Read Murder Mamas Online

Authors: Ashley Antoinette

Murder Mamas (7 page)

“Want to get some money?” Boomer asked, hoping his right-hand man was down for what he had in store.
Aries sat back in her car and watched through binoculars as two guys came out of Macy's residence with two large duffle bags. She had been camped a few houses down from Macy's gated residence, trying to think of a plan to get him.
Who are these niggas?
Aries thought to herself as she saw the men stuff the duffle bags in the back of a silver Benz and then get into the car. She looked closely as she camped out, trying to find the best angle to get to Macy.
Macy and Fatima came in the house, both in laughter as they enjoyed a good joke. They had a wonderful dinner and enjoyed a long stroll along the beach as they reminisced about old times. Macy immediately went to the security pad that was on the wall and pushed in a code, disabling the alarm. He then flicked the light switch on and then off, signaling his bodyguard that they were in safe. Macy looked out of his window and saw his driver and head bodyguard pull off.
“I had a wonderful time, Macy Sigel,” Fatima said as she crept up and hugged him from behind. She smiled, closed her eyes, and rested her head on his back. Macy turned around and looked in Fatima's eyes.
“You are the love of my life. I am happy to have celebrated fifteen years with you as my beautiful bride,” Macy said in his deep baritone. He leaned down and began to passionately kiss his wife.
They both felt the electricity in the air and the sexual tension had been building up all day. Macy slowly reached his hand behind Fatima and unzipped her dress. Fatima's favorite black dress fell to ground, and Macy stepped back to enjoy the view. She was still as beautiful as the first day he had met her. She wore no panties and had on a lace Victoria's Secret bra. The expensive bra held up her perky silicone breasts that Macy had purchased for her birthday a couple years back. The sight was eye candy to Macy, and he was ready to lick the sweet specimen that stood before him.
Fatima did a little pose, showing off her great body, and released her fake tits from her bra. Her erect nipples pointed straight forward as she squeezed and jiggled them. She turned around and headed to the bedroom, purposely switching hard so her man could get a peepshow.
Macy grabbed his pole that began to rise in his slacks as he licked his lips, putting LL Cool J to shame. The sound of his wife's stilettos clicking against the marble floor drove him even crazier as he imagined himself lying beneath her as she rode him slowly. Fatima grabbed a bottle of wine off of the wine rack and disappeared into the room.
Macy dropped his pants and quickly followed his wife into the back. As Macy headed to the master bedroom where Fatima was waiting, he saw the Martin Luther King painting on his wall. He noticed that it was slightly crooked, leaning to the left. He stopped in his tracks and frowned up, sensing that something was wrong. He quickly lifted the painting on the wall and looked at the secret safe that he had built into the wall. Macy's heart dropped when he noticed that the safe was slightly cracked and not closed like he had left it.
“Fuck!” Macy yelled as he snatched open the safe and saw that it had been cleaned out. A small piece of paper sat in the safe, and Macy angrily snatched it out. It read:
. Macy clenched his jaw so tightly it seemed as if he would crack his teeth.
Fatima came running into the hallway in concern. “Baby! Baby, what is it?” she asked as she looked on in confusion.
Macy held up the note and shook his head from side to side. “Boomer. It was Boomer,” he said as rage built up in his heart. Macy, out of pure anger, punched a hole through the wall. It wasn't the fact that he lost the money; it was the fact that it had been taken from him by his own son. Macy's street instinct began to kick in, and all he saw was red. Disloyalty was unacceptable in Macy's book, and Boomer had crossed the line.
Chapter Six
Sweat dripped off of Boomer's brow as he pumped feverishly, pounding the small white girl who bent over in front of him. He leaned over and sniffed the coke that was put on her back by Fruit. The small-framed blond hooker threw her ass back, smacking it against Boomer's pelvis. Fruit sat at the table across the room watching as he periodically used a card to shove cocaine into his nostrils. He watched closely as his partner aggressively sexed the cheap whore.
“Yes! Yes!” she yelled as she bent over the bed while getting thrashed.
Boomer had cocaine residue on the tip of his nostrils and the drug had him horny as ever. The smell of sex was in the air, and the lavish hotel room had coke everywhere. Boomer had purchased nine ounces of pure coke and a hooker, all at the expense of Macy's drug money.
Boomer let out a loud grunt and began to shake vigorously as he was experiencing his fifth orgasm in a matter of an hour. He was on a total rampage, and the more coke he did, the bigger rush he got. Never once did he think about the consequences of his actions. He robbed one of the most ruthless men the West Coast had ever seen. Although Macy had left the street life and gotten into politics, his gangster was still buried deep inside of him.
