused on sex with the man next to her? He didn’t
hesitate, but took her hand in his and at a slower pace climbed the spiral
staircase to the roof.

Once outside, he broke their connection and strode to the

Her hand missed the warmth of his, but the sun shone and the
temperature was perfect, so she couldn’t complain. But she wanted to. She
wanted to be touching him. Fortunately for both of them, his thoughts were

“Come. I want to show you a piece of history.”

She followed him around the battlements, the uneven surface
of the stones making it tricky even in her sneakers, but he glided over them as
if he’d done so a thousand times before.

He stopped at the rear corner, closest to the little chapel
below, and pointed at the parapet. “Here.”

She stepped around him to examine the wall and crouched at
its base. Chipped into the stone, no doubt with significant effort, was the
name MacAllistair and the number 1856. The indentations had become shallow
after years of weather, but the name was clear. She glanced at him, surprised
by the excitement in his eyes. Returning her gaze to the engraved word, it took
her a minute. “Your ancestor built this abbey?”

He always stood straight, but he appeared taller as he
lowered his head once, pride radiating from him. “Actually, a MacAllistair
designed it.”

She stood. “So, that’s why you know so much about the Abbey.
I bet the information has been passed down in your family for generations.”

His gaze faltered, but he stepped around her to point again,
this time past the castle wall. “You will find the stables there, the chapel
here, and once this courtyard is cleared, a small pond.”

She peered over the edge to view the places he discussed,
but the graveyard next to the chapel caught her attention. An uncomfortable
foreboding passed over her, but couldn’t keep her from satisfying her
curiosity. “If the Abbey was complete in 1856 and abandoned in 1861, why are
there so many graves?”

Even before she glanced at him, she felt tension freeze his
body. His stiffness, so complete, reminded her of a corpse. It didn’t help that
a cloud covered the sun at that exact moment to complete the chilly impression.
His stillness scared her, and she placed her hand on his arm to draw him from
his focus. “Synn?”

His words spit from between gritted teeth. “It was a
sickness they called the Red Death, a plague brought from abroad on a British

She wanted to know more, but every fiber of his being told
her to drop it. So she strolled along the wall toward the area where he said a
pond lay hidden beneath the tangle of forsythia bushes. “Are you sure there is
still a pond there? It may have dried up.” She pointed to the overgrowth. She
doubted that the flowering bushes allowed the pond to exist.

Her distraction worked. He drew closer to view the area. “I
don’t know. I haven’t walked down there in a long time, but there is a
consistent water source beneath the Abbey, so it could be filled again. The
privacy the yard offers makes the pond a satisfying experience.”

The wistfulness in his tone had her turning to look at him,
but his face remained stoic. He pointed to where the landscaper had cleared
most of a courtyard. Stone benches could now be seen randomly placed throughout
it. “There is where many a woman was secretly kissed.”

She peered at the area, but became distracted by the
workman’s naked torso. He was young, muscular and single. His name was Matt
McMurray, according to what she and Valerie had gathered the other day when
asking him to start work on the grounds. Though broad in stature, he was
shorter than Synn, but clean cut and attractive in his own way.

Synn’s hands on her shoulders startled her. “Do you like his

She flushed at his observation. Was she that obvious? “I
guess, but it’s hard to tell from here. I’d have to get a closer look to make a
judgment.” She smirked, but his raised brow made it clear he didn’t believe her
attempt at humor.

“I think you do.” He brushed her hair away from her neck and
kissed her there.

Was he jealous? No. Unless swirling his tongue on her nape
while she watched the landscaper’s biceps was considered jealous. She almost
wished he was upset, but then again, she didn’t want a relationship with him.
She couldn’t afford the time right now.

Rena pulled away. Synn’s sexual advances kept leaving her
hot and horny. She wouldn’t let him do that to her again. She stepped farther
along the battlements. “Tell me about the colored rooms. Each appears to have
been set aside for leisure time or entertainment. I’m guessing the Blue Room
was a parlor so people could converse.”

She squelched the vision of the couple making love on the
bed that first night and dared a glance at him.

