McKenzie, Cooper - Winter and His Twins [Welcome to Sanctuary 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (2 page)

Chapter 2

When the big man stepped back into the room, Winter moved his hands to cover the erection that, despite the pain, had grown since Garrett and Hawk had arrived. Something about these men turned him on like no one else ever had. He knew nothing about them but the attraction seemed to go far deeper than merely physical, though these twins were certainly drool-worthy.

“Not a problem, sexy.” Garrett turned to the tub fixtures and started the water flowing to fill the tub. “For you, no request is too big. And you don’t need to hide your hard-on. We’re both aroused by you, too.”

“Really? Why is that?”

Instead of answering, Garrett went to the bathroom door. “Hawk, find a couple of plastic bags.”

“They’re under the sink,” Winter supplied.

“Look under the sink,” he repeated before turning back and starting to take off his clothes.

“What are you doing?” Winter asked.

As the big man’s chest came into view, he licked his lips and tried not to drool. Muscles rippled with every move under the light dusting of golden hair. His cock twitched and grew even harder at the sight.

“You’re going to need help in the bath, so I’m going to get in with you.”

“Oh, okay. There are extra towels are on a shelf in there.” Winter pointed to the door to the walk-in closet that had been another draw of the otherwise too-small apartment.

By the time Garrett returned with several towels, Hawk appeared in the doorway with several plastic shopping bags. “What’s up?”

“While I’m giving sexy here a bath, we need to tell him,” Garrett said as he put the towels on the floor beside the tub. Then he toed off his shoes and stripped off the rest of his clothes.

Winter’s eyes widened when Garrett’s cock came into view. It was long and thick and as hard as his own. Then what the man said sunk in.

“Tell me what?” Winter asked as Hawk stripped off his own shirt and shoes. Then two men each took an arm and gently wrapped his casts in the plastic bags.

“In a minute,” Hawk said.

Once his casts were protected from the water, Hawk and Garrett carefully peeled the oversized white T-shirt over his head. Someone at the hospital had found the shirt for him to wear home after they’d cut his own off of him. Winter stared at the floor as his hairless chest came into view. He was a computer geek and a writer, and he hated to exercise. His physique would never in a hundred years of working out compare to these men.

Garrett stepped into the tub and sat down. Then Hawk helped him stand and climb over the edge of the tub. Embarrassed to his toenails, Winter couldn’t look at either man, his erection bobbing in front of him to lead the way into the water.

It took both men’s assistance to get him settled in the water. He didn’t fight when Garrett pulled him to lean back against his chest. Winter rested his arms on the edges of the tub and tried to relax as the water’s warmth soaked in. He’d never taken a bath with anyone before and found himself tensing up. Especially when Hawk sighed after opening his pants. His erection peeped through the opening as if to say hello.

“Now just relax, sexy, and let us take care of you,” Garrett said. He lifted his hands and gently massaged up Winter’s upper arms and across his shoulders to the base of his neck.

“I don’t know if I can,” Winter admitted softly.

“Don’t worry, baby. By the time we’re done, you’ll be so relaxed you won’t be able to move,” Hawk promised as he picked up the apple green, nylon scrubby ball Winter used instead of a washcloth.

“Please tell me why it is we’re all hot for one another,” Winter requested as Hawk started at his feet and worked his way up.

* * * *

Hawk looked at his brother and nodded for him to explain. Then he returned his attention to gently cleaning their mate’s beautiful pale skin.

Garrett was the talker. Hawk preferred action to words. His brother was the public face of the company while he stayed in the background. But when it came time to work, they both threw themselves into whatever job they took on, sometimes working around the clock to meet a deadline or fix a computer problem.

“Spring told you we were shape shifters, right?” Garrett started as he soaped up his hands and began to wash the man in his arms from the chin down.

“Uh-huh,” Winter said, sounding less stressed and a little breathless.

“Shape shifters come in all breeds, wolf, dragon, tiger. We are Irish Wolfhounds. Our family has lived in a little valley tucked away in the Smoky Mountains almost forever.”

“Okay, but what does that have to do with us walking around with hard-ons? I’ve never been turned on by anyone like I have since you walked through the door,” Winter admitted as he dropped his head back on Garrett’s shoulder.

“Shape shifters are fated to mate with one person for the rest of their lives. With us being twins, we’ll share our mate,” Garrett continued.

“Sit up, baby, so I can wash your back,” Hawk said, wanting to get him cleaned up before he completely melted into a boneless mass of man.

Winter cooperated, and in just a few minutes Garrett had finished bathing their mate. Once he was clean, he settled back against Garrett again with a sigh.

“So what does that have to do with us?”

“You’re our mate,” Hawk said simply.

“Me? I’m your mate?”

Hawk met his gaze and nodded. “Yes, baby, you are our mate.”

“Are you gay?” Winter twisted to look from Garrett back to him, his eyes wide and expression unreadable.

Hawk nodded as he glanced at his brother who also nodded.

“Yes, sexy, we’re gay,” Garrett said easily. “And you are our mate, which means we’ll never be with anyone else except you for the rest of our lives.”

Winter’s eyes widened even further as a smile slowly bloomed, transforming his features into a thing of beauty.

* * * *

“Cool,” Winter said he settled back against Garrett’s chest again. “So what happens now?”

Hot shivers raced through him as he realized that he would no longer be alone. He’d dated in the past, but had never felt a connection to the men he’d slept with or dated. He’d never been able to relax completely with those men. Had never been able to let go and just be himself without feeling as if he had to remain in control at all times. But with these two, there was something that made him want to snuggle with them and let them do anything they wanted to him.

He jumped and then relaxed as Garrett’s hand brushed down the center of his body from neckline all the way down to his groin. He gasped in a small breath when the hand wrapped around the base of his cock.