Boomer pushed the girl out of the way and walked over to the table completely naked. He dipped his whole face into the coke pile and sniffed deeply. He quickly jerked his head up and held it back to prevent his nose from running.
“You need to ease up on that shit,” Fruit suggested, noticing that Boomer had sniffed three times more than him. They had been in the hotel room for three days straight getting high, and Fruit was beginning to come to his senses.
“Nigga, I got this! I am just getting started,” Boomer said as a crazed look formed in his eyes. “I wish I could see that nigga's face when he went home to an empty safe,” Boomer said as he smiled from ear to ear.
Fruit shook his head in resentment as he thought about what they had just done. “He's not going to know we did it, is he?” Fruit asked, trying to make sure that he didn't get any backlash from the caper.
Boomer didn't answer. He just focused his attention on the hooker, who was left lying on the bed, breathing heavily.
“You want some of that?” Boomer asked Fruit as he pointed at the stripper's pink middle.
“Nah, go 'head,” Fruit said as he avoided looking in the direction of Boomer, who was completely naked and sweaty. Under normal circumstances, he would not have turned down a piece of ass, but he was too nervous to even get erect.
Boomer then grabbed a card off the table and scooped some of the coke off of the pile. He sprinkled a line on his erect pipe and carefully walked over to the bed and stood over the hooker. She rose up and sniffed the blow off of his rod. She fell back on the bed and let the drug run its course. Boomer wasted no time. He got on top of the girl and began to sex her once again.
Macy was in deep thought as he paced his office back and forth and rubbed his goatee. “I can't believe that li'l nigga crossed me like that,” Macy said to his head bodyguard, who went by the name of Edris, aka, Big E.
“How do you know it was him? Are you for sure?” Edris asked as he stood by the door with his hands crossed in front of him.
“I'm telling you, it was him. He was the only one who knew where the safe was. The combination was his mother's birthday and he knew that. You saw the shit he pulled at the anniversary dinner,” Macy said, refreshing Edris' memory.
“Yeah, the li'l nigga was bugging out. What do you want to do?” Edris asked, as he was prepared to do whatever for his boss.
“The way I'm feeling right now ...” Macy said as he walked over to his cabinet and pulled out the expensive bottle of Scotch and poured himself a shot. He tossed the shot back and continued his sentence. “I could whack his ass.” An uncomfortable silence filled the air as Macy's temperature began to rise. He felt more disrespected than he ever had. He honestly believed that Boomer wouldn't hesitate to kill him if the opportunity presented itself. Boomer had been disrespecting him ever since he got the position as mayor, and it got worse with time. Macy had to make a big decision.
“We have to find him before he blows all of that money,” Macy said as he slammed the shot glass on the desk.
A knock on the office door sounded just as the glass hit the table, and both of their eyes shot to the door. Macy looked down at his watch and noticed that it was just a tad past five o'clock. The receptionist shouldn't have let anybody in after business hours.
E clicked his gun off of safety that rested in his holster and opened the door. He saw that it was a cleaning lady and immediately covered his weapon and let her in.
“Oh! I am so sorry. I thought you guys had left. I'm with the cleaning service,” the lady said. She held a bucket and broom in her hand.
“Don't worry about it, sweetheart. We were just on our way out,” Macy said as he grabbed his suit jacket and put it on. He and E headed toward the door, and Macy began to put the plan together in his head on how he would handle Boomer. Macy waited until they got in the hall to speak on it.
“Put the word out on the street. Ten stacks to whoever can tell me where he is. I don't want anybody to touch him. I just want him brought to me before he blows through my fucking paper. I need to find that nigga before he does something stupid. His mother is at home going crazy, and I need to settle this bullshit,” Macy stated as they headed out of the back entrance and into his tinted truck.
“I am on it, boss,” Edris said as he opened the door for Macy and then headed to the driver's side to chauffeur. Macy still had pull in the streets, so it wouldn't be long before Boomer was caught.
Aries threw the broom and bucket down in frustration as she snatched off the wig that she wore. She was so close to Macy but couldn't do anything because of the bulky security guard that was present. She had finally gotten close to Macy and she couldn't do a thing.
“Fuck!” she said under her breath as she realized that she would have to be more strategic when dealing with Macy. He never was alone, and that made her job a difficult task. Aries headed out of the office.
She would have to go back to the drawing board. She had to find a way to finish the job—for her family's sake.
Boomer watched as the blond hooker danced for him completely naked. She stumbled as she tried to balance herself on the six-inch heels. Her hair was wild and her nose was bright red, and her white skin seemed to be burned because of the blow she had sniffed. Her red stilettos tantalized Boomer as he licked his lips while in complete ecstasy.
“Daddy, give me another hundred,” she begged as she sloppily played with her vagina.
