Read Mr. Hollywood (Celebrity #1) Online

Authors: Lacey Weatherford

Mr. Hollywood (Celebrity #1) (25 page)

then. I

ll tell you mine if you

ll tell me yours.


she agreed with a smile and I drank
it in. I was pretty sure that after what I had to tell her she wouldn

t be smiling much anymore. Hell, I

t even sure if I

d be able to.

She wanted the truth though, and after everything I

d put her through she deserved to
know it. I just hoped she would still want me after she learned that leaving
her behind wasn

t the most terrible thing I

d done.


“Mr. Hollywood is Dating a Nurse with a Child!”


Chapter Nineteen



Fear choked me. Not because I was afraid to talk to
Aubrey, but because I was about to tell her something I pretended never
happened. I say pretended it never happened, because I did my best to ignore
it, but it still haunted me every single day of my life, and I couldn

t seem to get past it.

Hopefully Aubrey would find a way, or else I was about
to lose her all over again. If that happened, I wasn

t sure I

d make it through.

I gave a wry laugh. Fate could be a cruel motherfucker;
dangling everything I ever wanted right in front of my face, only to snatch it
away again. Aubrey needed to know everything though. After all I

d done, I owed her everything

even if it meant losing her. She
was correct. She had the right to know and not be blindsided, and since there
were others who knew my secret, it wasn

t something I could keep to myself.
There was always the chance of someone leaking it.

Even now I wondered if I knew it would all come down
to this, would I have still pursued her? Or would I have run the other way,
like I had been for years, trying to avoid this?

I guess we

d never know now.

Sighing deeply, I began telling her of my sordid past.

Well, you know most of how this all
started out. I got drunk and slept with someone that looked like you. I was
also a big chicken apparently, since I completely avoided telling you about it.
For me, it was easier to run, to try and numb the pain and disgust. I convinced
myself that you deserved better than me and I was doing the right thing by letting
you go. When I didn

t hear from you again either, I
thought maybe you

d found someone else. While even
the thought of you being with another guy crushed me to my core, I still felt
you were better off without me.

Zane. I

m sorry you felt like you couldn

t talk to me.

She didn

t move away, staying there with her
head on my shoulder as she listened. I appreciated her not staring right at me.
It would be easier to tell her if I couldn

t see her eyes. I couldn

t bear to see the disappointment in

Why? You used to tell me


s because I never had to tell you
something that would deliberately hurt you. I couldn

t do it. The thought of seeing the
disappointment in your eyes, or hearing you say you never wanted to see me

it was too much. So I just left. I
chose to save you from the pain

I thought

and made the decision for us.

you did. But if you could

ve trusted me we could

ve found a way to work things out
together. True, I would have been crushed by your revelation. Completely
crushed, I

m not going to lie. I would

ve been angry and I would

ve cried and screamed, but we

d at least have had the chance to
try and pick up the pieces and move forward. But none of that matters now.


m sorry, Aubrey. I know I should

ve trusted you. It

s way too late for me to fix the
past now, though, and I still have things to tell you. I do trust you.
Completely. And I

m hoping this next revelation will
prove it.

I paused hating that
everything inside me was quaking.


going to start with the worst first. Hardly anyone knows what I

m about to tell you, and that

s because I

ve busted my balls to keep it that
way. So I

m going to ask you one more time .
. are you sure you want to know

Turning her head, she stared at me, her eyes searching
my face before she finally spoke.

I really do. I need it for my own
peace of mind, and so I can help you if you need it.

Damn. I would

ve loved for her to change her

Okay then.

I took another deep breath.

I don

know how closely you

ve followed my career, but for
awhile I was dating an actress named Lauren Cassidy. You

ve probably heard of her.



replied not sounding very enthused.

I used to hate her guts. I refused
to even watch any movies she was in.


I asked, surprised by how much
bitterness had crept into her voice.

she had you.


I must be a shithead, because that
little revelation actually made me feel good

that it upset her, but that she cared enough to dislike Lauren.

I had no idea. I

m sorry.


m over it now, for the most part
anyway. The two of you splitting up helped that. Were you in love with her?


not in the way you mean, at least.
But I cared a lot about her. We weren

t really good for each other,


I blew out a breath before continuing on.

We met on the set of a movie we
starred in together.

know. It was all over the tabloids.

she was into the party scene as much, or even worse, than I was. We got pretty
rowdy together, holding massive parties and whatnot, where the drugs and booze
flowed freely.


t anyone police this stuff? How do
you go about getting those kinds of drugs in those quantities?

She sounded irritated.

I shrugged.


actually party dealers you can order from. They

even send girls

or guys, if that

s what someone wants

to party with you. I used to order
from them all the time.

She was silent for a moment.

Did you have sex with these party

Now we were getting into the tough

the time,

I answered honestly.

On more occasions than I can even
name, unfortunately. There were even times that I couldn

t remember the parties. I

d wake up naked in a room full of
women having no memory of who I slept with, just knowing that I had.

She shifted uncomfortably.


not sure how I feel about that.

Releasing a harsh laugh, I stood, walking away from
her. I didn

t want to be touching her when I
said this. I didn

t want to contaminate her even

Well, I

m fucking screwed then, because

s not even the bad part.

Her eyes grew a little wider.



I nodded, trying to swallow past the knot in my
throat. I wasn

t even sure I

d be able to tell her what I needed
to say.


There was fear in her eyes now and she glanced around.

Why don

t we go into my room? I think I

d feel better discussing this
behind a locked door where Dustin can

t accidentally overhear.


I agreed, waiting for her to stand
and then following her down the hallway. She didn

reach for me or make any kind of contact. That wasn

t a good sign.

As soon as we were safely locked inside, she went and
sat on the end of her bed, staring at me as she waited for me to continue. I
was too nervous to sit though, instead choosing to pace the floor near her
bedroom television that sat in a small entertainment center.

ready whenever you are,

she encouraged, but she
looked like she

d rather chop her own ears off than
hear what I had to say. I didn

t blame her.

and I were together for quite a while, a couple years at least. One night we
hosted a huge party. We

d both received awards for our work
and decided to throw a massive free for all. We spent a ton of money on party

which is basically code in
Hollywood for drugs and alcohol. Tons of people showed up and we all proceeded
to get completely and totally wasted. The last thing I remember about that
night was helping to set up a beer keg that someone brought late to the party.
Or maybe I even ordered it. If I did, I was too far gone to remember. Everything
after that is a complete black out for me. I don

recall anything.



s face looked pale. She knew I was
about to drop a bomb on her.

There was no sugar coating anything for her now.

I woke up in bed, naked, with a man

d never met before

or at least I don

t remember meeting him.

Her eyes rounded like saucers and I rushed to

knew right away that we

d slept together because .
. uh .
. I could
the evidence.

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