He remained impassive. “Yes. These parlors enabled people to
learn about everything from the latest visitor in town to the best price for

She continued along the walk. “But the Purple Room has a
stage. Did they have plays performed here at the Abbey, or was it more for
concerts and piano recitals?”

He stopped her forward progress by catching her arm. “Step
over here, that stone is crooked.”

“Thanks.” He knew the Abbey well indeed.

He continued to follow her. “The stage was used for any
entertainment that needed an audience.”

She looked back at him. “And of course the Green Room is a
library where a visitor could read or research. I particularly like the desk.
It feels very—”

Rena gasped as she lost her balance and fell against the low
embrasure. Visions of catapulting over the side passed before her an instant
before Synn caught her to him and held her tight. She grasped him around the
waist in return, her heart beating a flamenco in her chest as adrenaline rushed
through her veins. She took deep breaths, clinging to him as her body calmed,
but the quick heartbeat she heard against her ear wasn’t hers. She leaned her
head back to look at Synn.

His brow was furrowed and more serious than usual. His color
wasn’t so good either. “Synn?”

He squeezed her, but his gaze remained fixed to a spot
beyond her.

Having no objection to being in his arms, she rested her
head back on his chest, but she used her hands to knead his back in an attempt
to relax him. The man was more tense than a cat about to pounce. They stood
there, embracing, until the puffy clouds gathered for their own party and the
breeze blew cold. “Ah, Synn. I think we should go in now. It’s going to rain.”

He loosened his arms but didn’t let go. “Yes, you should go
inside before it rains.”

He put his arm around her waist and guided her to the door.
Once she reached the bottom of the spiral staircase, he released her.

She headed down the hall. “The next room is obvious as it’s
the billiard room, but what is the White Room used for?”

When she received no reply, she stopped and turned. He was

“Urgh. That man is going to drive me to drink.” As she
descended to the next level, she noticed a distinct lack of sound. “Finally, a
little peace and—”

“Rena! Rena, where are you?” Huh-oh. Valerie’s impatient
voice pierced through to the second floor.

She picked up her pace. “I’m up here. Be right down!”

“You better be. You need to make some decisions…

She descended the final staircase into the entryway. Valerie
stood at the bottom, one hand fisted into her waist and the other holding her

“What is it?”

“I’ve got to find us a stone mason. I’ll be lucky if there
is one in all of Canada. They aren’t exactly a dime a dozen. And this boy
here.” She pointed to Matt who stood nearby, still naked from the waist up,
water dripping down his chest as he gulped a bottle of water. He was a feast
for Rena’s frustrated libido. “He wants to know what you want done with the
graveyard when the rain stops.”

A bright flash lit the Abbey on all sides and a thunderous
roar immediately followed.

Matt grinned, but Valerie shook her head. “
rain stops.” With that pronouncement, she strode off to the kitchen, leaving
Rena with Matt. Overall, not a terribly bad arrangement.

* * * * *

“Father Richard!” Synn strode into the chapel, still shaken
by Rena’s near fall. No matter how many times he told himself she wouldn’t have
tumbled over, he couldn’t shake the feeling someone had instigated the episode.
The question was why? If they lost her, their chances of resting in peace would
evaporate. Could that be it? Someone didn’t want to leave?

“Father Richard!” Where was the blasted priest? Synn sat in
the front pew and stared at the altar. “Do you know what just happened? She
almost fell to her death, that’s what happened.”

He waited, determined to speak to the elusive man. Damn it,
where was he? The priest, like him, didn’t fit the Abbey’s ghost contingent.
The good father had never preached a sermon in the little chapel, yet here is
where he appeared. “Father Richard. You must tell me what the blazes is

Synn peered into the cloister behind the altar where Father
Richard sometimes appeared. Nothing. He sniffed the air but no incense met his
nose. Blast it. “Very well, I will assume our lovely guest potentially falling
to her death isn’t important and go on about my business of seducing her.”

He waited, willing the priest to appear. The flash of
lightning caught him by surprise, but the thunder he expected. No priest, just
a storm, albeit a very close one.

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