“First, we’re going to do something about this.” Garrett kissed his cheek as his hand began to slowly stroke up and down his length. “Then we’re going to get some sleep. When we wake up, you will tell us who beat you up.”

“Umm, okay,” Winter breathed, his arousal racing higher and higher.

With both forearms bandaged and propped on the tub he could do nothing but flex his hips into the gradually tightening grip that slid up and down his cock faster and faster. When a second hand cupped and gently rolled his balls, his head dropped back onto Garrett’s shoulder and his eyes drifted shut.

“More. Please. More.”

Bending his legs, Winter planted his feet on the tub’s floor and began to thrust himself through Garrett’s hot, wet fist. A half dozen strokes later, his body stiffened and rose out of the water, his head and feet the only points holding him grounded.

“I’m coming,” he cried as he felt semen surge out of his balls and up his cock to explode out the head. His life juices splattered across his wet chest. The added heat sent his hips thrusting several more times as his orgasm rolled on and on.

“Mmmm, beautiful,” he heard one of the twins murmur, but he couldn’t tell which one as fingers traced through the pearly white seed.

“Delicious,” was the last thing he heard before he relaxed back into the water, and darkness descended over him.

* * * *

“He’s perfect,” Hawk said, grabbing their mate’s hands before they fell into the water when Winter went completely limp. Garrett wiped his chest clean before licking his way up the man’s neck.

“Yes, he is,” his brother agreed easily. “Now, help me get us out of here, so we can all get some sleep.”

Chapter 3

Winter woke up in pain from his shoulders down. It took a moment before he realized he wasn’t alone. He felt bare skin snuggled next to him both front and back. It took another moment to remember who slept next to him in the bed and what had happened.

Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes.

“Morning, sexy,” the man in front of him said as he reached back to pat Winter’s bare hip.

“Good morning,” he whispered.

“Did you sleep well?” the man behind him asked softly.

Winter nodded then swallowed as an erect cock pressed between the cheeks of his ass. “Uh-huh.”

Garrett, the man lying in front of him, rolled out of bed, making the movement look graceful. Winter watched as he padded into the kitchen and returned a moment later with a glass of water in one hand.

“Here, take these,” he said, retrieving two pain pills from the envelope by the bed.

“How did you know I hurt?” Winter asked as he shifted to lie on his back.

“It’s morning, and you haven’t taken anything since we’ve been here.”

Winter nodded. It was so obvious, but he wouldn’t have thought of it. Hawk helped him lean up. Garrett popped the pills into his mouth then held the glass so he could take several swallows to wash them down.

“Now just lay here for a few minutes and let those go to work,” Hawk said as he gently smoothed his hand up and down Winter’s chest.

Winter sighed as dropped his head back onto the pillow. “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem. I hurt too much to move.”

“Well, since you’re stuck there for the time being, now is a good time for you to tell us what happened last night.” Garrett returned to sit at Winter’s hip. He looked serious but also concerned.

“My ex-boyfriend didn’t like the way I broke things off with him. I went out for some candy to celebrate finishing my latest story, and Scott caught me on my way home. As you can see, he beat the shit out of me before walking away.”

Winter looked at the ceiling as he told the story, not wanting to see judgment or disappointment in the other men’s eyes.

“How did you break up with him?”

“I’d tried to call him, but he didn’t answer, so I sent him a text message and an e-mail,” Winter admitted with a small grin. “That’s the last time I do that.”

“Baby, you don’t ever have to worry about breaking up with anyone ever again because you belong to us now.” Hawk leaned in and brushed a kiss on his cheek.


“Really,” Garrett assured him. Bracing his arms on either side of Winter’s body, he leaned down until they were nose to nose. “You are our mate, and we’re going to keep you forever.”

Winter stared into eyes that were green as spring grass and swore he saw forever in their sincere depths. “Okay,” he purred before lifting his head enough to brush his lips over Garrett’s.

His lips were soft and gentle as they responded. Just the feel of them sent electrical impulses through Winter’s body, firing the banked coals of arousal. Breathing through his nose, he shifted his head to the right and parted his lips to take the kiss deeper. Garrett matched him move for move but allowed Winter to maintain control of this mating of lips and tongues and teeth.

Winter lifted his arms and wrapped them around Garrett’s neck, taking care to not hurt him with his casts. The kiss continued for more than a minute until Winter finally eased back and dropped tiny kisses at the corners of Garrett’s mouth before dropping his head back to the pillow.

“Wow,” he gasped as he caught his breath.

“My sentiments exactly,” Garrett said before leaning down and brushing his lips over Winter’s one last time before easing Winter’s arms from around his neck.

“Oh, man, that was so hot,” Hawk said once Garrett sat up. “My turn.”

Hawk cupped one hand under his mate’s jaw then turned his head his way. Leaning in, Hawk licked across his lips before closing the final inch and getting his own good morning kiss.

This kiss was just as gentle, just as arousing as Garrett’s, yet Hawk was more controlling, one hand holding Winter’s head still as their tongues dueled back and forth. Winter marveled that for identical twins they tasted similar yet different. Just different enough that even if he were blindfolded, he would be able to tell them apart with a kiss.

He gasped and tore his lips from Hawk’s when a hot, wet, silky mouth enveloped just the head of his hard cock. “Oh, God,” he cried.

Garrett’s tongue swirled around the entire head before brushing back and forth over just the slit. Winter sucked air when the man took him deeper into his mouth, sucking and licking at his cock like it was a popsicle. In the meantime Hawk shifted his attention to the side of Winter’s neck where he began to lick and nuzzle the skin from his ear down to where it flowed into shoulder.

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