Boomer, without hesitation, reached into the bag and pulled out a stack of money. He threw it in the air, making it rain fifty and one hundred dollar bills.
Fruit sat in the corner smoking weed and observing his friend being careless. “Yo, you bugging right now,” Fruit yelled from across the room as he witnessed his partner become frivolous with the dirty money.
“Nigga, mind your own business. I got money to blow,” Boomer said as he sat back in his chair like a fat cat without a care in the world. The hooker went into her purse and pulled out a pipe.
“Do you mind?” she asked as she held the pipe up in the air.
Fruit's eyes instantly got big as he realized that the girl was about to smoke crack.
“Do your thing,” Boomer said as he began to stroke his dick and lick his lips.
The girl then cocked her head back and placed the rock in the tip of the pipe. She closed her eyes and lit up the crack cocaine. The sound of crackling filled the air, followed closely by a burning aroma. She walked over to Boomer and put the pipe in Boomer's mouth.
Under normal circumstances, Boomer would never even entertain the thought of smoking crack, but the high volume of coke that he had just sniffed had him feeling invincible. He took a deep pull and inhaled.
Fruit jumped up and threw his hands up. “Yo, you on some other shit right now, son. I ain't fucking with that shit. What are you doing?” Fruit asked as he shook his head in disgust. Boomer was so busy elevating to another level that he didn't even hear Fruit's words.
Fruit didn't want to be a part of what Boomer was about to get into, so he stormed out, regretting the past three days. All he could think about was getting made an example out of by Macy. Fruit grew up admiring Macy, and for him to be a part of robbing him really didn't sit well with him. On top of that, Boomer was completely wilding out and seemed to be losing his mind.
Fruit still felt high as he jumped into his car. Paranoia grew by the minute, and he decided to go pay Macy a visit and try to exonerate himself before he got in too deep.
Boomer, on the other hand, had just sold his soul to the devil. He loved the feeling that the new drug had given him, and karma was fast approaching.
Fruit sped down the highway, swerving in and out of lanes as he made his way toward Macy's home. He rehearsed what he would say to Macy and had gone over it in his mind dozens of times. He actually thought that Macy would appreciate the fact that he would rat out Boomer. Fruit didn't want to feel the wrath of Macy, and he was about to try like hell to save his own ass.
Fruit pulled into the Sigel estate and quickly pulled in the driveway and hopped out. A guard stood outside and quickly went to the car when Fruit pulled up, stopping him in his tracks.
“Hold up, li'l nigga,” the guard said as he put his hand on Fruit's chest.
“Get yo' fucking hands off of me. I need to holla at Macy!” Fruit said as he pushed the guard's hand off of him. Another guard heard the yelling and headed toward them.
“Don't get shot!” the guard threatened as he walked up on Fruit and put him in a full nelson. Fruit was slim-built, so he was no match as he got manhandled. One of the guards gave him a shot to the gut, making him bend over in pain as he clutched his stomach.
“I ... just need to ... see Macy,” Fruit pleaded as he knelt down on one knee and breathed heavily.
Macy heard the chaos and stepped outside and saw Fruit. “Help him up!” Macy ordered as he slid his hand in his pocket and looked around, hoping to see Boomer. “Are you alone?” Macy asked as he frowned up.
“Yeah, but I know where Boomer is at,” Fruit said as he stood up and winced from the pain.
“Step in, young man,” Macy said calmly as he took a glance around and reentered the house.
Fruit mugged the guards and then proceeded to follow Macy into the house.
Macy didn't waste any time. “You got something to tell me?” Macy asked as he went for his glass jar of Scotch and poured himself a shot. Macy patiently waited for a response as he handed Fruit a shot of liquor. Fruit accepted the glass and Macy noticed that Fruit's hand shook nervously as he put the glass to his lips, trying to seem as if he was calm. Macy knew at that moment that Fruit had something to do with the robbery.
“That nigga is out of control. I tried to tell him not to do the shit, but he wouldn't listen,” Fruit said as his voice shook in fear. Macy's presence was one of power, and it seemed to reek off of him like expensive cologne.
Macy clenched his teeth and his body began to sweat as Fruit confirmed what he had already known. Macy knew that Boomer was behind the robbery for sure, and that only added fuel to the fire as his trigger finger began to itch. Although he was the city's mayor, he still had his hustler's instinct.
Macy played it cool and didn't show his cards because he had to find out where his money was. “Where is Boomer and where is my money?” Macy asked calmly but firmly.
Fruit downed the rest of the drink and took a deep breath. He couldn't believe that he was ratting out his friend, but the fact that Boomer was smoking crack and living life on the edge made Fruit not want to be a part of an inevitable bad ending.

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